Hands of Destiny

To The Testimonials Area Of My Website.

I really want to thank the Wonderful Women and Men who have taken the time to express their experience of having a Reading with me, and who are only too happy to share their experience with you the reader, not only to support my business, but to let you the reader know, that I am the real deal, not a fake, not a phony. To each and every one of you, I thank you for your kindness, and I send that back to you all 10-fold.

Magical Blessings !!



~ Please Note ~

If you wish to read the testimonials, you have to hover your mouse cursor over the text to prevent it from moving on to the next testimonial. Thank You !

  • Rose, Noosa Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    To the woman who came into my life during my darkest times I say thank you.   You have been a heavenly gift which I would cherish and will be truly grateful for eternity. I was facing many setbacks in my life 10 years ago and saw no other way but to see my worth as low as ending my life on this planet. I found all doors shut before me.   I slept and had a dream one night. A knock on the door. As I opened a big wooden door, I saw Angels standing facing me asking me to pick one to come in to guide and help me. One of them was a woman standing right at the front, looking enthusiastically with an energy and positivity and joy that grabbed my attention. As all the Angels stood patiently, waiting to see whom I pick, I looked at the woman with her long curly hair and I said I pick her. I reached out my hand to this Angel and she held my hand as she came inside. The other Angels cheered, and all told me that I can always call upon them when I need them, and they will always come to my aid. I had never met Rhonda before that, and neither did I have any intentions to do any Readings with her or anyone as I was not into those things.   I had a tough day one day, thinking if today, was my last day on this planet, as my heart could not bear yet another pain. I sat on the bedroom floor and began cleaning my handbag and found a business card which a friend of mine had given me months ago. It was Rhonda’s Readings and Hands of Destiny. The name grabbed my attention. Destiny. Hands of Destiny. I rang Rhonda and said I like to see you if that’s ok. She called me a sweetheart and she was very kind. And said yes. I liked the way she talked, and I felt an immediate warmth that touched my frozen heart. So, I went to see her. I was late. My fear within, knowing subconsciously that this session will change my life forever, and this is going to be a start of a massive transformative journey of my life.   Kevin, Rhonda’s husband kindly helped me find the direction to their place as I could not think clearly and got lost. I arrived nervously and saw Rhonda standing there. It blew my mind. The woman in my dream, who was amongst the Angels, was Rhonda. I cried and Rhonda said it’s not your time to leave this planet. You have so much to live for and lots of happiness coming your way. Although I was late to my first session with Rhonda, she gave me the clarity that I needed within the shortest time. As skeptical as I was about the whole thing just seeing Rhonda calmed me down. It felt I received healing which my soul needed. I asked when should I see you again? She said Spirit will show you a sign as to when you need to see me. And then my journey from then on began. Over the following ten years, Rhonda stood by my side and like a mother to a child she held my hand and walked me through the darkest days of my life. I must admit, I was not an easy one to work with. As committed as I was to listen and change and grow, however, at times my ego did get in the way. I resisted at times as doing the work was at times hard and challenging. My lack of patience got in the way. My lack of trust which creeped in from time to time got in the way. But I saw myself transform to someone new. I now do not recognise the woman I was 10 years ago. Through thick and thin Rhonda stood by me. She taught me life lessons that I did not know I needed to learn. She showed me how to communicate better. She taught me how to be strong capable and independent woman. I always craved to have a strong mother whom I can look up to. To draw on her strength. And when I found Rhonda and saw her so unconditionally give her time, guidance and her love to me I saw her being nothing short of a spiritual mother.   Entering her beautiful home gave me chills every time as I felt the presence of Spirit. Her home became my sanctuary, when I had so much pain and sorrow. Her healing was in itself something I cherished, as I found it to be beyond a spiritual experience. I thank the Universe for bringing you into my life Rhonda. I am forever grateful for all you have done. You have marked your blueprint on the pages of my life since I had met you.   Thank you.   With all my love, admiration and gratitude.   Rose 🌹
  • Sally, Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    "I first saw Rhonda in 2019 and it was a confronting experience as, to be honest, some of the things that were told to me, I did not want to hear.  I went back, when they all turned out to be 100% true. I now swear by Rhonda's Readings, and endorse their validity.  If Rhonda says Spirit is never wrong, believe her!  Listen, pay attention to curbing the path of the challenging hurdles approaching, scoop up in both hands Rhonda's suggestions on how to maximise and prepare for the wonderful opportunities coming your way.  It's a rare gift and a small price to pay for having the jump on life."
  • Talia, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,   Thank you so much for yesterday’s Reading.   You have this amazing way of helping to pick me up off the floor and give me the strength to keep going. I don’t know what I would do without your guidance and support over the years.
  • Rosy, London, England.

    It was the hardest but the best Reading Rhonda, you can't believe how pleased I am to have found you and have spoken to you today. I needed healing and unless I do that nothing will work out. Now I understand many things that have happened to me and why I always feel half empty. I cannot thank you enough.
  • Shar, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, You have been a life saver for me 🙂 When I pray to my angels at night, you are in my prayers. Thanks for your support for what I'm going through, it is very much appreciated & comforting.
  • Abigail, Robina, Queensland, Australia.

    Thank you so much for your kind words, they have again filled me with so much happiness and peace. I can never thank you enough for what you have done for me, let alone grasp the immensity of the healing you have helped me achieve. I'm sure we will see each other again, lots of love,  
  • Patti, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    Dear Rhonda,

    I would love to tell you, what you have given to ME.

    All the strength and love to do what I need to do...you are a beautiful person.... and I thank you for your help always...always !!!!!

    I am lucky to have such a person like you in my life !!!

    You are my kind of person !!!

    Thank You.

  • Pat, Gympie, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, Thank you so much for today!!! And thank you for making me understand my dog better, knowing it's background has clarified a lot for me. I am always in a kind space, coming from you. Always feel I can manage things easily. There is a lot of healing energy around you and your place. Thank you for that.
  • Anton, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I just want to say thank you Rhonda! Every Reading I have had with you has been so accurate, there is no way that it could be chance.  Even the small things that I paid no attention to at the time during the reading manifested in the next few weeks and this was no fluke- every time!  I must admit to being a bit of a sceptic by nature but never cease to be amazed at how on the money Rhonda is.  Rhonda's down to earth approach is easy and direct, and she will cover an important point until it sinks in with no risk of missing the intended message.  Rhonda is a straight shooter and there is no smoke and mirrors in her down to earth presentation- just the messages you NEED to hear.  Rhonda's Readings have helped me immensely in gaining clarity about some of life's big questions recently and has given me clarity and direction which I would have been hard pressed to get to without her guidance.  Thanks Rhonda.  I am very grateful for your help and insight!!    
  • Melanie, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

    I was introduced to Rhonda through my partner who had experienced a Reading with Rhonda. His explanation of his Reading made me very curious and interested as he himself is very particular when it comes to psychics. He then looked me square in the eyes and said,” Rhonda is the real deal, and she gives it to you right between the eyes”, after that I said I have to see this woman. A few days later I was able to have a Reading with Rhonda, at first, I felt rather nervous thinking what if she doesn’t like me etc, my ego was running on over- drive then I thought who cares I’m not going there to make friends, I’m going to get her advice and wisdom. Well, wasn’t I in for a shock, Rhonda not only gave it to me right between the eyes, but she also spoke with an open heart, love, truth and divine “Spirit” or whatever you wish to name it. It was not only an awakening for me and my personal growth, but a profound experience on all levels, a true blessing from Spirit. Thank you, Rhonda, with eternal gratitude,
  • Paul, Keilor, Victoria, Australia.

    I have come across many Healers, Readers, Psychics , Clairvoyants and Tarot readers over the years .....   Rhonda is an outstanding example of someone who is truly connected to Spirit and someone who is able to communicate her message to her clients with sensitivity and love, whilst at the same time being very direct and precise in the way she speaks. I have recommended Rhonda to many of my own clients and friends, and all have commented on the very valuable information and understanding they received through her Readings. Some have told me that Rhonda's Readings have actually helped to transform their lives in some wonderful way . Rhonda has proved herself to be a kind humanitarian, someone who often acts in selfless ways with the sole intention of helping others in need. We wish Rhonda all the best and we know that she will always continue to do her amazing work. May the Heavens shower you with Love and Joy Rhonda .....    
  • Rona, Foster, New South Wales, Australia.

    I recently had a Reading from Rhonda - the insight she had into my life was amazing - things that she could not have known. What Rhonda said to me certainly clarified things in my mind and made sense of things previously I just couldn't make sense of. Rhonda has left me with an understanding of my personal issues and ways that I can improve my situation.   I will certainly be calling Rhonda again.   Thank you
  • Tanja, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you so much for having been such a clear 'guidance'...talking with you was like communicating with my Spirits without my mind in the way. I came to see you as a few of my friend’s had sessions with you and felt much more clarity afterwards. I have felt the same, and the guidance I have received from You/Spirit, allowed me to feel full trust again in the universal path, my path. You picked up on my family and all others involved in the Reading, very accurately, and I loved your clear talk, without any distortions or BS. Thank you so much!! I have definitely recommended you to others and will seek your guidance again, when I feel the need!
  • RK, Perth, Western Australia.

    I am a bit numb and somewhat overwhelmed after my Reading with you yesterday. I came across your name whilst googling something entirely unrelated and felt a strong (divine??) push to contact you. It was an indescribably calm, but urgent, sense to get in touch with you. Admittedly, I have been searching for answers to some 'life problems. You reciprocated that same sense of urgency to guide me by shifting around prior engagements to fit me in within 24 hrs. I thought it was a sweet gesture but you said you were compelled by Spirit to do so as there was no doubt that Spirit had guided me to call you. What eventuated was an hour of enlightenment, of 'ah- ha' moments and a profound sense of empowerment. I want to tell you that you have an amazing way with words and your ability to relate matters so that they make sense in their entirety is awe inspiring.   You helped make sense of the changes I needed to make within myself to avoid falling into the toxic relationship patterns i have continued to engage in.  You were firm but gentle with your approach and I appreciate that. I have thought hard about what you said and it makes such sense! You gave me hope for the future without giving away too much :).... I guess I will have to wait and see what Spirit has in store for me. I suspect the sense of urgency probably had to do with what or who is waiting on the horizon not too far away.  I thank you for helping me sort out the past - very difficult thing to do for someone who holds onto maudlin rubbish- so I can get on with my future.   No doubt I will speak to you soon again. And will be getting all family and friends to call you.   Take Care
  • B, Milan, Italy.

    I would never have imagined everything you told me in my Reading happening this quickly, but you have earned your nickname, “ Never Wrong Rhonda” for a reason! As for Never Wrong Rhonda- I must give the credit for that one to my friend who had a Reading with you in London last November. She did not want to listen to begin with but soon learnt, that the truth never lies! I prefer referring to you as HMR - Help Me Rhonda. Or your phone as the HMR Hotline. 😉 Love, B x
  • Nick, Keilor, Victoria, Australia.

    Having my Rhonda’s Reading changed my life overnight. I was taken back how much she knew about my family and I just from the photos. I was struggling with many things in life before talking to Rhonda but afterwards I immediately felt some clarity and felt at peace. I am still thinking about what I was told and working through everything, but I know for sure that I will be back in touch. It is the first time I have felt in control of my life for a long time, and I have so much to thank Rhonda for.
  • Sienna, Suffolk Park, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, I just wanted to tell you I am so grateful for all you've done for me so far. Through you, I have gained so much strength and wisdom that I can already see how people are treating me differently without me being someone different, I owe this to you. I have faith and trust in your work as I   sense it in my bones, that it is genuine. I wanted to give you this testimonial as I am so grateful. I am closer to God than I was ever before, as knowing, allowed my obstacles to be removed so I could see my path of my souls journey clearer. Thank you so much. I hope I can repay you one day.   Sienna.  
  • Natasha, London, United Kingdom.

    Dear Rhonda, Thank you so much for your kind words during my Reading, and I’m really excited about my next steps. My thanks to you and Spirit for believing in me and helping me to believe in myself. You really have pushed me to be my best and take opportunities that are out there. Take care. Xxxx
  • Judy, Seymore, Victoria, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, Judy here, I just wanted to say that I’m extremely grateful to God to have you in my life. I can’t say that enough. I’m thinking of you, and hope you know how much I appreciate what you did and do for me.
  • Liz, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    One of the most amazing experiences in my life from a genuine, grounded and extremely talented woman. I believe everybody/anybody who is open to hearing the truth should see Rhonda at least once in their lives.
  • Len, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    In August of 2011, I experienced an emotional experience in my life with the separation of my marriage of 30 years. In about November of that same year, I was told of Rhonda and she came with the highest degree of accreditation. At the time, I was grieving over my circumstances with no real clear understanding of why and how events had occurred. I was looking for answers and solace. I had been to an earlier clairvoyant who was somewhat helpful but nothing to the standard to which Rhonda performed her Reading and the information that came out of it. My Reading from Rhonda explained so many things to me about my circumstances which I found to be completely accurate. With her help, I was able to form a roadmap to follow and overcome my grief, as well as commencing the healing process. My Reading was recorded and I played her Reading over and over as part of that healing process. I felt so positive with Rhonda`s Reading that I again visited her in about November of 2012. Again, I was not disappointed with the outcome. I received additional guidance for my life's path and have again adopted key elements of that Reading. I must admit, I made one mistake after the second Reading. I deviated away from the advice I received in that Reading and I suffered the real-life consequences for that. Fortunately, that indiscretion was not detrimental. I have again returned to the expanded roadmap from that second Reading, and I have found that my life seemingly is starting to turn around for the better. Rome was not built in a day they say. I will clearly state, it is thanks to Rhonda that I have perhaps speed up the getting on with life process than otherwise would have happened by not visiting Rhonda. I fully intend to visit Rhonda again and I still continue to listen to the recordings of her Readings. I have already recommended Rhonda to friends and acquaintances. If you visit Rhonda, you will to. If any of you out there have been feeling lost or down from events in your life as I was, please consider calling Rhonda for a Reading. The accuracy of her Readings will truly surprise you. Len.
  • Pat, Billinudgel, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you for enabling Spirit to have a chat with me. I feel vulnerable and reborn, but importantly committed to my integration.
  • Kerri, Crystal Creek, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the push 19 months ago that I desperately needed. I was lost, clearly sent to you by Spirit and given the advice to teach me how to grow and to leave the past alone. Everything in your Reading was true and accurate even though I was apprehensive at the time with the devastation that I had a lot of work to do before I could meet my person and get to a point that I was finally happy in my life. I just want to mention to all who reads this, learn to respect Rhonda like I do so very much, as she truly is an angel here to help guide us (sugar coated or not), understand she is not a Reader that is going to give you flowers just because that's what you want to hear, she will give you the truth that you need and if it’s not what you want to hear then deal with it and learn to heal yourself as she is always right on the money. I cannot thank you enough for helping me become the best version of myself. xx
  • Jeremy, Vancouver, Canada.

    About 3 years ago you gave me a phone reading, I found it of enormous benefit, interesting and very enlightening. Jeremy
  • Fi, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I was in awe by the accuracy of the Reading Rhonda gave me. No ifs and buts, no probing questions, straight out with what was going on for me and how I could leverage that going forward in my life. I came away inspired and stronger after my Reading with Rhonda. She was spot on. Having been interested in spirituality for a long time and also seen other Readers and used meditation techniques in my life, I recommend Rhonda as the best psychic I have ever come across. Many thanks, Rhonda. Fi.
  • Cornelia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, It was really nice meeting you today and I was very pleased and impressed with my Reading, about the clarity and everything you picked up in and around my life. My partner and me, we listened to the recording as soon as I came home and somehow it put everything in perspective, reassured us and gave us clarity. I also liked that you just went straight to the point and did not waste any time at all. The whole hour was filled with useful information. Thank you so much.
  • Rachel, Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia.

    I found Rhonda 8 years ago and have had a dozen Readings with her since then. I have had the odd Reading with others but keep coming back to Rhonda for her clarity, guidance and solutions regarding business, relationships, children, and my health. I too have forwarded Rhonda’s contact details on too many happy clients. Thank you for your help, Rhonda.
  • Michael, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

    My first Reading with Rhonda from Rhonda's Readings was in 2020 and it was an eye opening and amazing experience. Rhonda knew things that I had never told anyone within 10 minutes of sitting down. I had another session in 2022 and her advice and way of communicating both good and bad are gentle and direct. I highly recommend seeing Rhonda for guidance and making difficult choices. Rhonda is one of a kind, and I truly appreciate her wisdom.
  • Micheal, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia.

    I have been seeing Rhonda consistently for about 4 years now, and I can confidently say that if you are looking for an honest and accurate psychic Reading, there may not be anyone better than Rhonda. Rhonda has lovingly guided through some very challenging phases in my life and given me the confidence to make many positive changes throughout the time I have known her. Rhonda has a heart of gold, and I cannot thank her enough.
  • Kirsty, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Thank you so much for your kindness and connection to Spirit.  It helped me understand things and how it all fell into place. Kirsty
  • Faye, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would like to start by saying, that Rhonda is absolutely the real deal. She is an incredibly gifted human.   Rhonda’s Readings are clear, direct, honest, and accurate. I have recommended her to many of my friends and family over the years. We all love and respect Rhonda dearly. She is not here to stroke any egos; she tells you what Spirit. knows you need to hear for your highest good. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth, so I highly recommend you see her if you are ready to take responsibility for your life and as she says, ‘be the best you that you came here to be.’   I would recommend seeing Rhonda first for a Life Path Reading. This was the first session I had with her and the information she knew of my past is absolutely impossible to know any other way than through a strong and clear connection to Spirit.. I will never forget it. Rhonda is so accurate, and is the only person I feel consistently truly seen by. This Life Path Reading is something I always come back to, especially in any times of self-doubt and confusion, because it is a very real light guiding me to my truth and highest self. I am so grateful for this, as many others are too. I recommend you record this Reading on your phone and save it as it is very powerful to come back to. Also I would like to note, that time is not linear, nor is healing, so as time goes on, more things click into place and become even more clear.   Rhonda is also an incredibly powerful healer. I cannot express through words how much her healings have helped me grow and release barriers from this life and past ones. She is truly a gift on this Earth.   Everyone is different, but for me my Nana always comes through, as well as my soul family and other guides. From seeing Rhonda over the years, this has helped me to connect with them in my everyday life and have trust and faith in divine timing. I am infinitely grateful for this lifelong connection.   I hope as many people as possible will see Rhonda as I know it will bring them great healing and the strength to be your best self, which in the large scale will help our whole planet heal and grow with love.   From the bottom of my heart, Thankyou Rhonda, and Thankyou Spirit..   You are very loved and dearly treasured.
  • Makayla, Montville, Queensland, Australia.

    Thank you, Thank you, Rhonda, For always being there for me and fitting me in especially when I have been in desperate need. Your wisdom, kindness, and insight through Spirits guidance over the last 10yrs or more has supported and helped me see my true path and make decisions for my higher good. Your amazing gift with Spirit and your Readings and Healings are undoubtedly a blessing from the heavens. My life has changed immeasurably through seeing you and having Readings,  and you are undoubtedly my earth angel. Thank you for sharing your gift with us all. Helping and guiding me always I am forever grateful, Makayla.
  • Derick, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Good evening Rhonda, I just listened to the recording of your Reading. Excellent! Thank you very much, Derick
  • Casey, Helensvale, Queensland, Australia.

    Hey Rhonda, I just had my operation and even though I was sad that I didn’t get to see you before, everything went well.  Just wanted to say thank you for everything you have helped me with in the Readings and healing sessions, I’m looking forward to seeing you again when I can! I hope you’re going well, Warmest regards, Casey  
  • Drew, Foster, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, You have been on my mind because our session together has left a very strong impression with me, and I have been savoring it ever since, and having breakthroughs in understanding. I hope we can work together again soon. Blessings on your day, Drew.
  • Josie, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, Thank you. I have been praying all day for some answers, some understanding of what my life is all about, and everything you and Spirit said made total sense to me. I appreciate what you said. Thank you. Josie.
  • Manda, Mount Tamborine, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, I really feel the need to send you this apology for the initial email I sent after my Reading. I was extremely confused as so much of it was not making sense to me, but now, 2 years on, everything you said is happening to a tee!! It was like you were reading exactly 2 years into my future. I re listened to the recording recently and was completely blown away by how completely spot on it was. You truly have a gift and I just wanted to let you know this was the outcome 🙂 Thanks so much, Manda.
  • Trish, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have known Rhonda Rixon of Rhonda's Readings for a period of 9 years, whereby I’ve sought her advice to assist me through some difficult personal times in my life. In the time I’ve known Rhonda, I’ve always found her to be woman of extraordinary character.  The type of person who exudes loving kindness.  There are few people one comes across in life who could be said to have such a capacity of heart for others. Whenever I’ve been to Rhonda’s home, I’ve always been astounded at the beautiful space she has created for her grandchildren complete with handmade timber beds crafted and painted with love.  Anyone who knows Rhonda can see there is a great love of home and family as Rhonda has created such a wonderful sanctuary for herself and her family to enjoy. Sincerely Trish
  • John, Mermaid Waters, Gold Coast, Australia.

    Rhonda changed my life’s perspective and being able to get an understanding on events that had happened in my past. Rhonda was able to expose events that I had blocked out. I can now move forward in a positive motion. Thank You Rhonda. John.
  • Cory, New York, United States.

    Oh Rhonda, My friend has had a Reading with you, and highly recommended I call you. You had me at everything she told me! I heard it all as extremely positive and just what I needed. To me the focus was “she quite literally saved my life” & to the point is what I want. & what the world needs!!! Tell me what I need to know. Let’s not mess around. The truth is the truth as you say and my life (& yours) is to tap into that for others and for the benefit of humanity. That’s who I am- so what my friend told me was perfect to me! Thank you!!!!! All the Best! Cory
  • Molly, Essex, United Kingdom.

    Rhonda at Rhonda’s Readings is the real deal! She has over 40 years experience, so I knew I was in good hands. I met her in person in 2019 for my first session. The Reading was life changing and truly illuminating! After taking on board what Spirit and Rhonda had told me, I booked another session a few years later to see if I was on the right track. I live in the U.K. and could not be in Australia for a face-to-face session, but honestly, the phone reading was just as insightful. Rhonda was unbelievably specific. After the session I had a great sense of awakening and confidence for what to do next! Thank you so much Rhonda and Spirit for your guidance, I am forever grateful. 



    All the best,



  • Sam, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda Just wanted to thank you a million times for the Reading.  Although it was extremely emotional, especially about my daughter, since then I have felt a slight change and feel somewhat more at peace and comforted by what you relayed to me.  Knowing she is OK and not scared or alone makes the pain a little less.  I think you know what I'm trying to say. Again, just needed to thank you so much.  
  • Linda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    Thank you SO MUCH for the Reading. The Reading gave me goosebumps and was very much a clarifier to things I never knew but now make a lot more sense.   WOW… I was totally blown away. Blessings, Linda
  • Loretta, Mt Eliza, Victoria, Australia.

    Where do I start. I have been speaking with Rhonda of Rhonda’s Readings for 15 years and what an awesome person she is. Rhonda and Spirit have guided me through so much in that time, there are no words that can say how appreciative and blessed I am to have you in my life. Your guidance has helped me through so many situations and helped me to be the person I long to be. You have always been there for me and seem to know when I need you.  Again, thank you with all my heart for all you have helped me through. Don’t waste money on a Counsellor, Rhonda is more than that and would never pour my heart out to anyone but Rhonda. I hope we stay in contact forever as I feel my connection with you and Spirit. Rhonda is a true angel. If you want someone that is honest, trustworthy, and respectful, this is Rhonda. Much happiness. Loretta.
  • Elizabeth, Bright, Victoria, Australia.

    I first met Rhonda from Rhonda’s Readings in 2009, when a group of my friends and I had a Reading Day with Rhonda. What a fun and informative day. We all had Readings with Rhonda, one after the other. Rhonda was so on point with the Readings we all had. Rhonda from Rhonda’s Readings is such a lovely lady, she was so easy to listen to, and has a beautiful nature. I highly recommend Rhonda for anyone looking to see what the Spirits have in mind for their future.
  • Felicity, Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia.

    I had a marvellous session with Rhonda in 2019 and she is amazing. Thank you, Rhonda, for all your wisdom and insight. I’m so grateful for you.
  • School Excursions, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda is an amazing Lady. Helped me so many times over the last 10 years. A must see and go to for guidance and clarity.
  • Shannon, Tallai, Queensland, Australia.

    I have to say, Rhonda is the most incredible, insightful human I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and I have had the greatest pleasure in having Rhonda Read for me. I have been to Rhonda for 3 consecutive years, and she is on point with all the important aspects of my personal and professional life. What I thought would take me 10 years to achieve has taken me 2 thanks to Rhonda and Spirit. Rhonda’s guidance is true, clear, and educational. There is no time wasted with Rhonda, she will get to the point with clear conviction and guide you to your true happiness. Do yourself and your family a favour and book your appointment, Rhonda has changed my life. Thank you so much Rhonda, see you soon.
  • Stephanie, Currumbin, Queensland, Australia.

    I began seeing Rhonda from Rhonda’s Readings in 2017 during a difficult period in my life. Rhonda’s guidance, understanding and connection with Spirit supported me to manage this period and move forward. I continue to see Rhonda when I need clarification or guidance. Rhonda always creates a safe space to help feel at ease, which helps you to be open and honest when you’re feeling vulnerable. Can’t thank you enough Rhonda xx
  • Wendy, Palm Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    I began seeing Rhonda from Rhonda’s Readings in 2017 during a difficult period in my life. Rhonda’s guidance, understanding and connection with Spirit supported me to manage this period and move forward. I continue to see Rhonda when I need clarification or guidance. Rhonda always creates a safe space to help feel at ease, which helps you to be open and honest when you’re feeling vulnerable. Can’t thank you enough Rhonda xx
  • Vaneesha, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda’s gift has been an incredible blessing and I have been fortunate enough to have had Readings with her throughout the past few years, in person as well as phone Readings both interstate and internationally. They have given me closure, strength, direction, and her invaluable insight is a gift that is unparalleled to any other. Thank you, Rhonda, for all that you do. Your guidance has, and will continue to, forge me into becoming the best version of myself.
  • Melissa, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I have had many Readings throughout this lifetime and without prejudice the Readings I receive from Rhonda are accurate, and the messages that come through have supported me in a positive light, which allowed more clarity and self-discovery. Rhonda is the real deal. Thank you for your service.
  • Montana, Carool, New South Wales, Australia.

    Absolutely on point! I would refer friends to see Rhonda and will see her again in the future.
  • Bec, Kirra Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda is a beautiful lady, who I feel very blessed to have met, and her guidance and suggestions have changed my life. Thank you, Bec x
  • Belinda, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.

    I had a Reading with Rhonda a few years ago. The information about my family Rhonda was able to articulate through Spirit was scarily accurate. Rhonda was spot on about things there is no way Rhonda would have known. At this point I had been single for about 10 years, approaching 40, and worried that I would never meet my life partner. Rhonda told me that Spirit saw my perfect partner in the next 6-8 months and gave me some guidance around emotional clearing and affirmations to attract that partner. I met my now fiancé just shy of 8 months after that Reading! He is perfect for me and now we are trying to start a family, so I recently went back to Rhonda for some guidance around health and fertility, and you better believe I’m following all that advice! As someone who’s traditionally been a sceptic of psychics and clairvoyants, I don’t know how this works, but it works! Rhonda is the best in her game and Id highly recommend if you need guidance.
  • Anna, Noosa Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    We had out first Reading with Rhonda in 2017. Rhonda’s Readings have helped us immensely, with our young children as they grow, and we navigate life. Rhonda is absolutely invaluable in guidance through Readings, both in person and over the phone. Thank you, Rhonda, we are so grateful. I happily recommend Rhonda.
  • Linda, Coffs Harbour, New South wales, Australia.

    Today I had a reading with Rhonda. After a bumpy start and a battle on both sides (her & I) of the reading to have photos and information reach her via email. Unknown to Rhonda my morning was met with outside obstacles in every way as I tried to reach Rhonda for my reading. But WE GOT THERE! Somehow, I felt that we were being “tried” and an energy was trying to prevent the reading from happening. There are two Rhonda(s) you see … both giving a reading with Spirit under Rhonda’s Readings. Looking up the website and locating Rhonda was confusing and difficult enough to find and determine I was going to have a reading with the right Rhonda I wanted. There appears to be another Rhonda with very much the same similarities and naming. This was a difficult process and I found it uncomfortable when calling to ascertain that I was talking with the Rhonda that I was referred to. In saying this now I know I reached the right Rhonda. Rhonda, from Hands of Destiny is REAL. Yes! Rhonda’s Readings are direct and are spoken through her / Spirit Truth. We may not know of things… We may not see these things that are spoken from Spirit … We may not want to hear what is being passed on…. We journey through life and seek answers…. Rhonda’s readings may not be what you want to hear. Rhonda does not sugar coat any of it. Rhonda can bring to the reading laughter, tears, passion, joy, and understanding. Lastly “an inner knowing” in shadows of the past and miracles yet to come. Yes, sometimes Truth is not what we expect. Finding Truth is Rhonda in her honesty, directness, determination, and softness, all combined to bring a True Enlightenment to the Reading. Thank you, Rhonda for sharing your gift, thus my journey begins. I shall return to you for guidance and know I am being given the word of Spirit. Linda
  • Kim, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda from Rhonda’s readings has been doing Readings for me since 2003. I have found her to be honest and straight forward with the information she receives and passes on from Spirit. I highly recommend Rhonda from Rhonda’s Readings if you want an accurate Reading and a welcoming environment.
  • Jewels, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    I had my first Reading with Rhonda nearly 20 years ago and was amazed at her connection with Spirit. Over the years I have been back to Rhonda to gain insight at a personal and professional level. Each reading I experienced greater clarity and wisdom for my living that has so often affirmed where my life was heading at the time. I have recommended Rhonda to my friends, and they too have been delighted with their experience. Rhonda is a very sincere and gifted woman. I recommend that you make contact and receive your own blessings through your experience.   Jewels
  • Chris, London, England.

    I saw Rhonda 5 years ago and amazingly she predicted exactly what was to happen. Engagement ring, wedding ring, house, and kids. Even a trip to England ( which I never would have planned ). This is the original Rhonda, she’s the real deal.
  • Renae, Falls Creek, Victoria, Australia.

    I have been seeing Rhonda of Rhonda’s Readings for over 10 years! Rhonda has helped me so very much in all aspects of my life. I am forever grateful for her love, support, and guidance. Rhonda is a beautiful person who will definitely help you make important decisions and give you the support you need to live your best life. Thank you, beautiful Rhonda. xx
  • Rachael, Varsity Lakes, Queensland, Australia.

    I found Rhonda 8 years ago and have had a dozen Readings with her since then. I have had the odd Reading with others but keep coming back to Rhonda for her clarity, guidance and solutions regarding business, relationships, children, and my health. I too have forwarded Rhonda’s contact details on too many happy clients. Thank you for your help, Rhonda.
  • Paulina, Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    I have known and visited Rhonda from Rhonda’s Readings, for her wonderfully and insightful sessions for the last fifteen years. Rhonda has provided very relevant and practical guidance in a very caring and compassionate manner every time. It is always a great pleasure to visit her, as she is a genuine and heartfelt person, who is highly gifted as a psychic guide. Thank you so much Rhonda for your great service to humanity. You make a very big difference to our lives.
  • Nicky, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been seeing Rhonda from “ Rhonda’s Readings “ for 13 years now for my Readings. It’s an annual pilgrimage I do for my own personal development, and I have referred others too. It’s powerful stuff and so many times, Spirit works magic through her Readings. It never ceases to amaze me how many times I giggle to myself, when I realise something is happening that Rhonda said in her Readings. It has taught me to trust Spirit more and more. Looking forward to my next Reading!
  • Naomi, Sorrento, Queensland, Australia.

    Where do I begin, Rhonda of Rhonda’s Readings has helped me navigate my life in more ways that I can imagine. I have known Rhonda for approximately 7 years and each time I have visited Rhonda I have felt a sense of security, trust, empowerment, and faith throughout our sessions. I was recommended to visit Rhonda by my best friend who also highly values Rhonda’s spiritual guidance and had been seeing Rhonda at the time for a year prior. When a difficult time in life arises, I genuinely believe Rhonda helps navigate me back on track, better than anyone I know - or other people I have been referred to for “professional advice”. Rhonda has helped me in the pit of crisis when other professionals simply are “unsure where to go from here”. I continue to visit Rhonda, my family and friends will also as we all appreciate the positive direction, Rhonda and Spirit have led us all down in challenging times. Thank you, Rhonda, You are a phenomenal human!
  • Mitch, Mount Tambourine, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been guided by Rhonda since 2016 and frequently seek her amazing spiritual guidance when I come to a crossroad in my life. Rhonda brings absolute clarity in the situation. She shines her light through the darkness, and she helps remind you how much you matter. There is no one who I trust more and will continue to seek guidance from. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mitch.
  • Michael, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been seeing Rhonda consistently for about 4 years now, and I can confidently say that if you are looking for an honest and accurate psychic Reading, there may not be anyone better than Rhonda. Rhonda has lovingly guided through some very challenging phases in my life and given me the confidence to make many positive changes throughout the time I have known her. Rhonda has a heart of gold, and I cannot thank her enough.
  • Laura, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda has an incredible gift, I’m so grateful I was able to have a Reading with her. I knew a number of things in my life weren’t making sense and things weren’t on track but when I spoke with Rhonda, everything just clicked. It was extremely difficult to hear some of the things Spirit had to say but I finally feel, for the first time ever, more purpose and direction in my life. I now know what I need to do and how to break cycles that weren’t serving me.
  • Michelle, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you so much Rhonda for all your guidance, help and compassion with your Readings over the last 17 years of me seeing professionally for Readings. Your amazing ability has truly made a difference to my life when I’ve needed answers and comfort the most. Every time over the last 17 years that I have needed your advice or help with a Reading you have always made the time to see me and compassionately but firmly helped me to see my way through difficult times. Thank you with all my heart for sharing your beautiful gift with me and everyone else who has a Reading. MUCH GRATITUDE !!! Michelle X
  • Michelle, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you so much Rhonda for all your guidance, help and compassion with your Readings over the last 17 years of me seeing professionally for Readings. Your amazing ability has truly made a difference to my life when I’ve needed answers and comfort the most. Every time over the last 17 years that I have needed your advice or help with a Reading you have always made the time to see me and compassionately but firmly helped me to see my way through difficult times. Thank you with all my heart for sharing your beautiful gift with me and everyone else who has a Reading. MUCH GRATITUDE !!! Michelle X
  • Michael, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    My first Reading with Rhonda from Rhonda's Readings was in 2020 and it was an eye opening and amazing experience. Rhonda knew things that I had never told anyone within 10 minutes of sitting down. I had another session in 2022 and her advice and way of communicating both good and bad are gentle and direct. I highly recommend seeing Rhonda for guidance and making difficult choices. She is one of a kind and I truly appreciate her wisdom.
  • Kylie, Coomera, Queensland, Australia.

    I have known Rhonda from Rhonda's readings for over 8 years now and have found her to be exceptionally talented and reliable. Rhonda is always willing to assist others in need, and always goes above and beyond for her clients.

    I can't recommend Rhonda highly enough, she is amazing.

  • Kelly, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have known Rhonda for 39 years, and I have witnessed her Spirit connection and seen lives change through her Readings. Rhonda's Readings are a true spiritual connection with the universe. Work colleagues from Melbourne, have gone to her and found answers and closure and I have personally been able to find a peace with my own resolved emotions. Within 2 weeks of Rhonda’s readings, her words started to transform into truth in my world, intricate details, and my thought processes. Without Rhonda’s guidance, I would have continued to overlook these important factors in my life. When having a Reading from Rhonda’s Readings you truly are in the Hands of Destiny. Thank you, Rhonda, for helping those I love, to see and experience your authenticity and true connection to Spirituality, and for me personally to move forward and understand the past. If you are looking for a real Reading, Rhonda’s Readings is the only person you need to see. Love, Light and Blessing to you all. Kelly.
  • Kellie, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I just found my tape and re listened to it! I visited Rhonda 12 years ago. Rhonda gave me Closure and reassured me regarding close girlfriends that had passed away tragically. After such a length in time and re listening to my tape, Rhonda really has a gift that she selflessly shares. Kellie.
  • Karina, Kirra Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda from Rhonda's Readings has been my go-to Spiritual guru and life coach for over 5 years now. Rhonda has a natural ability to easily connect with your Spirit guides and get straight to the problem and help guide you through any problem and help you through any issues. If you arrive feeling lost, rest assured you will feel completely on track and enlightened once you have participated in a Reading with Rhonda. She has helped me both personally and professionally. Rhonda has also assisted me with our middle child, who had a learning disability. She nailed the exact problem which assisted us in receiving the proper care for our son. He is now excelling at school. Rhonda, you truly are a miracle, the real deal and so very caring and professional. If you were looking for one of the best Psychic Mediums in Australia if not worldwide and want to live your life to the fullest then look no further that Rhonda from Rhonda's Readings. Best in the business!  
  • Jodie, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    I can honestly, highly recommend Rhonda, from Rhonda’s Readings. She is extremely accurate as she has such a close connection to Spirit and offers direct and divine guidance in a beautifully authentic way. I have known Rhonda for 17 years and have worked beside her in Crystal Shops in Tweed Heads and Byron Bay from 2007. Over the years I have had several Readings with Rhonda and she has always given me great insight and clear direction. Rhonda is the one you go to when you really need clarity and a deep level of understanding. Many Blessings Jodie.
  • Jo-Anne, Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    I am writing this to express my absolute gratitude, for the exceptional that Rhonda from Rhonda’s Readings has provided as a trustworthy, and genuine psychic and life coach for me, since 2011. I went through a very challenging divorce involving my children. Work and finances were very stressful, and my health was being affected. I was extremely anxious and filled with uncertainty about my future and in need of clarity and support. Rhonda provided me with invaluable guidance during this uncertain time in my life. Of course, life’s challenges are about personal growth which we must be continue working hard at, so I will continue to see Rhonda for many years to come. Rhonda provides insightful guidance in a balanced way, by using her unique abilities and this has honestly made a positive impact on my life. Rhonda’s Readings always have the purpose of providing a deeper self-awareness and understanding of our life’s purpose and expectations. Looking back at the timely way practical advice and guidance was given, it provided the most supportive and loving approach to any issues at the time. Rhonda has conducted her Rhonda’s Readings business in a truly professional manner. Rhonda has an ethical approach ensuring her integrity and respectful delivery of the information (which she says she is blessed to receive) is used for the highest good of all. Sometimes things are difficult to hear and the reasons they are said to you, are sometimes not clear until even years later, so she has the challenge of delivering some guidance that people might not agree with at the time.  I just hope people show Rhonda the patience, understanding and gratitude for the gifts that she is providing them, as even if the advice or messages are not what you may have expected, they are coming from love and truth as Rhonda is delivering remarkably accurate psychic information to you. Rhonda has been consistently there for me for over 10 years, never pressuring me to return, with the understanding that I will know when life’s challenges become overwhelming, and I need to reach out to her. Rhonda makes herself available to offer support that helps me again return to a peaceful outlook that allows me to continue living my life in the most balanced and positive way. Thank You Rhonda, for sharing your remarkable and accurate gifts in this professional, loving and healing way through honouring how blessed this gift is by using it responsibly and providing realistic guidance that is for the highest good of all who may be involved. Sending you my most heartfelt appreciation. Jo-Anne.
  • Jaquie, Miami, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been engaging Rhonda’s Readings services for over 13 years. Rhonda has been an invaluable asst to navigate life’s challenges. Her personable and warm approach together with her insight and compassion are Readings like no other! The most gifted Reader you will ever meet who genuinely cares.
  • Jess, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    I’ve been having Readings with Rhonda of Rhonda’s Readings for the last 8 years and think she is absolutely amazing the way she works with Spirit. I have had so many Readings over the years and have to say I’d be lost without them. The Readings I’ve had have really helped me through difficult times, where I’ve wanted to give up, situations I’ve faced, including the people in my personal life, relationships and with work. I can’t even begin to say how remarkable it is how accurate these Readings are and how crazy it is when certain things unfold the way Rhonda and Spirit said it would…. I would absolutely recommend having a Reading with Rhonda of Rhonda’s Readings to anyone who is seeking clarity on certain areas of their lives, people, health, relationships etc… It’s been an awesome journey and I will definitely will be a lifelong customer.
  • Ian, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda, I am indebted to you for a lifetime, your help and vision over the last 3 years has given me the direction and confidence to pursue my goals with strength and courage, personally and professionally. You have channeled Spirits wisdom and knowledge to help me and my family, thank you from my heart. I am a better person from your insight.
  • Farida, Melbourne, Victoria, Austyralia.

    I had my first Reading with Rhonda 27 years ago. She could not have been more accurate with what she told me, things that no one would know. Since then, I have been touched by Rhonda and Spirit on many occasions and always appreciated the gentle way Rhonda provides me with the information, whether it is good or bad, Rhonda tells it like it is. I appreciate her time and honesty and I cannot recommend Rhonda highly enough. If you want an honest and real Reading, Rhonda is the person to see. There is no one like her, she is the real deal.
  • Carol, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been seeing / using Rhonda’s Readings for over 5 years now. Rhonda has saved me thousands of $$ and I am truly grateful for the insights she shares. Rhonda was recommended to me by several of my clients and I have no hesitation in referring Rhonda if you want a down to earth Reading with no BS. Thanks again Rhonda. Carol.
  • Cathie, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been receiving Readings with Rhonda of Rhonda’s Readings since 2019. The spiritual guidance that she has given me has always helped guide me through my darkest times. I am forever grateful to Rhonda and Spirit. I will continue to seek guidance from her. Thanks, Rhonda, for all your support. Cathie.
  • Ebony, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I am 18 years old and was not sure what to expect when I went to see Rhonda. All I can say is that I had the most amazing experience and have been back a few times since. Rhonda helped me so much to be able to deal with some things that had gone on in my life and helped me to understand why that had happened and helped me with how to deal with them in the future. Rhonda’s Readings are always so spot on, and I love how I receive a healing while having my Reading with Rhonda and Spirit. Thank you so much Rhonda for being so amazing and really helping me in my life. I have highly recommended you to all my friends. Ebony xx
  • Brendan, Ocean Shores, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been having Readings with Rhonda since 2012. These Readings are always helpful and have helped me through some difficult periods in life. Rhonda has a true gift and connection to Spirit, and I always come away from the Readings with clarity and a different perception of life situations. Over the years I have recommended many friends and family to see Rhonda when they were needing help or guidance, and it’s been wonderful that she has been able to help them as well. I am very thankful that Rhonda is able to do the work that she does.
  • Bek, Currumbin, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been having Readings with Rhonda and Sirit for 9 years now and words cannot describe how much I have learned about myself and my family patterns through this journey. Rhonda’s Readings are very healing and got me through some very tough times, they gave me hope, and I felt supported. Everything unfolds the way it’s been shown to me in perfect timing. Rhonda has changed my life in all aspects, my personal growth, spiritual and emotional. Rhonda gave me the tools to keep moving forward and I am so grateful. Thank you, Rhonda and Spirit, for all your guidance and I would recommend Rhonda’s Readings to anyone.
  • Alice, Palm Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been seeing Rhonda now for 4 years. In those visits to her, she delivered me the hard words I needed to hear to help me make the vital changes in my life. To mend broken friendships, to be a better Mother and to stay true to myself. There have been visits to her that have been filled with joy and happiness. Over the years I have come to trust and respect Rhonda, s Readings as being a guide and truth teller. The Readings are not what u always want to hear, but instead what you need to hear. That’s the journey I’m on with Rhonda. I feel so grateful to be able to book an appointment and get guidance when I’m at a crossroads in my life. There’s no bullshit with Rhonda, she’s all truth. And as we know that’s not always easy to hear. But without her Readings I couldn’t have been as fortunate as I have been. I’ve gained a greater understanding of my purpose and direction in my life, how my reactions and emotions can fuel fires but also how I can communicate to be a better human to all the people I hold close and dear.
  • Brittany, Casuarina, New South Wales, Australia.

    I found Rhonda back in 2009 when I was in my early 20’s and desperately needed guidance. Since then, I have had Readings with Rhonda each year, and there is a reason I keep going back to her time and time again. Not only is she incredibly accurate in her predictions, whenever I am at a crossroads in my life or in a situation and need guidance, she is the person I call. Rhonda has the most genuine and caring nature. What she tells me from Spirit is delivered in the most respectful way. Even if there is something I didn’t necessarily want to hear, I have always resonated with it and I can’t tell you how many huge decisions I’ve had to make in my life that have had such amazing outcomes, a huge part of this I owe to Rhonda for helping, and guiding me. Rhonda, I can’t thank you enough for your help and guidance you have given me over the years. You are truly a gift. Brittiny.
  • Karina, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you for being my mentor, you are such a gift and I appreciate all the good you do for this world. Wishing you so much love and good luck. Karina.xx
  • Cass, Banora Point, New South wales, Australia.

    I highly recommend Rhonda. She has enabled me to grow so much within a short period of time and I will no doubt continue to go back.

    Spirit tells you what you need to know if you're ready and are open to receiving the truth I cannot recommend her enough, it's incredible how accurate the readings are.

    Being able to record the reading is amazing!!!!

    I love that I can play it back whenever I'm needing a reminder of the information and guidance Spirit shared, it's a great way to reflect, listen and absorb what was shared the more times I listen to the reading the more it helps me.

    Thank you so much, Rhonda and Spirit.

  • Emma, Brunswick Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Recently stuff with my partners family came Up in a Reading we had with you in 2018 that was to prepare him & we are sure it’s happening now, so Just knowing we had that Reading and what Spirit and yourself explained has giving us the head start to deal with what we think is to come.

    My partners last Reading has given him the guidance to prepare himself. We both thank you so much. Truly from the bottom of our hearts.

    We are a 1,000,000 Times grateful we met you.

  • Monique, Suffolk Park, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dearest Rhonda,

    I just want to say you are amazing, an angel, our angel. Thank you so much for everything. I am definitely a better person since meeting you and we appreciate you more then we could ever express. You have prepared us for some shit that is about to come and we can’t thank you enough for your help and guidance.

    You are truest our blessing. Much love and respect to you.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • Isabella, Tumbulgam, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I think about you and talk about you a lot and appreciate all of the guidance and love you have shown me over the years. You really have been my saving grace in a lot of “forks in the road” and times in my life that I have felt so stuck and unable to figure out what to do in certain circumstances.

    I just wanted to say thank you.

    You are the biggest blessing to both of us xx


  • Julie, Bilambil, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    Thank you for calling and your lovely words, I really appreciate your wisdom. I can't remember where I read this verse but I love it. " Strive for Simplicity, Live Deeply, Create Beauty, Value Imperfection."

  • Sam, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda

    I am very happy and my happiness is all because of you Rhonda and I am filled with so much gratitude.


  • Mandy, Tugan, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    I just wanted to say that I’m extremely grateful to God, to have you in my life. I can’t say that enough. I am thinking of you and hope you know how much I appreciate what you did and do for me.


  • Selia, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you for the healing.

    I feel amazing and very, very joyful. It feels like I have a heavy weight lifted off of me. My chest is clear.

    Thank you.

    You are an amazing and incredible woman and I’m very blessed to have you in my life.

    Have a glorious life.

  • Ambarisa, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have seen Rhonda twice now and will continue to see her for as long as I can. if you are seeking guidance and healing, I could not recommend Rhonda enough. She has facilitated a lot of healing within me and everything she predicted has come true. I recommend going to see her only if you are ready for change, so that you can fully embrace the messages she presents to you. I continually recommend any of my friends and colleagues to go see her. Blessings Rhonda!
  • Kerry, Sanctuary Cove, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the push 19 months ago that I desperately needed. I was lost, clearly sent to you by spirit and given the advice to teach me how to grow and to leave the past alone. Everything in your reading was true and accurate even though I was apprehensive at the time with the devastation that I had a lot of work to do before I could meet my person and get to a point that I was finally happy in my life.

    I just want to mention to all who reads this, learn to respect Rhonda like I do so very much, as she truly is an angel hear to help guide us (sugar coated or not), understand she is not a reader that is going to give you flowers just because that's what you want to hear, she will give you the truth that you need and if its not what you want to hear then deal with it and learn to heal yourself as she is always right on the money.

    I cannot thank you enough for helping me become the best version of myself. xx

  • Sal, Ballina, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda, please just know how much I appreciate you.

    Thank you for all your advice and guidance.

    Wishing you all the best.


  • Tami, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


    I just want to say that Rhonda always knows how to deal with me and how to teach me life lessons. She knows the way to get to my head and knock me out of my old habits. I just wanted to thank Rhonda sincerely for everything she has done and is doing for me. Upon reflection, I do realize that things that annoy people the most about me are the things that Rhonda and Spirit want me to change within, so I can be a better version of myself. So, I get it from a bigger perspective.

    I must admit that I find it hard hearing the words sometimes but that’s how Rhonda works with me and I Always remind myself not to take anything personally and that it is for my own growth as she comes from a place of love and care.

    Thank you.

  • Dee, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    It’s a lot to process after my Reading, but it’s good to have it out. Thank you for showing the way and telling me it’s ok to do so. You are a very special lady.

    A pleasure to have met you and I will be back.

  • Wendy, Mount Tamborine, Queensland, Australia.

    Thanks so much Rhonda.

    I appreciate your gentle and loving kindness to me. You are such a precious gem to have in my life. The world is so very lucky to have you!

  • Selma,Bilambil, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, I cannot thank you enough. From the bottom of my heart. my daughter is a different girl. Happy. Smiling. Her whole aura and energy are so much nicer and positive. People have noticed and commented. I feel so blessed to have you in our lives. Much love always
  • Lisa, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.


    If you have made it to Rhonda's testimonial page on this website, you clearly are wanting a Reading.

    I've had two Readings from Rhonda after she was recommended to me. Rhonda connected me with my Spirit team and it was Amazing....

    If you're reading this, Spirit must be giving you a nudge too. Reach out to her, you will not be disappointed. Rhonda is the real thing.

    Thanks Rhonda,

    I'll be back.


  • Karina, Varsity Lakes, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda is a true angel, sent from above, and walking among us.

    If you are looking for professional, accurate, detailed, compassionate, but above all, no BS Reading and guidance from a lady whom I consider the best in the business, then look no further than Rhonda.

    Rhonda is the real deal and must be experienced to fully appreciate and understand what it’s like to be in the presence of a true psychic. You walk out uplifted and light, and 100% clear on the questions you wanted answered, how to go about achieving your best life and more. Better than any counselling session or any other psychic that I have been to before.

    Having a Reading with Rhonda is truly a life changing experience. Rhonda, I thank you for changing my life for the better. You are an absolute blessing and true inspiration to us all.

    Grateful for you.

    Karina 🦋🦋🦋

  • Teagan, Kirra, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to thank you so much for your Reading, you really have changed my life. I’m so grateful to have met you. Have a wonderful day 😊


  • Annie, Sanctuary Cove, Queensland, Australia.

    I hadn't seen Rhonda in some years.

    Rhonda just blew my mind, how she told me things only our family could know, her intuition and guidance are spot on. It got me into action and out of a haze that now has been lifted. The Reading gave me comfort and clarity about why things were happening and what I could do to support my mum during a time of dementia and decline.

    Ever grateful for my powerful Reading.

    With love,


  • Tracey, Pottsville, New South Wales, Australia.

    AMAZING HEALER 🌟 I have been seeing Rhonda for about 3 years now and she is amazing! and shes the real deal ….. My personal growth and guidance from Rhonda through Spirit is empowering ….. I have had many Readings during this time and they are supremely accurate 🌟 I have had some Healings also and I am feeling like a renewed person with so much more clarity with my mind and body. Rhonda, through Spirit, is a true Healer and a beautiful, kind soul …. I love her and will continue to be Healed and guided with her. I could not recommend Rhonda any higher …. so blessed 🙏 Much love to you Rhonda 🌟 thank you! 💋 Tracey
  • Rebekah, Tumbulgam, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have had 3 Readings with Rhonda over almost 4 years. She has changed my life completely!! I was seeing a psychologist for months after the death of my best friend and I was referred to see Rhonda for closure from a friend. From that first Reading, I instantly had closure & felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders from grief. My second visit, I asked for help in finding our wedding photos (the memory card had been missed placed on our wedding day with our entire ceremony photos on it) Rhonda was absolutely certain they were in a black case and will be found. Sure enough, I spoke to the photographers and asked to check again and there it was in a black case hiding under a camera lense that had been switched over after the ceremony. What a relief! My third visit was just over the weekend, and I already have a clearer head as to where my life is taking me. Rhonda you are so very uplifting, so gifted and have helped myself, friends and my family so much. I will forever be grateful and will be back in the future. WORTH EVERY DOLLAR!!! Thank you, Bek.
  • Nicholas, Bribie Island, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been looking forward to writing this review.

    Spirit led me to Rhonda at time when I was very confused about my path forward. Rhonda's Reading was incredibly insightful. I took away some information that helped me see certain situations in my life that were not serving me. Some of the information I tried to shape to how I wanted it, not how it actually is. Don't to this. Take the information and use trust and faith that things will work out the way they are for your greatest good. Rhonda and Spirit helped me move through a dark time, understand my own strength and help me find my path forward.

    I am looking forward to when I feel Spirit guides me to see Rhonda again. If you are looking for some guidance with no fluff, Rhonda will tell you how it is. She can seem strict and strong and that's because she is. She takes her gift very seriously and she doesn't play games. I am so grateful to have met her and Spirit and progressed in my own spiritual journey.

    I feel with her ability to connect to Spirit and help me when I need it, there is nothing I can not get through or achieve. Bless this lovely, compassionate and gifted person.

    In gratitude,


  • Darlene, Casurina, New South Wales, Australia.

    I highly recommend Rhonda
  • Big Nanna, Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been to see Rhonda 4 times and she is fantastic, she connected me with my son and she helped me to find some peace of mind to understand why he passed, my mum who has been gone for 30 years never had a good relationship and now I know why.

    Rhonda can tell you things that I had forgotten about over the years things that no one could possibly know. I have a Reading twice a year and she has always been spot on I highly recommend her if you want to get spiritual help. I am a skeptic because I have been to other clairvoyants and have never been happy, however, with Rhonda I always feel as if I am one with the Universe.

    Thank you Rhonda I am so looking forward to seeing you very soon.

  • Tilly, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    HI Rhonda

    Thank you so much for last night. I always say that you are my Fairy God Mother and I truly mean it! Thank you for all your wisdom, guidance, and all you do for me. Just watching you make that salt solution last night for me to ease my upset tummy due to stress, warmed my heart and gave me hope and faith in people's loyalty and kindness. You constantly remind me of how beautiful life is and how to stay strong and to show gratitude for all that is happening for me in my life. You have been kinder to me than my own mother and when all the doors of love, loyalty and compassion were shut right before me, you had your arms open to take me in and support me. You know me more than I know myself. You have always been there to guide and support me in the past many years and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you more than words can express.

    Until I see you next. Blessings and gratitude to you, Rhonda.

  • Terri, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for another wonderful and very accurate Reading. I feel lighter after listening to your guidance knowing I’m on the correct path. This was my second visit and I look forward to my next xx
  • Chiara, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    To say Rhonda is amazing is an understatement.

    She has truly changed my life and I have the deepest of respect for her, and how she connects, helps and heals those who have the pleasure of meeting with her. Rhonda is kind, compassionate, truthful and caring. She offers all of herself and selflessly shares her gift with others. I can honestly say that seeing Rhonda at a critical and debilitating point in my life was the catalyst for massive change, growth and healing for me. I consider myself lucky to have stumbled upon her and can highly recommend her services to anyone who is considering guidance and healing. She has truly changed my life and I have the deepest of respect for her, and how she connects, helps and heals those who have the pleasure of meeting with her. She is kind, compassionate, truthful and caring. Rhonda offers all of herself and selflessly shares her gift with others. I can honestly say that seeing Rhonda at a critical and debilitating point in my life was the catalyst for massive change, growth and healing for me.

    I consider myself lucky to have stumbled upon Rhonda and can highly recommend her services to anyone who is considering guidance and healing.

  • Chris, Currumbin, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been to see Rhonda four times and she is fantastic. Rhonda connected me with my son and she helped me find some peace of mind in understanding why he passed. My Mum, who has been gone for 30 years never had a good relationship and now I know why. Rhonda can tell you things that I had forgotten about over the years, things that no one could possibly know.

    I have a Reading twice a year and Rhonda has always been spot on and I highly recommend her if you want to get spiritual help. I am a skeptic because I have been to other clairvoyants and have never been happy, however, with Rhonda, I always feel, as if I am one with the Universe.

    Thank You Rhonda,

    I am so looking forward to seeing you very soon.


  • Alejandra, Stockholm, Sweden.

    Hi Rhonda,

    WOW, I just realized, you did a Reading for me exactly a year ago, and it was super accurate! Thanks to your Reading last year, I decided to move to Sweden and I sorted out some important relationships in my life.

    I look forward to seeing you again soon as I am struggling with some aspects of my life and I need some guidance.

    Many thanks,


  • Sylvia, Benowa Waters, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you so much for my Reading today.

    I appreciate you so much.

    Listening to your previous recordings have made such a big difference to me in these crazy times.


  • Naomi, Casuarina, New South Wales, Australia

    Hi Rhonda,

    I have had a couple of Readings with you back in 2009 and 2012. I just found the recording of the Reading you did for me in 2009 and wow. I have goosebumps. It was incredibly profound and spot on.

    I would love to book another Reading in as soon as possible.

    All my respect,


  • Sharon, Ballina, Northern Rivers, Australia.

    Rhonda’s Reading was very accurate about my family, the characters, and dynamics. What she shared about the future resonated with me and inspired me. In comparison to other psychics, I’ve worked with over the years, Rhonda is very direct and to the point. There is literally no fluff. To me this was a new experience, but I personally value her direct ways. Sharon.
  • Marcella, Kangaroo Point, Queensland. Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    The sun is shining, it’s a magical day

    I am grateful for your wisdom and speaking truth that comes thru Spirit.

    You have steered me when I had excruciating self-doubt, you have spoken Truth, released me where I was bound in my own patterns of not standing in my sovereignty, and claiming my life as I wish. You have greatly helped me stay on track, by being a conduit to God.

    I will be forever grateful for your wisdom.

    Marcella X

  • Samantha, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you so, so much for this afternoon Rhonda. I am so very fortunate and grateful to have found you, and have you in my life.


  • Daniel, Mexico, North America.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just want to tell you that I followed your advice and I got the job. Thank you so much for helping me to be a better person and human being. I hope to talk to you again soon. In the meantime, I hope you have an amazing year. I send you a big hug.

    Thank you again.


  • Renee, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I know you would likely hear it all the time, but you’re amazing. What an incredible gift you have. Thank you so much for yesterday. Let me know a good time to come and see you again, that would be brilliant.

    Kind Regards,


  • Tarah, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    This beautiful lady is my Earth Angel.

    I was blessed to have met Rhonda around 3 years ago and was honoured to have been connected to my brother through Rhonda’s Spirit guides.

    Since then, I have grown so much personally and spiritually. I was able to grieve the death of my brother with understanding and peace. I have been able to conquer events in my life with a whole different perspective with the help of this amazing woman.

    Rhonda, I cannot thank you enough.


  • Milly, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda has helped me to find the path in my life. Through her ongoing support and guidance, I have been able to grow and gain strength as a woman. About two year ago, during the darkest time of my life, Rhonda had predicted that everything will turn around. She told me that I would get my dream job, will find the love of life and that I would find happiness and joy once more. But Rhonda said I have to work hard and be patient!!

    A few days ago, I saw the whole prediction come true right before my eyes. I felt so humbled and honestly, cannot express how I felt yesterday, just as I had realised how accurate Rhonda’s Readings were.

    During the darkest times of my life, Rhonda, through her gentle and calm nature, helped me, guided me patiently, nurtured me, encouraged me and was my absolute guardian angel. If you are looking for someone who is genuine, compassionate, kind and most importantly accurate and professional, please do see Rhonda, as it will change your life.

    I went to see Rhonda today with tears of joy, thanking her for everything she has done for me.

    Much love and gratitude to you Rhonda.


  • Robin, Paradise Point, Queensland, Australia.

    I had a healing session with Rhonda and I would like to convey my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the spiritual healing she has done on me. I found her healing session spiritually uplifting and it has allowed me to feel nourished, both physically and spiritually. I have been to many healing sessions in the past, performed by others, but I have never experienced anything like what I have experienced with Rhonda's healing before. I have immediately sensed a profound shift in myself both spiritually and physically. Her kind, gentle, compassionate, empathetic and highly spiritual nature allowed me to feel a great sense of joy, which I have never experienced before. After the healing, I experienced a deep connection with myself, my loved ones and specially with the higher source and has healed many aspects of my life including my relationships with my loved ones.

    Thank you, Rhonda.

    I look forward to seeing you soon.

    Love and gratitude.


  • Johanna, Main Ridge, Victoria, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    So grateful for your guidance. All the communications from both you; and Spirit, are consistently... constantly... validated and an invaluable source of strength and support.

    So much love.


  • Mary, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you for my Reading. It’s a lot to take in, but it’s good to have it out. Thank you for showing the way and telling me it’s ok to do so. You are a very special lady.

    to have met you and I will be back.



  • Carmen, Southport, Queensland, Australia.

    I have always found Rhonda to be a very talented Clairvoyant. In the many times I have had Readings with Rhonda, I have always found her Readings to be accurate, trustworthy and honest.

    I was originally recommended to see Rhonda by a friend and will not hesitate to recommend her to other friends myself.

    Thank you, Rhonda.



  • Barbara, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.

    I have consulted Rhonda on numerous occasions and am always amazed at her clairvoyance skills.

    Rhonda’s Readings are always very accurate with a caring and honest interpretation. I have recommended Rhonda to many people here in Melbourne and have no hesitation to do it many times again.

    Kindest Regards,


  • Sabrina, Alice Springs, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you for being my role model and for teaching me life lessons and helping me to sort my life out. You are my Angel and heaven has sent you to me.

    Blessings to you.


  • Margaret, Mentone, Victoria, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I just wanted to Thank you again for giving me such an enlightening and sympathetic Reading on Thursday. You have such a wonderful gift and I am telling all my friends and family about you, so prepare for a lot more clients soon.

    Thank you again.

    Kind Regards,


  • Patricia, Noosa, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you for your amazing guidance over several years. I would not have created my business without the encouragement from you and Spirit.

    Many Thanks and Love to You.


  • Caprice, Sandringham, Victoria.

    Hello Rhonda.

    I just want to let you know, if not for you, that I would not have been able to cope, and wouldn’t be on this planet. And my girls would have lived a life like me, their grandmothers and aunts. So there’s lots of good in this whole thing. I owe my life, my growth, and my future happiness, and my families future happiness to you Rhonda. You’re truly my fairy god mother and my guardian angel.

    I’m forever grateful, through you, I found Spirit. So, Thank You, Thank You.

    Ok, I want you to enjoy your time now. Don’t worry about me, I will make sure I end the year the way Spirit wants, the best I can.


  • Lisa, Isle of Capri, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi there Rhonda.....

    I just wanted to touch base with you during this interesting time... check in and let you know that you and Spirit have had a huge impact on my life... and the many of my family and friends that have seen you in the past 6 months....

    Thank you for your insight, and I just wanted to send you a message of love and appreciation....

    stay safe and well...

    Lisa. 🙏🌷

  • Brandon, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda. It's Brandon here. I hope you are well and it is ok that I contacted you again. Firstly, I have spoken to my friend about a lot of things recently. Especially my attitude about a number of things in life. Looking back, when I was having the Readings with you and Spirit over those years, my life improved so much, and I was always supported. Every time I left your place, I always left with a different perspective on events and always felt more positive. However, even though you kept telling me that everything that happened was for our higher good and they were all lessons to take us to a new level, I never really grasped that concept.  I was so fixed on particular outcomes. I got so frustrated and kept forgetting that everything was for my higher good. My attitude to you and Spirit was unacceptable and I am sorry. If you will accept my call, I would like to speak to you and apologize. I am hoping that you can accept my apology. I am hoping that I might be able to get support from you and Spirit again. If not, that's ok. I'm glad I made a proper apology after my poor behavior and attitude. Thanks again for all your help over those years. Brandon
  • Carol, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would like to thank the lovely Rhonda for her guidance through some trying times.

    Rhonda's Readings have been amazingly accurate and has saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars for her insistence, that I act quickly and decisively in a family matter, even how the court case would play out.

    Thank you again, I have, and will refer more clients your way.


  • Elise, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia.

    I have had two sessions with Rhonda & both have provided extremely valuable information that I’ve implemented and that has changed my life for the better. Rhonda has only told me what I’m ready to hear.

    Sometimes the lesson can be hard to face, but I’m a better person for hearing what’s not working & what needs to change.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for your guidance. It has helped me so much.

  • Michelle, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia.

    Sometimes if your fortunate, you meet an earth angel that guides you through life, at its hardest and most challenging times. Rhonda has been Reading for me for the past 12 years. I can't thank her enough for her guidance ,support,and sharing of the amazing gift she has. At times when I don't know how I can go on, or make sense of what life is trying to show me... Rhonda has always been able to explain what purpose the lessons and challenges have been for me on my journey. I hope by writing this, that anyone who doubts the gift of Spirits voice may believe that Rhonda is here with us to share her honest and sometimes not easy to hear intuitive gift to guide us through our lives. Many heartfelt thanks again Rhonda, for sharing your beautiful gift, and truly helping me over the years to learn to love myself when I never thought I could.
  • Atlanta, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda is quite strict and determined. Very punctual and time conscious – I liked it!! The Reading was awesome! Rhonda got so many, many things right – it was actually scary, as if she would have known my story. Rhonda guided me into the direction I needed! I got advice from her – exactly what I needed. Be open to the flow of life, no matter what Rhonda and Spirit will tell you, let all your attachments go and listen to what life has to offer you through Spirit! I felt loads of Goosebumps the morning before my session and everything for me in my Reading aligns with my innermost values. I will be coming back and I highly recommend Rhonda. Atlanta.
  • Christine, Harvey Bay, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, I have had another tough week and your message was a ray of sunshine. The only way out is through you and Spirit and that is the illumination that reminds me there is an end to every tunnel. I thank you, with so much appreciation from my heart, for all that you have done for my family here and on the other side. I feel so blessed; and in truth, entirely unworthy, of being so well supported. Words really can’t express the magnitude of all that you are, to so many people. Christine
  • Elaine, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi, I've been going to Rhonda for the past few years, and the reason I do this, is that in my opinion, Rhonda is the real deal.   I have absolutely no doubt of Rhonda's authenticity, which is why I return to her each year.  I've simply never met anyone who Spirit speaks through, so directly, clearly and truthfully.  I love the way Rhonda TELLS YOU what is happening etc.  There is no room for doubt in what she says and if she asks a question, it's because it has a bearing on what is being said, not because she's fishing around in an uncertainty.  Being with Rhonda isn't getting a Reading, it is partaking in an experience.  My last but one Reading with Rhonda was amazing but some of it has happened yet, but, if Rhonda and Spirit say it will happen, then I'm totally sure it will, in the fullness of time.  My latest reading, was very focused and has given me a lot to think about.  I wish Rhonda all the best for her continuing work with Spirit and am totally looking forward to my next Reading at this time next year.   Elaine, Gold Coast  
  • Anna, Northern Territory, Australia.

    I would highly recommend a reading by Rhonda. I was given Rhonda’s number randomly, when I felt I needed some understanding and direction in my life. I have contacted Rhonda for a Reading many times over the last 3 years. The Readings I have had with Rhonda and Spirit have been life changing, for our whole family. Individual Readings, couple Readings and my partner has had independent Readings. All of which have helped us in a multitude of ways. I will continue to have Readings with Rhonda, as I feel it is such a blessing to receive this knowledge and guidance. I completely trust what Rhonda and Spirit says. My life is so different now. The Readings I have received over the past 3 years have been so helpful. I have mended relationships, understood relationships with others, and I am learning to understand my own habits and change them for the better. I have received guidance about every area of my life and I will be forever grateful to Rhonda, for sharing her amazing abilities with us. Thank you always, Rhonda and Spirit. Anna.
  • Kylie, Isle of Capri, Queensland, Australia.

    I thank the lovely Rhonda for where I am today. Rhonda has positively and patiently guided me to the positive happy person I am today. Rhonda gave me confidence and strength to believe in myself. I was doubting and always questioning my ability within the business world, I  would arrive to see Rhonda upset and unsure. EVERY TIME I would drive away with a feeling of strength and positivity. Full of energy to take anything on that was thrown at me. Rhonda is a VERY special lady. Thank you Rhonda  🙂
  • Nyck, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda’s session was remarkable in so many ways. I really appreciated her very direct and uncompromising approach, and her efficiency at getting so much information through in a one hour session to me. I found it all virtually absolutely accurate and clearly directing me in a way that felt true and possible. I recommend Rhonda highly to anyone seeking clarity of direction, healing of unresolved issues or karma, and for confirmation that indeed Spirit knows us and guides us all to our own higher good - even greatness. Nyck.
  • Ruth, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    I found your Readings to be wonderful and I got great comfort from your supportive counselling which allowed me to distance myself from my family’s emotional life. Thank You. Ruth, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.  
  • Jo, Byron Bay, Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.

    The universe drew me to Rhonda (and Spirit) a woman world weary, broken and depleted; I brought to her table a heavy but open heart and a head in a similar state. Rhonda met me in that place with sometimes brutal honesty; incredible generosity; and a good measure of genuine warmth and empathy. Rhonda brought knowing and priceless communication from Spirit; and an invaluable connection to those on the other side, for the first time in my 37 years a feeling of support and understanding. Really receiving this, hearing the things that were hard to hear; shifting momentum; shedding old paradigms; becoming mistress of energetic constructs that long was I servant to; and bringing light and love to those parts of myself that were much safer left lying in the shadows,  although not always easy, has brought such transformation and soul level renewal to my life. I cannot be more grateful. These few mere “words” seem inadequate, and lack the weight and eloquence to truly do justice to the work that Rhonda has been put on this earth to do but; I offer them humbly, in the hope that they might help others to make the life changing connection to this extraordinary human and broaden the reach of the incredible blessing bestowed on anyone whose life she touches.   Jo, Byron Bay ( in person )  Melbourne and  Sydney ( via phone  when travelling )
  • Amy, Byron Bay, New South Wales

    I have seen Rhonda three times since I first learned of her existence at the start of 2018 (it's now February 2020). I had been struggling for years with all kinds of different issues and had seen different psychics, seeking guidance, clarity, and answers, but when things got to the point where I didn't think they could possibly get worse, I knew from what I had heard that she was next on my list. After I saw Rhonda for the first time, I drove home in tears as she and her guides had kindly illustrated so clearly to me the reality of my situation, and how I was continuing to hurt myself. I then decided to finally do something about the position I had found myself in, and checked myself into a facility for a month, which probably saved my life. After I got out I visited Rhonda again, excited to see her and tell her how much the first visit had changed my life and how much better I was doing, and then again just recently, and each time I leave with advice so valuable that I can't imagine where I would be today without these twice yearly sessions with her. She's really been a saving grace. Rhonda will tell me the TRUTH, which is exactly what I need, and everything she says is spot on, practical and helpful, thanks to her clear, direct channel with spirit. Rhonda is also very kind, empathetic, and compassionate, and will hone directly in on whatever issue is most pressing at hand for me. I actually cannot thank her enough, and I hope she knows how much of a difference she makes. I am truly grateful to Spirit for directing me to be on the receiving end of Rhonda’s guidance, and will hopefully continue to be a client of hers for a very long time. Amy
  • Patricia, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    In 2016 I was facing many challenges in various areas of my life and fortunately came across Rhonda’s website. I believe that I, like you, are guided to her. I had my first reading with Rhonda and the clarification that she gave was incredible. I have had several readings since - personally and via phone, and I have never ceased to be amazed at the insights and guidance that Rhonda gives. Her communication from Spirit is clear and concise, and the guidance is always given with loving intent. If there are any aspects of your life in which you need some understanding and clarity, I highly recommend a Reading with Rhonda. You will be amazed! And her guidance from Spirit will help you to fulfill your life and destiny as you are meant to. 


  • Kylie, Ephraim Island, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello my lovely Rhonda. I am so fortunate and grateful I had you in 2019 or I would have ended up in a looney bin!! Trying to stay positive for a wonderful 2020. I hope to see you some time soon Kylie.
  • Hazel, Runaway Bay, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, Thank you very much! The healing was very powerful. Seeing you always marks a huge shift in my life for the better.
  • Michelle, Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia.

    I visited Rhonda for the first time last week and I have been to a few Psychics/Clairvoyants in my life. Rhonda instantly puts you at peace, continually tells you to take deep breaths and she has such a warm and relaxing, down to earth persona.   Things that Rhonda told me I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams and they were all 100% relevant to my life. She taps into the spirit, perfectly in tune and after my reading I felt a sense of calm and clarity.   Things that I had been thinking about, Rhonda told me and a whole lot more.  I cried, but I knew it was all genuine and relevant. I cried, not out of sadness, but because she knew things without me saying anything to her.  It was wholeheartedly comforting to Me, and I would now never visit another Psychic/Clairvoyant except Rhonda.   For anybody who is skeptical about having a Reading with Rhonda, or indeed anybody…….please do yourself the biggest favour in your life and go and see her.  You will not be disappointed.  Rhonda will help you to heal any issues or concerns you have about anything or anybody…….in Heaven or on this Earth. She will help you on your track.   My Reading was for 1 hour but next time I will surely go for a 2 hour reading.  Time goes so fast and all in such a relaxed atmosphere.   Sending you much love and thank you again for a wonderful insightful reading🌈   Michelle
  • Dene, Banora Piont, New South Wales, Australia.

    I cannot thank you enough for my reading this week. Although I came to you to seek guidance regarding my career and study path you gave me so much more. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to connect with my dad. It was a very special moment. I will definitely take on board everything that Spirit said. I will be back! Dene xx
  • Alisha, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I had a Reading with Rhonda 4 years ago & I dismissed the information she gave me as it wasn't what I wanted to hear. 4 years later, everything Rhonda told me would happen, did happen. I booked in with her immediately again & she nailed absolutely everything going on in my life. Rhonda is straight to the point & bang on with everything she & Spirit says. If Rhonda tells you something, BELIEVE IT! She is the real deal. I will be back to visit again soon. Alisha.
  • Alyana, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Good Morning Angel, I was just listening to Oprah's Super Soul and she talked about legacy and suffering. She said that no matter how hard the journey is, and how much pain you get to endure, you need to remember, that your legacy is the lives you’ve touched. For every person that has seen you, and got your message, you have been a source of transformation. Sorry to contact you on a Sunday, but I was sad, seeing you sad the other night, over people not showing gratitude to your work, but your legacy remains in being true to who you are, speaking the Truth and helping people to see the Truth. Every teacher finds it challenging to teach students. Some are good and some kids rebel and don’t want to listen. You as a spiritual teacher would also have students that would rebel and hurt you. It should, and does not reflect on who you are ♥️   Alyana.
  • Patti, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, It's been nearly a month since my reading with you, I wanted to share my experience since talking to you and also give you my thanks and gratitude. Immediately after talking to you my energy shifted, I became lighter and less sad. I felt validated, I felt affirmed and I felt seen. In your message from Spirit, you were absolutely spot on regarding my current situation in different areas of my life. I especially appreciated the insights to how I had contributed to my situation and the strategies you provided to enable change to happen. The processing and transformation from my Reading with you has continued. I have had a major breakthrough in understanding and working through a life time pattern that has caused me much pain, I see it so clearly now, and feel much better equipped to see the warning signs and step away from recreating it. Thank you and Blessings, Patti.
  • Sonja, Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia.

    My Reading with Rhonda was an amazing and intense experience. I was very nervous on my arrival, and at a very stressed part of my life. Rhonda is direct, honest, wastes no time at all and pulls no punches. Rhonda told me things about my life that no one else could know. In less than a week my life was changing, and things were coming to light that she had mentioned. Rhonda’s insight has given me confidence to take steps that I would not have before, and I am seeing signs Everywhere since my Reading. Rhonda is the real deal, and I will definitely be seeing her again.   Sonja.
  • Daniel, Brisbane,Queensland, Australia.

    "Rhonda definitely has a connection to parts of the universe that ordinary people cannot see. She was able to tell me that one of my family members had manipulated another close family member for money, when I always thought that was completely out of their nature. I followed up on this subtly not long after the reading, and found out it was completely true. This was only a small part of what Rhonda told me about my family, but this stands out the most. Rhonda was able to tell me about certain health issues and what I needed to do to help resolve them. She was not able to tell me everything that I needed to do, but I have no doubt it was a huge help. If you are a skeptic, then note, that Rhonda managed to convince a partner, of a friend, who holds a Doctorate in Neurology, that she has real ability. He was reluctant to see her at first, but next time they went back, it was his idea! Rhonda is a remarkable lady and you will not be disappointed if you have a Reading with her."     Daniel
  • James, Brunswick Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    On the 27th of April 2019, Rhonda, her husband Kev and I, collectively saved my life. Kev began this journey with a simple question, “Are you doing OK?” To which I replied “Actually NO”. This led to an hour with Rhonda, which launched me into the most powerful life changing adventure of my life. I write this on the 30th of December 2019 with the confidence to say that I am the most influential human being in the lives of whom are lucky enough to have me in their world.   I will not be you; I will not be me; I will simply be. I will love me, then I will love you, so we can all just be.   James  
  • Patti, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, Thank you for enabling Spirit to have a chat with me. I feel vulnerable and reborn, but importantly, committed to my integration.
  • Cornelia, Paradise Point, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, It was really nice meeting you today and I was very pleased and impressed with my Reading, about the clarity and everything you picked up in and around my life. My partner and I, we listened to the recording as soon as I came home, and somehow, it put everything into perspective, reassured us and gave us clarity. I also liked that you just went straight to the point and did not waste any time at all. The whole hour was filled with useful information. Thank you so much.
  • Tomylee, Uki, New South Wales, Australia.

    Good morning Rhonda, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your time and generosity of Spirit when I came for the appointment on Tuesday. I have a great deal to think about, process and reflect on, and so much action to dive into! May you continue to be a profound blessing to the many who cross your path, and may your life here become ever deeper, ever broader, ever sweeter. Warmest Regards, Tomylee.
  • Peter, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I write to thank you for my Reading. It was the 1st time I have ever had a psychic consultation. I was quickly put at ease with your warm but firm approach. The information you were able to channel to me was very accurate and eye opening, with much more insight than I could have possibly hoped for. Needless to say, I have had to process this since seeing you, and it has been very cathartic. I thank you again for seeing me. Thank you again for an amazing experience . Cheers, Peter
  • Lottie, Melany, Queensland, Australia.

    I cannot express how much gratitude and appreciation I have for Rhonda. I have been seeking guidance from Rhonda for the past 6 years, some weeks I would seek guidance twice a week when I was at my lowest, every little bit of guidance I was given, I followed. In the beginning, I questioned a lot of things, but very quickly saw the path I needed to take to get my life on track. Rhonda's guidance was absolutely imperative to my growth, all the advice and guidance that I was given was really on the mark, till this day, without Rhonda, I don't think I would have made it to today, from losing my kids, fighting court battles, going bankrupt. I am stronger and more focused and a true believer, The gift Rhonda has given me has allowed me to start a new happy life with my children, in a place I really wanted to be, with a man who loves me, for me, and nothing else. I would never have been where I am today without Rhonda and highly recommend everyone to speak, and receive all that this wonderful lady has to offer, she has saved my life, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
  • Sonia, Tuggerah, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you very much for everything Rhonda. We are blessed to know you. We could not have come this far without you.Looking forward to seeing you again.


  • Samantha, Brunswick Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    I want to thank you for your honesty, your willingness to make time for me, and telling me things that I needed to hear. This has been so life changing for me. You nailed so many things on the head for me, that I never thought anyone could know. I won’t forget this. I have your recording and your details in case I feel I need a re-visit in the future. Thank you again.


  • Tina, Ocean Shores, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you so much for today Rhonda. I appreciate your help so much.

  • Sarah, Coomera, Queensland, Australia.

    Many thanks for your reading tonight. Wonderful as always.

  • Molly, London, Great Britain.

    I had so many questions I needed answering and Rhonda’s Reading has offered me the guidance I need. She gave a deeper insight into every aspect of my life, so I can continue to grow and progress confidently into my future. Rhonda has the perfect balance between tough love and tenderness to help clear through unwanted energy blocks. I am truly grateful for her reading and now feel motivated to take the next steps in my life.

    Thank you so much Rhonda!

  • Sally, Lennox Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would just like to thank you for the Reading I had with you recently, as since that day, so many things you told me have come to fruition and I am so blessed that your reading has given me the strength and direction I needed. I must admit when I walked out I was quite overwhelmed and shocked, thinking how could these thing happen to me, but now I can put things into perspective and carry on, and also they have panned out differently than I had perceived.

  • Kellie, Robina, Queensland, Australia.

    I have had several readings with Rhonda and they have all been helpful and insightful, somethings have taken time to come but they have happened, and sometimes not the way I have interpreted. I will more than likely be back again x

    Thanks Rhonda


  • Emily,Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    Lovely experience.


  • Mary, Annerly, Queensland, Australia.

    I have had Readings with Rhonda 4 or 5 times now over the last 10 years at key decision-making moments in my life. Taking the time out to open up to and enable new perspectives has been a gift of Spirit and a generous connection that has been critical to my own processes of change and renewal at these times. Whether you “believe” or not is not really the issue - just the very nature of tuning in to what can be sitting behind the busyness of the everyday via Rhonda’s guidance in the spiritual realm is incredibly helpful in realizing your own truths. I can’t recommend Rhonda highly enough. She says it like it is and, however uncomfortable it may be at times, it’s always for the purpose of stepping up to your higher self and living the best version of you in connection with those around you (past and present) in this wild and precious life. Mary.
  • Krissy, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been struggling to find the right words to sum up what a truly amazing and eye-opening experience I had with Rhonda. I don't think I could ever find the right words to do justice to just how grateful I am. I found Rhonda through a Google search, she was about the 3rd tarot/clairvoyant on the list, but there was something that jumped out at me, so I sent her a message with absolutely no expectations of being able to see her at such short notice. To my surprise and luck there was a cancellation, and she was able to fit me in - it was definitely Spirit guiding me to her. The moment Rhonda started the Reading, everything she said was scarily on point. Rhonda told me what I needed to hear, and not what she thought I would want to hear. Yes, some of it was hard to hear, but the kindness and sincerity/accuracy in which Rhonda said it, was what I needed. I cannot thank Rhonda enough for her guidance and direction as I was truly lost before coming to see her. I wish I could have spent more time with Rhonda. If she can fit me in, I will definitely be returning, I will make sure I book in advance this time. Thank you so much Rhonda, words cannot begin to sum up how grateful I am. See you soon. Krissy
  • Alyana, Gold Coast, Queensland.

    I came to write a comment about Rhonda's Reading and an amazing healing she has done for me and show my humble gratitude towards her work and I felt extremely sad when I read couple of comments which were made about her. I have never come across a woman as kind as her. Her spiritual character and her respectable, pure and caring nature is something to behold. An experience with Rhonda is a spiritual and a life changing experience.

    I found Rhonda at the time of my life where I found myself hopeless, living a life filled with so much misery and sadness with having no one to seek help from. I could say that I was a lost woman. Quite honestly, I did not want to be on this planet anymore as I was tired of pushing on with having no direction in my life and constantly fighting for a bit of justice and happiness. As I was extremely skeptical about seeing any clairvoyant at that time, I thought I would go just once and see what happens. So, I went and saw Rhonda and I haven't stopped seeing her since! I was late to my first session and only had 40 minutes left of my time but I left Rhonda’s place feeling hopeful and happy. I asked her if I needed to see her again and she said you would know if you need to see me again. Spirit will tell you. Her humility and her selflessness amazed me. I have been coming to Rhonda regularly for five years. Sometimes every week and sometimes twice a week! I never have mentioned money or how much I had to spend ever as Rhonda had saved my life. No money can be compared to that. When it comes to living a life filled with love, joy and happiness and being a woman who has developed independence and strength, every penny is worth it and that help is invaluable. Rhonda’s words and messages aren’t from her. They are from the Spirit. Period! Rhonda changed my life because I allowed myself to open up and receive the guidance. I didn’t go to listen to what I wanted to hear rather I went to listen to anything that Spirit had to say to me and that is the attitude we should all have when we see Rhonda. To be open and to be willing to hear the message and to be willing to do the work to make the change in our lives.

    When we choose to see Rhonda, we should empty ourselves of any attachments or ego. We should have humility as we would be in the presence of Spirit seeking guidance. To those who are reading comments for feedback I can tell you that Rhonda is genuine. I highly recommend Rhonda as her work will change you. Rhonda is also offering healing to those who are looking for a good healer and I can say that she is the best healer that I have ever met. Rhonda’s reading is 100% accurate and everything she has said to me over the past five years have come true and I am very happy and grateful that I had listened to the guidance as I am in a much better place that I was before and I can see that things are beginning to shift. Rhonda shares the truth and she is extremely kind, going out of her way to help people to have a better life.

    No words can be adequate enough to express my gratitude. My humble and loving regards to dear Rhonda.

    Forever grateful xx

  • London, Sorrento, Queensland, Australia.

    The past few days I’ve been in absolute shock on how accurate the messages you passed on to me were. I want to thank you so much. I’ve had problems with my mental health since I was a mid-teen and I feel I’ve made more progress in understanding myself because of the Reading then I have during psychologist sessions. I’m still very much considering a healing 💛 Have a beautiful day,  
  • Rachel, Brazil.

    Rhonda, you are amazing - truly! You saved my heart this year......it's an enormous privilege to know you....


  • Elodie, Paris, France.

    My experience of Rhonda’s Readings have allowed me to gain clarity on every facet that makes up my life. From my family to my health, work and music, Rhonda has given me guidance in order to confidently move forward, make big changes and direct my path in the way that I have always wanted. Rhonda’s sessions have altered my life for the better and I would recommend her to anyone that is looking for a clairvoyant reading.

    Thank you, Rhonda.


  • Bazza, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    "Not quite sure where to start! I have never been one to see the need to communicate with the Spirit world or to be honest actually understand it. Through a series of strange events and a conversation with a good friend who has visited Ronda, I found myself booking an appointment.

    It was quite a mind-blowing experience and pretty spot on with the details. I have come away with a clear direction to help put closure to the past, adjust the present, which all leads to a brighter future.

    I am thankful to Ronda`s direct approach"


  • Ellie, Ballina, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda came highly recommended to me and I knew at that point that I really wanted to meet her. After initially speaking to Rhonda on the phone, I immediately felt she was most definitely the person I needed to see as I knew she would be able to help me with the questions and issues I had in my mind. Rhonda has such an amazing and great gift and I felt extremely privileged that she was able to relay and share such accurate information provided by her Spirit connections. Her insight, interpretation and attention to detail of my personal life was absolutely spot on. This in turn gave me a lot of comfort and confidence as well as a much clearer understanding of the path that I knew I needed to follow. Initially that path concerned me, but Rhonda certainly validated that I was indeed on the correct path. Her ease in taking time to explain and to make sure her messages resonated was amazing.

    I’m so grateful and very thankful for my experience with Rhonda and will always highly recommend her to anyone.

    Thank you so much Rhonda.

  • Jaya, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Words couldn't explain how amazing my healing with Rhonda was. I have noticed a huge difference in my life from health to relationships,from past trauma and abuse that was affecting my life more then I even new was possible and had me stuck in the victim mentality. Now being free of that and not blaming everyone and taking ownership for my own mistakes has made my relationships a heap better and my work. Being the victim had me trapped and there for i was not going ahead in life, Don't hesitate to go and see Rhonda! its one of the best things i have done! and i would recommend to anyone!



  • Shannon, Orange, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have now visited Rhonda twice in person and had 2 phone appointments and can honestly say she is the best Medium and Healer I have ever been too and the only one I will continue to see. Rhonda provides so much clarity and helps to put the right pieces into the right puzzles. She is a genuine Healer and truly wants you to live your best life. Listen to Rhonda and she can help you achieve it.

    I am so happy Rhonda is in my life and can't wait until I am able to have a 2 hr healing session with her. She has also done readings for my friends and my Mum. I wish her every happiness and so much love.


  • John, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    We now have some results from my son’s session with you. He has a much more positive and happier demeanor now, and renewed confidence on his sports career prospects. His coach said he had his best game of the year last weekend in Melbourne.

    The Magnesium gel is definitely helping his muscle recovery from his 4-5 heavy physical training sessions each week. He forgot the tube when went to his mother’s yesterday, and found he did not recover, had a bad night being aware of muscle fatigue. That did not happen when using the gel after training. He called me deliver a tube to his training today so he would have it tonight when staying at his mother’s.

    So, thanks again we are both very appreciative of the help.


  • John, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    After my session with Rhonda I have reached a new level of understanding of the defining major events my prior married lives, and how some of those affected my former wives and myself, both independently and jointly, and why. That has helped me be more at peace with myself now. Rhonda has helped better explain why my relationships evolved as they did, the subconscious forces guiding and impacting my former wives, and my interactions with them. It was like Rhonda was pealing my life open and delving down into many layers going deep into the past, far more so than I had ever experienced in previous readings from others.

    I can now look back with a greater sense of balance and appreciation of what those prior relationships gave me. I have never before experience such a deep dissection of my life. Rhonda filled in very important missing bits that other readings had not, nor could I suggest a single psychologist achieve unless the three parties involved were each analysed. The information I received helped everything drop into place. I can now focus more on the present and future, rather than spend time trying to figure out why things happened in the past without having all the information, as one never does in life, and without insight into my former wives’ subconscious minds. Hopefully this is helping build knowledge and wisdom, so needed and important as I am now the senior member of our family and need to be an effective mentor for our younger members.

    Rhonda has subsequently advised another member of my family with a reading, someone who is at a critical time in personal development and involved in changing life events, and who needs some direction right now. That was part of the reason I arranged an appointment with Rhonda in the first place. That telephone session with my other family member has been very beneficial so far. Amazingly, immediately on arriving back home, I no sooner walked into my home and opened my accumulated mail, than I found correspondence advising of a setback in a major investment, and that it was a legal issue, exactly as Rhonda had told me about only a week earlier.

    I am very pleased that I fortuitously was able to meet Rhonda face to face while up north, thanks to a referral by one of Rhonda’s highly complementary regular local clients. I am very grateful and thankful to Rhonda and I look forward to her future help.…


  • Melanie, Southport, Queensland, Australia.

    I have seen Rhonda on 2 occasions and booked for my third Reading in 24 months which is much less then most. On both occasions Rhonda has been spot on with everything she has mentioned for my future and people in my life.

    Rhonda is direct with her messages but I find this exactly what is required to get me to understand what she has to say in the time we have available for such a full reading.

    I cannot wait for my next reading with Rhonda in a few days.

    I have friends who have also seen Rhonda on many occasions and I highly recommend you booking in a reading ASAP.

    Thank you, Rhonda. See you soon x


  • Maree, Northern Rivers, New South wales, Australia.

    I have had both a personal Reading and phone Reading from Rhonda. I have had satisfaction from both styles of readings and find contact with Rhonda is very calming for me. Rhonda’s Readings are both accurate and inspirational.


  • Alyana, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I am the woman I am today, because of you. You helped me, guided me and taught me lessons that no one else could have done and I appreciate this more than you know.

    Please know that I am counting down the days to see you again already.


  • Connie, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda’s communication is direct and straight to the point, No fluff and no ambiguity. I’ve been following a few simple things Rhonda recommended, and in 6 weeks, I’m having the best sleep, my psoriasis has cleared up, I’m clear headed and focused at work and I have my mojo back.

    Thank you, Rhonda.!

    Many thanks again and I look forward to my next reading. Spring has sprung!


  • Naomi, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I have had a few amazing readings with Rhonda and Spirit. Rhonda always makes me feel comfortable and important as a client. My readings with Rhonda have given me much needed strength and has helped on my healing journey.

    I highly recommend this experience to friends and family.

    Kind regards,


  • Vaneesha, Harvey Bay, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda's gift has been an incredible blessing and I've been fortunate enough to have had readings by her throughout the past few years (in person as well as phone readings both interstate and internationally). They have given me closure, strength, direction and her invaluable insight is a gift that is unparalleled to any other.

    Thank you Rhonda, for all that you do.

    Your guidance has, and will continue to, forge me into becoming the best version of myself.

  • Julieanne, Palm Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda gives an insightful reading.

    Highly recommended.


  • Shannon, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Wow, not sure where to start.

    I've been coming to Rhonda for about 4 years, and she truly holds a great talent of dancing with Spirit. An old friend recommended her, and I knew after some predicated negative events unfolded for her, that Rhonda had to be the real deal. If you're seeking direction in your life, or need assistance from a "broader perspective", you will gain incredible insight from her. Each time I turn up to see Rhonda, she jumps straight to the chase, and seems to know exactly what it is I've come to receive guidance on. I used to be a little taken back by her accuracy, now I just have a calm sense of Trust about the path Rhonda sees ahead for me, and I know that path would have been so different without her help.

    Don't let other phony psychics spoil your chance to experience something really incredible, something deeper than the (sometimes dry) surface of society/life. I really hope these readings can continue for a long time. Being able to record the session allows you to listen over and over, which is true value.

    Forever grateful.


  • Natalie, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    I highly, highly recommend this amazing woman 😊 Wow is all I can say !!!!

    I have been seeing Rhonda and receiving her support and guidance for the last 12 years and my life has been enriched, by having the privilege of receiving her direction. Rhonda’s accuracy and help with events that have unfolded in my life over the years, has been second to none, and having the tools to be able to deal with these situations has been so helpful. I found it important to remember over the years, that Spirit will tell you what you need to hear on that day, at that particular time and if you listen, and go and do the work, then you will reap the rewards.

    It wasn’t always what I wanted to hear, but I needed to hear it and take it on board. If you are thinking of going to see Rhonda, please, please do.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for always being there xxx


  • Fiona, Los Angeles, California, USA.

    I found Rhonda’s Reading incredibly helpful and healing. She was able to break down the patterns in my family, that I wasn’t even aware of and I gained a new perspective on my life, and approach to current, and future relationships.

    I believe Rhonda’s Reading will be life changing for me and I have already recommended her to close friends, whom I feel will benefit the same way I did ❤️

  • Joy, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    Wow! What a very special and gifted woman Rhonda is. She was absolutely mind blowing in her accuracy with my reading. I found a great deal of direction and clarification from my meeting with her and my life has taken on a new energy for which I am truly grateful for.

    Rhonda is the real deal; I thoroughly recommend her if you are genuinely ready to listen and embrace her guidance.

  • Veneesha, Robina, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda’s gift has been an incredible blessing and I’ve been fortunate enough to have had Readings by her throughout the past few years. They have given me closure, strength, direction and her invaluable insight is a gift that is unparalleled to any other.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for all that you do. Your guidance has, and will continue to, forge me into becoming the best version of myself.

    Much love,


  • Malcolm, Los Angeles, California, USA.

    I have had three Readings so far with Rhonda since I found her via her website, and this testimonial is long overdue! However, whilst I have been recommending her to friends and family, all of whom have been grateful, the journey I’ve been on since seeking her out has been a profound one and only now, after almost two years, do I feel like I’m approaching the competence or clarity in various parts of my life that Rhonda herself helped point me towards, so only now do I feel qualified to write a testimonial.

    When I first found Rhonda, it was at a fairly intense time when my dad had just passed on and I’d had a breakup at the same time. She was able to convey from my dad things that he hadn’t been able to see or tell me before, and this was very comforting and reassuring to hear. Rhonda also brought up that not only was he still with me and the rest of my family, but that he wanted to confirm that I had indeed sensed this, describing an episode I’d had just days before: whilst bawling my eyes out on my bed, I felt a peaceful, clear, loving presence, and knew it was him.

    Then she nailed me for my atrocious record in relationships. I could write a book about them, but let’s just say that while I’m far from perfect, I had become notorious for having extremely troubled and troublesome partners who would ultimately devastate me. Rhonda was able to pin down all the ways I was failing to look after myself and why, whether in choice of partner, in recognizing red flags, in understanding the significance of red flags, or in acting on red flags. She did not let me leave until I could confirm to her that I fully understood both my behaviors and their consequences; everything that she had covered. This may sound straightforward, but it took a good while for her to get it all through my thick skull. I am thankful every day for her profound insight and her firm, compassionate persistence.

    Rhonda also understood that I would need to go on a journey with this, a healing one where I would find love and compassion for myself before I could properly move forwards in life. In my subsequent readings she has been very encouraging and reassuring, able to tell that I have been going deep, my heart more open, doing the work I have to do, and making progress. It has ended up being a much deeper and broader confrontation with myself than I envisaged, far beyond what triggered it and that which was discussed, and far harder! I’ve had so many changes, though, and all for the better, so I can’t imagine having not done it. In fact, by now I am actually feeling good about most things in my life and am going about life as a kinder person to myself, more aware of things that used to catch me out, with much more awareness of who I am and want to be, and with better boundaries and support structures, as well as more faith in things than ever! I attribute the beginning of setting about accomplishing all this to Rhonda’s reading.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for setting me on course!

  • Bianca, Milan, Italy.

    Rhonda, I cannot thank you enough for our Readings when Dad passed away, especially the midnight special, where you went waaaaaayyy above and beyond. Not only that, while reflecting, I can see the amount of work you did in getting me to a place where I have spent quality time with Dad and could be in a space without guilt or regret when he died.

    So, thank you Rhonda, I feel very lucky.

  • Bianca, Ontario, Canada.

    I first spoke to Rhonda 9 years ago as she was repeatedly recommended to me by friends. When we spoke, I took what she said on board but was still determined to force a dead-end relationship to work. In the months after our reading things kept on happening where I thought 'Rhonda said that would happen...she was right after all.' Fast forward nearly 10 years and I'm living my best life and have her guidance to thank for that.

    Among my circle of friends, Rhonda has become known as 'Never Wrong Rhonda' and it's usually said with a knowing look after one of her predictions comes to show itself, weeks, months or years later. I always hear a little 'told ya!' in the back of my head and her boisterous laugh.

    Thank you, Never Wrong Rhonda, for all of your support. You're a treasure!

  • Leona, Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia.

    I saw Rhonda recently and was amazed at how as she spoke about my loved ones, I instantly knew she was right. It was like all my thoughts were confirmed. Rhonda was spot on and there is no way she could have known certain things that came up. I was very interested in messages she told me of the future regarding family also. I will definitely return in the near future, as this has been life changing to me.

    Thank you, Rhonda,


  • Coral, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would recommend Rhonda; she is spot on with her Readings.

  • Aimee, Formerly of the Gold Coast, Queensland, now Great Britain.

    Rhonda was recommended to me by my mother, and has done 3 or 4 readings for me over the last 3 years. My experiences with Rhonda are that she is direct, scarily accurate and aims to help the people she reads for reach their FULL potential. She encouraged me to take a huge step by moving internationally on my own, and promised me I would meet my soul mate overseas. I made the move and within 6 weeks met my future husband. The reading was accurate down to the letter. Rhonda doesn't seem to pander to most people’s sensibilities, which I can imagine may be tough for some people.

    If you are ready to take responsibility for your choices, are open minded to guidance from Spirit, then you will no doubt have an incredible experience.

  • Alyana, Paradise Point, Queensland, Australia.

    I came to write a comment about Rhonda's reading and an amazing healing she has done for me and show my humble gratitude towards her work. Rhonda is a woman who goes above and beyond every single day to help people and she is the kindest person, with a heart of gold. I have never come across a woman as kind as her,her spiritual character and her respectable, pure and caring nature is something to behold. An experience with Rhonda is a spiritual and a life changing experience.

    I found Rhonda at the time of my life where I found myself hopeless, living a life filled with so much misery and sadness, with having no one to seek help from. I could say that I was a lost woman. Quite honestly, I did not want to be on this planet anymore, as I was tired of pushing on with having no direction in my life and constantly fighting for a bit of justice and happiness. As I was extremely skeptical about seeing any clairvoyant at that time, I thought I would go just once and see what happens. So, I went and saw Rhonda, and I haven't stopped seeing her since! And when I left Rhonda’s place, I left feeling hopeful and happy. I asked her if I needed to see her again and she said you would know if you need to see me again, Spirit will tell you. Her humility and her selflessness amazed me.

    I have been coming to Rhonda regularly for five years, and Rhonda has saved my life. When it comes to living a life filled with love, joy and happiness and being a woman who has developed independence and strength, every penny spent is worth it and that help is invaluable. Rhonda’s words and messages aren’t from her, they are from Spirit, Period! Rhonda changed my life because I allowed myself to open up and receive the guidance. I didn’t go to listen to what I wanted to hear, rather I went to listen to anything that Spirit had to say to me, and that is the attitude we should all have when we see Rhonda. To be open, and to be willing to hear the messages, and to be willing to do the work to make the change in our lives.

    When we choose to see Rhonda, we should empty ourselves of any attachments or ego. We should have humility, as we would be in the presence of Spirit seeking guidance. To those who are reading testimonials for feedback, I can tell you that Rhonda is genuine. I highly recommend Rhonda as her work will change you. Rhonda is now also offering healing to those who are looking for a good healer and I can say that she is the best healer that I have ever met. Rhonda’s reading is 100% accurate and everything she has said to me over the past five years have come true and I am very happy and grateful that I had listened to the guidance as I am in a much better place that I was before and I can see that things are beginning to shift. Rhonda shares the truth and she is extremely kind, going out of her way to help people to have a better life. No words can be adequate enough to express my gratitude.

    My humble and loving regards to dear Rhonda.

    Forever grateful, Alyana xx

  • Tarah, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda is one the most amazing women I have come across in my lifetime and I was destined to meet Rhonda & Spirit. I have had 9 Readings over the past 3 years & both Rhonda & Spirit have help me with closure, guidance & peace. I could not recommend anyone who is so in tuned with the spiritual world. I can’t Thank you enough Rhonda & Spirit for all you have helped me with, I am truly blessed to have come across you in my journey. Xx Xx
  • Pat, Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia.

    I had a phone Reading with Rhonda and " WOW " she is so genuine, as she brings very clear messages through Spirit.

    Rhonda has helped me so much by her messages from Spirit, it blows me away. I was holding a lot of hurt in my soul, and for Spirit to know, and help me, was a life saver, for knowing I was not alone, and helping me to look forward. I already have moved forward with my life, and am now more peaceful with myself. I shared my Reading with my hubby, and one of my sons and his girl, and they were blow away with the Reading, and they now know the circumstances I was carrying, and I now have them fully back in my life thanks to Rhonda and Spirit.

    I have a long way to go, but now I’m not alone, I have Rhonda, and Spirit, there in my life forever also. Rhonda and Spirit have been a game changer for me, and will be in constant contact, I cant praise her enough.

    I hope Rhonda knows by Spirit, how much she has helped me, and many other people out there.....

    Thank you, thank you xxxxx


  • Grace, Billinudgell, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, just wanting to thank you for the Powerful insightful Fire cracker and listened to Reading to cement it in to live it. I hope you got the rain yesterday.

    Blessings !!


  • Sam,Noosa Heads, Queensland.

    I want to thank you for your honesty, your willingness to make time for me, and telling me things that I needed to hear. This has been so life changing for me. I was a bit gob smacked and was just taking it all in, so sorry if I seemed a bit blanked face. You nailed so many things on the head for me, that I never thought anyone could know.

    I won’t forget this. I have your recording and your details in case I feel I need a re-visit in the future. Thank you again.

  • Kate, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

    "I have had 2 face to face Readings and one phone Reading with Rhonda. I have found Rhonda's Readings amazing. Incredibly accurate for the present and the future.

    My Readings with Rhonda were at points in time when I was at crossroads in my life. Her guidance was invaluable and absolutely perfect for what I needed to hear at that time but also so relevant for future events. I would find myself thinking months down the track, “Oh Rhonda said this would happen" which I had forgotten about as a particular event would unfold.

    I have been on my spiritual journey for many years, so I feel confident in my ability to discern when someone is authentic and genuine in their work. Rhonda in my opinion is a gifted clairvoyant. She is able to access higher level information and very accurate.

    I will continue to see Rhonda when I feel guided by Spirit to do so.

    Many blessings Rhonda, and thank you for your service"


  • Catie, Lennox Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have seen Rhonda twice now.

    The first time I met with her, Rhonda had some very important, life changing messages for me. At the time, the messages seemed completely irrelevant to what was happening in my life, but if I had not taken any notice of her advice, my life now would have been in complete turmoil.


    am truly grateful for how Rhonda has help me, and now since I have taken her advice, things worked out very well.

    Rhonda is definitely the real deal.

    Thank you Rhonda, you changed my life.

  • Leanne, Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.

    I was told about Rhonda by an acquaintance, we aren't close but I felt this insatiable need to make a booking with Rhonda. I sent the required photos, and waited with baited breath for my appointment time. I held some reservations, as I had in my head what I wanted to know, and where I thought the Reading would head. I was so awestruck by the knowledge, understanding, clarity and information Rhonda was able to share with me.

    There were things Rhonda knew, that couldn't be "googled" or "guessed" and there was no room for misinterpretation. I am so happy with what Rhonda and Spirit were able to tell me, and this will not be my last Reading. I have had Readings in the past with other people, but I would highly recommend Rhonda to everyone. Her no sh!t approach and her personality are refreshing and very grounding.

    So, THANK YOU, Rhonda.

    Thank you for the appointment, thank you for the Reading, and thank you for the clarity.



  • Viera, Tugan, Queensland, Australia.

    I had my first Reading last week with Rhonda. I have been having Readings for more years than I wish to mention! Although now in Spirit, my sister was a Clairvoyant and a very good one, so I consider myself a pretty good judge of authenticity. Rhonda answered every question I needed answers to, without me saying a word. There were things said during my Reading that confirmed without doubt her contact with Spirit. I left with a weight lifted from my shoulders and a knowledge of how I needed to respond to my circumstances. Rhonda is certainly the Bee's Knees !!!! Professional, direct and certainly now, my “go to" person. In a word, “ Brilliant “
  • Chantelle, Beverly Hills, California.

    I have been working with Rhonda for 3 years now, and in that time have managed to completely turn my love life around, and move my career forward in a way that I could never have imagined. It wasn't easy hearing what Spirit wanted me to hear at first, and you have to put in the work, but it absolutely pays off. Last year I met, and fell in love with, my soul mate, I am in a really good place business wise, and my personal, and business relationships have all changed for the better.

    I would recommend working with Rhonda for anyone who is in need of a change, and needs some guidance and clarity.


  • Lulu, Paradise Point, Queensland, Australia.

    I have such gratitude for the healing I received through Rhonda and Spirit recently, it was, and continues to be, transformational.

    Rhonda's messages were forthright, honest and heartfelt, and now I understand my Life Path more so and her Heavenly channel provided clarity to what I have always understood deep within me, yet I doubted myself.

    Rhonda, you are a true healer.

    Many blessings to you Rhonda.

    It has been an experience I will hold dear for always.


  • Bianca, Vancouver, Canada.

    I first spoke to Rhonda 9 years ago as she was repeatedly recommended to me by friends. When we spoke, I took what she said on board but was still determined to force a dead-end relationship to work. In the months after our Reading, things kept on happening where I thought “Rhonda said that would happen...she was right after all.”

    Fast forward nearly 10 years and I'm living my best life, and have Rhonda’s guidance to thank for that. Amongst my circle of friends, Rhonda has become known as 'Never Wrong Rhonda' and it's usually said with a knowing look after one of her predictions comes to show itself, weeks, months or years later. I always hear a little 'told ya!' in the back of my head and her boisterous laugh. Thank you, Never Wrong Rhonda, for all of your support.

    You are a treasure!

  • Olivia, Milan, Italy.

    I have had five readings with Rhonda over the last few years, and since beginning my Readings in 2015, they are something I look forward to. Where I was once very anxious about my future and nervous to make decisions myself, I know have the added help and assurance from Spirit, through Rhonda. After each Reading, I come away feeling light, excited for my future, and more comfortable with the stage I am currently in, living my life. Rhonda is very nurturing, without being condescending and ensures you hear what you need to hear.

    I cannot recommend Rhonda highly enough, my anxiety and fears have lessened, and I feel a greater sense of power with Rhonda's guidance.

  • Denise, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have recently had a reading from Rhonda, she was highly recommended from a family member and I would definitely highly recommend Rhonda to all that wish to have a Reading and guidance that is open, honest and down to earth. I believe my Reading will change my life in regards to health, internal, emotional issues, and a greater outlook on my life ahead.

    Thank you Rhonda

  • Nancy, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

    I want to thank you for your honesty, your willingness to make time for me, and telling me things that I needed to hear. This has been so life changing for me. I was a bit gob smacked and was just taking it all in, so sorry if I seemed a bit blanked face. You nailed so many things on the head for me, things that I never thought anyone could know. I won’t forget this. I have your recording, and your details, in case I feel I need a re-visit in the future.

    Thank you again.

  • Grace, Coffs harbour, New South Wales, Australia.

    I found Rhonda through the internet. What resonated for me was her experience, spiritual counselling abilities and most importantly she emphasized that the truth is given. I know my heart was open for real insights and Rhonda gave me aspects to work on within. I have had several Readings with Rhonda, with each one going deeper into understanding what needs to be developed.

    I really do feel blessed, that when I need greater spiritual understanding, I can gain clarity, with a very clear, loving medium, Rhonda.

  • Renae, Jindabyne, New South wales, Australia.

    I have been chatting to Rhonda for about 8 years now.

    The insights, motivation and wisdom she inspires me with to live my best life are usually exactly what I need to hear. I always feel comforted and loved by the messages Spirit sends me and each and every time a loved one lets me know they are with me. I usually talk to Rhonda when I feel I 'need' a bit of a kick in the butt or just when I am feeling a little lost on my path. She always, always helps me find the direction I need.

    Don't hesitate to have a reading with Rhonda, I highly recommend it if, and when you need a little clarity.

  • Emily, Afghanistan.

    Over the past year, Rhonda has completely blown my mind and changed the entire world as I knew it, in many, many ways, both in person and over the phone. Rhonda is unwavering in her honesty, brilliant in her guidance, and shocking with her inherent knowledge and expertise. She has channelled family members (with tells to prove beyond a doubt that it was them) who imposed a psychic intervention to bring my life back on track after being derailed for decades. Rhonda has provided invaluable, unusual health analyses for short or long term issues which were always supported by western medicine later, and she has provided coherent insight into underlying issues that had been either repressed or had taken over for years.

    Rhonda has an extremely rare and unique ability to show what you need most to see at that particular time (especially if you don't want to go there!), and always with the life lessons at the forefront, and longer term abundance in mind, breaking boundaries that all other experts hadn't been able to transgress. She also goes the next step and works with you to develop strategies at to how to go about addressing them, creating change and working on very specific techniques to maximise what you've got. Feedback from others showed that I've gone from being angry, depressed and with insurmountable writing blocks, to manifesting everything I wanted - new job, new place, new challenge - with high energy, good vibrations, and a second novel on the way.

    Thank you a million, Rhonda for sticking it out 🙂

    Warm regards,


  • Barbora, Munich, Germany.

    "I talked to Rhonda this week on the phone for the first time, and I’m so happy I did. I couldn’t move on with my life for over a year, and speaking to Rhonda helped me so much. I finally can let go, see the direction and know what I’m supposed to do, and most importantly, I feel motivated and happy again. Based on the photos I sent, I got very accurate and important information about my relationships, family, job and a lot of advice for the future. Rhonda encouraged me to do what I only subconsciously felt I should, to have the life and love I desire. She also pointed out a few health issues, which I wasn’t aware of and am definitely going to have checked by a homeopath as advised, the same goes for my dad. I’m very thankful and grateful for having the opportunity to speak and listen to Rhonda. I’ll definitely book another session with Rhonda in the near future. Thank you so much!"

  • Jenny, Robina, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I wanted to send you an email to thank you for our call this afternoon. It helped give me a wakeup call on my direction of life and also some guidance on what I want my next steps to be.

    I enjoyed speaking with you as well as your Spirit and I’m happy to hear that my dad was also present.

    Thank you so much Rhonda!!

    Kind Regards,


  • Fay, Valletta, Malta.

    Hello Rhonda, my beautiful guardian angel and Kevin. May the new year be filled with love, joy and happiness for you both and your loved ones. Thank you for all your love, care and support and the connection. I am recreated and my life is reshaped by your hard work and sincere dedication. I am here on this planet as a strong capable independent woman because of you.

    Love you heaps Rhonda.


  • Lauren, California, United States of America.

    Hi Rhonda

    Happy New Year. Thank you for all the help you and Spirit gave me last year! It was such a great year of growth and change and I so appreciate your guidance. It’s been life altering to be able to work with you and Spirit.

    Can’t wait for 2019!

    Talk soon.



  • Andy, Keilor, Victoria, Australia.

    I Just wanted to say thank you for my Reading yesterday. It was amazing, and very emotional for me. I have done what you suggested and sent the voice message. Hearing certain people are sorry for the way things turned out was probably what meant the most. I am sure I will come back for another Reading later on. Thank you, Rhonda.  
  • Jill, Northern Rivers, New South wales, Australia.

    My name is Jill, and I was fortunate to have a reading with you about a month ago now, on a Monday morning. I just wanted to thank you for your time, your Reading was exceptional and you've set me on the right path. Also, I really appreciated your professional advice on some of the establishments in my area, as you confirmed what I was thinking. Hope you are well and I will be referring some clients to you, only the nice ones of course. Take care and thank you again.

    Kind regards,


  • Carina, Kangaroo Point, Queensland, Australia.

    I was at a party, and a friend of a friend was telling me all these incredible, unbelievable stories about this physic he had been too, and the stories from her Reading matched the events that were to come, they were so accurate, that they couldn’t possibly have been true.

    So, I put Rhonda’s name in my phone, just in case I ever needed it, or wanted to explore it further. This person’s stories stuck with me until I finally made an appointment with Rhonda… and what was to come in the Readings my partner, his brother, and myself separately had, were all accurate and in some sense elaborate, and couldn’t possibly be true… However, one warning Rhonda did give, was of an accident, where someone would come close to death, but would be unscratched as their Grandmother would look after them. It was 2 weeks later, and everyone was asleep, and we got the call, that my brother in law had been in a car accident where there is a cliff both sides (we know someone who died going over one of the cliffs nearly in that exact spot) hitting another car, and spinning out of control, only to hit the small amount of wall separating the two cliffs. He was unscratched, a little shaken, and the car was written off, his grandmother had taken care of him just as Rhonda had said.

    So, we’re all very quickly believers. Also in this Reading, Rhonda said to both brothers, that their cousin (who passes at around 20 in a car accident) wanted their mum to come to Rhonda, so after the car accident with my brother in law, my mother in law, went to see Rhonda, their cousin came through again, and said his father (her brother) would be hard to convince, but that he needed to come to see Rhonda, to get some closure during that Reading , where they did get all the closure they needed.

    Rhonda stopped the Reading, and started writing something down, she then apologized and continued the reading they had come for. At the end of the reading, they asked why she stopped, and what she had written down. Rhonda told them she had been helping to look for a missing teenage boy, and their son had told her where he was with great detail. They didn’t give it a second thought, until I answered the phone a few hours later, and it was Rhonda, asking if I could give them a message, that the boy had been found, exactly where their son had said (in dense bush land) and sure enough, we turned the local news on and there was the story of the missing teenage boy being found.

    So these are just two of our family’s stories with Rhonda. We were all sceptics before too many things she had said came true, and she picked up on all the family dynamics. If your considering having a physic Reading, we can all testify that we wouldn’t go anywhere else. I love when we refer people to Rhonda, probably 40-50 people, friends, families, and friends of friends, all get in touch with me once they have heard a few of the experiences we’ve had with Rhonda. Every one we’ve referred to Rhonda has had just as incredible stories to tell. So if you’re wondering… make an appointment, and go see what all the fuss is about… you’ll have your own stories to tell about your incredible, unbelievable experiences, getting your own Readings done by Rhonda.

  • SK, Wellington, New Zealand.

    I would recommend Rhonda to anyone, she was very clear and concise and picked up causal factors that were important for me to know about. As well as picking up on things I needed to be warned of so as to create a better future with some situations in my life with family and people.

    Rhonda does not muck around, but goes straight to the core, as well as giving helpful advice for health issues.

    Thank you so much Rhonda, I gratefully appreciate your assistance.

    Best Wishes,


  • Mandy, Sandringham, Victoria, Australia.

    I had a Reading with Rhonda about 2 years ago now and at the time whilst some of it was making sense to me, a lot of it was not. I was feeling quite confused as the Reading went on and I left there feeling as though the Reading was perhaps not meant for me. I didn't really know how else to explain it. After thinking about it for a little while I then decided to email Rhonda. I asked for a refund and explained that I didn't feel the reading was meant for me at all. Rhonda replied explaining that this was the information she was asked to relay to me and that there would be no refund. I was a little deterred by this, but then just decided to put it out of my mind and carry on. About 18 months later little things started to happen in my life that were sounding really familiar to me and this prompted me to re listen to my recorded Reading with Rhonda. I couldn't believe my ears, nearly everything Rhonda had said to me in that hour had either happened or was happening in my life at this exact time. It was as though she was Reading exactly two years into my future and this was why none of it made sense at the time. I felt the urge to email Rhonda an apology about the requested refund almost 2 years earlier and explain that everything she said to me that day was now happening in my life! Rhonda truly has a gift - it is amazing how spot on she is and how true the messages are that Rhonda receives, whether it's for that moment or another time coming up in your life. I highly, highly recommend Rhonda x Thanks, Mandy
  • Liz, Suffolk Park, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    I had a reading with Rhonda the other day. I had been recommended to see Rhonda by someone whose opinion I value and I was not disappointed. Rhonda was straight to the point, and full of accurate and validating information. I found this enormously helpful, and I will absolutely be booking another Reading with her when I next feel I need some further insights.

    Thank you, Rhonda.


  • Melanie, Runaway Bay, Queensland, Queensland.

    Rhonda was wonderful and I found her advice invaluable.

    I thought Rhonda was very honest without being to blunt or brutal and I will be seeking her out again.

    Thanks so much.


  • Michelle, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you, Rhonda, you changed my life.

    Your intuitive messages and help quite literally enabled me to take new directions in my journey.

    I had been stuck in a very dark place, without hope or light for the future. You helped me understand the changes I needed to make to finally lead a happy and healthy life. Thank you for the work you do, I know you have helped myself and many others with your honesty and unique understanding.

    I am blessed to have met you.

    Michelle xox

  • Chrys, Point Cook,Victoria, Australia.

    I was already optimistic (I heard about Rhonda from my girlfriend’s daughter) about this reading via a phone call and it surpassed everything I thought it would be. My reading was intense, and very confronting in parts, just what I needed to hear.

    Sometimes I lose sight of all that I have, and Rhonda through Spirit made me stop and re-think about what, and who I have in my life. I truly appreciate being told these ‘home truths’ and already I am changing my tack on how I am dealing with my family, friends and acquaintances.

    I feel immense gratitude that Rhonda was able to give me this Reading, I have and will, recommend to any of my family and friends who want this service. I hope my reading was not too exhausting on Rhonda, I feel this is very challenging work and I’m glad we have people like Rhonda who have this amazing connection with Spirit.

    Thank you again Rhonda, I will be talking with you again soon.

    Take care


  • Brett, Brisbane, Queensland, and Darwin, Australia.

    “I first saw Rhonda back in 2013, and it was one of the most surreal conversations I have ever had. It wasn’t just discussing my future, but also highlighting what was already right in front of me, that I just couldn’t see.

    I have had 2 more phone sessions with Rhonda since (as I moved away) and they are just as effective. Each time these sessions have helped guide me back to my desired path and made me realize how much control I have over my life.

    The information can sometimes be confronting but it’s always delivered with kindness.

    I will continue to see Rhonda for guidance and I highly recommend giving her a call."


  • Jeannie, Kirra, Queensland, Australia.

    I recently had a need to see Rhonda and she didn’t disappoint. I was amazed at what Rhonda knew and saw in the cards,it was spot on, and I came away absolutely gob smacked.

    The care in the way Rhonda delivered the Reading was just lovely.

    I am a massive fan.

    Thank you


  • Rachael, Northern Rivers, New South Wales,Australia.

    I have had 2 readings with Rhonda, and have recommended her to both family and friends.

    I would recommend Rhonda to anyone wanting a reading, however, I would advise people to be prepared for the messages Spirit may have for you, as Spirit does tell Rhonda what you need to hear and not always what you want to hear.

    Rhonda was extremely accurate in both my Readings, and asked me to play my second Reading to my husband as she had some important messages to give him.

    My husband had always been a huge sceptic, but after listening to my Reading, he was blown away by her accuracy, and is now also a believer in Rhonda’s amazing gift.

    Kind Regards,


  • Colleen, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I've had three Readings with Rhonda for the past three years on my birthday, the first Reading in person and then two subsequent telephone Readings.

    Normally I wouldn't consider a telephone Reading, but having met Rhonda in person and realised how genuine and accurate she is, I knew she'd be just as accurate over the phone.

    Rhonda really is a very gifted psychic.

    On each of the occasions I've had a Reading, I've been left shaking my head and thinking "But how did she know?!"

    I'd most definitely recommend Rhonda and I intend to keep up the new birthday tradition that I have established in the coming years.



  • Alicia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    I have lost count of the number of times I have seen Rhonda over the years now. Always insightful, accurate and to the point, Rhonda and Spirit help me see what I need to see at various points in my life that allow me to move forward, in a more beneficial way. I am truly grateful for the guidance and wisdom that I have received.

    Rhonda is also great for a laugh and I love her warmth in delivery, even if some information is hard to swallow sometimes

    . I can’t recommend Rhonda enough!


  • Yuki, Tokyo, Japan and Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda helped me wake up to my truth when I had rose colored glasses over my eyes. Even though the truth can hurt, ultimately the truth sets you free! I crossed over the ocean, moved internationally twice in the last 6 months in order to overcome the darkest secrets in my family. Rhonda's genuine encouragement helped me get through this. Rhonda is very professional and impartial at the same time, and this quality makes her the best interpreter (medium) for Spirit and us. I have experienced phone Readings while in Japan and then face to face Readings when in Australia and I openly recommend Rhonda to show you the map and choices of your destiny. I am forever thankful. Yuki
  • Ksenia, Moscow, Russia.

    I had a reading with Rhonda a year ago, and the guidance she gave me really helped me to make the right decisions in life, critical and important decisions, that turn out to be right ones. With international readings, it is difficult to trust somebody whom you haven’t seen, but once the reading starts, it becomes clear that (1) Rhonda knows circumstances and people better than you; (2) Rhonda is very kind-hearted and well-wishing and (3) Rhonda's advice is very clear, rational and positive. It is my huge luck that I got a personal reference to Rhonda’s website from a friend, and I can recommend her to anybody willing to have a positive change in life.

  • Toby, Los Angeles, United States of America.

    I have had 2 Readings with Rhonda and have found both to be extremely helpful! Sometimes, we need to hear the voice of someone who has no vested interest in the outcome, that is to say, you are handed information direct from Source or Spirit. I was happy that my daughter told me to record my session and how to do that most effectively as it has been instrumental for me to re-play the sessions and listen again, more deeply, more openly. I recommend this for any person who is searching for Truth! All my best, Toby.
  • Belinda, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.

    After some initial challenges with getting my photos to Rhonda (cheeky Spirit testing us!), the insights I got in the session more than made up for this. I was blown away by the accuracy of the messages Rhonda got about my family, past relationships and how those patterns play out in my current life. As someone who has had a few underwhelming experiences with various readings in the past, Rhonda was able to tell me things that there was no way she could have ‘made up’ based on a few photographs or my responses.

    The insights have given me clarity around some emotional blocks that I’ve been seeking help with for years, so I really feel that I can finally move forward with this information.

    Thank you, Rhonda, (and Spirit!)

  • Kimberly, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.

    I went to Rhonda as I wanted to find out a bit more of where I was heading in the future. Rhonda enlightened me on past issues that I didn't even realize were still influencing me in my current life - it was a great revelation. Rhonda was great she was straight forward and forthcoming with her delivery of what Spirit wanted to tell me. I'll admit I didn't like everything that spirit conveyed to me but it was like the old saying goes, the truth hurts, and Rhonda's Reading was spot on. I would recommend Rhonda to anyone for a genuine Reading as she is truly an intuitive Reader.
  • Carolyn, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    I visited Rhonda after a recommendation from a friend. She made me feel very welcome and I was immediately at ease. Rhonda could never have known any details of what she told me and I verified that she was correct. She was amazing and accurate.

    Since then, things have come to fruition and I think back to what Rhonda told me. Thank you, Rhonda, for having such a great gift. I was very happy with my reading.

  • Ashleigh, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    What a true gift Rhonda has. I have had readings with her over the course of 8 years now and have lost count of the number of friends I have recommended her to. Even the biggest sceptics cannot deny the insightful guidance that Rhonda and Spirit provides. My husband, who was once a sceptic himself, is now someone who recommends Rhonda to his colleagues!

    Thank you for sharing your gift with us Rhonda.

  • Kellie, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia.

    I would just like to thank you for the reading I had with you recently, as since that day so many things you told me have come to fruition, and I am so blessed that your reading has given me the strength and direction I needed.

    I must admit, when I walked out I was quite overwhelmed and shocked, thinking how could these things happen to me, but now I can put things into perspective, and carry on, and also, they have panned out differently than I had perceived.

  • Julie, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been to Rhonda twice and after seeing many clairvoyants over the years I found Rhonda to be the best. Rhonda’s accuracy is amazing which endorses her special gift. I find that Rhonda goes the extra mile with her interest and care in whom she Reads.
  • Cindy, Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Australia.

    Thank you again for the super insightful reading Rhonda - your energy and time is appreciated far more than I could express.

    I will digest all of the information carefully so that I am prepared in the best way I can for what Spirit brings to us going forward 😇

    Lots of love and gratitude


  • Tami, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    “I have found Rhonda’s Readings invaluable. My family has gone through many difficulties and Rhonda has been able to give me Readings that change the course. Her readings have provided me insight to save our family from those who were leading us the wrong way. I found Rhonda’s Reading not only helpful and practical, but most importantly, accurate. Wishing everyone the same outcomes.”



  • Rocia, Spain, Europe.

    It has been the third time Rhonda has done a reading for me and she is just incredible.

    Every piece of advice, every word, every gesture of care is genuine and so, so, so helpful.

    I am so thankful to Rhonda for opening my eyes and helping guide me through the right path, with the right people.

    Wishing Rhonda all the best!

    Kindest Regards,


  • Louise, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    I have had two awful clairvoyant Readings in the past. One was a gift from someone, and it was very obvious that the reader had been paid extra to say certain things. The other spent most of the hour talking about herself! After hearing all about Rhonda for a few years from my mother-in-law, I was ready to have a more serious Reading. Rhonda did not disappoint! Her accuracy was absolutely incredible. I love the fact that she doesn’t waste time and gives as much as she can for the hour. Some things from “Spirit” were quite confronting, but Rhonda has a great ability to counsel through Spirit and I left the session knowing exactly what I needed to do to make positive change in my life, it was an absolute pleasure. I am very grateful to Rhonda for going out of her way to fit me in at such short notice last Saturday. I would recommend Rhonda in a heartbeat and I look forward to seeing her again in the future. Kindest Regards, Louise
  • Tracy, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I have seen Rhonda for guidance over the past 8 years. The information that she channels directly from Spirit is crystal clear. It is direct and to the point. If you don't understand it, then Rhonda takes the time to make sure that you do. Rhonda is authentic and professional. There is nothing flaky or wishy-washy about this incredible service that she provides. Even if some of the information doesn't resonate with you at the time, trust, that given the fullness of time, it will most definitely come to fruition. (every time) I wouldn't consider going to see anyone else, as I appreciate Rhonda's integrity and straight-talking approach. Rhonda has shone a light on areas of my life that has helped me navigate through. I can highly recommend Hands of Destiny for your next Reading. It is like Spiritual Counselling at the highest level. Thank you 🙏 Tracy
  • Nicola, Chevron Island, Queensland, Australia.

    I visited Rhonda in September 2016 following six months of trying for a baby and three cycles of ovulation tracking. Rhonda and Spirit picked up on the amount of stress the process was having on me, and on the relationship with my husband. They advised me that I will have my babies, but to take a break, enjoy the summer and repair the bond between my husband and me. I went home and disclosed the whole conversation to him. We had a wonderful summer and reconnected. A few months later, we started trying again, and it worked first time! I'm now 7 months pregnant and anticipating the arrival of our first daughter.

    Thank you to Rhonda and Spirit for getting us back on track, taking the anxiety out of the whole process and helping us to make it happen!

  • Kim, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    I was drawn to Rhonda at a particular time of life, via a Google search - very strange indeed and it felt like I was being guided to her (not having met with a psychic or anybody similar ever before). We ended up meeting at a time of '9am on the 9th', which Rhonda said meant new beginnings and was a sign I was being guided pretty actively. Upon meeting Rhonda, I wasn't at all surprised that she looked almost exactly as I'd envisioned since speaking with her on the phone. Doesn't mean everybody needs to have that telephonic/visual connection, but certainly provided me with belief from the start. I'd recommend everybody go in there with full open hearts and strong belief, as scepticism will be a major blocker and time waster for you - Rhonda is the real deal, so start off with trust and you'll have an amazing experience. The reading was so insightful and covered so many facets of life, correctly relaying facts and attributes of my nature and of my loved ones/past loved ones - even things I was inventing for my work, which were not even public knowledge to friends. The information Rhonda passed through about my future was shocking (in a great way) - not only this, but I actually found her very gentle in her direct approach and she ensured I knew there were steps to take before my best life could be achieved. Then she gave me detail on the steps to pursue, which I'm following to the letter. The actual steps are so specific and very user friendly, modern. Audiobooks, references, supplements, specific types of alternative healers and advice that honours the mind/body connection. I absolutely cannot wait to see where I go with this and I have the recording to listen to time and time again, each listen is bringing new meaning. You leave Rhonda feeling like you are 100% being watched over and guided - which is a wonderful feeling, as well as me now realising it is true. The value you receive from Rhonda is immense and I will definitely be reconnecting for another in the short term. I would highly recommend a visit or long-distance connection with Rhonda! Kind Regards, Kim.
  • Natasha, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    Hi Rhonda, Guess what - I had the interview for the job yesterday and I found out this afternoon that I’ve got it!!!!!! So happy! Competition was really strong. Can’t quite believe it’s real! Thank you so much, Rhonda. This is life changing. I am really excited about my next steps and Thank you, to you, and Spirit for believing in me, and helping me to believe in myself. You really have pushed me to be my best, and take the opportunities that are out there for me. Take care. Natasha. Xxxx
  • Shannon, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia.

    WOW !!! not sure where to start. I've been coming to Rhonda for about 4 years, and she truly holds a great talent of dancing with Spirit. An old friend recommended her, and I knew after some predicated negative events unfolded for her, that Rhonda had to be the real deal. If you're seeking direction in your life, or need assistance from a "broader perspective", you will gain incredible insight from her. Each time I turn up to see Rhonda, she jumps straight to the chase, and seems to know exactly, what it is, I've come to receive guidance on. I used to be a little taken back by her accuracy, now I just have a calm sense of trust about the path she sees ahead for me, and I know that path would have been so different without her help. Don't let other phony psychics spoil your chance to experience something really incredible, something deeper than the (sometimes dry) surface of society/life. I really hope these Readings can continue for a long time. Also, being able to record the session allows you to listen over and over, which is true value. Forever grateful, Shannon
  • Nicole, Chevron Island, Queensland, Australia.

    I was recommended to Rhonda by a girlfriend, who had a very positive experience, and mine was no different. Rhonda is incredibly talented, and I found her reading incredibly insightful, giving me clear action points to work on. I would definitely recommend Rhonda to anyone who is seeking universal guidance... I will definitely be working with Rhonda in the future.

    Kind regards,


  • Lauren, Los Angeles, USA.

    Rhonda is absolutely the best. I have spoken to her three times in a year, and every time Rhonda has new and important information to share with me.

    Each time she has given me great insight into what is happening, and why. Rhonda has always been spot on, and never been wrong with what she has told me. I will continue to speak to her, and gain her insight and knowledge to help guide me on my path.

  • Judy, South Yarra, Victoria.

    I have had several readings with Rhonda over the years, and have found her to be very caring in her delivery and also spot on with her advice and knowledge. For me, I use my readings with Rhonda as a life guide, which works for me. I find a sense of calmness afterward, which I really like.

    Many thanks Rhonda....until next time

  • Oliver, Northern Territory, Australia.

    "I am a 36-year-old husband and father of two (son 6 and daughter 4) living a remote regional centre in Northern Australia. My wife recommended I have a reading after having a couple herself. I had noticed the readings had a positive impact on her, I was interested and open to learning more. I was initially ambivalent about having a reading as I had not had any considerable exposure to, or understanding of, spirit. I went to an all-boys private boarding school where spiritual education was limited to Grace at meal times and Sunday morning Church. Speaking to a clairvoyant is not something I would have considered doing once upon a time. I have had two readings and prior to the first my marriage was on the brink. The way we were treating each other was having an impact on our children, daughter 4 and son 6. Our son had bed wetting issues and our daughter was incredibly bossy and demanding. I was ashamed of how we were behaving toward each other and was incredibly sad and angry about what our relationship had become. We were heading toward an imminent divorce. Rhonda gave me clear advice as to why I behaved and reacted the way I did to certain situations. She was able to pinpoint how and when I had developed the trait and spoke with incredible accuracy, truth and compassion. Once I understood how the environment I was brought up in impacted my current behaviour and thought patterns Rhonda gave some clear advice as to how to grow.

    I listened to the advice and made some changes. My marriage whilst not 10/10 yet has improved dramatically, our son has stopped wetting the bed and our daughter is much more calm and considerate. I feel stronger and more confident and believe the whole experience has had a number of other spin-off benefits including in my workplace.

    If you are in a similar relationship predicament or simply want some advice on how to improve a situation in your life I fully endorse Rhonda. Rhonda maintains a safe and compassionate rapport whilst not shying away from sharing hard truths about what changes are needed to move on.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for helping our family. I will continue to seek your advice well into the future."

  • Anna, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia.

    I heard about Rhonda by word of mouth, I didn't have any pressing questions, but I knew I wanted some answers... if that makes sense. Rhonda is amazing. I have had readings done before, but Rhonda has the truest gift. I look forward to more readings with her.

    Rhonda made me feel at ease - and gave me the hope that I needed.

    Thank you.


  • Larissa, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda was recommended to me, and to be honest, I was very skeptical. I contacted Rhonda, and after speaking with her I still had reservations, but for whatever reason, I went ahead with the reading. “Holy smoke Batman!”, “KAPOW !!” this woman was on the money!!

    Rhonda told me things that were so accurate to my family and situation. Not only did she give me validation, she gave me insight. This Reading wasn’t just about my future or my past, but it was about healing, and finding the best way to move forward. Be warned, Rhonda doesn’t pull any punches, if you need to hear it, she will tell you, whether you like it or not.

    I highly recommend Rhonda!


  • Mandy, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, Thank you so much for the Reading yesterday. It was everything I could have ever wanted in a Reading.
  • Ange, Dubai, United Emirates.

    Hello Rhonda,

    so you know....you're a Queen! You make the lives of everyone you touch more enriched, whether they realize it at first or not.

  • Taz, Miami, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you for being my guardian angel and a beautiful friend. I'm very grateful for your presence in my life. The strength that I have is because of you. No words can describe my gratitude for you Rhonda. You're a heavenly gift. I pray that God shower his love and protection and blessings upon your beautiful home and family continuously.

    Have a great day, and I am already counting down the days to see you next time.

  • Marilyn, Chevron Island, Queensland, Australia.

    While on holiday I felt this pressing need to have a reading. Although I'd never met or heard of Rhonda, I was drawn to her and I wasn't disappointed. (Thanks Dad 😊)

    I was amazed how Rhonda was able to hone in on the issues and doubts I've been experiencing; and answer my questions clearly with no hesitation or ambiguity.

    Rhonda’s insights and messages hit home.

    I left feeling a little stunned at her accuracy, very comforted, and with a clear direction ahead.

    Thank you, very much, Rhonda


  • Tania, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda’s guidance and support has been invaluable, especially when I was going through a prolonged period of difficulty in my life. She provided insight into how things would change if I followed some principles, and while at times I did not believe it, the change came and I was out of difficulty. Her insights are accurate, especially in regards to dealing with people, and her advice is meaningful. She objectively has your best interests at heart.

    Rhonda, Thank you for my session last night. I am feeling much better and a lot clearer.

    Best wishes,


  • Patty, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    A few months ago, I had a reading with Rhonda, let me tell you, my head is still spinning from it, at how accurate Rhonda is. Everything that Rhonda said to me is happening in my life. What I like with Rhonda, she says it how it is.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for a great experience.


  • Julieanne, Uki, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I promise, I am not stalking you!

    I've just been to get an ultrasound and just as you indicated, there's a problem with my left kidney that I haven't noticed yet. You flagged that I'm chronically dehydrated and it transpires that another one of the other issues (gallstones) is a direct result of chronic dehydration. Neither the gall stones nor the kidney, have given me any symptoms as yet – I went in for a liver scan! (Liver looked quite okay). Thank you for the reading, the timing couldn't have been better, as between that, and the ultrasound, I've committed to getting a regular spring water delivery, and plan to get on top of this immediately.

    The other thing that happened, was that my friend has come down with the flu and had booked an appointment with a kinesiologist for today, she has given me her appointment, right when I was thinking I needed to see someone who can clear the underlying emotions attached to these health issues. I had planned to see the naturopath at Vitalis, but it appears the Universe needs me to see Jonathon Dau, kinesiologist, Chinese medicine practitioner and acupuncturist first!

    All the very best,


  • Jess, Brighton, Victoria, Australia.

    I have had many Readings with Rhonda over the last few years. Rhonda has helped me immensely, she helped me understand and process some extremely tough and stressful times in my life. Rhonda was honestly like my therapist over the years, and her accuracy is astonishing. Rhonda is the one I will keep coming back to, because she is the real deal, and has a true gift.

  • Natasha, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    As soon as I met Rhonda and Spirit, I was blown away at the accuracy, and the knowledge given to me. Rhonda was spot on about my family, personalities, and deep feelings within myself I hadn't shared with others. I felt very safe, not judged, inspired and excited about my future. Since having my Reading, I have improved my life positively, and I feel at peace about my future. I will, and have recommended Rhonda to my friends and family as she is definitely the most accurate Reader I have had. My partner, my mother, and my grandmother have all been, and we all highly recommend Rhonda!!

    Thank you, Rhonda, for your magic.


    Natasha xx

  • Julieanne, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, and thank you again for your guidance and honesty today. I know I can always count on your integrity to deliver the "tough love" messages from Spirit, messages that other readers have felt awkward, or have been too tactful or polite to broach properly. Thank you! This guidance has made a huge difference over the past 6 months particularly. There have been noticeable changes and growth that may not have happened but for your reading.

    I have had nothing but great reports from friends who I have recommended to you – even the tough sceptic came away a believer! You gave him a lot to think about, that's for sure.

    I look forward to the next reading,

    Warmest regards,


  • Rachel, Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    I just wanted to thank you soooo much for my Reading the other night!

    You are amazing.

    I can't thank you enough for fitting me in so last minute. You are one of the biggest blessings in my life!

    Rachel ❤️
  • Sophia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help and guidance.

    I first came to you about 3 years ago needing help with finding the right direction in my career. I was faced with the choice of going one of 3 ways. The option that you suggested would be most beneficial to me and facilitate the most self-growth… well to be honest I was sceptical, really sceptical! I was confused and clutching at straws for answers, so thought I’d go with what you were telling me, rather than what my brain and my family were telling me. I now have a position in a career that I never thought imaginable! Thank you You also really helped me when I went through a relationship break up. You certainly didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear, but you steered me on the best path out of what was turning into a dark and gloomy road. I followed your guidance and again am so grateful I did.

    I am most certainly testament to the fact that if people listen to you, take on board what you say and follow your guidance, life transforms and you can be the best you are here to be!

    I cannot thank you enough.


  • Liz, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia,

    My second Reading with Rhonda - and next time I won't leave for so long! Another beneficial and supportive experience that I gained a lot from hearing. It bought clarity and positivity - and helped greatly to motivate me to what I needed to do. A positive and inspiring experience which resonated with pure accuracy.

    Thank you so much Rhonda - I look forward to seeing you again.

    Liz x

  • Jurie, Cape Town, South Africa.

    “I live in South Africa. As a 34-year-old male I have always been intrigued with the readings of clairvoyants, but never seem to have enquired about it until recently.

    I have had two readings in a month`s time from Rhonda, two weeks apart from each other. I was amazed. I am still processing the clarity of the information given to me by Rhonda. I was immediately amazed when she gave me a message from a friend who passed away from a serious disease about 7 years ago. She didn’t have any information of this person and the message I received was one of relief and comfort. Thereafter the information she gave me about family, friends and life in general was astonishing. Everything in my life makes so much more sense now and gives me great comfort to know that I have more direction and guidance in order to have a great and satisfying life ahead, filled with abundance - That is if I follow certain things that I know now!

    Rhonda’s two readings gave me inner peace from dealings with sexuality, frustrations, career, personal relationships, friends and family etc. I have the utmost of respect for Rhonda. She gave me clarity in life’s purpose and increased my energy levels etc. Everything just makes so much more sense now...

    Her two readings changed my life for the better and forever. I am testimony for all to receive a reading from Rhonda. I am grateful for the work that she does.”

  • Amelia, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    Thank you.

    I have had a few Readings with you now and every time I have, I am scared by your accuracy, but I always come away feeling uplifted and guided to move forward in my life.

    I cannot recommend your fantastic work enough and thank you again.


  • Jill, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you so much for your reading last Friday. Your spiritual gifts are truly awesome! It was such a positive reading and I left feeling so reassured about what direction to proceed with buying a property and my relationship.

    Interesting that you mentioned my 87yo father is becoming forgetful, which I wasn’t so aware of. When I visited him on Monday, the first thing he said to me was "I am getting so forgetful…I reversed the car back and forgot to raise the garage door first!" Luckily no harm to him or any major damage. Also you said his health is failing…and when I visited him on Wednesday, he said that he had had pain on his left side all night and day, so I took him to the hospital. He was discharged 8 hrs later but, luckily he was ok but now will have further tests as an outpatient and he was very relieved.

    Rhonda, I am so grateful that my friend recommended you to me years ago. I really get so much clarity from your readings. It was so lovely to hear that Spirit is proud that I have acted on the advice from the last reading, and that things are looking very positive that we will move to the Murwillumbah area!

    I truly wish you and your husband abundance of good health, prosperity and happiness. You look amazing and glad that 2017 is bringing these positive changes for us both.

    Sending love and blessings to you,


  • Amanda, New Farm, Queensland, Australia.

    I just wanted to say, that I came to visit you when I was going through a rough time in my life. The guidance you gave me was spot on, and so helpful in the sense that I was able to find inner happiness, which then enabled me to be happy in a relationship, and in life. You advised me that around my 28th birthday I would meet a man, who would be from the UK, and he would be a team player and a very special man. My birthday is the 26th of March, and I met Chris on the 12th of April, just after my 28th birthday. And guess what...Chris is from Manchester in England. We also just got married last Friday, 5 years to the day, Chris immigrated from England. I have no hesitation in recommending you, and your services to anyone.

    You have extraordinary skills, and I'm so thankful to you for sharing your abilities with others, to make our lives so much better!

    See you soon!

    Kind regards,


  • Renee, Brighton, Victoria, Australia.

    I want to thank Rhonda for putting my mind at ease, with the issues I was dealing with. I have now had 3 Readings over the last 6 years and have always been blow away with Rhonda's accuracy. In previous Readings, Rhonda's predictions have not only come true, but have been accurate in the time frames she had predicted. Rhonda gave me the direction I needed to work on myself to get where I needed to be in my life in order to meet the man I would spend my life with. She advised me that if I did the work, then I would meet my partner in 6months time. She also predicted that I would have my first child at 37.

    I was blown away when both of these predictions came true in the exact time frame. Now when I need clarity in my life or when I'm doubting myself, I find it helpful to have a Reading with Rhonda who through Spirit, sets me back on the path I need to be on. I find spiritual guidance much more beneficial and healing than any kind of therapy or counselling. I'm looking forward to the next lot of predictions coming true, including the beautiful baby boy she could see coming into our lives.

    Until next time,

    Thank you xxx

  • Roxy, Pacific Pines, Gold Coast, Australia.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for your insight and advice during our Reading.

    The clarity and accuracy of my Reading reassured me, I am on the right path and I am very grateful for Rhonda's straightforward as well as compassionate approach when delivering the messages from Spirit. I am thoroughly impressed with the Reading, and have already implemented a couple of Rhonda's suggestions to ensure my future relationships and living situations move steadily toward the wonderful lifestyle we are all working towards.

    Thank you again Rhonda, I am thoroughly impressed and will definitely be back 🙂

  • Kristy, Yatala, Queensland, Australia.

    You are like family to me Rhonda and I would not have grown into the women I am becoming, if it was not for you. I have so much love for you and what you have done for me




  • Veneesha, Sydney, Australia and London, United Kingdom,

    Before I had my first Reading with Rhonda, I had a feeling I should relocate to England. Not sure why, and not sure what for. As soon as my Reading started and before I had even sat down, Rhonda asked "..have you thought about moving to England?". That's when I knew this lady was one of a kind! I have seen a few clairvoyants in my life, but no one compares to Rhonda and her ability of being incredibly accurate, and insightful. Rhonda has given me the gift of closure with friends & relatives who have passed, as well as continual clarity and guidance. I cannot thank you enough Rhonda. I am very blessed to have found you, and wish you all the best. Thanks a million! Veneesha.
  • Rochelle, Hastings Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    I had a Reading with Rhonda this morning and her accuracy was incredible. Rhonda answered my questions before I even asked them and her guidance was very real, sound advice. I will definitely be back. I highly recommend Rhonda to anyone. Thank you again Rhonda😊
  • Helen, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia.

    I have had Readings with Rhonda 25 years ago and unfortunately lost touch with her. Rhonda is truly the "benchmark" of a great Reading, and no one else, that I have seen, has ever come close to her ability, accuracy and compassion of delivery. I am ecstatic to be in contact with Rhonda again. Helen
  • Simone, Lennox Heads, New South Wales. Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. Although the road ahead seems long, at least you supplied the vindication I have been denied... Ensuring I have the information required to forge ahead.

    Love and blessings to you.


  • Z, Kirra, Gold Coast, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    7 years up the track since my precious hubby died, I constantly give thanks for your kindness and connection in creating ease of transition.

    I was utterly lost without my darling on earth. A regular update from his energy , through you, when I am too flummoxed to be able to directly connect, has soothed distress when it has accumulated.

    Your accuracy is total.

    I am forever grateful.

    Kind regards , in ALL love .


  • Ksenia, Moscow, Russia.

    I am an overseas customer of Rhonda. I would never have known about the website and Rhonda if not a very good recommendation from my friend, who is also not living in Australia, but has met Rhonda's Australian clients when travelling in Asia. Anyway, it was a rather long chain which worked through word of mouth. Before talking, I was rather concerned that this type of meetings require face to face and Australia is too far away from me.

    However, my concerns disappeared when I started talking to Rhonda. She does know a lot of things which in a pure scientific physical world she would never, never, know. I can tell that some facts about my close friends which even I didn't know and Rhonda has mentioned to me turned out to be true!! Rhonda is a very warm person to talk to and she is careful not to hurt feelings of others. I will definitely do a reading again.

    I wish everybody good health, happy relationship, prosperity and personal development to become a better person every day.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Isabella, Southport, Queensland, Australia.

    I am so glad I went to see Rhonda for a reading. I was very unsettled and confused with what was happening in my life, but my reading, which was very accurate, helped me understand why things were, the way they were. My reading just reinforced what I was feeling, but didn't know why. I can't wait to go back .

    Thank you Rhonda 💝 for your beautiful gift I feel very content and I understand my life and myself much better.

    Kindest Regards,


  • Sarah, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.

    I found Rhonda able to pick-up on issues that even I had not wanted to face or that I had yet not fully realized. She was caring and listened to my concerns. I found my Reading with Rhonda gave me hope and new insights. Thanks, so much Rhonda! x
  • Cynthia, Toorak, Victoria, Australia.

    I finally had my reading with Rhonda. I like the fact that Rhonda vets people before she works with them. Discerning and assertive in her manner, Rhonda doesn’t mince words, asks us to listen, as she is guided by Spirit to pass on messages. My reading was profound and I daresay, honest and intriguing. Rhonda intuitively hits the nail on the head.

    Highly recommended.


  • Katie, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    I had the pleasure of speaking with Rhonda over the phone in June 2017, and I found her to be very engaging, insightful and friendly. It was a bit like speaking with your Mum – very warm and helpful, but also direct and to the point, which I like. I find that some people in this industry prefer to sugar coat things, or be a bit vague about circumstances or events, but Rhonda is refreshingly open and honest.

    I will definitely be consulting with Rhonda again..

  • Simone, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

    It was helpful for me to read the many testimonies on Rhonda's website, as it prepared me for what to expect in terms of Rhonda's way of working. Rhonda was very clear and to the point in her communication. She offered insight and new perspectives on challenges in my life and health. She was very accurate in her descriptions and observations of family members and relationships. When I felt overwhelmed, Rhonda clarified the message once more, so I could keep track of and understand the explanations being offered to me. I appreciated her calm and forthright manner and the respect showed in what she shared. I would definitely return to Rhonda, and yes, I would recommend her.

    Many thanks Rhonda xxx I have listened to you Rhonda, and taken action!

    With Love, Simone x

  • Rachel, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia.

    Thank u so much Rhonda ❤️❤️!!! I am so blessed with u in my life.

  • Mary, Roselle, New South Wales, Australia.

    My first Reading with Rhonda completely blew me away. I really didn’t know what to expect but I was absolutely floored by her clairvoyant ability and insight to hone - in on the issues and areas of my life that were challenging for me. I didn’t have to say a word I simply listened to this incredulous woman with this magnificent gift. I am truly grateful for the messages she sent to me from Spirit, and I will continue to seek her guidance. Mary.
  • Jess, Bilinga, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    When I really think about where my life would have been now, if I had never met you, I know that I would be in a hole, too big to climb out of. It is like you have handed a ladder down to me, to do the steps of course, to climb out with, and now, there's light at the end of the tunnel.

    I hope you do what you do forever, because, your gift is magical, and it helps people get through their darkness, back into the light.

    I could never praise you enough Rhonda, for all that you do, there needs to be more people like you in the world x

    I am so looking forward to my next reading with you x

    I'd be lost without you, and your guidance... 😉


  • Lucy, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    I had my first Reading with Rhonda recently and was so impressed! Her warmth and spiritual nature blew me away, she was spot on, and I felt empowered afterwards. I will definitely be doing another reading with Rhonda again, truly magical ! THANK YOU, Rhonda xxx Lucy.
  • Helen, Baulkham Hills,New South Wales, Australia.

    This was my first reading with Rhonda and I was very surprised. I was very, very happy with my reading and how the messages came across. It has taken me a week to settle down from my reading because of how special it was, it blew my mind! Everything was very clear and spot on. This reading has given me the answers that I was searching for, and has given me a positive direction in my life. I look forward to another reading with Rhonda, and I would like to thank Rhonda for sharing her truly special gift with me, and allowing the beautiful Spirits to come through and provide the information that was handed over to me.

    One very special lady. Look forward to speaking with Rhonda again.



  • Mel, Toorak, Victoria, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, thank you so much for yesterday sessions. Want to let you know that I really appreciate always your endless efforts , support and encouragements for me to see things in positive way And To make me a better Person Who sees things in life positively.


    Thank you Rhonda..


  • Leigh, Baulkham Hills, New South Wales, Australia.

    If you’ve never had a reading before then you are truly fortunate to have found this website and be reading these testimonials, as Rhonda is the real deal who has an awesome gift. I have been seeing Rhonda for a reading every year since early 2014 and I cannot sing her praises enough. She brings very clear messages through from spirit and her accuracy is awesome, but more importantly is the quality and depth of the message being delivered. Rhonda has helped me navigate through some big personal growth challenges over the years, as her direct connection with spirit not only shows her where you’re at with your life development, but also explains why, and what you can do to overcome any issues. Rhonda calls it how it is, so be prepared to listen and process what it being communicated, as you can only benefit greatly. Rhonda has a knack of going directly to an area in your life that you’re seeking guidance on, and I have always found her to have great empathy and professionalism at all times. I always get so excited and feel extremely blessed whenever I have a reading with Rhonda as her gift of communication with spirit is so precise and timely and always leaves me feeling motivated and positive. I feel incredibly grateful to have found someone so amazing who can advise me on areas in my life, plus answer any of my questions with clarity and direction. Thank you, Rhonda, for sharing your gift so generously, and what an absolute privilege to have met you.

    God Bless you.


  • Chantelle, Beverly Hills, USA.

    My reading with Rhonda was so spot on I couldn't believe it. With the help of Spirit, she was able to articulate things that I have been feeling, that I wasn't able to myself. I have gained so much clarity after our reading. I now know the steps I need to take in order to create a happier future for myself. I look forward to our next reading and would recommend Rhonda to anyone that is interested in connecting to Spirit in this way.

  • Nancy, Hamburg, Germany.

    I have called Rhonda a few times through an international call. Every time I hang up I feel empowered and ready to face what life is bringing next. She is not just a clairvoyant. She is a counsellor, supporter, great listener, and has amazing insight on challenges people go through. Rhonda was always able to describe people perfectly. Character traits and details only I would know. Spirit's predictions came true as well. This had prepared me for a challenging situation which was coming up in a relationship. Rhonda has also helped me with some tough life decisions, when I was doubting myself.

    Rhonda is definitely the best out there.

    Thank you Rhonda!

  • Debbie, Tyalgum, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda, thank you for my Reading. I feel much more informed and really happy with Your/Spirits advice and guidance. It certainly helps my husband and I move in the right direction and also what to be aware of in the business. Kind regards, Debbie.
  • Katie, Los Angeles, United States Of America.

    Rhonda's insight and accuracy is remarkable. The advice is personal and pragmatic. After a reading, I feel empowered to see a way forward, that I wouldn't have seen before. If you have a question about a person in your life, you will get an answer.

    Always spot on and deeply spiritual.


    Xx Thanks

  • Tasha, Dubai, The United Arab Emirates.

    I have just had my fourth Reading with Rhonda and I have been speaking to Rhonda for one year now. I can honestly say that it has changed my life. Last year, I was a shell of myself; I was very damaged from a bad relationship, confused about my relationship with my mum, and still carrying pain from a broken relationship with my dad. With Rhonda and Spirit's help, Rhonda began by opening my eyes to the many painful memories and insecurities that have defined my adult life. From just a few photos, Spirit saw who I was, my past, and the uninspiring future that lay ahead of me if I didn't act now.

    Today, I am in a new positive relationship, a job that empowers me, and building a future that I deserve and am excited to experience. I never thought I could be this lucky. I think my success is down to the fact that I really listened to Spirit, thanked Spirit every day, spoke to Spirit every day, and made the changes that Rhonda told me to. Within a few months, I was a new person, and I had changed my life entirely.

    Rhonda is truly gifted, and every Reading is a gift which I treasure and think about. Even though I'm much happier, I will still continue to talk to Rhonda; it's not a quick fix, it's a way of life and as it is actually a year now since my first Reading, it feels amazing to step back and look at these 12 months and what has happened thanks to listening to Rhonda and Spirit. They were absolutely right - it's all about taking responsibility, as hard as that is.

    Thank you, Rhonda and Spirit for everything you have given me.

    I am so lucky, so grateful, and so thankful.

    Love Tasha x

  • Jess, Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia.

    Wow where to start!

    My very first Reading from you, I have to say that the Reading was a bit of a shock … but you were so Right about Everything ! You certainly left me thinking about it for a while ! Unfortunately, I didn't listen, or take on all you had said and I ended up playing out what you said in my Reading…. I just didn't realise at the time… but to be honest, I think I had to go through what I did, to learn what I've learned… as you have on your website, Spirit only tell us what we need to know, at that particular time, and some things we have to experience because of how it will affect you, change you, or wake you up in life…. Anyway, 6 months later, I came back to see you, and I wasn't in a good state at all…. since then, I've seen you like 6 times this year and it's been worth every cent… I really don't know how I would have gotten through this last year without You and Spirit… you are definitely better than any councillor that I have been to !

    Rhonda, you have guided me in the right direction, given me insight to current situations and most of all, you have given me the hope that my life is going to improve, and that it's all going to come together for me… so long as I do the work required of course… you told me what tools to use, to heal my emotional pain and pointed me in the right direction so that I can break my patterns …. it's funny, because since you have pointed out a few patterns, I can see it now and it makes perfect sense ! It's crazy really how patterns can seriously affect your life… so far I feel like I'm almost at 100% of my full potential… I still have some more homework from Spirit to complete, I'm getting there though, and I can really feel the difference in myself, basically everyone I know has noticed too ! I honestly can't Thank You enough, more than these words can justify…. you have an amazing gift… you’re an amazing person and you certainly are here to help people that's for sure…. my mum even comes to see you too, lol, and she's always recommending you to everyone… even people she's just met, lol, I hope you continue this work throughout your life, because you truly do change people's lives for the better (so long as they listen of course !) and I plan on always having you as my clairvoyant … my kids will know of you Rhonda and they will come to you to.

    Rhonda, I really appreciate how much you have helped me😊 and the hope you have given me for my future... as I have said before, never give up the Readings because you truly do make a difference, even though you may not always know how much...I had tears too writing this because you have truly done a lot for me Rhonda, because you’re a beautiful person and you deserve the best out of life

    As you say… magical blessings to you

    With love,


  • Lee, Dubai, The United Arab Emirates

    I am typically self-assured in my life, however, when I hesitate, or my mind gets clouded, I call Rhonda - there is a knowing within me that she channels the truth, and I am so grateful to have been connected to her.

    Thank you,

    with love and gratitude.


  • Guy, Logan, Queensland, Australia.

    I had my first reading from a clairvoyant today, went in with a open mind and not a clue what to expect other than the word of a few friends. My mind was blown how on point this lady was within only minutes of meeting me. She shed light on things that has sometimes overwhelmed me and put it in a nutshell better than I ever could. That accurate she even told me what vertebrate in my back I've damaged! Like WTF who are you lady!! Today was definitely a boost for my mind, body & soul.

    Anyone who's at a crossroads or needs some clarity or even seeking a better life or way of understanding theirs, I highly recommend going. You've got absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

    Thanks again, Guy.
  • Ronnie, Dubai, United Arab Emerites

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you SO much for slotting me in. I really appreciate you, and your wisdom. What a gift!

    Lots of love,


  • Emma, Dublin, Ireland.

    Rhonda is fantastic at what she does, such a lovely lady, very intuitive and has an amazing talent for reading people. She fully devotes her time to you and is scary accurate in what she says and what she sees. Try to be open about the process when speaking to her and be prepared to hear the truth about your situation, not what you want to hear.

    I would highly recommend Rhonda to anybody, what an amazing lady!

    Many thanks,


  • Rachel, Manila, The Philippines.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you very much indeed for your accurate, yet very compassionate reading. I was very impressed - and I will definitely be in touch very soon.

    Very kind regards,


  • Katie, London, Great Britain.

    I have had Readings with Rhonda for a little over four years now, and the best way I can describe her services to others requiring guidance, is that she is a spiritual life coach. I don't believe I'd be where I am today without her advice, and I will continue to recommend Rhonda's services to everyone. Katie.
  • Stephanie, Isle of Capri, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    You work so hard and have given me so much strength to deal with my journey. You are truly blessed. Will see you again, maybe in a year.

    With Love,


  • Rachel, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia.

    Thank you so much for squeezing me in yesterday Rhonda, you are amazing and I appreciate it beyond words could describe!!

    😊❤️ Rachel

  • Rosanna, Manly, New South Wales, Australia,

    “I was recommended to Rhonda by a friend who has been seeing her for years, and whose readings have helped her through life’s challenges. Rhonda’s reading has helped me understand that I was holding myself back in life and has given me the strength to make positive changes to my life, not only for my benefit, but for my son! I appreciate her honesty and being direct with me. It was exactly what I needed. Her insight into my life was extremely accurate – Rhonda is the real deal!!!!

    I will definitely be back in the future for another reading and highly recommend her.”



  • Jo, Warwick, Queensland, Australia.

    I wanted to do something nice for my little sister’s 40th birthday. Take her away to a spa for a long weekend or something similar. But no, she wanted me to take her to a clairvoyant and get “her cards read”. I’m what you would call a sceptic. Not that I don’t believe in a higher power, but there a lot of crack pots out there, feeding off other people’s misery. But I wanted to please my sister, and treat her. She is a nurse who spends her whole life giving to other people, and I wanted to indulge her some way. But where would I take her, to see who? Randomly searching google I found “ Hands of Destiny ”, but from my first phone call, I knew there was something special about Rhonda, and that, randomness was unlikely.

    My sister and I drove to beautiful part of the world to seek Rhonda out. I thought, if nothing else, it would be good for a laugh. But when we arrived we were not allowed to see Rhonda together. She had to focus her energy on one person at a time! I thought, oh dear, what have I gotten us into? My sister went first. After about an hour she exited crying! (in a good way of course, as she has been back several times since) I was a little distressed, but reassured by my sister, I entered for my turn.

    There is a lot about Rhonda I can’t explain. But who can explain the great mysteries of the world. Like most sceptics, I was determined not to give too much away. I kept my cards close to my chest but the next hour with Rhonda would change my life forever. Rhonda knew things that she simply could not have guessed. Rhonda understood things about my life that were not for public consumption. For example, she stated I owned three houses. I said, no. No I don’t. Rhonda was insistent. Actually, insistent is not a strong enough word. She was determined that I owned 3 houses. Then she paused, and rephrased, ok, 3 properties. I couldn’t believe it. Yes, in point of fact, I did own three properties. One was a family farm that we had inherited and didn’t have much to do with, so in point of fact I simply “forgot” about that property. She said, one is for sale. Yes, one is for sale. But it will not sell for a very long time. Someone will try and convince you to sell it for a lot less than it is worth but don’t do that. That would be a devastating error. Well, we are about 2 years down the track. In fact, two separate purchasers tried to buy the property well below market value and I was pressured to sell. I did not. The property has now sold for close to the asking price and about to settle. I have lived a corporate business person’s life. I own a multimillion dollar business and grew up on a life of hard knocks and hard work. I deal in finance and business and my kind don’t like fairytales or pretend. I still revisit things I discussed with Rhonda that day and I still can’t believe how accurate and in tune she was with my life.

    Rhonda is like no one I have ever met before, and I can’t explain how she does what she does, but trust me when I tell you, if you give Rhonda the chance to look into your soul, she will touch you. Rhonda isn’t going to butter you up with a rose coloured glasses version of the story, but she will give you an insight into your past, present and future. What you do with that information is up to you, but do not underestimate her, because Rhonda is indeed, the real deal.

    Thank you Rhonda, I really did appreciate all that took place in your beautiful corner of the world, but it has taken me this long to embrace it. Some of us are just slow learners. 🙂

    See you again soon,

    Kind regards,


  • Tanya, Chillingham, New South Wales, Australia.

    I had my first reading with Rhonda today. After going through a very tough few weeks, I needed some answers. Rhonda was very caring and professional. I now see things more clearly and hopefully my life will change for the better very soon. I would definitely recommend Rhonda.


  • Paul, Brisbane, Australia.

    I have had several Readings with Rhonda over the past three years, and they are always very accurate and insightful. These last three years have been a huge period of growth and healing for me, and Rhonda has helped me deal with some very deep and long held issues and habits that have really held me back in life. Through this time working with Rhonda there has been huge improvements in my home, career, relationships, health, self-confidence and general happiness. Pretty much every aspect of my life has changed in that time! Rhonda’s Readings have been hugely helpful. I walk away from each Reading feeling inspired and with practical advice about what is the next best step for me to take. I can honestly say this is the happiest I have ever felt in my life and Rhonda has played a big part in that. I really appreciate that Rhonda doesn’t sugar coat anything and tells me what I need to hear (as uncomfortable as that can be sometimes!) But the advice is always for my highest good. I am so grateful for Rhonda's Readings. Thanks Rhonda! Paul
  • Marissa, Gold Coast, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    Love your work!

    Spirit surely gave the right message to me. Bless you, and your beautiful work, blessings to you.

    Thank You,


  • Calvin, Madrid, Spain.

    Rhonda’s insights and advice was truly helpful. My Reading was accurate to my situation and many truths were discovered. I will recommend Rhonda to anyone looking for answers. Thank you, Calvin
  • Carole, Banora Point, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have several Truth's to share about my first Reading with Rhonda (help, help me Rhonda) Rhonda at my first Consultation, told me how to unstick, or unstuck my Life. I had to move from my Country Town, North to Tweed Coast. I did exactly what Rhonda told me and Presto 5 months later, living the dream on the North Coast. My second, Consultation, she and I talked at length about the move! I then ran passed her my plan of action for a business idea I had and Rhonda said, "Awesome, Awesome, Awesome for the next 30mins, to confirm I was doing what was right and Spirit was just Awesome, confirming the Plan. No need to tell you the last Consultation was also Awesome, with a couple of slight divisions, to Help me.

    I would say that after over 40 years of visiting different Spiritual Readers, Rhonda has been Awesome and the Help in evolving my life, Awesome and living the Dream!!!


  • Briohny, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    This was my second reading with Rhonda, I was feeling stuck and needed some guidance. The first thing Rhonda said to me is that Spirit said my hair was different from the reading I had 3 years previously. I was adamant it wasn't, until after our session when I realised I'd just had 20 cm cut off that week, but it didn't occur to me, I was blown away, sorry Rhonda! Rhonda's no nonsense, honest reading was just what I needed to make changes. Rhonda blew me away with her accuracy and specific details in our first reading. This time it was honesty and accuracy about me. Sometimes we just need to be slapped in the face with the cold hard truth in order to be free.

    Don't read this and think Rhonda is insensitive, quite the opposite, her purpose is to help, and that is exactly what she did.

    I just want to say thank you!



  • Suzi, Yamba, New South Wales, Australia.

    "I have had many Readings from professional psychics and tarot experts, both, Internationally and in Australia, none have been so succinct and accurate as Rhonda was in my Reading with her. She did not hesitate; the messages were clear and afterward I felt a great sense of clarity and peace with the information I had received. The messages and guidance was perfect for the crossroads I was facing as well and gave me some peace of mind for things that had happened in my past in relationships, my career and home life. I recorded the Reading and have listened to it a few times since the actual Reading and since then many of the things that did not seem relevant have come to pass to be very relevant and true. I went for a second Reading 4 months after the first since I intuitively felt I needed to.... and again, the messages were clear, accurate and detailed. I was able to move forward with things that I was unsure of and gained clarity in some decisions I needed to make. Rhonda gave me insights into things that were unknown and unclear to me. I have recommended Rhonda to 3 friends who also attended a session with her. They also exclaimed that the information and energy was true, clear and accurate. They each told me of information that Rhonda gave them that at the time may not have made complete sense, however with time passing it has become clear that her predictions and insights were accurate. I would not hesitate to recommend Rhonda for a Reading. She is a clear channel with great communication skills. She is honest and upfront. I look forward to my next Reading with her. " Suzi
  • Jen, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    I visited Rhonda with many questions in my heart that needed addressing. She was able to tune in very quickly and then gave me some very, very clear answers to important decisions I need to make through her connection to spirit. I appreciate having someone like Rhonda in my life to assist me in my journey.

    I can fully recommend taking time to connect with her!


    P.S The road to Rhonda's is the most beautiful drive you could have, a journey in itself, that is very special.

  • Kim, Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, I like to thank you for your time when we met at Coolangatta last Thursday.

    After our conversation, I have since felt a bit lighter in my heart where I was full of anxiety, and lost before our conversation. I am now anxiously looking forward to the next stage of my life.


  • Nicola, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    Dear Rhonda

    Thank you to you and Spirit for an amazing reading Friday. You provided a lot of clarity and peace, on issues that I now know I have to work on to better myself, my life and the people around me. You have a very special gift, and were so spot on with so many things-you cannot just make this sort of stuff up having never met me or the people around me. I look forward to speaking to you again in the very near future.

    Love and light to you and Spirit.

    Nicola xx

  • Jamie, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.

    I am forever grateful, and knew you were right for me to see the light!


  • Kristie, Varsity Lakes, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    My name is Kristie and you did a reading for me about a month ago.

    I just want to say thank you so much Your advice has really helped.

    I am still trying to break bad habits, but I have improved 80%, I am still waiting for my life to improve, but I guess I need to be patient. I just want to say thank you sooo, much for making me realise where I am blocking myself.

  • Nicole, Valletta, Malta.

    I was blown away from the beginning. Rhonda knew so many things about me and my family just by looking at the pictures I sent. Rhonda gave me a lot of guidance when it came to my career path, health and even other personal matters. Rhonda speaks slowly and clearly, which was great as sometimes I find it very hard to understand an Australian accent. She asked me many times if I have any questions and if I understood everything she has told me.

    You could tell by her tone of voice that she is a very sweet and caring lady. I would do another reading with Rhonda in the near future.

    Thank you once again,



  • Amy, Wisconsin, United States of America.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you for EVERYTHING ! Your wisdom has changed my life, and made me a better person.

    Sending you lotsa love,


  • Eglantine, Sydney, Australia.

    Words cannot describe how much Rhonda has done for me, and helped me through a difficult time in my life. Having only had photographs reading with Rhonda, and never met her in person, Rhonda was able to provide stunningly accurate information about me and my children that she simply could not possibly have known. The truth can be hard to hear sometimes, but Rhonda has given me the foresight I need. I would recommend Rhonda to anyone who is looking for guidance, but only if you are willing to accept the truth.

    Thank you so much again.


  • Melany, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    My reading with Rhonda was incredible. She has the ability to see right through people. The truth does hurt when you are so naïve, and wanting to look at the best in people. I am beyond grateful! Rhonda opened my eyes to what is really going on and confirmed my intuition, and that I am on the right path. I got so much insight, Rhonda also gave me to me straight, no "fluffy" talk, no beating around the bush, the hard truth!

    Thank you Rhonda, for being so honest and giving me clarity at this moment in my life.

  • Carole, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.

    Its morning, I have woken up to newness and confidence thanks to you. I know how much you and Spirit turn people’s lives around, and for this I am truly grateful. I will always be thankful to my grandmother for introducing me to you. Your passion and support has shown me the way home.



  • Val, Christchurch, New Zealand.

    My Reading with Rhonda was something of a revelation for me, and reinforced things about my situation that I already felt. Having only had photographs to work with, and never having seen me in person either before or during the Reading, Rhonda was able to provide stunningly accurate information about me and my children that she simply could not possibly have known. The messages she had for me were clear and unequivocal, with nothing that could be manipulated to fit a situation. I will implement her advice and talk with her again when this next stage of my life has been completed. Kind Regards, Val.
  • Jay, Al Mamzar, United Arab Emirates.

    It was my first time to have a phone Reading and I wasn't sure what to accept, but I have to say, as soon as I heard Rhonda's voice, I felt an immediate relief, and felt a connection. Basically, it was 3-way communication between Rhonda, the Spirit guide and myself. It's amazing the information delivered by someone you have never met in person, a million miles away. I felt a sense of emotional detox after getting off the phone. The information that was passed on to me, gave me the confidence to follow my inner voice and not let fear control me from moving forward. Rhonda, I want to thank you so much for your time and energy. Sending you light and love. Jay.
  • Shannon, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    I have been an international client of Rhonda’s for many years, originally referred by a friend and since referred many of my friends all with positive experiences. Rhonda is a gifted clairvoyant who has helped me overcome fears, realize my strengths and stand tall in the life that I am leading. Rhonda makes sure that her clients feel safe and have a trusted environment in which to speak, even when telling you hard truths, this is a skill and a testament to her character.

    I can say, whole heartedly that without Rhonda and her gifts I would not be as happy and successful as I am today.

    I highly recommend Rhonda to all.

  • Stevie, Adelaide, South Australia.

    Rhonda, I just wanted to thank you for seeing me today. I'm so grateful. I love you dearly and I'm so at peace, knowing that I have you by my side and can call on your help when I need you. You are truly an angel and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for going out of your way to see me. I am forever grateful my darling. See you next time. Sorry for making you work so late.



  • Lyndsey, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have had two Readings from Rhonda and she is amazing. Rhonda is like the little voice inside your head, however, live and speaking to you, LOUD and CLEAR. Both times that I have had Readings from her before, in the Readings I have had questions / doubts or a feeling of being lost, once the Reading is complete, I have felt an instant calmness and direction. Rhonda clarifies and informs you in a way that is gentle and loving. I totally recommend Rhonda. Thanks, Lyndsey.
  • Angelique, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    The first time I booked in to speak with Rhonda I was nervous. Despite what my friends had told me about her, I still was scared about how the reading would go, and what Rhonda would be like. I couldn't have had less to worry about. Rhonda is kind and caring in her approach to delivering the reading. It is much more than a psychic reading; it is a counselling experience. Often I've called Rhonda full or fear, and anxiety, about my future and my present situation, only to finish the reading feeling light as a feather, and full of strength and hope.

    Rhonda is a true blessing amongst us, and I couldn't recommend her highly enough. Rhonda and spirit have saved me from myself so many times now and kept me strong and growing. Honestly anything I can do to support Rhonda and Spirit is no trouble for me, as they keep me together when I need it the most. 🙂

    Angelique xx

  • Monique, New York, United States Of America.


    Words cannot describe how much Rhonda has done for me, and helped me through a difficult time in my life. The truth can be hard to hear sometimes, but Rhonda has given me the foresight I need to navigate through something I could never have understood on my own. I would recommend Rhonda to anyone who is looking for guidance, as long as you are prepared to go in with an open mind and actually listen to what she has to say. I have no doubt that she will help you as long as you are willing to accept the truth for what it is.

    Kind regards,


  • Jeanette, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, Thank you for your amazing Reading! Kind regards, Jeanette.
  • Monique, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda came to me as a recommendation and I have seen her 4 times since I met her about 9 months ago. I would like to say to what an amazing lady Rhonda is and how everything she has been telling me is pretty much on point. I still haven't reached where I want to be in my destiny but I’m hoping one day soon it will happen.

    Thank you so much Rhonda, happy blessings to you always xx


  • Karli, Currumbin, Queensland, Australia.

    My reading with Rhonda was insightful and interesting.

    Rhonda helped me to see some old patterns and ways of being that no longer serve me and require healing. Rhonda was able to connect with where I'm at in my life and assist with helping me move through some challenges I am facing.

    I am very grateful for my time with Rhonda today - many thanks.



  • Mary, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, I can’t thank you enough for giving me the clarity I needed to plan my future. I felt so completely lost this morning (which is why someone as organized as me would do something so silly like leave my money at home.) But I now feel like I know where I am headed and what I need to do to get there. Many, many thanks. Mary.
  • Loretta, Harvey Bay, Queensland, Australia.

    I just wanted to say thank you for everything.

    I am so grateful for how you have helped me, for the guidance you both have given me. I have felt a lot better and happier the past few days, I even saw the Theta Healer this afternoon and she said I look a lot lighter and fresher, and she said I have improved so much since she saw me the first time.

    I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you.

    ?⭐️ Loretta

  • Carole, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.

    Amazing, truly Amazing.

    Finding Rhonda's Clairvoyance was an accident. However, we all know that there are no accidents. I was on the Web for another Rhonda. Upon my arrival and beginning of the Reading, Rhonda said, "your Grandmother brought you to me, for me to help you." Magic, Yes? Rhonda did not give me Prediction after Prediction, what she did, was showed me how to Navigate my Life, to get the results. If my Grandmother hadn't given me Rhonda, I would never have been able to find the different approaches to dealing with Two Government Departments.

    I feel so so grateful for the insight, care and practicality Rhonda has shown me. She has given me Hope and a Plan of Action to take and Rhonda is a very valuable person in helping others.

    I also have to comment on Rhonda’s Website, it sold me.

    Thanking You So Much,



  • Dennis, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    Over the years I have seen various clairvoyants, on an average of about 1 per year, over the past 20 years or so. The majority of the good ones, and ones that come highly recommended, as did Rhonda, often touch on a number of areas of interest, and give me something to think about. Until now, I have not had a Reading that I walked away thinking how freakishly spot on was that, as I did with Rhonda. Rhonda picked up on family dynamics and gave explanations to things I had never even considered, and when I really think about it, I cannot believe how spot on she was. I got to hear from my father who has passed and had information I needed confirmed. There is no mucking around or holding back with Rhonda, which at this point in my life, I needed, and although some of it was hard to hear, 3 days later I am glad Rhonda was so honest and precise with me. I needed to hear what I heard, to make the changes needed. I feel I am on track to start 2016 in a positive way and cannot thank Rhonda enough. I am looking forward to another Reading in the new future. Best wishes, Dennis.
  • Elizabeth, Casino, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would like to thank Rhonda for her readings, I was recommended by a friend when I was completely 'lost'. The first reading, I wasn't sure exactly why I called, as I figured I had nothing to lose, by the second reading 6 months later, it was very clear the direction I was now headed in.

    I have in turn recommended Rhonda to a number of my friends.

    Thanks Rhonda.

  • Briony, Tugun, Queensland, Australia.

    After visiting Rhonda the other day from a friends recommendation, I was interested to see how the Reading would go. I was very confronted by a few things that were discussed, but the accuracy of the Reading blew me away. Rhonda is a very up front person, who tells it like it is, and the wording is what I found interesting. Rhonda mentioned words or sayings that I do say myself. Thank you. I will definitely visit again.
  • Marcus, Paradise Point, Queensland, Australia.

    I agree your wife is amazing. I walked in not knowing what to expect, and felt very confused about many areas of my life. By the time I had left, I felt like I had a new lease on life, the hopelessness had subsided, replaced by determination, focus and goals ready to chase. Long time worries were answered and I was now ready to work toward being the person I want and know I can be. Rhonda is open, honest and there is no sugar coating.

    I thank you Rhonda, and my family thank you too.

    Rhonda, you truly are gifted.

  • Angela, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    I visit Rhonda whenever I need clarity around things that are causing me concern, or when things just aren’t sitting well with me.

    Inevitably, I leave Rhonda feeling calmer, and having more of an insight into not only what is going on, but why things are going on, and having a sense of what I should be spending my energy on. Sometimes, that means I see her every couple of months, other times I may only see her once or twice a year. Rhonda is an amazingly gifted clairvoyant and I have referred many of my friends to her, who have all thanked me for doing so.

    I cannot recommend the experience with Rhonda highly enough.

  • Ana, Dubai, United Emirates.

    I was recommended to see Rhonda by a close friend of mine. My consultation was from abroad, however, Rhonda made me feel very at ease, and felt as if I was talking to someone I had known for a long time. I found my Reading to be very accurate and most importantly, it made me realise where I need to focus my energies. I will definitely contact Rhonda again for guidance. Thank you Rhonda.
  • Julie, Auckland, New Zealand.

    I first saw Rhonda in Sept 2013 - on a recommendation. I hoped Rhonda would be able to help me cope with the loss of my husband. From Rhonda's Reading, I had clear proof that my husband was around me, and this helped me to gain an insight into accepting his loss. Two years on and I was ready to connect with Rhonda again for further illumination into my life path. Once again, I was given proof my husband was around me and guiding me. I was looking for a new direction in my life and from the insights I received I am now opening to an exciting future I never knew was possible. You are very special Rhonda...thank you.
  • Julie, Robina, Queensland, Australia.

    My Reading with Rhonda was amazing, not at all what I was expecting. She described my family exactly. Confirmation of my husband’s health was given, leading me to organise a trip to the doctor. Thank you for your valuable insightful information. I would recommend Rhonda to all my friends. A truly magical experience. Blessings to you, Rhonda.
  • Karen, Glebe, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda! Just want to thank you for your Reading yesterday. I was blown away by how spot on you were. I found it so helpful and really appreciate the insight you gave me. Hope you are having a beautiful day. Karen.
  • Talia, Glen Waverly, Victoria, Australia.

    Thank you Rhonda for the amazing, life changing reading, as before, you are incredible.

    I love how you care about the people you do the readings for, I could feel how much you wanted me to be and feel better, and have a better quality of life. Everything that you said made total sense to me, and a lot has touched me in a very deep level. Thank you for the guidance, the support, and the kindness. I recommend to everyone who really wants to understand themselves and their life better, to contact you and have a reading with you.

    You are truly an angel, and I am forever grateful for you.

    Thank you,


  • Clarise, Toorak, Victoria, Australia.

    OMG! Rhonda. You're amazing. I'm having goose bumps all over for receiving your message. I've been praying to Spirit all afternoon and to you. I even went to text you to ask you to pray for me as anger, doubt and sadness came over me and made me emotional. But then I deleted the message I was going to send you and I said to myself, no, I have to do this on my own. When I saw your message I was so shocked. You are truly an angel, sent from above just like what I saw in my dream.

    This was another proof to me that you and your work is genuine and perfect.

    Thank you for you love and care. It means a lot to me. I can't stop crying because your words of encouragement means a lot to me. Sending you my love and I am filled with gratitude towards your kindness. X

    Thank you.

  • Ohad, Mount Waverly, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda was very helpful to me. She told me exactly how I should go about specific things that were of my concern. That helped me to be clear about my plans and actions, and be really focused about my near future. Rhonda reassured me that me and my family are on our way to happiness, and she did it gracefully, kindly and with respect to my feelings. I guess that all the things that have been said between me and Rhonda will be for my highest good. I finished the conversation with a good feeling and was inspired to take action. I reconnected to my deepest feeling of knowing that what Rhonda told me is true for me. It was also nice to be told that my late mother is next to me at all times, watching me. With gratitude, Ohad.
  • Sam, Tallebudgera, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I am so much happier now but a bit freaked out in a good way knowing how much my guides are working with me and that they are watching over me and I'm not alone. They listened to my prayers. You are an angel!!

    I am sending you my love and thank you for your time today.

    With love,


  • Alice, Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia.

    My Dear Rhonda,

    For the last few days I have come to realize how much I have changed and grown, and the credit goes to you and your wonderful work, my God, and my openness and the eagerness to change. In addition, I have also come to realize how hard it must be for you, working with me, when you can see, what I cannot, and you try to help me see it. I am so grateful to you for your patience, support and encouragement that you have given me over the past few months. I do know and believe that there will come a time when I will no longer be in need of counselling and Readings, but I will always have a special spot in my heart for you, for the rest of my life.

    I am so grateful that I had found you at the most crucial turning point of my life. Your presence has been a gift from God. Know that I will always love you pushing me and encouraging me to grow, and for being yourself.

    I am sorry if I have frustrated you at times with my doubtfulness and lack of faith, it is sometimes difficult to see the truth, when I keep putting up with lies and deceit from people around me, but it doesn’t take much time, when I realize what the truth is. I have faith and trust in you and your work with Spirit, so thank you so very much.

    With much gratitude,


  • Sharon, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia.

    I am blown away after my meeting with Rhonda. The information and advice she gave me confirmed thoughts and ideas that I had been contemplating for a while. I feel so positive now about implementing necessary changes in my life, and I look forward to it all.

    I can't thank you enough..

    Much love and respect to you Rhonda. xo


  • Helen, Karratha, Western Australia.

    I have had many readings in my time, but never one that was such a wakeup call, and with Rhonda’s guidance I can now heal my repetitive ways, to start living the life spirit has given me. I am looking forward to our next chat.

    Thanks again,

    Much love,

    Helen xx

  • Loretta, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I just want to say thank you for helping me, and getting me through some tough times, I just hope all that you have taught me remains in my head to keep me strong. Everything just seems to be full on at the moment, where I don't know which way to turn, this may only be a small thing to some people but I feel like I'm going through a massive life change. You are one of the most logical people I know, my path is still challenging, but I just to have to be strong and keep going.

    I am missing you already and look forward to seeing you again soon.



  • Lucia, Singapore, South East Asia.

    I was really looking forward to my Reading with Rhonda as I had heard such good things about her, so was excited to speak to her. Rhonda dived right into my most inner fears and issues and got everything right down to a T, I was shocked, she was telling me things about myself that I knew deep down, but hadn't even had the courage to admit them to myself, let alone discuss with others. Rhonda spoke about some major things I had been through in the past, which were so accurate, including the age I was, and how they had emotionally affected me, and she gave me advice and help on my next steps. I felt really supported throughout and Rhonda kept ensuring I understood what she meant. I feel positive about the future, and I now know how I need to take action to help myself. I cannot recommend Rhonda enough, and I will definitely be speaking to her again. Many thanks, Lucia
  • Meg, Kingscliff and Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would like to testify to the amazing & mind blowing work Rhonda does for her clients. Whether it be by phone, or face to face, Rhonda has the uncanny ability to get right to the crux of the matter. There is no "sugar coating" at all, but just pure truth. Her guidance comes through "Spirit" & I can honestly vouch that what "Spirit" says, is profoundly true. My Readings with Rhonda have guided me in heading towards the right path for my soul, to which I feel truly grateful. If you are prepared to hear some truths, & looking for answers in what direction or course of action is right for you, then I highly recommend paying Rhonda a visit, or giving her a call. Best wishes, Meg.
  • Jackie, Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just want to thank you for fitting me in yesterday. I am so grateful that you are in my life. Seeing you yesterday has helped me see the positives in my life, that I'm growing and learning.

    Thank you, thank you, Thank you.

  • Michael, Byron bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    It certainly was an experience going to see Rhonda, I have never done that sort of thing before and always was extremely sceptical, and over the 2 hour session, Rhonda said things to me that very few people knew.

    A lot of what Rhonda said was absolutely on the ball, I will recommend people to see her, and anyone who is interested or sceptical in seeing a psychic, I certainly would recommend Rhonda.

    Kindest regards,


  • Kelly, Kingscliff, Sydney, and London, Great Britain.

    I have been having regular Readings with Rhonda over the past 4 years. In this time Rhonda has given me invaluable guidance and confidence to pursue my dreams. The sessions always leave me with immense insight and a lot of homework ( haha,) but have always led to great phases of growth and accomplishment. I cannot thank Rhonda enough for being my link to Spirit, and helping me and others alike to find their way, and know and trust that we are supported by something much bigger than ourselves. Since my first Reading back in 2011 in Australia, I have since moved to London. I have continued to have Readings over the phone with Rhonda, and I find these as equally beneficial as my ones in person.
  • Mira, Dubai, The United Arab Emirates.

    Rhonda is AMAZING !!! , she told me things that not any other Reader in the past have said to me. Rhonda is a good hearted person who gives you hope in life. Rhonda’s Reading is a mixture of predicting and coaching, she cares a lot and she tries her best to say the thing in a very kind, polite and truthful way. I wish Rhonda nothing but happiness. Lots of love, Mira.
  • Verity, Keilor, Victoria, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I just wanted to tell you, I am so grateful for all you've done for me so far. Through you, I have gained so much strength and wisdom, that I can already see how people are treating me differently, without me being someone different. I owe this to you. I have faith and trust in your work, as I sense it in my bones that it is real, and I wanted to give you this feedback as I am so grateful. I feel closer to god, than I was ever before, as knowing, allowed my obstacles to be removed so I could see the path of my soul’s journey, clearer.

    Thank you Rhonda. I hope I can repay some back to you one day. Have great day.


  • Daniel, Hobart, Tasmania.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you so much for my Reading today. I now remember that, for the last whole week, I have been praying to god, to help me to fix the area that you brought up in the Reading, and I had forgotten about it, and today it had to be raised. I have even more faith in you than I did before, it is even more proof to me, that you are so genuine and sincere.

    With my deepest gratitude,


  • Sandy, Lennox Heads, New South Wales. Australia.

    Thank you Rhonda,

    Even though I did what I did for love, there was still a hidden agenda without me being aware of it. Spirit stopped me going back to old habits, and that is a major problem I had in the past. I admire you even more. Thank you greatly for my reading today. I'm not beating myself up like I used to in the past.



  • Yasmin, Iran, Western Asia.

    OMG, I now know what you mean. I got it!!!!, I needed time to think, and process all the things you said, and now I see it. You know me more than I know myself. You're amazing. I am so grateful that I made that call and you did my Reading. I actually see the issue being a big problem in my life and fixing this will help me grow so much, and boost my confidence and self-worth even more.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


  • Kristina, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    I am saying a big thank you for all that was gifted to me yesterday in the reading you did, “life changing.”

    I have acted on inspiration and I have made an appointment on Friday with the practitioner you suggested, she said I was lucky to get in this week, but I know it wasn't luck, but my “support team” at work.

    I am so grateful to you Rhonda.



  • Jacquie, Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been seeing Rhonda for nearly four years now. She has been my "go to" person when my life comes to a certain point and I need some clarity and insight. Her grounded advice, her ability to connect me to my truth and steer my life in the right direction has helped me immensely over these past four years.

    My heart over flows with gratitude for her kindness, generosity and warm hearted support. Rhonda is one of the most gifted people I've ever met. I have recommended several friends to Rhonda over the years. When you find someone that really helps, it is a joy and pleasure to share the experience with them too.

    Rhonda thank you for being you, and thank you for having the courage to share your gift with those who are fortunate to come across your path.

    Keep shining.

    Lots of love,


  • Natalie, Double Bay, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for yesterdays Reading. You have this amazing way of helping to pick me up off the floor and give me the strength to keep going. I don’t know what I would do without your guidance and support over the years. To a very special lady, I will be thinking of you xx Best wishes, Natalie.
  • Denise, Sleepy Hollow, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, You have such healing powers, it is amazing. Your work is like a spiritual vitamin. I hope others get to appreciate your beauty and kindness and see your qualities the way I do. You are amazing. I am now hopeful, happy, and Confident, with more faith than ever, thanks to your work. My prayers are with you, and I thank you once again for your help and guidance. I am grateful to God for allowing me to find you in this most difficult time of my life.  
  • Eden, Elanora, Gold Coast, Australia.

    I have had the pleasure of meeting with Rhonda twice for face to face readings, and both times I have had an amazing experience. The way Rhonda connects with Spirit is incredible, and I highly recommend her to others, especially first timers.

  • Yuko, Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia.

    Thank you so much for talking to my spirit. I was suffering from worrying about my baby animals which can't speak. Her help was big for me.

    Thanks to her I have lost lots of weight from my shoulder. I have seen a few people like Rhonda in my life, but I have never met a person like Rhonda, amazing! Thank you so much again!!!

    Yuko x

  • Katy, Auckland, New Zealand.

    Having my reading with Rhonda changed my life overnight.

    I was taken back by how much she knew about my family and I, just from the photos I had sent. I was struggling with many things in life before talking to Rhonda, but afterwards I immediately felt some clarity, and felt at peace. I am still thinking about what I was told, and working through everything, but I know for sure, that I will be back in touch.

    It's the first time I have felt in control of my life for a long time and I have so much to thank Rhonda for.

  • Debbie, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.

    I had a friend tell me how good Rhonda was. At first I thought that I would take the number and maybe down the track I would make the call. I could not get Rhonda out of my mind and finally I made the call and got an appointment.

    I found out it was my dad pushing me to contact Rhonda, and I am so glad he did. Rhonda was just beautiful, and was so accurate on what she said, everything she said was something I could relate to. I felt totally at ease when I got off the phone, like a pressure had lifted and a friend had just set my world straight again.

    Thank you Rhonda, I am so grateful and will definitely be talking to you in the future.


  • Sara, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, Thanks so much for the amazing Reading you gave me last week. I so appreciate your insight on this occasion and over the years I have been seeing you. You are quite phenomenal. Your Reading really helped me gain clarity and strength around the big issue in my life at the moment related to my relationship. Also thank you for your excellent Reading you gave my friend. He said it made him see his life differently... Whether he takes it on board or not, time will tell. Regardless I feel stronger in myself and am ready to move on. Love, Sara. Xx
  • Rocio, Dubai, The United Arab Emirates.

    I have had several Readings in my past and was always eager to hear hints from what was yet to come. Have been satisfied with them but never felt I fully accomplished the right Reading. With Rhonda all my expectations were exceeded. Her voice is sweet and clear, and her intentions are so good. It has been the first time ever I have cried through the entire Reading, as she managed to reach deep down to what was stopping me from feeling 100 percent. I had never stopped to realize how important it is to make peace with the past, and Rhonda has been the only person with help from Spirit to guide me through a path of self-discovery. The Reading was hard, it was the hardest, but the best Rhonda, you can't believe how pleased I am to have found you, and have spoken to you today, as there were feelings unleashed, I had hidden for many years, but I feel so much better now. I know what I have to work on, and I am looking forward to speaking to her again once I have healed my inner sadness. She was extremely specific describing every single thing about myself, and my family, which made me feel secure. I am so happy I have crossed paths with her and will forever be thankful to all what she's helped me realize. Huge thanks, and best regards to you both. Rocio 🙂
  • Gemma, London, England.

    Rhonda's reading was a real blessing, she has a very special gift and even accommodated my session through a very poor skype connection


    I think Rhonda is one of those people who gets straight to the heart of it, and I would recommend her readings to anyone.



  • Jayden, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, It's Jayden here, I'm writing you a testimonial like I promised. Where to start...... I'm a 27 year old male living on the Gold Coast. I've been so see Rhonda 5 times now, every time has been amazing beyond words. Having so many people in my life pass away I couldn't help but be curious of who was around me. The first time I went to see Rhonda I was incredibly upset as soon as she told me my father was by my side, but with her words of wisdom and beautiful presence she helped me make contact. Rhonda has helped me so much to grow and be the best person i was put here to be. My last visit was one of the best so far. I, like many people have had it a little rough throughout the years. Rhonda has now opened my eyes to the the person I really am, to the things I am most definitely worthy of. She empowers me every time I finish a reading and drive down that road back to the highway, my whole world changes and I then and there know what I have to do to make my life not only easier but more fulfilled. To anyone reading this, if you need any kind of validation, support, guidance or contact with a loved one that I know will be waiting for you on the other side, please go see Rhonda. Even if you just need a chat, she can most definitely help with anything you have to dish out. She is truly a gift to this world. Thank you for reading. Jayden 🙂
  • Sarah, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, After hearing about you through my friend I was very curious to hear what you could tell me about my current "bumps in the road." Well, you spoke as if you have known my family forever. My Reading was very accurate and I found at time quite confronting in a non- threatening way. There were snippets where I couldn't believe you could tell me what I thought only I could see. There were issues that I didn't really want to hear about, but deep down knew they were there and needed addressing. You named them and challenged me the way usually only an old friend can do. Thank you for opening my eyes a little wider than to just my own interpretations. Thank you for the reality check that has given me the motivation to move forward in a positive manner. I'm acting on the information you were able to provide and know you have shown me how to save "us". I'm really looking forward to calling you again and hearing more from your guides. Thank you again for Help, help, helping me Rhonda (sorry couldn't HELP it:) Cheers, Sarah
  • Saby, Berlin, Germany.

    Hello Rhonda,

    you very much for your help. Today I didn't smoke all day.

    Take care.


  • Rachel, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Just wanted to say thank you again for my "holiday" reading. You have helped me to understand this situation I find myself in so much. Your guidance has really propelled me into a place where my trust and faith in the unknown is no longer surrounded by fear. Thank you for your help in seeing that I do deserve better and he no longer deserves me, or my children until he grows up.

    I am very grateful that we met. I know our relationship will be in going as I seek advice for the next stage of my journey...a journey that you are very much apart of! Hope you don't mind?

    Many, many thanks,


  • Shannon, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you for the insight and awakening, this was the first reading I have experienced and I'm so grateful for your talents and ability to help others grow spiritually, and bring so much light and love and truth.


  • Mike, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I went to visit Rhonda today, and I was blown away by the accuracy and insight in her reading. Despite being late after getting lost, (make sure you follow Rhonda's directions on her website and don’t trust your GPS) she was most courteous and respectful, and gave much of her time, to bring me tremendous understanding and peace inside myself with some issues I have been battling for almost 20 years.

    I’ve been to Hypnotherapists, councillors even a psychiatrist in the past looking for answers and spent months wasting my time and hurting others around me with negativity during my search which got me nowhere, however an hour session with Rhonda changed my perspective immediately. I literally had to pull over on the way home to come to terms with how profound the reading was for me. She communicated information to me which was exceptionally accurate and even blew me away how well she understood the people in my life.

    You have just gotta see this lady, she will change your life and give you the outside looking in view of yourself you need to hear, to better appreciate yourself as a person.


  • Margie, Toorak, Victoria, Australia.

    I have had readings over the telephone before, never have I had a reading like the one I had with Rhonda. I was totally blown away with her accuracy about my family members and myself. Rhonda is incredibly caring in how she tells you what Spirit is saying to her. Of course she is totally truthful about what Spirit tells her and does not just tell you what you want to hear.

    I had a second reading with Rhonda, where she reiterated on some points about family members from my first conversation – wow!

    Thank you Rhonda, for connecting me with my dear mother; that is something I will always treasure.


  • Sally. Brighton, Victoria, Australia.

    I had my first reading with Rhonda today and made me realize a lot of goods and bads about my issues. First clairvoyant I have been to and will tell me the truth about everything.

    I am so happy and grateful to seek for her guidance and love her honesty. Made me open my eyes and very helpful to become a better person. I will highly recommend her to my families and friends for future guidance. I will definitely come back to see Rhonda.

    Thank you,


  • Rachel, Bondi, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Wow, you are amazing! Three years ago you gave me a reading that was a little shocking at the time. I just didn't want you to be so right!

    I was amazed that my latest phone reading covered the issues I am currently dealing with. You predicted this and tried to guide me 3 years ago!

    I seriously would not know where I would find the strength to continue through this horrible time without you and your guidance.

    I love your honesty and I trust you beyond measure as you have discussed things that only I know.

    I know now that spirit gives us exactly what we can handle right here and now. You have been so encouraging throughout my trials that I can't express my gratitude.

    Thank you so much for your important messages, I highly recommend your phone readings. They are just as helpful as a face to face reading because you are extremely good at what you do.

    I will be in touch after the next chapter closes! You have been spot on every time!!!

    Many thanks,


  • Rosalie. Toorak, Victoria, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda ,

    I just want to " Thank You " very much for the Reading that I had with you yesterday , your compassion and kindness to me was very much appreciated , I am going to do what Spirit has said for me to do. I feel such a sense of relief and I am looking forward to the rest of my life , I will keep in touch .

    You have such a special gift Rhonda.

    Forever Grateful


  • Ashleigh, Singapore and Dubai.

    Hi Rhonda,

    The guidance and direction you and Spirit gave has lead me to a life that's even greater than I could have dreamt of. Thank you Rhonda. Our little girl Isabelle is 10wks old and is such shining light in our world.

    Much love to you and your family,

    Ashleigh xx

  • Rowena, Benowa, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, My name is Rowena and i just pulled into my garage and heard you on Hot Tomato. I have been having successful Readings in Victoria for nearly 20 yrs now and there have been phone Readings the last 3 years while I have been living here on the Coast. I would love to have you give me a Reading when you have the time. I was thrilled to have come across another sincere person who is gifted in this field. Thank you for your time, Rhonda, Sincerely, Rowena
  • Niki, Mermaid Waters, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just heard you on Hot Tomato and was blown away with your discussion and your reading with Luke. I have always wanted to go to see a psychic but never known who to go to as i want the "real" deal not just someone who is going to tell me junk. I have a bit going on in my life at the moment and need some guidance on some decisions i must make so i am definitely going to make a booking to have a reading from you.

    Thank you for ringing Hot Tomato! I will be in contact soon.


  • Vanessa, Beijing, China.

    I am very satisfied with the Reading. Rhonda helped me see things clearly and put things into perspective for me. I will forever be grateful to her and will be in touch with her every time that I need guidance. I will be giving her contact details to everyone that needs help or guidance. Thanking you, Vanessa.  
  • Michelle, Pottsville, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda

    I just wanted to thank you for being you. I came to you for a reading and was amazed at how accurate and insightful you were. You told me things I needed to hear in a caring but straight forward way. I've since had many dealings with you, and know how you are at a reading, is how you are always, warm caring and honest. Thank you for your guidance and help, and I wish you all the best.


  • Bianca, Paris, France.

    A very short time after my reading with you, great things have started happening. I would never have imagined it happening this quickly but you have earned your nickname Never Wrong Rhonda for a reason! 😉 As for: “Never Wrong Rhonda “, I have to give the credit for that one to my friend Kerry, who had a reading with you in London last November. She didn't want to listen to begin with, but soon learnt that the truth never lies! I prefer referring to you as HMR - Help Me Rhonda, or your phone as, the HMR Hotline.

    Have a lovely day.



  • Helen, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    My experience of Rhonda's reading was one of profound understanding and acceptance.

    Rhonda takes you to the nub of the matter within the unspoken problem. She provides (non judgmental) clarity in detail of issues, requiring the seeker to look inward, open ears to gain understanding. I unhesitatingly will return to gain insights to my own growth and way forward.

    Rhonda you are a special gift to others, as I suspect is Kevin.

    We are all blessed,

    Blessed be Rhonda.


  • Sharon, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

    I just wanted to say thank you to Rhonda for such an honest reading. Even though it was hard to hear what she had to say, Rhonda gives it to you straight, but she shows understanding and empathy when she reads for you.



  • Emily, Bangalow, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda’s readings are accurate! Spot on!! A Life changing experience!

    Thank you.


  • Beverly, Newry Bar, New South Wales, Australia.

    Having the session with Rhonda has been an amazing experience. It is spiritual experience and uplifting. It empowers you as an individual. I can confidently say that through her work, my outlook on life has become shinier.


  • Ellie, Ballina, New South Wales, Australia.

    No more feeling sorry for myself, and no more waiting to receive other people's validation in order to get somewhere. Through working with Rhonda, I have found myself once more, and I am a more confident and stronger person.

    Best Wishes,


  • Helen, Alstonville, New South Wales, Australia.

    I am so grateful for Rhonda's wonderful work as it has changed me into a stronger woman.

    Love and gratitude!

    From Helen.

  • Janet, Lennox Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda was able to reach into the core of my issues. Through her gifted ability, I've been given the tools to gain clarity and wisdom to get back to the right track of my life. Rhonda is an honest, kind, respectful and compassionate soul. Her spiritual nature brings calmness and tranquility which has a long lasting effect. Her readings are accurate and through that, together with her wisdom and advice, I have been able to reach higher as a stronger woman everyday.

    The experience has touched my very soul. Her work is powerful and pure. I am so grateful for the wonderful work you have done, Rhonda! You have certainly made your mark!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  • Mandy, Robina, Queensland, Australia.

    I have known Rhonda for 5yrs, and find she is very professional in her work and I have been very satisfied with the results. I also have recommended other people to Rhonda, and they have also been very happy, as Rhonda is a caring and honest person and has helped me tremendously, and I will continue with our sessions.


  • Tania, The Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to thank you for my reading this morning. I feel like it is a healing session each time we speak.

    Best wishes,

    Tania x

  • Shaz, Upper Coomera, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, You have been a life saver for me 🙂 When I pray to my Angels at night, you are in my prayers. Thanks for your support for what I'm going through, it is very much appreciated & comforting. Shaz. xx
  • Sharon, Banora Point, New South wales, australia.

    Dear Rhonda, Thank you so much for the Reading. After being referred by my sister, I came to you feeling very lost and confused about my situation and with your help and guidance; I came away feeling a lot better. Your kind and warm approach was very much what I needed. You came across in such a caring manner that I felt so comfortable sharing my personal issues with you. As it has been a few months now, everything you predicated came true and thanks to you, I have moved on to a much happier place in my life. I would have no hesitation in recommending you to my family and friends. Thanks again Rhonda, Sharon
  • Wendy, Southport, Queensland, Australia.

    I can't thank Rhonda enough for the Reading I experienced today; I feel that a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Rhonda described my situation completely and to the smallest detail, with her guidance and messages, I can't wait to move forward with the next stage of my life. Rhonda, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have a marvellous gift and you are an amazing, selfless person who helps so many people. Thanks again. Kind regards, Wendy.
  • Paige, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda, thank you so much for your wonderful reading.

    I've been in a bit of a daze since Friday. Absolutely amazed at not just the information you knew, but the advice you gave based on that information. I love your honesty and your confidence in your gift. I can already see changes (for the better) in my life that are a direct result of your reading.

    For anyone wondering if she's the real deal...she is!

    Wishing you and your family the best.

    Warmest regards,

    Paige xx

  • Anara, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda is the person who I consult when I am at a turning point in my life, and/or when I have to make big decisions where I am not clear which is the best way to go. I have consulted her 5 times now over a 6 or 7 year period and find that her clear connection to spirit and ability to translate the information that comes through her into practical and effective communication to be invaluable for me with my own decision making processes. Her readings are grounded and useful, and she doesn't hesitate to share information which can be challenging if that is what is required. I am always able to relate to the information she gives me, although it sometimes leads me in a direction I hadn't necessarily considered previously. I feel that her motivation comes from the heart and a very sincere desire to be of service.

    I have recommended her to numbers of my friends, who themselves have found her to be someone that they also feel to consult when they are not clear on the best path forward. I am grateful to have her as a presence in my life when I need clarity and assistance. I have weathered some big challenges much more easily because to the information that has come through my readings and I have never regretted any choices I have made based on my readings.

    I wish you the very best in your life Rhonda, you deserve it, and may you always be helped as you help others.

    Anara xxx

  • Paulini, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda

    I wanted to say thank you once again for the wonderful work that you do, with such genuine love and care for the people that come to you. You are such a great person, full of warmth, compassion and respect for others. I always walk away inspired and motivated to carry out all the instructions, which are so welcome, from your sessions.

    I have come to see you four times over the last four years, and each time are truly amazed by the accuracy of your predictions and your description of the people in my life. It provides such clarity and peace of mind at the same time. I am able to quickly let go and move on from situations and people who are not serving me, and move towards those that are beneficial for me. It’s a blessing for us that you share your gift.

    I have recommended Rhonda to family, friends and clients and highly recommend Rhonda to anyone who is seeking guidance in their life for any situation.


  • Fin, Kingscliff, New South wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda This letter is how I really feel, but I'm not good at saying it in words. You really are one of the most amazing women I have ever met, you want to truly help people find their way. Your kindness and caring nature helps you (client) face reality, whether it be sad, or happy, with a positive attitude. Very few people can do that. You are awesome!!
  • Maree, Cotton Beach, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have known Rhonda now for about four years. I have a reading once a year or when needed to just give me clarity so that I know I am on the right track. During those four years, I have gone through some extremely difficult and devastating situations, each of which Rhonda picked up on without me saying a word. Yes, and I mean that I didn’t say anything about certain situations but Rhonda, without fail always through spirit told me of my dilemma and again through spirit gave me a way to handle the situation at hand. I truly cannot say that I’d be in the same state if it wasn’t for Rhonda. Her readings did and still do give me clarity with whatever I am concerned about.

    What amazed me the first time I met Rhonda was that she says something along the lines of in no way do I plan to hurt or upset you, I only act as the messenger for spirit. I believe with all my heart that Rhonda is the REAL DEAL, why? Because there is no way she could know the things she does, it is not possible, I mean, I have told no one of certain events and yet Rhonda will ask me almost point blank about the exact situation, I am going through. I still find this uncanny, although I do believe in her gift or connection with spirit. Rhonda truly lives what she portrays, a kind and caring person with the highest of integrity that I have seen in a human being for a long time. What I find interesting is that Rhonda likes you to bring clear photos or documents of situations that you are concerned about, but I have only ever done that twice, and yet her accuracy surpasses any clairvoyant or medium that I have ever seen even when I don’t take photos.

    Sometimes we do not want to hear the truth and think maybe we can make ourselves feel better and see a clairvoyant, who tells us what we want to hear. Hmmm, that is not the case with Rhonda, she says it like it is, straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak, (the horse being spirit). So all I can truly say is that if you REALLY want to gain insight into your life, situation, family and loved ones, then I totally recommend Rhonda, but as I have said earlier, she repeats what she is told from spirit, so be warned sometimes the truth hurts, is confronting and totally gut wrenching in some instances, but I also know that Rhonda will help lead you to where you need to travel, down that path we call life, and hopefully the way to happiness, as she has for me.

    I cannot recommend Rhonda enough, and I have thanked my friend who introduced me to Rhonda, more than once, due to the enormity of the help that Rhonda has given me. Go on take the first step, the scariest step and contact Rhonda, I know you won’t regret it, I never have, it has done the opposite, although my world was falling apart, Rhonda’s guidance from spirit and her kindness from her heart has been a part of me being where I am today- HAPPY.

    Thanks Rhonda, I am forever grateful x

  • Yvette, Casuarina, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda

    I know I have said thank you many times over the last four years, but I thought I’d like to thank you in writing for your integrity, truth and caring. You are the REAL DEAL! Every reading I have received from you has been phenomenal! Why? Because the accuracy of your readings has for me been unsurpassed by any previous “clairvoyants” that I have been to. You are so much more! Your connection to spirit never ceases to amaze me, quite frankly, I never give up much BUT you are so on the money with your accuracy and detail it just blows me away. That’s why I keep coming back and always will whenever I need help with an issue or want to know how my family are going. I have had many issues to deal with over the last four years & I just thank god that a friend gave me Rhonda’s number, when I have felt lost or confused, I have gone to Rhonda and left with such high spirits.

    If anyone is reading this to see whether they should go to Rhonda, let me put it to you like this, if you want truth, integrity and honesty, you must go.

    Rhonda, thank you for so much for everything you have done for my family and I, words cannot express how I feel.


  • Trish, Fingal, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have sought Rhonda’s help during some difficult times in my life. Without her guidance, I’m not sure how my life would be today. Her abilities as a clairvoyant are unmatched by anyone I’ve ever come across. Her ability to see my past and present have been so incredibly accurate. Her predictions into the future have astounded me when I’ve looked back and revisited the readings she has given me and seen how much of it has come to pass. I have recommended friends and family to Rhonda and they’ve all had amazing readings and all have come away completely awestruck by her abilities to see into their lives and the truth of their situation.

    I am so very grateful to Rhonda for the beautiful gift she has to give comfort and guidance to myself and the people I care about.

    Thank You


  • Kelly, Cairns, Northern Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to say thank you for my reading. It was really good, and I was very excited about some of the things that will hopefully come up. As usual you were spot on about a lot of things that have happened, and will definitely recommend you to my friends.

    Yours sincerely,


  • Elle, Launceston, Tasmania. Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    You have helped me more than words can explain, and I cannot thank you enough. You've helped me face the most difficult experience, and see it for what it is, and made me deal with reality. I do, and will, continue to recommend you to my friends and I truly believe, everyone can better themselves through you, and your readings, as I know I have.

    I wish you the best of luck, and I will meet with you again when i get that feeling!

    Thank you for today, because now I'm back on track.

    Best wishes,


  • Natalie, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    My testimonial below for the most amazing person I have ever met,

    “I began my journey with Rhonda nearly 11 years ago. Over the years Rhonda has offered me not only guidance in my life but the strength to face my challenges head on and know I will be okay. I cannot begin to tell you just how absolutely amazing this woman is. The accuracy of her readings is phenomenal and the love and support that these are delivered to you is just uplifting. She is just completely fantastic and she blows my mind every time I have a reading at just how accurate she is. Rhonda provides me with the courage and understanding that things happen in your life as it is all part of your journey which provides me with an opportunity to grow as a person. Rhonda has been such an important part of my life and tears are falling on my cheeks as I write this as she has made my world such a better place just being in it. Rhonda is an inspiration and I can’t thank her enough from the bottom of my heart for all that she has provided me with over the years.”

    Love & Light

    Natalie x

  • Narelle, SouthPort, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Saying thank you just isn't enough. You and your gift are extraordinary, I believe everyone should meet with you it will change their life forever! This past two years I have experienced a great deal of trauma in my personal life and after some counselling I felt nobody could help and a very dear friend recommended, I meet with you. I am truly blessed having met you. I believe you saved me from potential danger. You sat across from me and told me what had happened to me??? What was going to happen??? How could you know this?? What you have provided for me no psychologist or medical professional could do. My Readings with you have not only counselled me through the worst personal experience of my life at 45 years but to empower me and arm me with the tools to face what lies ahead. You have encouraged me to face the good the bad and the ugly. Your encouragement and your foresight convinced me I could get through and I am almost there. Your gift, ability to predict events and the outcome….. I listened and acted on your advice, amazing does not describe it. You have prepared me for the worst which has been difficult to hear, I've shed a lot of tears meeting with you, but it has been worth it because you prepared me as everything you said has actually occurred and thankfully you gave me the tools to survive. There is no one that could have known what lie ahead for me but you, you have and I listened and thank God I did. I've learnt so much about myself and through you been able to protect myself from a very dangerous person. This past two years I've faced a treacherous storm, you've guided me through it head on. I’ve been struck down, knocked over, slammed and through your guidance the fall I didn't fall as hard. Now the storm is clearing I see grey clouds with blue sky and I believe I'm not far off seeing the Rainbow. I would not be who I am today had I not had my readings with you I feel strong and so aware and it’s the most comforting feeling. Thank you, Rhonda, you really are an Angel x Narelle
  • Jacqueline, Sandringham, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda's ability to communicate with Spirit is quite remarkable. She is kind, caring, her messages are very insightful and she makes sure one understands, what she is communicating. Of current situations the messages were accurate and it will be interesting to see how future predictions play out. I am very grateful that she is so willing to share her gift. Cheers, Jacqueline.
  • Bianca, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Dearest Rhonda, It is hard to find words to write to the person who has completely enriched and changed my life. Rhonda you have helped me immeasurably. Your guidance, words and wisdom have helped me become my true self again, and I have again restored faith, love and belief in myself. Your readings have been spot on in regards to future events that have all taken place... Absolutely magical...I also through you was able to communicate with a friend that had passed, your work is incredible, absolutely amazing and I will be forever grateful we have crossed paths in this life.

    You will be seeing me again 🙂 and I will continue to recommend you to friends and family.

    Your friend,


  • Sam, Hobart, tasmania, Australia

    The first time I had a Reading with Rhonda was approximately 3 years ago. That particular reading turned my life around, which I am eternally grateful to Rhonda for that. I found her Reading incredibly precise and accurate......, and because of this I have had several Readings with Rhonda since when i have needed clear accurate guidance. Rhonda has a deep caring and kind nature and I have always found her to be very respectful. She takes great pride in her work and is a very truthful and honest person. Other qualities in Rhonda are her concern and empathy for others, Rhonda truly wishes the best for everyone. Rhonda is greatly respected worldwide with good reason.... Thank you Rhonda, you are truly a wonderful person with an amazing gift.
  • Vicki, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been to see Rhonda numerous times when I have been troubled or worried about my family. Rhonda is very accurate and a few times she has made me aware of things I didn’t know with my kids. Nothing bad, but when things happened, I haven’t been shocked and am ready to help them. Rhonda is very careful with her approach to me, and tells me calmly, where I would normally freak out. She is like a counsellor, and now I call her a friend. She has helped my family through some tough times and happy times.

    I would recommend Rhonda to anyone.

    Thanks Rhonda, for being there for all of us.

    Love, Vicki.

  • Renee, Baltimore, NYC, United States of America.

    My Testimonial for Rhonda and Spirit. I have been fortunate enough to have had Readings and guidance from Rhonda for the last 4 years. During this time, my life has changed and transformed onto levels and experiences I never could have dreamed of before I met Rhonda. Rhonda's Readings have guided me to a job I never imagined existed, and my perfect life partner, both of which I adore. I have also consulted Rhonda for major and minor health concerns both of which her insight remedied immediately without return. The ways Rhonda's guidance has changed my life is so complete it's hard to express enough gratitude. The Readings have sometimes been very challenging to hear, and I have had to walk some very opposing paths, but it has always put me in a higher more beneficial position in my life. I have only love and gratitude for this incredible woman and the work and energy Rhonda has offered me as a client. Take good care Rhonda, and sending you all my love and support you are a very inspirational woman With so many thanks to Spirit and Rhonda, Love, Renee, xoxoxo  
  • Pete, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda is the real deal and is absolutely amazing! I came to Rhonda at a time in my life when I was in the middle of a mid-life crisis and at a personal crossroads. Rhonda clarified through Spirit, the patterns of my life and why I had experienced the things I had to bring me to the point I was at. The Reading was so incredibly accurate about my life, my patterns and the people within them. Rhonda's Reading has given me a new focus and direction to change the patterns in my life over the past 40 years to really move forward in a positive and empowering way. I am truly excited about the future, and I thank Rhonda for empowering me with the truth. Pete.
  • Rebecca, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda I just like to send you a little and big thank you for the Reading you did for me this morning. It really helped and gave me a push in the right direction. I heard about you from someone else who just kept on talking how fantastic you are, and I thought yes I will make an appointment also. Now this is not opposition, but I have a few marital problems and saw one of the best clairvoyants in Canberra and with Rhonda’s Reading this morning I had a double banger, nearly word for word the same. I am truly amazed and know that you are both on the right path. The push I am talking about is already happening as we speak. Thank you Rhonda and I will give out your name to whoever crosses my path and is interested in a good honest powerful clairvoyant. I feel so much better after talking to you. Rebecca.
  • Rebecca, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda is amazing at what she does and she has certainly helped me! Warm regards. Rebecca
  • Vandna, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Initially I was a little skeptical before the readings. However after putting me at ease instantly, Rhonda was able to give me accurate descriptions of events in my life. I was gobsmacked by the accuracy and precision that Rhonda used to describe those closest to me. I feel a weight has been lifted, and I can see things a lot clearer. I am indebted to her. I feel blessed to have her read for me, and believe she is truly blessed by a higher Spirit.


  • Amy, New York, United States.

    Hi Rhonda! I am SO glad that your present I ordered arrived in time (phew!)..... I really love having Readings in person with you. It is absolutely my pleasure to give you this Gift. Consider it a token of my appreciation for all of your help/love/guidance that you have given me over the past 8 years! It is the least I can do, honestly! I will forever be in your debt - I wouldn't be where I am today without you. 😀 Amy.
  • Katherine, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

    I saw Rhonda two weeks in a row and it literally changed my life. The insights that Spirit gave me through Rhonda encouraged me to move forward in many areas of my life and let other things go that have bothered me and held me back for many years. My relationships with other people in my life have also improved with the insights that Rhonda gave me. Her honesty and not prettying things up as I have had in the past made this one of this one of the most beneficial experiences that I think you could ever have. Her medical Intuitiveness also was spot on. It moved me to take action and I’m now feeling my energy levels growing daily. I would recommend Rhonda to anyone.


  • Renee, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Thank you Rhonda, for another great Reading. This was my 3rd Reading over the last 3.5 years and I have found that all predictions have come true in the past. I feel confident when I get a Reading from Rhonda that she has a powerful insight into the situations I most need help within my life. I find comfort in these Readings as some times in life we feel lost and just need to be guided in the right direction. I feel the healing I get from a Reading is much more comforting than anything a counsellor or therapist can tell me. Thanks again, Renee.
  • Ashleigh, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I had heard from several friends about Rhonda, and (somewhat reluctently) decided to have my own telephone reading recently. She was so spot on with situations in my life, with a level of pin-point accuracy that left me truly blown away. Rhonda gave me such well rounded tell-it-like-it-is advice that not even a best friend could give! I have been raving about her to anyone that will listen and sending all of my friends to her! Straight after my reading I truly felt a weight had been lifted off me. I'm SO glad I did it.

    Thank you Rhonda.

  • Jaye, Burringbar, New South Wales, Australia.

    This is a letter of recommendation for Rhonda, My Reading was illuminating. I remember that I experienced clarity about my relationship with my sister and Rhonda's clear and precise information allowed me to see her in a new and more peaceful manner. Rhonda can easily see to the heart of ourselves and our straying from the path and gives clear and vivid advice to allow greater clarity. My husband also saw Rhonda and gained a great deal of clarity about his relationships with family members and where things were going off kilter, and also had a reunion or 'confirmation' of his father's presence which has benefited him greatly. I recommend Rhonda to my nearest and dearest when they are floundering and need some good sound advice and I don't hesitate to recommend her to you the reader also. Thank you, Rhonda, for your continuing service to humanity! Cheers Jaye
  • Natalie, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I came to you a little over 3 years ago and everything that you said to me and all the wonderful guidance that you gave me helped me on my journey over this last 3 years. Your information was very accurate and it still spins me out when things happen and I remember you telling me that it would and when it did how to handle it best. I would highly recommend you and that is why  I am coming to see you again for the next phase of my journey. Thank you for being so great. I look forward to seeing you again soon. Regards, 
Natalie xo
  • Yamaguchi, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia.

Although I have never been to Reading before, I can tell that Rhonda is absolutely kind lady and has got one of the best Reading skills on the coast. 
She will give us what choice you have, what suite you to do, however, she won't give you what you should do, she simply give us some direction and what you would be better not to do. 
If you are not confident with your English, you can take reading with your friend as a translator. 
I was not having Reading that day, I was there to be a translator, but when I was doing translation for my friend I had some feeling that I need to talk to her.
Rhonda told me so much things that I didn’t even realize, 
and she is so much more helpful than a psychologist, that she give us much understanding and kindness, especially she tries to work out with us.
  • Ashleigh, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I had heard from several friends about Rhonda, and (somewhat reluctently) decided to have my own telephone reading recently. She was so spot on with situations in my life, with a level of pin-point accuracy that left me truly blown away. Rhonda gave me such well rounded tell-it-like-it-is advice that not even a best friend could give! I have been raving about her to anyone that will listen and sending all of my friends to her! Straight after my reading I truly felt a weight had been lifted off me. I'm SO glad I did it.

    Thank you Rhonda.


  • Jewels, Tugan, Queensland, Australia.

    I have had the privilege of knowing Rhonda for over twelve years! In that time, I have experienced the amazing power of Rhonda’s GIFT. During this time - for various reasons I have sought wisdom and understanding , and clarification for some situations in my life. I have ALWAYS been so enriched by the experience and empowered to walk the truth of my own life. I know that when I go to Rhonda – I will hear Spirit’s words for me – in that moment of my life. I have been to some other clairvoyants over my lifetime, and I have never met anyone whose message is so clear: so definite: so ‘spot on’. She is truly an amazing woman who has so much to give to us all. I have been deeply touched by Rhonda’s courage in ‘speaking her word as she hears it from Spirit’. She knows that her ‘gift’ is to enable others to ‘listen to their own truth and then hopefully follow it in their everyday lives. I experience Rhonda as a ‘catalyst’ enabling people to ‘change’ to come into ‘freedom’ and to ‘walk into peace’ as we follow the wisdom that Spirit speaks through her. One of the gifts I have been given is that some of what Rhonda shares is a ‘confirmation’ of what I ‘knew at some level’ but some of this wasn’t clear or some I had discounted. In these time of great change in our world – I believe that Rhonda’s gift is needed more than ever for those who are ‘open’ and ‘willing to ‘listen’. Over the years I have encouraged many of my friends to go to Rhonda and I never cease to be amazed at the way in which each one is gifted. I want to thank you Rhonda for your gift and for your courage: your sensitivity: your love and your compassion. You are truly an amazing woman Rhonda. Your GIFT is a blessing for us all. I thank you for having the courage to ‘use your gift’ to enrich the lives of so many of us.  
  • Mitch, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda On Saturday afternoon you did a Reading for a very, very dear person in my life. After your conversation with her, I've seen a light rekindle in her eyes that had started to flicker in the last couple of months. I can't thank you enough for sharing your special gift with my friend. Many thanks, Mitch.
  • Elaine, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia.

    "I've been to a few psychics but none have been as accurate and genuinely helpful as Rhonda. I have had two Readings with Rhonda. There was a year gap between my Readings. Rhonda has a lovely caring and direct way of communicating. I leave the conversation clearer and more confident on the areas that I need to work on in order to experience the best in my life. The kind of work Rhonda does is very unique. She offers information and predications on the future. But she also offers practical advice to the individual. After having the second Reading it became clear that I was a stronger and more confident person than the first time we spoke. However the spirit gave me a gentle kick in the behind to stop stepping in my own way and to quit procrastinating. What I have learnt out of having two readings is that everything is a layering process and takes time; however we need to take an active and present part in wanting the best for ourselves. Sometimes fear and self-sabotage can get in the way and it can be hard to know where to start, but I'm very grateful to Rhonda and the spirit for helping me get on the right track. Thanks Again Rhonda, Cheers Elaine p.s Thank you so much for continuing to do the Reading in the middle of that intense storm. Xx"
  • Abbey, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, I showed my Mum the testimonial, she was beyond happy. So happy that I'm not swallowing cocktails of pills and spending pointless hours at the psychologist, when one meeting changed all of that. she has indeed noticed a change in me, no longe cooped up in my bedroom, now I'm expanding and working hard at uni and at work, but not just that, I'm talkin to her all the time and I love doting on her. I guess it was something I always wanted to do but there was always a wall between us. It isn't there anymore, and slowly my relationship with my dad is getting better and better as we are acting like father and daughter, something we never did. We never even spoke to each other and we lived in the same house. Now I come home and enjoy telling him about my day, and enjoying his dad jokes. He asked me for a hug the other day, I haven't hugged him since I was thirteen, about five years. It was really strange at first, allowing myself to feel love towards anything was never allowed for me and it has been overwhelming to actually let myself open up and invite others in. This is thanks to you, and I can't thank you more, only can I try and express in my life what you have done for me. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Also, I'm not sure but I have begun to see a light glow around other people. I don't know if it is aura, but it's definitely there. I use my tarot and talk to spirit everyday. I hope your all well, sort for length! X love abbey 🙂
  • Paula, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I truly understand what you mean by living in fear actually creating the situation you are fearful of. I have had experiences in the past where I allowed phobia's to create extraordinary circumstances. Whilst I thought at the time that these experiences were bad things, I have learned to be really grateful for them as they had taught me through experience that we really are responsible for creating what happens in our lives. Even though I know this, I was really struggling to get my head in the right place with Warren's health situation and you have helped me overcome the overwhelming fear. With this emotion put in its place we can both work on healing. Thank you once again for reminding us of how things truly work. I imagine that over the years you have been subjected to ridicule for what you do at times and I wanted you to know that we appreciate what you do.
  • Tracey, Casurina, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda is the best clairvoyant I have ever been to. Not only does she guide you in the right direction. Rhonda helps you when she can and gives advice that can change your life. I recommend Rhonda to everybody and anybody who is even slightly looking to go and see whether they are on the right track. She will not pretty it up and tell you what you want to hear, she will tell you how it is, and how you can make positive and rewarding changes in your life. Rhonda has an amazing gift so please do yourself a favour and make an appointment to see her. Who started out as "my clairvoyant", I am proud to say now is my friend.
  • Amy, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    I have been blessed to have known Rhonda for the past four years. Over this time I have grown to cherish the connection I have with this amazing woman.

    I have an enormous amount of respect for what she does and I am truly grateful for her presence in my life. I often find myself reaching out to Rhonda when I am in need of clarity and direction in my life. Her words, and those directly from Spirit, come from a place of truth and love, you can feel it. Rhonda has changed my life in so many ways. She has enabled me to take a step back and look at my life from a different perspective, she has lifted me from deep sadness, given me the courage to harness my strengths, put me back on track when I have felt overwhelmed and lost, and has revealed the truth when my vision was clouded. I would not be who I am today if it wasn't for Rhonda and Spirit. I will be eternally grateful that my path crossed with yours Rhonda. Looking forward to many more readings over the years to come.

    Lots of love,


  • Mel, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    I was introduced to Rhonda through my partner whom had experienced a Reading with Rhonda. His explanation of his Reading made me very curious and interested, as he himself is very particular when it comes to psychics. He then looked me square in the eyes and said,” She is the real deal, and she gives it to you right between the eyes”, after that I said I have to see this woman. A few days later I was able to have a Reading, at first, I felt rather nervous thinking, what if she doesn’t like me, etc., my ego was running on over- drive, then I thought, who cares, I’m not going to make friends I’m going to get her advice and wisdom. Well wasn’t I in for a shock, Rhonda not only gave it to me "right between the eyes" she also spoke with an open heart, love , truth and divine “Spirit” or whatever you wish to name it. It was not only an awakening for me and my personal growth, but a profound experience on all levels, a true blessing from Spirit. Thank you Rhonda with eternal gratitude, Mel
  • Heather, Pottsville, New South Wales, Australia.

    I am writing this testimonial for Rhonda.

    A few years ago I met Rhonda and we became friends.

    It’s funny how people come into your life for a reason, and I believe that Rhonda was in my life to help me through the worst time of my life. Rhonda and her husband Kev, came to see me the day after our beautiful daughter died suddenly while on a Contiki holiday in Rome. The papers were quick to say drugs and alcohol were probably the cause, but Rhonda just held her hand to her chest, and said it was her heart ( which it turned out to be a heart attack. ) Thank God, because the autopsy took nearly seven months to come through.

    It was like having a phone line to the other side having Rhonda, because she immediately was able to connect to our daughter in Spirit. Rhonda said that she was an incredible strong Spirit and very organised, because she told Rhonda what song to have, what she wanted us to wear (at the funeral) and so many other important things. We had a bit of time to organise things because, they had to bring our daughter home from Rome, but one thing that was very important, was that Rhonda advised us NOT to go over to see her body, because my daughter in Spirit told Rhonda, that was the reason she passed overseas, and that she wanted us to remember her as she was before she had left for her trip. It was hard, my sisters wanted to go, but in the end we didn't, and I am so grateful for that. My memory of my daughter was her joyful look, as she was hopping on a plane, for the trip of a lifetime.

    There were nights when I would ring Rhonda crying, and asking if my daughter was ok? and did she feel anything? all the questions you want to know about your loved ones, after they have gone ! Rhonda was amazing, I can honestly say that without Rhonda and her wonderful husband Kev, my family and I would not have got through this time. Rhonda has an amazing gift, there is no question about it and she has continued to help us as much as she can. There are so many stories to tell of things that have happened and of strange coincidence, which even my husband, a non believer could not ignore. I will forever be in debt to Rhonda and Kev and thank them for giving me a life back after such a terrible time.

  • Jesse, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I have never written a testimonial, however, all I can say is that when I had my phone Reading, Rhonda's demeanour was lovely and precise. She definitely knew my personality type and knew of past experiences which were very impressive.  Her approach is very warm, and I like that she does not 'fluff' over anything, as you pay to hear what might happen. Rhonda does not sugar coat anything, however, as mentioned above, Rhonda delivers the information in a warm manner.




  • Pat, Ocean Shores, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you so much for today!!! And thank you for making me understand my dog better, knowing it's background has clarified a lot for me.

    I am always in a kind of space, coming from you. Always feel I can manage things easily. There is a lot of healing energy around you and your place.

    Thanks for that.

  • Lisa, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, Wow………………….. Im still reeling in our Reading from Saturday, you are amazing! I am going to be putting a testimonial on your site………… You are a beautiful person and I could chat to you forever….. The Reading was so amazingly accurate and has really helped concrete some things for me.. its going to really help me put some people in “boxes” so I can get on with my life rather than carry the weight and emotion around on my back…. My husband is going to book an appt with you in a couple of weeks time, and I would like to have another one in a few months or so….
  • Anne-Marie, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    My Reading was amazing, Rhonda really delved into the core of what I was ready to hear. She told me that my father was around me, this allowed me to grieve him for the first time in 40 years. She told me things about my past that were incredibly insightful and profound. I cried after the Reading - I felt relief, joy and peace. My daily life reflects guidance I received in the Reading - I am more mindful of many things I can let go of that no longer serve me. I have recommended Rhonda to my friends who have also been blown away by their Readings. The Reading was cathartic and enlightening. I highly recommend Rhonda. Blessings, Anne-Marie.
  • Alicia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    My first reading with Rhonda was at her home, and over a period of 18 months since then I have had 2 more readings, one of them being over the phone. My sister’s partner had recently been introduced to Rhonda at the time and recommended that I see her, encouraging me that maybe she could shed some light on my situation. I must say that I was a little reluctant to go initially because I had never seen a Clairvoyant before and, to be honest, was unsure of my stance on the spirit world.

    What an eye opener my first reading was! Rhonda picked up on many intricate details in both my personal and professional life. I was surprised at what she knew and what I was hearing! Amongst a plethora of valuable information, I also heard some hard truths that day, but walked away well equipped with what I needed to see to improve my situation and move forward in a beneficial way.

    My next two readings were similar – she nailed what was going on in some important areas of my life – and again, I came away feeling more aware of why some things were happening and both energised and inspired to make the necessary changes I needed to make in order to move into the next chapter of my life. She has “kicked my butt” multiple times now! Rhonda says it how it is, it's as simple as that! I feel that Rhonda and her guides always whip me into line when I begin to veer off-track and help me see what I need to see in order to grow – it’s a big reality check! I have become so much stronger and made such better choices since understanding things from the angle Rhonda helps me see it.

    I like how Rhonda is straight down the line – nothing is sugar-coated and she delivers you what you need to know to best benefit yourself and the situation you are in. I really enjoy Rhonda’s sense of humour too - I have shared a few laughs with her in my readings! I am a happier and stronger person since crossing Rhonda’s path and am grateful for the guidance she’s given me in the work that she does.

    Thanks Rhonda and I look forward to the next chat!

  • Zoe, Wales, Great Britain.

    Hi Rhonda, Just a quick email to say how much of a great job you are doing. Literally everything you said from my last Reading has happened. It always does, and always will, no doubt about it, I trust you 100 percent. Rhonda, you are helping so many people, you should be so proud of yourself. Have a nice day. Zoe.
  • Sonia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda and Spirit,

    I don't know how to thank you enough for the insight that you provided me today. I only wish that I had found you sooner and am so glad that I came across your website. After reading the testimonials on your website with a little bit of scepticism I'll admit, I decided to give it a go.

    Rhonda, I have been searching for answers about a particular situation for so long. Readings with others just did not give me the answers and the understanding I was looking for - until I met you. You identified the truth so clearly and concisely that it was like a punch in the gut. I don't know what else to say other than I am dumbfounded but so grateful and thankful that I have been guided to you - I finally got the truth directly with no messing around...and that's exactly the way it should have been. I appreciated your insight, your warmth and compassion and you have restored my faith in readers. You are providing such an invaluable service for a price that is affordable to people who need guidance, and I cannot tell you how much that means to me when I have paid hundreds of dollars for rubbish readings that last half an hour.

    I am going to take the time to reflect and process the information and advice Spirit gave me, do the hard work and look forward to the future with positivity! Ps. I have already ordered the books online and can't wait to get stuck into them.
    Thank you Rhonda, and I have no doubt I'll be back to speak to you again in the future.

    Lots of love and light,


  • Tracey, Milton Keynes, England.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for a wonderful experience, it was the best Reading I have ever had, and it was at the right time in my life. Again, thank you so much. Tracey.
  • Toni, Tambourine Mountain, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been coming to Rhonda twice a year for the last 10 years. The guidance that has come to me from Rhonda`s insightful Readings has radically changed the course of my own life, and the lives of my loved ones, for all our greater good. Rhonda has told me things about myself and the people in my path that nobody could have possibly known, so I have no doubt (after all these years) that Rhonda`s Readings are divinely guided. I am profoundly grateful to have found Rhonda!! I have no hesitation in strongly recommending Rhonda as the best Reader l have ever been to.
  • Tameeka, Robina, Queensland, Australia.

    I am really skeptical about psychics and had never had a Reading before. 
I had heard about Rhonda from so many of my friends and Family ,each time somebody had ,had a Reading with Rhonda they would rave about their Reading, telling me how extremely accurate their Readings where for them and that she was an excellent psychic Reader . 

I am a single parent so money is always tight, I wondered if l was wasting my money or not but l thought that l would go as l had some questions that l needed help with. 

My first Reading went so well and was just so helpful, that l ended up having another Reading two weeks later and another four months later and that at this present time l have now had five Readings with Rhonda. Everything discussed was so relevant and very accurate on all levels, l feel that Rhonda knew me better than l knew myself. Rhonda has changed my life, she has changed the way that l think, l am so much more positive about the decisions l make for myself and my family. I am not a person who trusts very easily at all and l trust Rhonda, her thoughts and words from her Spirit guides. I have acted on what has been spoken about between us and on many issue's either straight away or sometime after it all seems to fall into place." This still surprises me" 
Rhonda has advised me on preventing things before they happen and l have learnt to have the utmost respect for people that are specially gifted like Rhonda. 

During the Reading, Rhonda had warned me about being flat out, being dehydrated and having a car accident, not a really bad accident but never the less an accident, six months later l was moving house, of course l was rushing around and on this day l was in a real hurry as l had to get the hire trailer back ,( l hadn't eaten or drunk anything all day)and as l was driving up Sextons Hill, my car catapulted across the lanes and at that split second,( l thought, "gee!, Rhonda really knows what she is talking about" and because of this warning l didn't panic) But all was fine , some very kind men helped me realign the trailer and l was back on my way again. Rhonda has given me invaluable information in being a better mum to my child, and has helped me to integrate life's journey with my relationship, so much so that l have recently gotten engaged and am ready to move forward with so much excitement. 
Rhonda will always be completely honest with you, Rhonda has a very caring nature and is easy to Love and l know, that you will, as much as l do. Without hesitation at all, l recommend you don't waste time in seeing Rhonda, place your trust in her and you won't be disappointed, l also recommend that you get a copy of the session as there is so much to take in at one time and it's great to go back over time and time again. Much Love Sincerely, Tameeka.
  • Susan, Gymea, New South Wales, Australia.

    If you have ever come to a crossroads in your life and are seeking direction on which way you should go, Rhonda is the lady to see. Two years ago I was going through a very difficult time. Nothing in my life seemed to be going well at all. At work I felt that there was a definite undercurrent working against me, despite the pleasant exchanges and friendly smiles that I encountered. Although I had no hard evidence for my fears, the feeling continued to grow to the point where I had become extremely anxious and felt that I could trust no-one. I asked for help from the universe and was guided to Rhonda. 

Not only was I impressed when Rhonda confirmed my suspicions but I was completely blown away when she pointed to those who I had felt were the main offenders in a group work photograph, without any prompting from me. To my relief she also pointed out those in whom I could confide and trust.

    The latter have become firm and supportive friends with whom I have had so much fun to boot. 

I had become very much stressed and my health was suffering. It was necessary for me to take a break but financial considerations would not allow me to do so. Rhonda predicted that I would be given special leave and directed me to go to Northern Italy. I could not imagine how this could happen or why I should go to Italy. To my amazement I did get paid leave that I did not know I was entitled to and took a break. I did go to Northern Italy and found myself at two exclusive trade exhibitions that gave me important contacts for the business I will be setting up in the near future. How I was able to get into these without credentials and invites is still a mystery. All I can say is that Rhonda is in touch with the hidden power that rules this universe and creates the magic that is available to all of us if we only trust and are prepared to make changes. 

I have recently moved from my job on my own terms.

    It has taken two years to do so but during that time I was given the opportunity to work on personal issues that have improved my confidence and self esteem and most importantly have allowed me to see why painful issues have arisen in my life. These lessons and the chance to experience the power of being positive, loving and forgiving as well as know and experience my power and strength to meet challenges that I never thought I could meet, have given me freedom and the chance to start a new expanded and fulfilling life. 

Through regular readings with Rhonda I have been able to see what lay ahead for me and the necessary work that I had to do on myself in order to reap the many great things that were shown to me as possibility.


If you want to live your life to the max I suggest you consult Rhonda. Be warned however, you may not like all that you hear. She will tell you in no uncertain terms if you are being negative or not doing your best for your own good. 

That's the thing I like most about Rhonda. She truly serves her clients and sometimes that's takes love, compassion, understanding and courage. She's truly there to serve everyone she sees to the highest good. I will continue to meet with her on a regular basis. Why wouldn't I? I want to continue to grow and take advantage of all the universe offers.





Surya, Brisbane,Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda. Thanks very much for the Reading. 
You were right regarding my feelings deep inside...I wasn't quite sure...but it made sense..I am trying my best to change my attitude and beliefs..I know it has been a hurdle ... I am just going to pray that God helps me with this..I believe that he will help me… Thank You once again for guiding me..I hope I will speak to u again.
  • Sue, Urliup, New South Wales, Australia.

    I went to Rhonda for a Reading in the middle of 2007 because lots of things were going wrong in my life, all at the same time. I felt at a crossroads and that I needed some direction in which to go. I was very upset with what was happening and did not understand why. 

Rhonda gave amazingly accurate character Readings on the photographs I provided. She picked up on my worries and what was going on in my life. She was able to give me advice and direction which is what I sought. Rhonda told me things no-one could know. She validated my thoughts on some family members and told me what was going on with them. Rhonda's help was a blessing to me and enabled me to move forward and not be so upset. She helped me make some sense of things that were so hard to understand. 

I cannot thank Rhonda enough for the help she has given me. 
Do not hesitate in seeing Rhonda if you need help and guidance. She is a gifted clairvoyant who seems very down to earth and pleasant. My husband also saw Rhonda a few months after I did, and our Readings tied in well. We wish Rhonda all the best in the future. Keep up the great work!!!! Cheers from Sue.
Stephanie, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I am so pleased with the Reading from Rhonda; the most remarkable effect has been how focused and at ease I feel. I've never been to a clairvoyant and honestly, I always thought it was a bit hokey. It wasn't until 3 of my friends recommended Rhonda that I even considered it. I didn't know what to expect and I thought I knew what questions I wanted answered (such as when will I meet the man of my dreams, will I be happy, will I be healthy, are my family ok etc etc etc) but it wasn't until the Reading with Rhonda that I realized what is truly important. I was surprised that it was so emotional and cleansing. There is no doubt in my mind that Rhonda has an honest to goodness gift. My reading and my 3 friend’s Readings were all quite different but we each took away from it what was important to us and we all agree that the messages that we received from Rhonda were invaluable. I guess you can't be told or convinced to do a Reading, but you'll know when it's time. Thank you Rhonda, I'm a believer. Spreading the word! Sincerely, Stephanie.    

Skye, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I had the pleasure of meeting Rhonda in November 07 at a health seminar. I connected instantly but didn`t really know why. At the time I was going through a period of change at work and my self doubt reared its ugly head. While I was comfortable, I was confident and happy but as soon as my comfort zone was challenged, I battled with my own inner voice. I had one conversation with Rhonda on the phone the next day that blew me away. Her reading changed my course of action and 3 1/2 months later I'm awestruck. I have had a reading since then and the accuracy of information about situations and people she has never met is remarkable. The thing I love most about Rhonda is that I see an extremely empowered woman who helped bring that out in me. I love the fact that I now stand in my own power and feel good about it.

Thank you Rhonda for helping me see the true Skye. 
Your integrity and compassion are gifts.

    Peace, Love and Light,
Skye. x

Sarah, Vanuatu, New Caledonia.

    I was referred to Rhonda by a friend who visits Vanuatu throughout the year to work with people in Vanuatu by running healing seminars, tarot Readings and general psychic guidance. I sent a set of photos and personal objects to Rhonda. I was then contacted promptly by Rhonda via email and a date and time was set for us to do our Reading. 

My Reading was fantastic, comforting, direct and inspiring. Rhonda took a very genuine interest in my concerns and wellbeing. The reading was very accurate and some of the things that she picked up on astounded me as I have never laid eyes on her, let alone the fact there wasn't any possibility of Rhonda knowing what had happened in my life as we live in separate countries. Since my Reading I have followed advice from Rhonda and have found myself and my family on a much happier and healthier path. Her advice and guidance gave me the strength to stand up to some situations in my life and stand down from others. This has been personally uplifting and gratifying, not to mention enabled further success and positive energy to flow though my heart and home. 

I would highly recommend Rhonda to anybody seeking answers from loved ones who have moved on, a positive change in their life situation, or even just a chat with someone they can trust with their inner most secrets and concerns. It does not matter at all if you are sitting opposite her or on the phone hours of flight time away, this woman has a true gift, and genuine care for all who cross her path seeking love, support and guidance for their greater good, health, wealth and happiness. Thank you Rhonda, you have made a difference to my life and I will be in touch again to continue seeking support and guidance for my future. With much love and rose light, Sarah.
  • Sabine, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia

    Dear Rhonda, It was a pleasure seeing you last week and your sooooo positive input has really cheered me up and got me all excited and creative again! I just wanted to thank you for that, and the reason I feel I can trust this last Reading is based on how amazingly accurate and true EVERYTHING you told me nearly two years ago has been... from the most insignificant detail such as a leak in the building we were thinking of buying, to the most important things for us re: work, family and even our Australian visas! Which we got, as you told us they would! 
Anyway, many, many, thanks for your incredible channeling and help and all the very best to you. Sabine.
Ross, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    My name is Ross, I was introduced to Rhonda through my wife Valentina, and this is what I think of Rhonda's work. Well at my first meeting with you I was very up tight, now I have an open mind to everything and I have become a true believer. Rhonda the work you have done with me, and the path that I am taking in my life is the direction I dreamed of 7 years ago. You tell it as is, without any ego involved. I have no hesitation to tell my friends and anyone I know about your work with the Universe. 

Hi Rhonda, 
One last thing from Val here. I believe you have been given a very important incarnation in this life and I can see how you are using it for the good of all. You do it with integrity and empathy and for that; I want to thank you again for crossing our path.

    I also will recommend you to anyone who is willing to know the Truth.

    With Love, 
Val and Ross.

  • Ross and Val, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I was recommended to see Rhonda by my Reiki teacher, who told me how amazing she was. As I discovered for myself, I will admit that you are not only amazing, but a beautiful Angel who has been sent to earth to change lives. My husband and I went to see Rhonda for the first time on separate occasions. For the first time you made us see things about our relationship that we were ignoring for many years. Thanks to your honesty, integrity and truth, our life (and relationship) is so much richer. You have helped us make some tough decisions about our business that we would not have considered and put us definitely on the right path in every area of our life with your impeccable accuracy and clarity.

    We are forever grateful that you crossed our path.

    Love and Blessings to you and Kevin


  • Ross and Val, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda ,

    Ross and I are sending you this testimonial. We want to share with others the wonderful events leading up to finding the block of land again.

    Ross got a reading from Rhonda for the 2nd time in April this year to seek some advice on a block of land we wanted to purchase. The minute she looked at it she was convinced that was the one for us. 3 weeks later due to unforseen events the sale fell through and we lost the block. The owner took the land off the market and we were devastated. For the last 5 weeks we looked at other blocks but nothing came close either in size and value, time was running out as we are using this land to put our business on it and we need to vacate the shop we are in by the 18th of August. We thought that maybe Rhonda may have gotten the wrong block as we did show her another 2 pictures, little did we know!!!!! Ross got desperate and decided to see Rhonda again. He was very surprised that she was still insisting that the same block is still there for us to have, her very words were, quote: "the block is yours".

    She mentioned that another agent has it, but all we could think about was that we have been looking on the net and it was not there anymore. Also we both wondered how are we going to find out who has it? The next day I was browsing the net and found a block similar but much more expensive, so we decided to call the agent anyway and as we asked him if the price is negotiable he tells us that he does have another one much less just around the corner, we knew instantly that was our block we lost weeks before. We were speechless and there is no doubt in our minds that Rhonda's impeccable intuition is a true GIFT to humanity.

    Thank you for your honesty and magic.

    With Love from Ross and Val

  • Renee, London, England

    My first reading with Rhonda was early this year, 2008. I was astounded on how much information came through for me that was accurate, certain events that were happening, the people that were in my life at the time. I was amazed at how spot on Rhonda was with the reading. Upon leaving Rhonda's house after the reading I found a new sense of rhythm in my life, when I thought I was a little stuck and not moving forward as I had hoped.

    After having moved to London mid 2008, again I was going through a time where I was a little unsure of how to move forward with my work situation and my personal life , being able to contact Rhonda and have a reading over the phone was extremely beneficial for me, especially when I am so far from home and from my loved ones. Again I was put on the right path and I am very appreciative of the ability to still have a trusted reading without having to go to Rhonda's home. I am now more settled in what I am doing and where I am going.

    Thank you Rhonda.

    Warm Regards,


  • Renee, Dubai, UAE.

    Amazing! After having experienced my own astonishing Reading, Rhonda has now done Readings for several of my friends. I have had a face to face and a phone Reading with Rhonda and both times she has been spot on. Rhonda's ability to communicate with Spirit enables her to relay much needed accurate information. Both my Readings were clearly understood due to Rhonda's honest, direct and blunt nature. There is definitely no misconstruing of information and all I had to do was accept. We all know "what we need to do", however sometimes we are confused or "forget". Rhonda's Readings reinforced what I already knew and what actions I needed to follow by communicating with Spirit. Rhonda helped me to "remember" and realign me with who I am and where I am going. The Readings helped me to stop the struggle, open my eyes and accept my path. If you want to get back "in tune" with who you are and want clarification on your life then get in touch with Rhonda. One piece of advice to get the most out of your Reading: Remember to actually LISTEN and HEAR. Thank you so much Rhonda! Love, Renee.
  • Rebecca, Kirra, Queensland.

    I first met Rhonda just over eight months ago and have wanted to write a testimonial for Rhonda ever since. I have been a little embarrassed, and have found it difficult to admit that l "believe". Being a skeptic of all things l don't understand, l have found it surprising to come to the realization that l put my complete trust in Rhonda and her Spirit Guides. Throughout my three Readings, at a time in my life where l have needed to be strong, Rhonda has given me strength, courage and comfort and has helped me to see the truth in situations and has allowed me to better understand myself. At times when l felt like crying ....or screaming....Rhonda has kept me grounded with the knowledge of things to come. Sometimes l ask myself if it is cheating, going into the world with the knowledge passed on from Rhonda and Spirit, but then l think ....the world is sometimes a tough place....and it is okay to ask for help. I have no hesitation in recommending Rhonda to help with any questions, queries or concerns anyone may have. I am certain that Rhonda's guidance provides benefits beyond your expectations.
  • Radha, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    I first met Rhonda in 2002 at the Murwillumbah show grounds and immediately I was quite taken by her accuracy into my life. She picked up on experiences in my life that I had never shared with anyone, then she helped me to understand why this happened and helped me to learn from my experiences. Of course, my husband and I continue to see her regularly for insights into our future. She is more than a psychic, she is like a life counselor. Rhonda gives us the best option to pursue a successful outcome in the journey that lies ahead. I truly am grateful to know Rhonda. Her gift is special and she has been an important medium from spirit to pass on information to us.

    Rhonda has changed my life and allowed me to become a better mother by understanding my children's strength and weaknesses. Rhonda has also helped out my marriage by being honest and open and from this we can appreciate her even more. I would recommend Rhonda to everyone who feels they need reassurance in life, or have questions answered.

    Rhonda, thank you for using your wonderful gift for helping us out, we are very grateful to have you.

    Wishing you the very best in life,
    Kind Regards,


  • Ray, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    PART 1

    I visited Rhonda for the first time in September 08 and l have yet to find the right words that best describe my experience."Truly Amazing" is what pops into my head, but l know it was much more than that.
    The knowledge and truth that l received via Rhonda has yet to fully soak in, but it gave me an instant feeling of slight sadness, but of immense joy. It feels to me right now that the truth and knowledge l received is travelling through my body and healing 35 years of trapped emotion, and l cannot describe how good it feels. I can honestly say that l have waited my whole life for this experience.

    PART 2,

    It has been a month now since l visited Rhonda and the positive change that has happened in that time has been a true reflection of the truth that l received via Rhonda. I urge others looking for answers and love in their life to make the decision NOW to contact Rhonda.

    Best Wishes to All,


  • Peter, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    My wife and I met Rhonda by chance at the Murwillumbah Show ground in 2002. We had been casually walking around. I had seen Rhonda before in town but was skeptical of this type of medium. Although I knew it was valid, I was aware that not everyone was honest. The day we met Rhonda at the show, she gave us a lot of good advice on subject matter that was more than personal and in no way general, this specific information was very helpful. Also on that day Rhonda did not ask us for any money as we were not carrying any cash (we later sent her payment), for we highly valued her service. So here it is, if you want a no-nonsense source of information on subjects that you may or may not know that are affecting your life, then I highly recommend Rhonda's valuable time and services. She is accurate, understanding, helpful and very kind.

    This kind of gift is rare and we are very grateful for your help Rhonda in guiding us through known and unknown life experiences.

    Thank you,


  • Peta, Wales , England

    My visit with Rhonda was a life changing experience she zeroed in on the core of my being .! I had been living in the past ; I needed to get home ( to the UK ) and start getting rid of all my "stuff". How did she know ??? So right, her insight is phenomenal, and so constructive, she is in no way threatening or judgmental. I came away positive and refreshed.
  • Patricia, Tweed Valley, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have had yearly readings from Rhonda for the past 6 years. I find her to be an amazing clairvoyant and a person of integrity and empathy. Her readings are extraordinarily accurate and presented in a practical clear way. Rhonda's readings increase my understanding of my life; future, past and present.

  • Pamela, Gold Coast, Australia

    Dear Rhonda, I am writing to thank you so much for the wonderful Reading, you were so right with everything you passed on to me, it gave me a real sense of validation, especially in a work situation. It has meant that I have been able to move forward easily, without that weight on my shoulders. I have regained belief in myself and now have confidence in my future. I am smiling again and walking "lightly" forward. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. With kind regards, Pamela.
  • Nikki, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia

    I have always been interested in the abilities of psychics, mediums, tarot card readers and the like, often watching shows on the television portraying persons (real or fictional) in these roles, but never having the opportunity to visit or speak to anyone in this profession until I met Rhonda.

    Over a period of time during which Rhonda visited me for my talents, I got to know Rhonda a lot better as a person and found her to be very genuine.
    After speaking generally with another clairvoyant who happened to be passing through my everyday life, I believed more than ever that Rhonda was the real deal and it was Rhonda that I wanted to visit. This opportunity came to me unexpectedly so I excitedly visited Rhonda on my very next day available.

    Never having been to a clairvoyant of any kind previously, I was unsure what to expect but I can honestly say that Rhonda is amazing! How could Rhonda have known so many details about a certain family situation without knowing any of my family if she wasn't being contacted by my passed relative?!!
    My husband really thought that most of this type of work was a sham, but after listening to the tape and having to consult our GP about an eye condition that Rhonda mentioned in the tape not even a month after my visit with her, he admitted to me that perhaps Rhonda was right with other things as well!

    I have enthusiastically referred Rhonda to anyone I speak to that is interested in this type of sitting an I shall again be visiting Rhonda soon!

  • Nicole, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.


    Rhonda has given me the validation of the path I need to take to find true happiness and has confirmed all my doubts. Rhonda is the REAL DEAL and has a TRUE GIFT. I feel Rhonda has saved me after years and years of searching for answers. Now I can be set free...…
    My thanks, gratitude and blessings to you always Rhonda.

    Nicole xxx

  • Nicole, Bonogin, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi my name is Nicole, and l have now had two Readings with Rhonda. "Believe me Rhonda is Amazing" I lost one of my pets and through Rhonda's step by step process , we got our animal back which would of never had happened if l had not been given that information from Rhonda, words just can't explain how happy this made us. I also have had some health issues and Rhonda had pre warned me about what l was heading towards and that l would get through, well it got pretty scary, but l kept remembering that Rhonda said that l would be alright, and l am, during this process l found that Rhonda's advice was more accurate than my doctor's. Rhonda has helped me with many family issues, in every issue Rhonda was spot on, l now handle these, with a totally different perspective in a much happier way. I am a hairdresser and have recommended many of my clients to Rhonda and they have been really thrilled with their Readings. I find Rhonda's Readings are a way to keep in tune with myself and all of the issues mentioned above. I would not hesitate in recommending Rhonda to anyone, her insight is amazing, and Rhonda has a lovely calming way about her that makes you feel very comfortable whilst having your Reading which is important. So if you want to experience the Best, then see Rhonda.
  • Natalie, Dallas, Texas, USA.

    I had my second Reading with Rhonda over the phone and once again it was spot on and meaningful. It was a year ago that I had my last Reading and was not surprised that what she told me then had come true. Her ability to speak through Spirit (if that is the correct terminology) is unique and powerful. Thank you once again Rhonda. Natalie.
  • Natalie, Dallas, Texas, USA

    I live in Dallas Texas and wanted a Reading done. Rhonda came highly recommended to me and because of the distance, I had to have a telephone Reading. I had never had a phone Reading done before because I thought it would not be as good as face-to-face. I was wrong, I felt like Rhonda was right in the room with me. Her information was to the point and totally correct. I was amazed. It cleared up many questions I had and gave me a sense of hope and calm. She is truly gifted. Natalie.
  • Naomi, Kirra, Gold Coast, Australia.

    To Our Rhonda,

    Rhonda is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. With her knowledge she has helped me many times with clients that received no answers from the medical profession and so through the information from spirit to me we were able to give my clients the help they needed. Rhonda is so accurate with medical diagnosis and she has helped me to do my job more efficiently. Personally, Rhonda has helped me with my family unit as a whole to become more disciplined and more loving towards each other.

    Rhonda rocks!


  • Modi, Berlin, Germany

    I am an Australian living in Germany. Rhonda did a Reading for me when I was on holidays visiting my parents in Australia in July 2008. The Reading was extremely helpful and I was very grateful that I was guided to Rhonda and thankful for this contact. I found Rhonda professional, sincere and extremely helpful when it came to organizing a reading from Germany. The time differences and the distance on the phone was no barrier for Rhonda or myself to be connected. She was able to offer me the same guidance that I found so helpful in person (face to face) in Australia. I am so happy to be able to receive Rhonda's Guidance also from Germany or anywhere in the world. For people who travel or live outside of Australia, it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to receive Help from a true spiritual person like Rhonda. Thank you so much Rhonda, for making this possible. Kind regards, Modi.
  • Michelle, Gold Coast, Australia

    My first experience with Rhonda, was through a friend, she had an unexpected reading with her, and I was truly amazed at the accuracy of what Rhonda had to say. At the time, I had a very good reader, but felt that I needed more guidance, and that is exactly what Rhonda gave me. No beating around the bush, or sugar coated effects. Complete in your face knowledge of what was happening, and what I need to do to change this for the better. I have so much respect for this woman and her very special gift that I have sent many of my friends to her, with the same amazing results. We all seek guidance, when our lives are out of balance.

    Rhonda gives you the tools, to change the patterns that cause this, and bring some peace back into your life. Her knowledge comes straight from Spirit and is a truly life changing experience.

    Many thanks Rhonda,

    Love and Blessings.

    Michelle. x

  • Maura, Temagog, New South Wales, Australia.

    Having been to see Rhonda now on three occasions, travelling each time a round trip of 1000 kilometres, firstly on my own, secondly with my husband and thirdly with my two daughters I can categorically state that Rhonda has incredible insight into the unconscious that cuts through "barriers to full life" like a well honed knife.

    Rhonda has helped me and my family see our individual situations with clarity and well earthed wisdom. Each of us has made significant life shifts that have opened us up to abundant life energy, health, work opportunities, positive relationships and wealth!

    And that is just the tip of the tree! Rhonda is one the most astute and grounded women I have met in this life's journey so far! I highly recommend her services to anyone wanting clarity into their life situation.

  • Naomi, Paris, France.

    A*M*A*Z*I*N*G My sister first had a Reading with Rhonda over the telephone in Melbourne and it completely blew her away. I was so curious after hearing about it that I just had to see her. That Reading was a turning point in my life. A complete kick up the backside that I so desperately needed. My ego was resisting so many things that I couldn't see the amazing opportunities being presented to me, my vision was confused, and my path clouded. It took a few days after letting it all sink in, but I regained a sense of being, peace & clarity that had been missing for years. At the time I was applying for a working visa in France, with many doubts and obstacles getting in the way. In the first ten minutes without any prior knowledge, she asked me 'Have you ever thought about going to Paris?'. I laughed out loud. I mean how did she know?! Rhonda's accuracy at pinpointing significant moments in my life and her knowledge of my current situation was astounding. It's now a year later and I just had my second Reading with Rhonda over the phone a week ago. Yes, here in wonderful Paris. The oceans and distance between us didn't diminish her ability in the slightest. She knew exactly the areas in my life that needed guidance and clarity with unequivocable precision. I know now that I'm definitely on my path. Rhonda has since given Readings to friends & family of mine in Melbourne, Italy and Paris with the same astonishing results. I can't recommend Rhonda more highly. So, thank you Rhonda for your everything, and I'm sure this is an amazing connection that will continue for many years to come. All my respect and happiness.. -
  • William, Palm Springs, America.

    Hi Rhonda, first and foremost, thank you for your wonderful Reading and helping me, I have gone home now, back to the USA, where I live, which is in Palm springs. Your Reading has really turned my life around, thank you for helping me in forgiving myself, and I now realize it was not my fault what had happened in my life. I have been too many psychics in the USA, and none could tell me anything, but you were spot on, you are the only person in this world who knew that I was sexually abused when I was nine, and all these years I have kept this pain and now you have helped me to release it. I have kept this pain and suffering for 45 years and it feels so wonderful to release it and go on with life, being a better person and be able to trust and communicate again with friends. To be honest with you, at first, when my friend told me about you, I was a bit reluctant and thought you would say what I have already heard before, but boy I was wrong, I am still so amazed that what you told me, no one in this universe knew, and someone from Australia, a nice psychic lady, which is you, told me the truth. At last I have told my sister about the pain, and now we communicate well. YOU are my fairy God Mother, and I thank you, and love you for your truthfulness and honesty, and guess what, I will be back next year to say hello and again and again................... Thank you again, my precious stone.
  • Michelle, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I have been a seeker of the Truth my whole life. I have spent endless hours at seminars, in ashrams, reading, meditating and learning about myself. So when Rhonda said to me that a reading with her would change my life I thought "yeah right".

    But she was so right.

    The one hour I spent with Rhonda completely turned my life around. It was very obvious to me that Spirit was speaking through Rhonda, and in that one hour, Spirit ironed out the complex knot of limiting beliefs, thoughts and ideas that had been keeping me from the very Truth I craved for so long. By no means was it a pleasant one hour. It was the most confronting "tell it like it is" session I have ever had. So much of what Rhonda said confronted me at such a deep level, yet Spirit was able to answer all my "yeah but" protests and explain simply and directly the path forward.

    Afterwards it took me two days to just process and assimilate all that I had been shown. Upon reflection I see that my "issues" were running me so totally, staining every thought, decision and action, that I needed the nuclear power of Rhonda's direct information to blow it apart. And now I feel totally free, in a way I could not have even imagined before, doorways that were hidden from my view now opening before me like magic.

    Thanks Rhonda!
    Thank you so very much Rhonda.


  • Melanie, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

        I would like to share my experience I recently had with Rhonda. A colleague of mine recommended her and I was so curious to have an idea about what’s going to happen to me and so I did contact Rhonda by e mail , and she did reply back straight away so we agreed on a date and time. What happened, was that I did not call on the date we were supposed to do the reading as it was weekend and I overslept! As soon as I got up I emailed her and was honest about what had happened to me. A couple of days later I received an e mail from her saying that she really felt disrespectful from me and that she doesn't have time to play games ( not the exact words used ) but she felt I let her down and I was totally disappointed at myself and felt really bad and guilty about it . I send couple of emails to her saying how sorry I was, and I do totally understand if she blocks me out and refuse to be in contact with me! Couple of weeks later after this happened I received an e mail from her asking if I was available to do the Reading on that date. I was so pleased to hear from her but unfortunately because of the seven-hour difference timing we couldn't do the Reading straight away, so I did call her to agree on the date which was today..... two hours ago . I am so grateful that we finally managed to do the Reading . Rhonda is a great talented ,gifted person . She explained to me in detail all about my personal life relationships, future, career , and family including the contact with my beloved father who passed away five years ago. she was right in everything she said, and she gave me hope and motivation I needed, and I feel so much fuller in energy now. Somehow she made me realize that everything we do in life is for some reason, and the earlier we find the key to understand our path, the better it is our existence. She clearly explained to me the fact why she was angry with me the first time I let her down by not calling,  Spirit wanted me to give me a lesson that every action I will be taking in life has a reaction and I am the person who is responsible for that, by not letting people disrespect me, and what goes around comes around! I wanted to share this experience I had today, and I most happily recommend Rhonda's Readings to anyone who wishes for enlightenment and direction. Thank you Rhonda from the bottom of my heart !! Melanie. xxx
  • Margarita , Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    The information and advice I received from Rhonda was not only "spot on " but helpful and useful in ways I had not expected. The accuracy of her Reading was awesome. Her knowledge and advice has helped me in so many ways, it has put my mind at rest and life is now much easier. Thank you Rhonda.
  • Louise, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I have wondered how long it would take for Rhonda to launch herself into the big wide world! I was introduced to Rhonda by a friend 14 years ago,and have continued to consult with Rhonda after her move to NSW.Her readings have been startlingly accurate over time.She "saw" medical situations with 3 family members that were ultimately correct,one after a Doctor's mis diagnosis. Rhonda certainly has an amazing gift which she uses with empathy and compassion.

    I wish her success in her new venture,and hope we won't have to wait months for a reading!!!

    Love light and happiness to Rhonda and Kevin for their big adventure in 2008

  • Lise, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda provided me with an eagle's eye view to my current situation and circumstances. She was honest, straightforward and compassionate. Her clarity was phenomenal. Family members had recently passed, and Rhonda could indicate my entire family's unique relationship, by the way my family is massive and living overseas. Rhonda was spot on! The best way I can describe my Reading with Rhonda is that it spearheaded my doubts and worries into a balanced plan of action. Her foresight comforted me and diffused my troubles. Beware though, Rhonda speaks the truth (with understanding and love) but nevertheless the truth can bite a bit. I am certainly glad I took a big bite. I am content and happy in my situation due to the information provided by Rhonda. I recommend Rhonda to all my friends and family. In the past I have paid for Readings with other psychics which at the time gave me excitement and something to look forward too, like a new car or nice holiday etc, the uniqueness with Rhonda is, she says it as she sees it, my children are little and Rhonda could let me into their worlds, Priceless. I am excited, with the perspective I now have, and I feel empowered and a part of my destiny.
  • Lisa, Burleigh Heads, Queensland , Australia.

    Recently I was recommended to see Rhonda from a very good friend of mine, who said " be ready to hear the truth if you choose to go!" Rhonda's Reading was direct and honest which I'd admired, not the generic fairy floss and marshmallow readings you normally get. Through her gift I felt she gave me clarity in the direction I am heading in life, which I am grateful for. I definitely would recommend anyone thinking of seeing Rhonda to do so. I found my Reading beneficial for that reconnection with self, when sometimes in our busy worlds we get so caught up in our heads, we can feel unsure and uncertain with life and ourselves. Rhonda is an exception you won't find anywhere, with her humour, integrity, honesty, groundedness, healing and insights, don't pass on the opportunity if it presents itself to you. Thank you Rhonda, and I look forward to seeing you on my path again.
  • Lija , Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    It was a year and a half ago that I had my first Rhonda Revitalisation. I had been told that this was a lady who said it EXACTLY how it was, no candy coating or ego stroking to be had in any way, shape or form, so naturally I was a little tentative and freaking out something CHRONIC on the drive to her for my first ever reading.

    That day, she hit me with things I had not been expecting, things that I`d never seen revealed in their true light of both the hidden AND the obvious, all because I had for so long lived under the false belief that I was less than worthy of KNOWING the truth and embracing it, warts and all. And although I was pleasantly shocked to hear such an intricate understanding of my life`s lessons, leanings and learning`s unveiled to me, I had yet to anticipate the INCREDIBLE impact those words from Spirit channelled through Rhonda were to have.

    At the time, I had been in a long term relationship with my former partner for 8 years, and when Rhonda had spoken of a bumpy ride and to "not be disrespected" by his sudden ego inflation, I had brushed it off and assumed that things wouldn`t be so bad. After all, we were a strong couple with a bright musical and romantic future together. Several months later, he left me for my best friend. I lost everything - my partner in both music AND life, my best friend, my cat, my home, my studio, my band, my second family, most of our mutual friends......and I had to start from scratch.

    I say with the utmost sincerity that in the darker months that ensued, one of the things that snapped me into the headspace and path that I have been on ever since was the revelationary soul-inspiring experience I`d had with Rhonda that first day, and upon listening back to the tape for the first time in months.....I realised that everything that was communicated through her was exactly what my guides and angels and higher self had been SCREAMING at me to hear for YEARS! I`d just never been able to tune into it, to hear that guidance because I`d felt so stunted as a woman, so blocked for too long, far too long.....and I will also reveal this: seeing Rhonda allowed me to drop a great deal of fear about my own abilities as a creative, an intuitive, and a soulfully connected channel to Spirit, for I began to tap into things I had not felt since childhood, things that had peeked in and out in less fearful, anxious or depressive moments, things I had wanted to sense again for a long time! And some new and beautiful things too that have allowed me to open further still....and it`s STILL escalating in love and light!

    Today, I returned a much stronger woman to have Rhonda read for me again, and although I have been through a lot since our last encounter and have grown in untold ways resultantly, I was still seeking a rhyme and reason as to why I was still fumbling around in the dark for my true path. Today, Rhonda gave me the brightest torch I have ever had the privilege of holding, for it is MY soul`s light that has been gifted for ME to see and use to find MY way through! The elation I have experienced today upon this weighty realisation has slapped me in the sweetest way - like a newborn baby receives upon its first breath, I feel like I am breathing different air now, awakened and REAL and TRULY ALIVE. This is a gift that has left me completely awestruck today.....and now I really CAN be the woman of integrity and POWER that I was sent here to BE!

    From the bottom of my heart, from the depths of my soul, I say with as much poetry and beauty resounding that is within and all around me - BLESS you Rhonda. You are the real thing, and your words are an angel song that is echoing through my soul today. I will never forget this. You are MY psychic!


  • Lija, London, United Kingdom.

    Hi Rhonda!!! Ohhhh, I am still reeling in the awe-inspiring experience of your gifts, and smiling and laughing spontaneously at the realisation of the authenticity I now feel for myself!!! Your kindness, understanding, empathy and genuine caring energy just TOTALLY blew my socks off, and today my nerves are sooooooo much calmer, I feel more balanced....it's like my soul has been given a HUGE detox, one that it has been needing for the longest time. I really REALLY love this feeling I have - a lightness of being that is subtly starting to change even my thought patterns regarding certain things, and I'm starting to visualize all the things I've been wanting to do but have been much too scared to try on my own...I can REALLY see myself doing them, without fear of judgment or guilt or anything. I know it's going to take some time for everything to come about (and I will listen to the tape many times I'm sure!!!), and of course there's always a sense of ongoing healing and journeying, but I must emphasize how precious that reading was/is to me. I cannot BELIEVE that I waited so damn long for something so incredibly inspiring and heartfelt. This is real transformation at the deepest level. I want to send you a CD when I'm back on the Gold Coast too - glad ya dig it! And for the first time in months, I am excited about finishing off these abandoned tracks too!!! I know I owe it to myself and to the continuance of my beautiful journey to grow and expand beyond, so it's bloody time to get crackin'!!! I have no idea when, but I would love to come back for another "life-giving" reading. You are an incredible woman with a strong and wise open heart, and I thank you from my deepest core with loving gratitude in the highest love and light. Feel free to use any of this for your testimonials too. This lightwork must be so rewarding for you, and I am only humbly grateful that I can be of any assistance in spreading the word of your divinely inspired healing power 🙂 Looking forward to seeing you again soon!!!!!! Much love and light to you Rhonda, Lija oxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  • Laura, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    My Reading was absolutely life altering. After only five minutes with Rhonda, I had forgotten that I had only just met her! She knew all about me, my family and decisions I have made to arrive where I am in my life today. I had a dangerous person in my life who was deceiving me, and I would not have known the truth if I had not seen Rhonda. Many obstacles were laid out in front of me on my journey to get to Rhonda, but eventually I had my Reading and was saved by her advice and knowledge. I will never forget how Rhonda's Reading has altered my life and my perception of myself, for the better. A reading with Rhonda is a window to clarity in your life. Rhonda is an angel. Thanks again Rhonda, Laura.
  • Laurel, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, Just a heartfelt thank you from me, for the Reading that you gave me last week. must admit that my faith in goodness had gone out the window of late and you have reassured me that there will be hope in the future. I have given out your cards to all the girls at work after that Reading. I sent some friends that I recommended, and they were very impressed as well. Again, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless in your work.
  • Koben, Gold Coast, Queensland,Australia.

    To Rhonda, I am so grateful to have met you and have a Reading; I followed the information spirit passed on to me. Within 3 days my house became a home, we were relaxed and more attentive to each other. Admittedly I was a skeptic, but not now, I have now taken the steps that I was too scared to take to better myself and my life. I believe I have become a stronger person and more positive towards life. My partner and I are still working on things (you know what I mean) for our future goals (house, career, family). Without your Psychic Reading, I don't think I would have taken the steps. I now finish things when I start them, I take time for my kids, I show them more affection, I am working less days so I'm not stressed and tired, I have started my animal course, my partner and I after 11 years together are talking of wedding dates and so much more and this all in 3 months. I am looking forward to my next Reading with you, to make sure I am still on my path. Yours gratefully and happily, Koben.
  • Kirsten, Gold Coast, Australia

    Rhonda has truly been my Earth Angel who has guided me through some of the most challenging times of my life. I have seen many readers over the years, but no-one who have even been close in being so accurate in detail. Rhonda delivers information that is incredibly helpful, coupled with her own friendly manner and humour. I have since recommended Rhonda to all of my friends and family who have all had the same comments! Rhonda was the only person to advise me of a health problem that was then confirmed by Doctors after I had seen her. Due to the information, I have taken positive steps to try and fix the problem, so this information was invaluable. Thank you again Rhonda.
  • Kim, Currumbin, Queensland, Australia

    My reading with Rhonda helped me get through a difficult time in my life having recently lost my husband. During the reading Rhonda was accurate in speaking to the spirit world and was able to describe my husband's personality and convey messages to me from the spirit world. She was able to guide me into the future when I was feeling lost and I left my reading feeling a lot better about myself and so grateful for Rhonda's honesty and advice. I recommended my two daughters and my two sisters have a reading by Rhonda and they too were pleased with both Rhonda's accuracy and guidance. We would highly recommend Rhonda to anyone wishing for an accurate reading and connection with the spirit world.

  • Kali, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    Time with Rhonda is life-changing and transformative. Her direct and honest approach is uncommon, and supported me to create real change in my life. I walked away with clarity, strength and surprisingly useful tools and insights.

    I`m very grateful.

  • Kathy , Belgrave, Victoria, Australia.

    I have known Rhonda for some 20 years and early in that time I had several readings with her when she was in Melbourne. I sent members of my family and friends for readings with her and all were astounded with how accurate she was. A gift that I imagine would be hard to deal with, but Rhonda manages it very well and I am sure from time to time she wishes that she didn`t have it. Dealing with people that come to you for guidance and inspiration in their troubled times, would be difficult day after day. Rhonda managed to keep a good balance between helping these people and her family.

    I had lost my mum when I was young and Rhonda gave me several messages from her that were helpful and inspiring. She also spoke how my mum would speak to me in tones that she would use. When you lose a parent, you question why. But Rhonda assured me that my mum had always been around and helped, unbeknown to me, in a spiritual sense.

    I had several personal problems during those years, relationships, work and also lost my two brothers through illness. Looking back all these years later, I am very grateful for the compassion, support, wisdom and words of encouragement that come so easy to inspire, make you think about decisions you have made and why. Rhonda eased me through a very rocky patch in my life.

    Rhonda was able to connect with my brothers which was very comforting and we had lots of laughs about messages that would come through and how accurate she was. Things that only I knew, she regularly picked up on.

    We talk from time to time and I ask her for advice which is always ready at hand. I look forward to further readings as I haven`t found anyone who is as accurate as Rhonda, I have been searching in Melbourne. It has only in the past couple of years that I have found Rhonda again, after a friend had a reading with her in New South Wales and contacted me and I in turn contacted Rhonda. (It`s meant to be......)

    Rhonda, I wish you every success, you have a good heart and follow your dreams..... (which are all coming true now).

    Love from,


  • Julie, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda came to me like a breath of fresh air. In my profession as a Yoga teacher and on my journey of inquiry I have had the opportunity to connect with many intuitive people. Rhonda is a very gifted communicator, and I believe her own life experiences have led her to a heightened state of awareness that enables her to connect with the higher realms. Rhonda's Readings offer guidance and insight into the hidden aspects of our existence. She is clear, concise and compassionate and more than a year on from my first Reading I am not surprised to acknowledge her predictions to be accurate. Readings with Rhonda are a wonderful tool from which to gain more understanding into life and its continuing evolution. They are a platform from which to view the often hidden dance that our own innate patterns block us from detaching from. Once recognized, a space is created for new growth. I recommend Rhonda's council for anyone seeking to understand more the unfolding of their existence.
  • Jo, Tugan, Gold Coast, Australia

    My Reading with Rhonda was amazing, she certainly tells you straight, which I really liked. Rhonda truly cares about helping you. I have had a lot of Readings over the years, but none compared to Rhonda's. She certainly gave me plenty to think about, it took me a week to get my head around the accuracy of what she told me, but after that week when everything became clear to me, I certainly felt a lot lighter. Thanks to Rhonda I can now move forward without panic, it is nice to feel calmness in the soul. Rhonda told me things I didn't expect to hear, I certainly had a few moments of "OH NO" but they were the things I really needed to hear, and I thank you Rhonda for that, making me face up to what I really didn't want to know about. I would recommend this extraordinary, gifted lady to anyone. Thanks again Rhonda, you are the best.
  • Jodie, Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia.

    Basically, Rhonda rocks!!!!

    Rhonda`s readings bring through a precise clarity that i have not yet experienced with any other reader. Rhonda has given me straight forward guidance and direction which helps me move forward feeling confident i`m taking the right steps towards my highest good.
    Rhonda`s connection to spirit is so direct that i truly believe she is divinely guided. I`ve had several readings with Rhonda over the years and i`ve always found her to be of pure heart and to conduct herself with the highest integrity and discretion.

  • Joan, Boughton, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

    By chance I spotted an article on Rhonda, and made contact. Rhonda required photographs of me and the people in my life, family, friends etc. Once she had the photographs, arrangements were made for a one hour telephone conversation. With cheap international calls available from most parts of the world this is not a problem.

    I was somewhat skeptical and doubtful of the possibilities of tangible contact with what Rhonda terms "Spirit" However, I was immediately impressed by Rhonda's (Spirit's) knowledge of my past. There were long forgotten details of childhood happenings, things nobody could know. Details of my life and the people in it were astonishingly accurate. Advice was given on how to improve my health and what to look out for.

    Overall the most important thing about this reading was that it convinced me that we are not alone. "Spirit" is there, knows us, loves us and cares for us. The past is definite, as it is there, but the future is changeable and not so easily definable, but I was given the general direction of where I was going and what I would do and on which continents.

    Six years later I found myself at a Cross roads and again made contact with Rhonda. "Spirit" analyzed the problems, giving details that explained a great deal, reassured me and predicted the outcome. We shall see! Once again I was impressed by the knowledge of Spirit. We live in a world where there is no room for things spiritual, and it can be hard to believe in anything, and that is why I would recommend contact with Rhonda.

  • Joan, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    I first met Rhonda in 1998, I never thought that I would meet someone who is so accurate in their readings, and the truth she revealed to me. I simply have no words to describe, but only emotions, so deeply felt within myself.

    I was going through a very bad time, my husband was getting so sick all the time, and we went to many doctors and finally he was diagnosed with cancer, and I needed to seek a psychic for help and to hear what they had to say, I saw many of them and all were just the same , NOTHING . But then I met Rhonda and life changed. I had to accept the truth and Rhonda helped me understand and told me what I needed to accept and hear.

    Rhonda told me that my husband was a very sick man and that he had limited time to heal, ( I had not told Rhonda anything about my life, I had only shown Rhonda photo`s of my family members ! ) how sweet it was that, she did not say he was going to die, but that he needed to heal, the words she used were so gentle and full of kindness.
    But unfortunately he eventually passed away, and he is now in peace.

    I decided to see Rhonda again and she communicated with my deceased husband and he said how happy he was and free from pain, it was such an emotional experience and I was happy because he was in peace.

    He had a message for me, saying that he, with God`s help is sending someone to look after me, and Rhonda described the person in every detail and now this is the man I am married to.

    I have been seeing Rhonda for more than nine years now, because I want to hear her advice for the present and the future, and Rhonda has always told me the truth and she has advised me emotionally and spiritually. To me she is a messenger, sent by God, and I believe she is an angel, here on earth to help people like me, who sometimes lose their way in life.

    And I firmly believe in what Rhonda does, she does it so well, and Rhonda has such a nice husband Kevin, who is thoughtful and nice, because sometimes I call her after hours and he would be only too happy to put Rhonda on the phone, not many psychics would give their time to talk to me like Rhonda talks to me.

    I recommend anyone out there to seek Rhonda for advice and for help with problems with the past, present and the future.

    Thank you Rhonda, for what you have done for me, and my family.

    God bless you, Kevin and your family.

  • Jenny and Ian, Milan, Italy.

    My husband and I are currently living in Italy where we are fulfilling a long held dream of living within another culture. Rhonda was recommended to us by someone whose opinion we value highly. When we heard that Rhonda receives information directly from Spirit we really wanted a Reading with her as we are facing major crises in our lives.

    We organized a Reading with Rhonda by emailing her and setting it up. We paid her fee directly into her bank account via Internet banking and we emailed her the images that we considered relevant. We made up a list, for ourselves, of birth dates and questions that we wanted to ask. Taking into account the ten hour time difference currently between Italy and New South Wales, at a pre-arranged time, we called Rhonda using SKYPE from our computer to her land line, and we recorded the Reading on a digital MP3 Player. Rhonda came across strong and clear and many times the answers to our questions came before we could ask.

    We have listened to the Reading several times and have also transcribed it, and we learn something new each time. There are powerful messages for us with words of wisdom from Spirit. In many ways the Reading has given us "heart" to deal with a very difficult situation as we are facing major cross roads in our lives. Some health issues also came up for one of us and it was good to get forewarning and guidance on these. Being overseas did not prevent Rhonda giving us a comprehensive Reading. Modern communications such as the Internet, email and SKYPE and/or an International Phone Card makes it not only easy but also economical to call from the other side of the world.

    We are extremely grateful to Rhonda that we have been able to have a Reading with her. We are sure that the guidance we have received will have an enormous and positive impact on our lives and we will not hesitate to consult with her in the future.

    Thank you Rhonda.


  • Jaye, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, Thank you so much for your clarity in your Reading, sorry it`s taken a while to get this to you! I was very impressed by your clear and concise Reading, which was accurate and to the point. You put me in touch with my grandmother now passed, and that was a great confirmation of her presence and continued guidance. I confirmed the details you gave to me with mum, and she said you were on the mark! Some parts of the Reading I have still to establish and may never really know, however, the "kick" in the information gave me the tools to work with a family member to move on from the past and to swallow my pride and re-establish some kind of relationship with them which would never have occurred without that Reading, so thank you. My husband has gotten a lot out of his Reading too; I believe it was a pivotal point in his life that allowed him to come to peace with some rocky family relations too. Thank you for your forthright and compassionate Reading and I recommend you to others without hesitation. Yours sincerely, Jaye.
  • Janet, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia

    I would urge anyone who needs to find some understanding of where their life is at, what their relationships are or have been about, and how to best go forward, to see Rhonda.

    I was amazed at the amount of information Rhonda gave me about my family members, former lovers and the reasons why I'd been involved with the people I had. Everything she said was not only accurate; she also connected dots for me I hadn't managed to do myself.

    I came away feeling gratitude and hope and feeling that my life's journey so far and my experiences had been validated and that the path I was on would unfold as it should. And I came away with a lot more than I expected when I walked in.

    Rhonda is not only a beautiful woman with a big heart; she has an incredible gift which she shares in a no-nonsense way. Without a doubt, she is one of the finest psychic counsellors around.

  • Jacquelyn, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, I just want to tell you how extraordinary I find your Readings by phone. I have had 2 Readings by phone now and both have proved very interesting, reassuring and helpful. My husband and I couldn`t believe how events kept happening just as you described to me they would. From health problems, business transactions and people around us, to my daughter's role in the school musical. And even 1 week after my second Reading once again something that you had told me came to pass. Life gets very complicated, confusing and overwhelming, and at times I feel the need for some direction, some reassurance, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The accuracy of your phone Readings is astounding, and your guidance has kept me calm in periods of great stress. Thanks once again for your help. Talk to you soon.
  • Giselle, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    My name is Giselle and I live in the United Arab Emirates in Dubai. I was extremely impressed with the preciseness of Rhonda's Reading, especially since I did the  Reading over the phone because I live in another country. She was so exact with details regarding my family even though I had not sent her Mum's photo, she could pick up so many things on a very personal level. I will be recommending Rhonda to all of my friends, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for the guidance she has given me. Giselle.
  • Gillian, Eagle Heights, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda, you have a psychic ability way beyond any Medium I have ever known. Your accuracy is stunning! I have consulted you several times now, and have found your readings so helpful and valuable to explore certain life and business situations and to ensure I had considered all the options.

    I'll be back!

    You are amazing,

    thank you.

  • Georgia , Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you for your readings with me over the years. I have always found you to be honest, accurate and straightforward with information and your integrity, empathy and care are always there for support and guidance. I look forward to many more years ahead with your gentle guidance when its needed.

    Kind regards and love,


  • Farida – Melbourne, Australia.

    I have always been a skeptic when it came to psychics and clairvoyants, unlike my husband who kept a balance sheet on how much he spent on "readings" over the years. It took me two years to see Rhonda at the insistence of my husband and I am glad he persisted. At my first reading, she told me things that nobody knew and it absolutely blew me away. To this date, I still don't know how she does it and I don't question it anymore. She is a wonderfully gifted lady and very honest and sincere in her readings. I would recommend her to anyone seeking answers but is hesitant and not sure where to start or what to expect.

    You will be impressed.

  • Elise, Murwillumbah, New South Wales Australia

    Although I had had Rhonda's details for two years it took me until recently to contact her and arrange a reading.
    The experience was amazing! It was the right time in my life to receive some guidance and Rhonda provided just that, and more.
    I left with direction and purpose; feeling empowered to make life`s next big decision.
    I loved the reading so much - I`m buying one for all my family!

    Thank You Rhonda!

  • Ella, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda's Readings are extremely accurate and actually helpful in very concrete and practical ways. When Rhonda was Reading for me and looking at my selected family photos, her descriptions of my family were spot on. So many things that she said would happen came to fruition a few weeks later, and being forewarned I was definitely forearmed, therefore I had more understanding of how to deal with the situations as they arose. I definitely recommend a Reading with Rhonda. Sincerely, Ella.
  • Dianne , Swan Reach, Victoria, Australia.

    I went to Rhonda for a Reading on the recommendation from my neighbour more than 18 years ago!!! Rhonda and I are now extremely great friends, so much so that Rhonda and Kev had their Beautiful Wedding at my home. Over the years Rhonda has amazed me with her predictions and insights. On my very first meeting and Reading with Rhonda, she told me that my brother, who was married, was having an affair with my best friend who is also married, I was so shocked, I said "no way that this is happening, I would know about it!", so I confronted my friend and she confessed that it was true. On another occasion Rhonda was sitting across from me at a table and said to me, "When you go home you need to make an appointment with your doctor, because you have a lump in your right breast that needs removing, but not to worry, because it will end up O.K. I found the lump in the exact place that Rhonda had said, it was removed, and it was O.K.!! Another time I asked about my son who was 19 at the time and causing me a great deal of worry, Rhonda told me that he would not settle down until he was 24 to 25, when he would meet a girl with very long red hair down her back. He is now married to that girl; they met when he was just 24. Rhonda has helped me so much over the years, she`s given me hope in my darkest hours and a reason to go on with the knowledge that things would improve for me. Rhonda told me that I would find my soul mate and marry and be happy at a time when I thought that romance wasn`t likely at all. Of course, this has happened, and I have been very happily married, to a wonderful partner for 5 years now. I have known Rhonda for so long and I know so many people throughout the years that have had amazing experiences with Rhonda, believe me Rhonda will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, with her pinpoint accuracy on people around you as well as anything that you may want to know about. I am so glad that Rhonda is now focusing on her gift as she is very much needed and now you all have the opportunity to have this life changing experience. Rhonda is amazing, and I recommended Rhonda unconditionally. Thank You Sincerely.    
  • David , Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I remember clearly the first time I met Rhonda, she sat me and my wife down, and within the space of about 2 minutes, had said things about myself that she couldn`t possibly have known, and these were not obvious things,( like I was rubbing my eyes and she tells me I had sore eyes), really deep suppressed, hidden emotions and feelings that I never wanted the world to see, or me, for that matter.
    Rhonda`s uniqueness above any other clairvoyant, tarot reader, medium or whatever was that she found the "skeletons in my closet" straight away, making it the highest priority for my highest good.
    It may have not been what I really wanted to look at (remember I had planned to suppress these events probably for the rest of my life) but in reality, she couldn`t have chosen a better place to start and I truly love Rhonda for that.

  • Daniel & Yasmin, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

    I went to see Rhonda late in 2008. I was in a mess emotionally after having made what I believe for me as one of the hardest decisions in life. I couldn't cope and was looking for answers to all of my questions which no one could help me with.

    As I was speaking to a family friend one day, she mentioned a really good psychic that lived around near where the big avocado is, so I starting searching on Google to try and find this person and I came across the "Hands of Destiny" website. I had a read through a couple of the testimonials and realised that this must be the person my friend was telling me about.

    When I went to see Rhonda I have to admit, I was a bit sceptical at first, but she soon put that to bed. I have seen a few clairvoyants in the past and it feels as though they fish around to try and find out what answers you want hear and then that's all they tell you. However Rhonda is very different, in that she won't sugar coat anything. She is straight to the point, which I found a little confronting at first, but I realised that this is what I needed. I needed someone to tell me the truth, so that I could deal with what it was that was holding me back for so long and torturing me emotionally. She also picked up on a few issues with one of my children and advised me on what I should be doing which I ignored after my reading and now some seven months later those issues that Rhonda warned me about have surfaced, so I have taken her advice and it seems to be slowly working out.

    I can't recommend Rhonda enough. I even talked my partner into going and seeing her a month later which even he (the biggest sceptic of all) has raved on about how great she is. There are times now that when things happen he says "Rhonda did say that would happen but I didn't believe her". It has also helped in some ways with regards to how he deals with situations which we both believe has been a tremendous help.

    Even if you are a sceptic or don't believe in these types of things, all I suggest is just go and see Rhonda once, it will definitely be worth every minute. I'm looking forward to my next reading soon.

    Love Daniel & Yasmin.

  • Courtney, London, England.

    Rhonda was recommended to me from a girlfriend and having seen many Psychics and had many different readings, my last about 6 months prior, I didn't feel the need to have another. However, overnight I felt a strong urge to speak with her. Being in London I had a phone reading, it was very different and the 'urge' I felt was spot on. Rhonda gave something to me no other psychic had, perhaps I wasn't ready to hear it or the time wasn't right till now or perhaps it was Rhonda's unique style...she was spot on! Rhonda has helped and allowed me to heal apart of me that has held deep pain. I feel lighter, things seem clearer - I understand. Her advice and direction from spirit was invaluable, her approach was direct and very honest. Rhonda has helped me greatly.

    With someone like Rhonda in our lives, we won't lose contact with life! Within moments we can be realigned and back on track travelling this hard road called life!

    God Bless.

  • Chiron , Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia

    Mmmmm, a very butt kicking experience. Rhonda doesn't cut any corners, or even dignifies the thought of flattering your ego, she cuts to the chase, as she stares you in the eyes asking, `did you get that, are you sure! , perhaps not what you might want to hear, but definitely what you need to hear. She kicked my butt more often than not as I tried to use words I felt supported my apparent actions, or non actions as it turned out. Her messages of advice come straight from Spirit, pure and simple, no bullshit. Rhonda is a genuine channel for Spirit, that you can be sure of. Spirit's advice helped me to get a focus, to get some clarity in my life. If you are at crossroads in your life or just needing some genuine unbiased advice to help you on your path, you wont be disappointed! Love and Light my butt kicking friend,
  • Catherine , Wales, United Kingdom.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Funnily enough I have been talking about you today! I have been meaning to write a testimonial, but thought I'd wait until I get to Italy! I am all set to go at the beginning of March. I really appreciated our reading; it really has encouraged me to follow my calling! I have every intention of making something out of my painting, and going to Florence for however long, would be a good start. I have started Italian lessons too in preparation.

    Actually, I was thinking about asking you for another Reading. I have something I really want to ask you about. How possible would it be to have a Reading this week or at the weekend? I will find out a photo to send you as soon as I can.

    If you would like to use this email as a testimonial then please do! As speaking to you back in October really was a life changing experience. You said so many things that were true to my life at the time and I came away feeling that I had finally been put on the right path!

    All my best wishes,


  • Cathy , Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

    My Reading with Rhonda was like 60 minutes of gold. Apart from all the invaluable insight and direction I received regarding my own life, she mentioned that my 3 year old had his hip out of place and it was affecting his spine. I took him to an osteopath that week and sure enough his hip was out, and his lower back was twisted and in need of alignment. The doctor asked how I knew and I said, "Spirit told me". I then told him all about Rhonda and by the end of our session he was ready to book a Rhonda Reading for himself. Magic! I now recommend Rhonda wherever I go. Thanks Rhonda. You are amazing and your readings have helped me change my life.
  • Two heart warming letters from two very special people.

    Two heart warming letters from two very special people.

    In the work that I do, I sometimes receive a hard time from clients who are not happy hearing what they need to hear, the human ego is a powerful influence, and I have to wear the reactions and threats from those ego,s. I am human too, and it is hard for me to receive the responses from people who don't want to take responsibility for their actions, and at times, I have doubted whether I should keep doing this work. That is until I read these lovely letters, from a special couple, who in their writings, gave me another view of the work that I do.

    Please read on.



    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to write a quick email to see how you are? I was speaking to a friend of mine and she mentioned a couple of things going on with you at the moment and I Just wanted to let you know that never question your abilities as you have been amazing in our lives with your spiritual guidance and truly talented gift, You have a gift that we are lucky that you are willing to share, it is not something you can buy or gain as a qualification it is what it is...... a "Gift".

    Some people believe and others do not...which I guess you could say "they miss out"! Because the information you provide us with is not something that we can get from any other source and we are very lucky that you share this information for the good of people to help people make the most of their lives, Guide them when they have fallen, help build the foundations of what may have been broken & guide people in the right directions when needing clarity and or closure and you do this with honesty & truthfulness and a good big heart.

    I remember when you told Justin not to validate himself on his clients and he no longer does this and feels so much better for it, Although at times we can be forgiven for letting out guards down and letting the idiots in to voice their invalidated, self absorbed opinions on to us and thus questioning ourselves & abilities when in actual fact people only do this when they have reason to question themselves and therefore putting the negativity onto some else to deal with!

    Basically I just wanted to let you know that from both myself and Justin as well as others that I have referred onto you, we all think you are amazing, gifted and have been a blessing, Your guidance and words have been inspirational & life changing and we could not thank you enough for this. We have applied all the information you have given us and what a difference it makes to one's life....Thank you.
    So with this I know it is easier said than done.....but don't let a few insignificant people dictate to you and make you question yourself....when there is nothing at all to question. I hope you don't mind that I have emailed you I just wanted to let you know because since meeting you 4 years ago you have changed our train of thought and lives in such a positive way.......and we certainly do not appreciate anyone speaking ill of you!

    I do hope all is well and we will be seeing you again in 2010

    P.s My daughter is loving her new school her confidence has grown and she is now back to her happy, vibrant self 🙂 Thank you!

    Kindest Regards,


    Hi Rhonda,

    It is my pleasure, we were disheartened to think that some people may have been speaking ill of you and making you feel as if you should question your own abilities, I think it's safe to say some people hate the truth and refuse to take responsibilities for their own actions & misfortunes and need to blame another person to try and justify such ignorance!! You have been amazing in ours lives and we both my husband and myself would be more than happy if you wanted to put the emails on your website because the words that I have written come from the heart and bare the truth of what an amazing gift and talented, wonderful woman that you are, your guidance & your work is worth every penny if not more, your line of work is not easy as it draining for you and to have to bare the truth to others is never an easy task as you do not do this via personal opinion but that of your spiritual guidance in thus helping your clients get the most out of their lives in which you have done for myself and many many others....you are a truly wonderful gifted woman, never for get that!! Let the few ignorant self absorbed, negative people wallow in their self pity as the countless hundreds of other people that you have helped over time is....... priceless.

    Keep smiling and keep doing what you do best....making a difference in someone's life.

    Kindest Regards,

    Carla & Justin,

  • Karla, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I was recommended to Rhonda over 3 years ago by a good friend of mine and I have now seen Rhonda on 3 separate occasions. I brought along pictures of my family and friends and Rhonda pin pointed my family to a tee and told me things that no one could possibly know.

    Rhonda worked a lot on my husband and has helped him immensely as a person and as a business & family man, One of many things that Rhonda mentioned was that my husband needed a qualification as this had been holding him back for many years and the spirits were trying to help him but he was not getting the message and they would take it into their own hands and he would have an accident of some sort or illness (Not to panic though as it was not to be life threatening) and this would be what will make him sit down and do it and get this qualification. Within a month of seeing Rhonda my husband got Chicken pox, the worse case the doctor had ever seen and he was kept in our spare room for 2 weeks as our daughters had never had them. Within those two weeks he completed 2/3 of the forms & documents needed and was ready to go back to work, but on the Monday he got a severe stomach virus and was bed ridden again for another week and he finished all the documents and papers and acquired this qualification he needed!! Rhonda worked extensively on my husband`s personal issues on 2 of those occasions in which my husband listened to the tapes in amazement and took everything on board and has applied all this invaluable information to his life and now I have a husband whom is happy, settled and confident in his direction and our relationship is solid and the business direction looks great!!

    The last time I saw Rhonda a couple of weeks ago she mentioned my daughter is not happy at school she is being bullied by the teacher and it is affecting her ability to learn and make friends....two days prior to my reading I had a meeting with the school regarding my concerns about my daughter and how unhappy she is!! Rhonda gave me absolute direction and guidance with this and we are leaving the school and I didn't think we had many options but Rhonda has opened up so many doors for us and gave us the answer we had been looking & searching for 🙂 We are looking forward to the new school and the kids are so excited and smiling again.

    I could probably go on and on about the amazing life changing experiences I have had through Rhonda, she has really helped me, my husband, and our children as well many friends and family I have referred to her!! Rhonda has a very special psychic gift, that allows her to help, guide, counsel and direct, which I believe is invaluable and it's like having information given to you that you would not normally have access to (a heads up perhaps). I would highly recommend Rhonda to anyone seeking guidance, understanding and a helping hand.

    Thank you Rhonda you have been truly invaluable to myself and my family and I thank you dearly x

  • Carina, Karratha, Western Australia

    Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you so much for the Wonderful hour we spent on the phone together a couple of weeks ago.
    I had some readings before, but this Reading which was done over the phone was Amazing. You turned my life upside down for the last two weeks and forever. I'm busy, busy, busy with all the things you told me. I could never believe to get so much information in one hour, without asking you anything. If someone wants a Reading, I will send them to you Rhonda, because you are the very Best. Since I spoke to Rhonda, she has not been out of my mind for one day. I'm sure Rhonda, that I will meet you one day in person in NSW or somewhere else.

    Rhonda you are a Wonderful, Amazing, Great Person. I don't know how to express my thanks to you, you are Gold. I will be grateful to you my whole life, I hope to see you and have another Reading with you in the near future; I'm looking forward to that!

    For ever in my heart,

    love from Carina X

  • Brett , Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I went to Rhonda because I was curious about my future and I heard that she was the best. I had never done this before and so I was very skeptical about the whole thing. My reading went for an hour and within that time I was very surprised about the things she said, that only I would know. The whole experience was very interesting and comfortable, some of the things she said started happening within a month of seeing her. My luck had changed in many ways, I got a new job and I feel more positive, and that seems to attract good things. Still always the skeptic until I see and hear it for myself, I now believe that Rhonda can do what she does, very well.

    Thanks Rhonda.

  • Beverley , London, England.

    Rhonda is the first psychic I have ever spoken to. She came highly recommended. I was unsure about doing it over the phone, but as I live in London it was my only option. It was the best experience ever. Rhonda was so accurate, I couldn't believe it. Whether it's a phone consultation or a face to face consultation it didn't matter. It felt as if I was there with her...

    Thank you Rhonda, for everything,

  • Avair, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I had a reading over the phone with Rhonda from my office in Sydney. I was skeptical about how effective and accurate her reading could be by looking at some emailed photos and speaking on the phone for an hour. I was strongly challenged by the reading, because most of the advice and information Rhonda gave me was completely opposite to my current beliefs and my future plans.

    I took on board what Rhonda told me and implemented some of her advice into my life, however did not do some of the major things she told me to do. Approximately two months after the reading, everything Rhonda had told me in regards to what was predicted to happen to the people around me was spot on. This was proof that the information that Rhonda gave me was true and I now wish I had acted on her advice. I am now going to have another reading with Rhonda and really trust what she has to say.

    I have had many readings in my life, even at some stages been a bit of a psychic reader junky and found that many of them tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear. Rhonda challenges this for the better of every individual, with practical, life changing advice that is not always easy to hear, but is guaranteed to change your life for the better.



  • Kurt, Hamburg, Germany

    I just want to say thank you Rhonda! Every Reading I have had with you has been so accurate; there is no way that it could be chance. Even the small thing that I paid no attention to at the time during the Reading, manifested in the next few weeks and this was no fluke, every time! I must admit to being a bit of a skeptic by nature, but I never cease to be amazed at how "on the money" Rhonda is. Rhonda's down to earth approach is easy and direct, and she will cover an important point until it sinks in, with no risk of missing the intended message. Rhonda is a "straight shooter" and there is no smoke and mirrors in her down to earth presentation, just the messages you NEED to hear. Rhonda's Readings have helped me immensely in gaining clarity about some of my life's big questions recently and Rhonda has given me clarity and direction which I would have been hard pressed to get to without her guidance. Thanks Rhonda. I am very grateful for your help and insight!!
  • Anne , Nerang, Queensland, Australia.

    I had an experience in my life which had totally overwhelmed me, as it came at me out of the blue. The impact that was a result affected my whole family, as our point of views differed, thus causing internal friction.

    I was then guided to have a reading with Rhonda and as l had not had a reading for many years I was a bit nervous. I did not make any comment to Rhonda about what was troubling me.
    Rhonda's reading for me was totally succinct, 100% "spot on" and delivered information which l was able to utilize over the days and weeks which followed.
    It is now 3 months later, life has been calm, smooth and happy for us all since.
    I most happily recommend Rhonda's Readings to anyone who wishes for enlightenment and direction.

  • Angie, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    During a trying time recently, I was in desperate need of some guidance. I had never met Rhonda before, and I searched on the internet and her site was one of the first I looked at. Something told me that she was the one to see.

    I went and saw Rhonda and had no idea what was about to happen. I felt calm in her presence and I could see she was the kind of person who would tell me how it is without the sugar coating. This is what I needed and I have nothing but appreciation for how it was relayed to me.

    Through out my reading everything that was told to me really hit home, some good, some bad, but my word it was the most powerful guidance I have really ever experienced. Everything about my loved ones was amazingly accurate. Some of the things were hard to hear but I needed it in order to get myself back to where I need to be. That day was the beginning of my life - and for the better.

    I honestly can`t describe the emotion you get when you sit in front of Rhonda for your reading. I cannot recommend a better person than her to help guide you in your life.

    Thank you Rhonda x

    Angie x

  • Alok , Byron Bay, New South wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    My reading with Rhonda was very surprising to me inasmuch as she nailed issues that no other ‘reader` I have been to have been able to come close to, (and I have had heaps over the years) and Rhonda also provided me the space in which to resolve lots of feelings from my past. I found it very affirming of many things. I recommend Rhonda.



  • Ale, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I am so grateful to have met Rhonda. My first reading with her was absolutely incredible! My mum passed away 11 years ago and after 5 minutes that Rhonda started reading, she said "your mum is here". I hadn`t said anything to her before she said that. Rhonda could smell her perfume, which was something very peculiar about my mum. She used to use a perfume that left "her smell" in the air around the house, in her car, in her bags, everywhere. Sometimes when I think about her, I still can smell her.

    The reason that I went to see Rhonda was a "call" from God. Since I was a child, I have been feeling spirits presence. My grandfather (my mum`s dad) lived his life working with spirits, helping the "new souls" that has just passed away and is still "lost" in the eternity. I grew up listening to his advices and learning from his experiences. For sure, I believe in another life and in the reincarnation`s law.

    I had just moved to Australia, in March 2008, to live with my partner, who is Australian and who I met in 2007 when I was here for vacation. When I came back here to stay with him, I started having "the presences of the spirits", and for some reason I was not in peace. I had left my life behind to follow my heart, I was extremely happy, but something was annoying me and I could not know what and why.

    One night, I was feeling uncomfortable at home and my partner found Rhonda`s card, which he had kept for some reason one day when he met Rhonda in a social event. He thought he might need Rhonda`s help one day. And that was the day. I called Rhonda and made an appointment. It was the beginning of my real guidance and insight of my existence.

    Rhonda was clear, concise, compassionate, and honest. She could communicate with my mum and grandpa. She described me as if she knew me for years. She told me about my past, my family, myself. She also gave me advices from a mum. At that time, I was holding student visa and finishing my first English course. I was not sure what to do after, and I was about to enroll in a Karate course, just to get more time and finish the one year with my student visa to be able to apply for the spouse temporary visa after that. Obviously, karate course was the worst option and I knew that, but I was "blind" and just trying to make the time pass fast. I was stressed and feeling "unprotected".

    Rhonda was really helpful in that moment. She just said to me "I cannot believe you are going to do karate". She was shocked, as if she knew me for years. I`m journalist, actress and dancer (back home, in Brazil) and I have been working with my mind, writing, creating stories, acting, dancing. For sure, I could do something more interesting that could improve my life here. It was when Rhonda said "why don`t you do another English course (Certificate III at TAFE) or a Business course". Definitely, it could help me much more in life here.

    Rhonda also helped me to deal with the fact of my "big changing" moving to Australia and restarting my life from the zero. She also showed me different ways of thinking. She showed me that I can do good things in Australia even if it is not my country. She said that the visa "stuff stress" will finish one day, that the time comes naturally and that there was no reason for anxiety. She gave me the necessary strength I needed at that time. She helped me a lot to understand my partner`s needs and his past and after my first reading I could see how it was important for him my coming back to Australia to try our life together, how I could (and still can) help him and his path in life and how we have been learning with each other since then.

    I have been living in Australia for 1 year and 6 months. I just got the spouse temporary visa. I have finished Cert III and IV and English. I have got a new job. I`m translating into English my last theatre play. I teach dance one night a week and I`m very happy, confident and sure that I did the right choice leaving my life behind in Brazil, believing in my love for my partner and coming to Australia.

    Everything we do in life is for some reason, and the earlier we find the key to understand our path, the better it is our existence. Rhonda helped me to find my key.

    She is an angel on Earth and I`m very happy that she can use her gift to help people. And I`m very glad to meet her.

    Thank you, Rhonda! For now and always!

    God bless you and your path!



  • Adelheid , Lisarow, New South Wales, Australia.

    My partner and I visited Rhonda at the beginning of 2008 for various reasons. We both had split up from our previous partners 7months before, and we had to face difficulties relating to past issues. I had also experienced bullying at work in an environment where bullying should never occur. I needed some guidance with all this. During the session with Rhonda it became very obvious that she was absolutely familiar with my situation and even people surrounding me at the present time. She gave me a clear picture of where I was at and indicated what actions I could take to change the situation to the positive. I did feel total freedom at all times. The fact that Rhonda knew so many details and names (even of people who had passed on!) without me telling her anything, was astounding !!!!! I followed Rhonda's advice and later on started to tie up loose ends and decided not to run from the situation as I used to do before. I can already see the great benefit of her advice and will definitely consult Rhonda again. Adelheid.
  • Abdul, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda is the most accurate clairvoyant I have ever met. I have known Rhonda since 1992 and have consulted her many times, both face to face and over the phone. Her accuracy is remarkable even over the phone. I have found Rhonda to be very honest, open and sincere with her readings and prepared to say it as she sees it. Whether it is photos, business cards or hand writing, her ability to "pick up" on the essence of the individuals is rather scary the first time you experience it and you quickly appreciate the talent this lady posseses. I would strongly recommend Rhonda to anyone seeking guidance or insights on their life path or people they interact with. What you will get is uncensored, unfiltered "truth" as she sees it. If you are ready for and seek the truth, then Rhonda is the one to see.

  • Adrian , Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia

    I must say that I have had readings of different kinds over the years, but the reading I had with Rhonda was very different. Rhonda asked me to bring photos of my family and proceeded to not only do a reading for me, but also my whole family and tied a lot of threads together within the family unit showing the various interactions that were and still are going on.A lot of it didn`t make a lot of sense to me at the time as it had to do with the relationship over the years between myself and other family members, but after some thinking, recalling and asking only appropriate questions of the particular member or members concerned, the reading took on a completely new perspective.

    For those of you who have not experienced this type of reading, try it, I believe that you may be pleasantly surprised.

  • Vanessa, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Good Morning Rhonda, I would like to take this time to thank you for all your help you have given me over the past few months. My 1st Reading I work with a lady that had been for a visit and couldn't stop talking about her life changing experience she had with Rhonda, so naturally I wanted to have one as well as I'm no stranger to seeing clairvoyants, I couldn't wait. I wasn't going to see Rhonda for any one thing just a Reading, Well, Rhonda blew me out of the water with the first thing she said, only 2 people knew about this and there was only one of them in the room. I didn't know it then, but I was in desperate need of guidance and with Rhonda's help I was to receive the clarity I needed to get over this hurdle in my life, I still get goose bumps every time I think of my 1st experience with Rhonda. My 2nd Reading With my first experience with Rhonda being so positive I knew I wanted to go back to see her again, and it to was absolutely incredible, Rhonda is a clear and concise clairvoyant with a heart of gold. My Reading was coming to the end and Rhonda said that I was going to have problems with my mother and as I have a strained relationship with my mother I didn't want to take Rhonda up on her guidance, as I thought I had dealt with this and as far as I was concerned it was in the past, how wrong I was and how right Rhonda was. It only took 3 months and I was on the phone wanting another appointment and I had mother in-law issues. My 3rd Reading I walked into Rhonda's house and straight up she nailed it, I hadn't even sat down or touched a card at this stage Rhonda just knew, this was my 2nd goose bump moment. That day Rhonda showed me so much compassion, I felt she went that one step further to help me heal in these trying times that are ahead of me and my in-laws. I can highly recommend Rhonda, anyone thinking about going to see her just do, you will have that life changing moment, just like all of us that have gone go to see her. Rhonda is the most accurate clairvoyant I have ever seen. Kind Regards, Vanessa.
  • Julie , Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

    If you were given the opportunity to be able to see a glimpse of your future would you take it? If you were able to see in advance if the business deal was going to be successful would you want to know? If you were told you are going to meet the "person of your dreams" would you want to find out where?

    Now this may sound all very "airy-fairy" but I assure you this is not the case. I am a very "fact and figure person", I work by seeing concrete evidence, I have little patience for dreamers and drifters (as many of the so called "clairvoyants" seem to be). My first reading with Rhonda blew my mind; she knew what I went through (traumatic divorce), she knew that I had moved countries because of this. Rhonda also knew that I had stopped my accounting degree (much to her dismay). She could tell me the exact nature of the people in my life down to the T. Rhonda couldn't have "known" this stuff she was telling me unless she lived in my house, lived with the people I do, and knows the people I do.

    For me, the first reading was Rhonda validating herself to me, (it still amazes me one year later). I asked Rhonda if I can go back for another reading, she told me not to for at least 6mthns, (really, you mean this lady is refusing my money?). After my first reading I knew I could trust Rhonda and let my own guard down, the wealth of information she provides is incredible. As Rhonda said in her own words, we are all on a journey, however with knowledge we can make the journey easier. The majority of us all get doctor check-ups, dentist check-ups, so why not a Spirit check-up too? We all need a little cleansing from time to time.

    Much love to the both of you,


  • Natalie, Sydney, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I came to you a little over 3 years ago and everything that you said to me and all the wonderful guidance that you gave me helped me on my journey over this last 3 years. Your information was very accurate and it still spins me out when things happen and I remember you telling me that it would and when it did how to handle it best. I would highly recommend you and that is why I am coming to see you again for the next phase of my journey.

    Thank you for being so great. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

    Luv Natalie

  • Yvette, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    For such a long time now I have been numb to life and I did not really know why. Rhonda clearly showed me the reason for this and what I need to do to move out of this sadness and open my heart to living again. Through accurately assessing events in my life and explaining their significance I could see my destructive patterns objectively and for the first time let go of these toxic thoughts. After reflecting on our session I feel a sense of relief and renewed optimism and strength. Rhonda is gentle and kind, she is the real deal.

    Best wishes,


  • Naomi, Ocean Shores, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I just want to thank you for the reading. It was one of the most powerful and healing experiences I ever had! I did not expect that.
    There have been times in my life when I sincerely wished God could speak to me with words, and for me that happened. The fact that it occurred around the time of one of my "darkest hours" feels like an incredible blessing, because, I have been restored; you gave me back my self, my light, my hope, my confidence.

    Much love,


  • Sam, Ontario, Canada.

    Firstly, I would love to thank you so much Rhonda from the bottom of my heart and to let everyone out there genuinely know how precise, honest, and amazing you are at your Readings. I was very skeptical before I came to see you a year ago, being recommended by a friend who thought you were brilliant and precise. You have helped to give me such peace, both in my heart and my head, as well as giving me the direction in life that I needed to head in but in the past, constantly made the wrong decisions, but you were there to help put me back on track. You would have to be the most honest Reader I have ever encountered, and I would highly recommend anybody to see you without a moment`s hesitation. You helped to clarify my thoughts and strangely enough, I have become a better person. I have so much love and respect for you. Thank you Rhonda, I see you as a guiding angel in this lifetime.
  • Jannette, Burringbar, New South Wales, Australia

    I met Rhonda a year ago, when after hearing about her from a friend, I invited her to my house to give a talk about the psychic work she does. Rhonda talked to the group of ladies I had also invited for a couple of hours and we were all so interested to hear of Rhonda's remarkable life. A year down the track I was off to have another reading again.

    Rhonda has helped my family and myself with her special gift she received many years ago, which is to be able to listen to, and then pass on such profound and accurate information from the Great Spirit.
    I have been touched by Rhonda`s words of understanding about myself and who I am, and why I am, and then how to improve myself and turn my whole life around. I believe Rhonda cuts through years of counseling, patiently teaching and giving me the tools to help me become a whole, content being, loving my life, by understanding my life and becoming a healthy example for my beautiful daughter and three beautiful sons.

    I met Rhonda a year ago and each time, she has been spot on and I am so grateful for Rhonda`s caring attitude which isn`t always received in the way it should be, because the TRUTH can hurt at times, but work with it and it feels beautiful to be set free.

    Thank you, Rhonda,


  • Taryn, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

    Amazing is the first word that comes to mind when I think of Rhonda. What she does is truly amazing. I met with Rhonda earlier this year for a Reading and she truly took my breath away. It is unbelievable on how accurate she is on photo Readings as well as card Readings. I have seen other Readers before, and I have never had one so accurate. The things she spoke of are things that only I can know about and the people she was talking about. I was told about Rhonda from a friend of mine who spoke so highly of her and since then I have told many of my friends about her talent and how amazing she is. I originally went to Rhonda to get some sort of clarification in my mind as to the thoughts I had about certain circumstances in my life at that time and the path I was heading down. Rhonda told me exactly how things were and it felt soooo good to have that confirmation in my own head and for someone else to point it out to me. I gave her a few photos of friends who I wanted to know things about and she picked their personalities down to a tee and spoke of the role that they would play in my life. Since my Reading with Rhonda I have honestly been a lot more positive about the decisions I have made, and it turns out that they were the best decisions I could have made. I am definitely going to be making another appointment to see her again and can say this. If you are thinking about making an appointment with Rhonda, do not think about it for another minute, just do it. It will be the best thing you could possibly do. Thanks Rhonda for sharing your amazing gift with us, I look forward to seeing you again. Taryn.
  • Dave, Northern Rivers,New South Wales, Australia

    I went to see Rhonda in may this year and I was blown away with how accurate Rhonda is, I felt very comfortable in Rhonda's presence, because I felt how honest and sincere she was. Rhonda was able to bring my grandmother through to me, and told me things that only my grandmother and I would know, even down to my grandmothers sense of humor.

    Rhonda also touched on major family problems that I am having, and gave me guidance to tackle the problem at hand, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I can not recommend Rhonda highly enough, if you want that "ah ha" moment, guidance, clarity on a problem at hand, then you need to see Rhonda for a reading.
    Once again, thank you Rhonda, for an extraordinary reading,

    I cant wait to see you again.

    Kindest Regards,


  • Sue, Bunbry, Western Australia.

    I have been for two Readings with Rhonda. My daughter suggested I do and I'm very pleased that I have taken her advice. Rhonda's first Reading was in person and with photographs of loved ones and I found her Reading to be insightful and helpful and interesting. Some months later I needed more advice and, as I live on the other side of Australia, we arranged a phone reading. Photos were e-mailed, payment made, and then a very productive Reading took place over the phone. Both of these Readings were taped for me and I have replayed them when I needed to. Not everything happens as you expect. I've had unexpected happenings only to find, it was exactly what Rhonda had said!! Go for it, and enjoy the Reading, Sue.
  • Peri, California, United States of America.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I would like to thank you so much for the brilliant session on the phone. Since then, you have helped ease my mind and stress levels tremendously. You are straightforward, clear and loving. And I feel you are a true clairvoyant...You "nailed" several things.... I liked how you said a couple of times. "Don't tell me, I'm telling you!" Thank you for your purity, sincerity, and guidance from Spirit. And thank you to Kev who is so sweet.

    It was easy and amazing to hear you over the phone from the USA to Australia.... (Sorry I did not figure out to drop the '0'! And there again, you were right Rhonda! You knew it) I am so grateful to my beloved friend, who got me the session with you as a gift. The best gift! And I will be contacting you for another session for me and my husband, thats for sure!

    Thank you Rhonda, and God Bless you.

    Love and best wishes,


  • Renee, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    My testimonial is in huge appreciation and respect for the work Rhonda and spirit offer. I have consulted Rhonda on several occasions, seeking what i thought was direction and looking to the future for answers, however, Rhonda quickly brought me to realise this cannot be done without cross examining the past and labelling events, people, feelings and circumstances correctly. Rhonda's accuracy and specific knowledge on events from the past, relationships, family member's and health are spot on and delivered with objectivity and perfect clarity, to the point of feeling shell shocked.

    Rhonda tells you what you need to hear to heal correctly, and it's not always what you want to hear. Not only has Rhonda helped me overcome hurts and baggage from the past, but guides me flawlessly in my career and personal spheres, also offering warnings and suggestions that have always been exact and evident.
    As a young woman i have truly been transformed, and live in total gratitude. Rhonda's gift, working with spirit is undeniable, and i have advised many friends and family members to visit Rhonda, all of whom have had overwhelming experiences with the truth that has changed them too.

    All of Rhonda's readings come from love and healing, and you can feel it.

    With great thanks,


  • Alyce, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda is a woman who cuts through bullshit within the first 2 minutes of a Reading. It was exactly what I needed. I have been to see some psychics who are all peace love and moonbeams and nothing else. They like to play on the "great white hope" with people which I find leaves you unresolved and still seeking answers. I have been in these situations many of times. Not with Rhonda, she gets straight to the root of the problem and straight to the point. One of the most insightful Readings I've ever had. Spot on with everything, I liked her in the first 2 seconds! Rhonda, I wish the best to you and I will be recommending your service to everyone. Alyce.
  • Joan, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia

    To All of My Brothers and Sisters who are seekers of Spiritual Truths:

    For the past thirty four years I have been a practicing Clairvoyant-Medium, however one sometimes finds it difficult to avoid the conscious mind editing the psychic channeling when Reading for self. On mentioning this to one of my clients, she suggested I see Rhonda for a Reading. Hallelujah! What a wonderful experience!

    I am now in my (young) seventies, but came to realize about eight years ago that the man who reared me was not my real father.
    Two years ago I broached the subject with an older sister, who told me my mother admitted that probability on her death-bed.
    My sister and I were the only ones living who knew this, however the first thing Rhonda told me was that my mother had had affairs and that my real father was a man called Gordon. Correct!

    Rhonda covered many subjects while I cried buckets of tears. Over the past thirty years I have studied Transpersonal Psychiatry/Psychology, however my session with Rhonda by far outweighed the abilities of any of the Professionals I have studied with.

    Having had two failed marriages, having built a lovely new home for myself, but feeling extremely lonely, I asked Rhonda about a 'mate'. She told me spirit said before the middle of 2010 I would meet a man who would give me 'unconditional love' for the first time in my life. (This was on 21st December, 2009.) Four months later I have made a commitment to the most wonderful man (my Soulmate). Incidently, I have been telling him for over three years that he would marry a Taurean lady! Guess what? - I am a Taurean!

    Words or space cannot describe the admiration I have for Rhonda - she is a true channel for Spirit. I have been involved with Spiritual Churches for thirty four years, have met many Clairvoyant-Mediums of international standing, but I strongly urge you if you need truth and guidance, to see Rhonda.

    God Bless you Rhonda, my Guides continually tell me that the path of a true psychic channel is never easy. When Michelangelo created The Pieta, the marble felt every blow of the hammer on the chisel, however the end result was spiritual perfection. So to you Rhonda, and all others who are being 'Spiritually tested', hang in there, have faith and march forward as true Spiritual Warriors.

    With much Spiritual Love.


  • Lyn, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia.

      I had visited quite a few clairvoyants before I had a Reading with Rhonda, but I certainly haven't found one that has the amazing gift that Rhonda has. I walked away from my Reading with a new found clarity. I do not hesitate to tell my friends about Rhonda, she is a truly remarkable lady with an amazing gift which she uses to better everyone she meets. Lyn.
  • Lily, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I would like to take a moment to thank Rhonda.


    Her guidance has had such a prolific effect on me and she virtually saved my life. Throughout my adolescent years I had suffered from depression, I made it difficult for not only myself, but also everyone around me. 

I met Rhonda through my mother a few years ago. She was incredibly straightforward and gave me hope that there was a future other than suicide. I have since then pursued things in life that bring me joy and have finally stopped to smell and admire the roses. 

I am forever grateful for the time I spent with Rhonda and the council she and Spirit brought me;
    I probably would not have listened to anyone else.



  • Herbert, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.


     霊能者のお問い合わせ 続々 寄せられましたので もうここで、ご紹介させて戴きます。 
ご興味のある方は お尋ね下さい。私の場合 物凄い事が起きました。皆さんのご経験も教えてください。 
http://www.handsofdestiny.com/  (必ず 行きかたの ページ 印刷してください。迷いますから。) 

 それから アポイントを 取られる際 誰の紹介ですか? と 必ず聞かれます。 
HERBERT (私の 此方での 通称です。)と お答え下さい。 
(別に ポイントがつくワケではありません。私は、彼女に出会って最後に、『また お願いします。』 と 挨拶すると 『あなたは もう 此処には来られませんよ。』と 言われてしまいました。行きたくてもいけないです。笑) 

 人によって、アポイントの最中、『あなた ご主人が大変じゃない。』とか 『お母さん大変ョ。早く帰らないと』なんていわれギクッとします。 

 クリアーな 写真 または 名刺 持って行ってください。(ご家族でも 気になる相手でも ビジネスパートナーでも 一枚あれば十分です。) サイコメトリーといわれる方法で、霊界のアドバイス受け 話だされますから。 
ご質問があれば 私に、お電話下さい。(メールは 勘弁してください。お返事が大変です。)


    Translation by me:


As I received so so many enquiries about the clairvoyant I mentioned, allow me to introduce her here after all ((in this email list)). If you have any questions, please let me know. To my cases and situations, truly very amazing things happened. Please let me know of your experiences ((what happened to you after you saw Rhonda for advice)). 

http://www.handsofdestiny.com/ (Make sure to print how to get to her place, otherwise you most likely be lost.) 

Also, you will surely be asked, "from whom you were referred to?" when you make an appointment. 
So then please tell her that it is HERBERT  (My name here in Australia). 
(It doesn't mean that you would gain any kinds of points ((advantages)) when you mention my name. As for me, when I saw her last time I greeted Rhonda that "((allow me to come and)) see you again". 

Depending on individuals, during a reading session, you might be surprised to be told that "oh your husband is in a big trouble?", or "ah, your mother needs some help and you should go see her as soon as possible". It will surprise you to your heart and core. 

Please bring along clear photos, or name cards. (whether it might be your family member, someone you are interested in, or possible business partner, it will be sufficient to have one.


Taro, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

彼女の理解力、優しさ、何よりも、私たちと一緒になって対応してくれる姿勢は、心理カウンセラーよりも大きな助けとなりました。 Taro, Translation: Although I have never been to Reading before, I can tell that Rhonda is absolutely kind lady and has got one of the best Reading skill in the coast. 
She will give us what choice you have, what suite you to do. however, she won't give you what you should do, she simply give us some direction and what you would be better not to do. 
If you are not confident with your English, you can take Reading with your friend as a translator. 
I was not having Reading that day, I was there to be a translator, but when I was doing translation for my friend, I had some feeling that I need to talk to her. 
she told me so much things that I didn`t even realize. 
she is so much more helpful than a psychologist, that she give us much understanding and kindness, especially she tries to work out with us. Taro.

Brad, Northen Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    When I first went to see Rhonda, I was sceptical to say the least. Not that I do not believe in this sort of thing but I have seen my mother go to other people for readings and she has been taken for a ride. Rhonda picked up on this right away, among other things and made me feel calm and safe in her presence. 

Throughout my reading with Rhonda, we joked, we laughed and I cried, not tears of sorrow or sadness but tears of joy and happiness. Tears of knowing and understanding.

    Rhonda, from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for the knowledge and understanding you have given me, and for helping me and my family through tough times.



  • Alex, Burbank, California.

    I had heard from several friends about Rhonda, and (somewhat 
reluctantly) decided to have my own telephone reading recently. She was so spot on with situations in my life, with a level of pin-point accuracy that left me truly blown away. Rhonda gave me such well rounded tell-it-like-it-is advice that not even a best friend could give! I have been raving about her to anyone that will listen and sending all of my friends to her! Straight after my reading I truly felt a weight had been lifted off me.

    I'm SO glad I did it.

    Thank you Rhonda.


  • Brenton, Northern New South Wales, Australia.

    I arrived early, interrupting a session that Rhonda was giving. Rhonda asked me to wait in her courtyard, so I did. Rhonda later explained that I was needing to make a connection with somebody, a person I was close to, someone who I shared a bond with. The reading began and within minutes the connection had come through. I'm a 19 year old male and like any other teenager are into stunning looking girls, however the girl I'm into is in spirit, she is famous for her looks, blonde hair and that white dress which didn't keep much to the imagination, you have probably worked out who it is.

    I have 2 tattoos of this person and collect everything. Anyway... Rhonda looked shocked. " Brenton, Do you realise that you just called her in!", I replied with " Oh My God!", She was there. This experience has changed my life. I went to Rhonda because a friend had told me it would be helpful with my future directions, ambitions and could give me guidance. Rhonda sure did that. She explained how looking at life through a different perspective can allow myself to understand certain aspects of my personality and that in my own situation, creating a balance flow of friendships, finances, lifestyle choices and as a 19 year old, socialising.

    I recommend Rhonda to anybody who is at a point in their life where they can't see a future or just need someone to point them in the right direction. Your reasons for going to see Rhonda are your own, however, a word of advice, sometimes these reasons may not occur and someone you least expect, some advice you don't want to hear or some people you would rather not talk to, may just show up.

    Be prepared to understand your life in a new, clear light.

    Thank you Rhonda,

p.s please say hi to Marilyn for me.


 Bianca, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I only had my reading with Rhonda last night and I already feel as though she has shown me a way forward in what I think can often be a confusing life! I have seen four other clairvoyants throughout my life and while some made similar comments to Rhonda's, none were able to really articulate and guide me through what I was experiencing like Rhonda did. I have promised myself that I am going to spend the next four months or so dealing with a somewhat 'flawed' relationship and applying for the job I have always thought about and return to Rhonda for a second reading over summer. I will do this because I want to understand my life, my purpose and how to get the most out of what I have to offer the world before I die!

    Thank you Rhonda,

    I really appreciate your warm, but firm words.

  • Lauren, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    I first heard about Rhonda through a good friend who has had several of her own consultations. Through her tales of how accurate Rhonda was and how she provided incredible and very specific guidance was enough to prompt me to have a Reading of my own. I was at a point in my life where I was feeling a little lost and was wondering what was in store for me both professionally and personally. I met with Rhonda and immediately felt at ease, as though I was in the presence of a very calm, relaxing entity, whose primary focus was helping me see my life from a totally new perspective. I had often wondered how psychics or healers or Readers know the things they do, and I was stunned by the things Rhonda told me about myself, my family and a friend who had passed over. It had been five years to the day that my friend had taken his own life and he came through at the Reading and asked Rhonda to tell me some things that only he would have known. Not a day had gone by that I hadn't thought of him and I cried tears of happiness at hearing from him again. My family life hasn't been the smoothest over the past 15 years and much of what Rhonda explained to me made perfect sense and helped me to understand my family dynamic in a new way. While not everything that Rhonda and Spirit foresaw have happened completely (things come in time!), I have a great appreciation for the work they both do and thank them for their honesty, the hope they bring and the understanding they provide. For anyone who feels that they need guidance, I wholeheartedly recommend a Reading. I have had a Reading in person and also over the phone - both were incredible, insightful and absolutely accurate. It gives me great pleasure to share with my friends, family and anyone who will listen all that Rhonda and Spirit have given me! Many of them have since sought her help and have been delighted with what she had to say. With love and thanks, Lauren.
  • Jena. Dubai. United Emirates.

    Dearest Rhonda (& Spirit!),

    Thank you SO much for my recent reading. I had had an initial reading in person back in Oct '09 & was blown away by Rhonda's accuracy. She certainly doesn't sugar coat the issues discussed yet only comes from the purest place of wanting each person she reads for to reach their best, most fulfilled life's potential.
    After working on the issues she had suggested that I address, I have just had my second reading- this time over the phone as I am an Aussie expat. I found this reading even more in depth than the first, guiding me in a positive direction. I have recommended Rhonda to my closest friends & family, a few whom have had their own reading & came away surprised at how much she could 'see'.

    I am forever grateful for having crossed paths with Rhonda.

  • Julie, Kirra, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Beautiful Rhonda! My Reading with Rhonda was very powerful for me. Rhonda "knew" things about my family and friends that were spot on and some that had never been revealed to anyone before. Rhonda showed me the patterns that had been repeating in my life. Even though I felt I was aware of them, let me tell you now, I had not acknowledged or learnt from them. With Rhonda's revelations, the ability for me to see those patterns and make my own choices, has enhanced my life and growth and catapulted me on my life's path. Take note of what Spirit is trying to teach you through Rhonda.....your life will certainly change for the better! Much Love, Julie.
  • Caroline, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I first heard about Rhonda from my housemates who highly recommended I have a reading as soon as possible. I have been having readings for years from others but none have been so amazingly helpful and accurate. First I was shell shocked, then in awe and I find two weeks later I am still reeling.

    I recorded our session and have listened to it a few times and Rhonda has definitely helped me understand what I needed to let go of to look forward to the future. Spirit through Rhonda has helped me release things I didn't understand and told me things about my family and friends that only I knew and has given me tools on ways to let go of the past.

    Thank you so much Rhonda, I have taken your advice and doing the homework, can't wait to see my future unfold!



  • Geraldine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I was completely blown away and overwhelmed by the reading i had with Rhonda. I had been feeling a little lost and not sure which path to take and after the reading I’m feeling very positive and looking forward to the future and i feel confident enough to make important changes. Everything Rhonda told me about my past was incredibly accurate and when she explained my life and the person i am it finally all made sense. Rhonda was meant to give me an hour reading but she went over the hour as there was more she needed to tell me. I’m incredibly grateful for the extra time she spent with me and I would recommend anyone to have a reading with Rhonda.

    Thank you so much for the reading and guidance you gave me Rhonda.


  • Marie, Northern Queensland, Australia.

    I have had a face to face reading with Rhonda and a phone reading and I am very happy with both. The information I received face to face was very powerful and the delivery was even more powerful with Spirit speaking through Rhonda in no uncertain terms. I left knowing that what I heard was very important, very exact and true and I felt no doubt. The phone reading with Rhonda was also very good and gave me the information I was seeking as to how to deal with the next phase of my life. I am now relaxed and allowing the process to happen and feeling very calm. I like how Rhonda pulls no punches and doesn't pretty the information up and I felt that there was no misunderstanding of the information given. Also Rhonda is very careful to go over all aspects so that you don't leave the reading feeling that you have missed something. All in all I am very satisfied and more than happy to recommend Rhonda's readings and I already have.

    Thank you Rhonda!



  • Gareth, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

    I have known Rhonda all of my life, however I only asked her to do a reading for me in my late 20s when I could not see the direction I was heading. Rhonda speaks the truth. If she see it, it will happen. Rhonda helped me address aspects of my life to bring in change. But she also helped me have faith that it will all work out well. Thank you Rhonda for your help and guidance. But most of all, thank you for being a friend.


  • Steve, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    I'd just like to say if you’re thinking about having a Reading then I suggest you contact Rhonda's Readings. She not only gives you a better understanding of the difficult times you may have already faced, but also the direction in achieving your goals. She has an uncanny ability to describe characteristics of not only yourself but others as well; I found the whole experience to be positive and wouldn't hesitate in having another Reading if the need arrives. Steve.
  • Penny, Dianne and Heidi, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    This is a testimony for Rhonda's Readings. The following is a summary of three friends Readings all took place on separate occasions over a 12-month period. Rhonda had immediate insight into my living environment and of our future plans and dreams for our property. The information was astonishingly accurate, and she also gave me information I have since learned is correct. Rhonda identified accurate details re my partner’s childhood and family situation. Some of these issues continue to impact us as adults. For all three of us she had the ability to pinpoint, relay and confirm information that related to the past, present and future wellbeing of our families. Rhonda comes across as very gentle, but honest and open. She helped to clarify subconscious feelings, she saw / felt what I needed to be told. At the conclusion of the Reading, I felt a sense of peace and confidence at the prospect of moving forward into the next chapter of my life. If you want a realistic, honest, spiritual insight into your past, present and future life we highly recommend a reading with Rhonda. We feel blessed to have had a Reading with Rhonda.
  • Jo, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

    I first discovered Rhonda from the internet during the time when I broke up with my long-term ex-boyfriend. I think I'm so lucky to clicked on that www.handsofdestiny.com out of so many other Clairvoyants websites. I had the Reading June 2009 and all I can say is Whatever Rhonda told me, it has happened (PERIOD!) I told her that time that I will finish my flying training end of 2009, but she then said to me that "I don’t see you finishing your study by the end of 2009, as I feel something might happen to your arms or shoulders due to some sport you will do" and at that time I was thinking, how can that possibly happen? and don’t really take it in my mind. Until 2 months later, I had an accident while doing extreme sport, and the moment when I was laying at the emergency room, things started to flash back about what Rhonda told me and of course, everything she told me on my very first Reading with her was spot on. Since then, I went and see her few times and she does give me some directions for my life and what I should be looking for. She really is a God gifted Psychic and a very lovely lady, and also very accurate (can I say 200%). I will always work hard and be positive on my life. I am looking forward to seeing you again Rhonda, and I really recommend everyone to see Rhonda as she is a very good Psychic, and she will give you guidance on what you need to do for your life and what to hope for.
  • Alison, Tasmania, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to thank you again for such an amazing reading this week. I have always found such value in using a reader to give clarity to my life, and many challenging situations. I was astounded to find that at the end of your reading there was not one thing that did not make sense to me! So often I have had readings where I have struggled to put what I am being told into context. You, on the other hand, provided such clear and direct messages. Whilst I have been through quite a challenging time for the past few years, and know that I am in for some more roller-coaster times, I feel so positive and well equipped to keep moving forward as a result of your reading.

    Your total accuracy in communicating Spirit's messages, both about people and situations in my more recent past was quite amazing. You were able to tell me clearly about things that no-one or few people knew about, even describing physical surroundings that you could not possibly have ever seen, and medical details not shared with anyone.

    There are many people in this world who "capitalize" on their connection with Spirit.... you on the other hand provide loving, caring and compassionate messages from Spirit with such honesty and clarity. Thank you ...I am so looking forward to the challenges and the good times my future holds. I hope that you will continue to be a part of my life for many years to come.

    With love and thanks,


  • James, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda I just wanted to thank you for yesterday's Reading. You confirmed my suspicions with many elements of my life but your explanations as to why these events are occurring has certainly helped remove some of my anxiety. Sometimes it's great to hear, that we only lack the courage of our convictions… Thanks again for your help and I will certainly be coming to see you again. James.
  • Chris , Perth, Western Australia

    I recently had a telephone reading with Rhonda. I found her to be perceptive and accurate. She clearly explained characteristics and traits of my family members and was especially perceptive about a former partner. Rhonda also saw into many facets of my own life, personality and circumstances. She was able to give advice about my destiny in this life that was very beneficial. Some events that she predicted have already come to pass and there are others that she said would occur within the next two years that I await with anticipation. Overall, it was a very worthwhile reading, done without the dubious prompts that many readers rely on.

  • Felicity, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

    If you found your way to this website, then my guess would be that you were guided here by kind souls in Spirit who love you and want to help or advise you in some way. You are lucky, as was I. I had never met Rhonda prior to my recent reading, but I feel so grateful to have been guided to her. I found Rhonda to be a beautiful person who is genuinely able to communicate directly with Spirit to help and advise anyone who is fortunate enough to find her. The reading Rhonda gave me was accurate and clear and left no doubt in my mind. I am thankful to Rhonda and Spirit as the reading gave me the information I was seeking and a sense of peace. If you choose to visit Rhonda, you will receive the loving advice that you seek.

    Wishing you happiness!


  • Michael, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    There are times in one's life that the path forward can be unclear and full of resistance, fear, pain and untruths. In these dark times one needs help to see the light.
    Rhonda illuminates your path and shows the obstacles to be cleared away.
    Rhonda brings the future to the present, identifies the challenges which empower you to make the correct choices now. This brings both affirmation and healing.
    I have no hesitation in recommending Rhonda to those seeking answers, but be forewarned, reality is confronting.


  • Pamela , Palm Beach, Queensland, Australia

    I really appreciate the fact that my Reading was about accepting the inevitable, even though it may not be something that I wanted to hear at that point in time. I told Rhonda that I could try really hard to change what was "meant to be" so that what I wanted to happen at the time would happen. I would like to thank Rhonda for insisting that it is only when I accepted the inevitable and move away from negative things, people and situations that didn't benefit my life, that only then I could welcome better things to happen to me. That is, for things that life has meant for me, to finally eventuate. Pamela.
  • Sonia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Dear Rhonda and Spirit, I don't know how to thank you enough for the insight that you provided me today. I only wish that I had found you sooner and am so glad that I came across your website. After reading the testimonials on your website with a little bit of scepticism I'll admit, I decided to give it a go. Rhonda, I have been searching for answers about a particular situation for so long. Readings with others just did not give me the answers and the understanding I was looking for - until I met you. You identified the truth so clearly and concisely that it was like a punch in the gut. I don't know what else to say other than I am dumbfounded but so grateful and thankful that I have been guided to you - I finally got the truth directly with no messing around...and that's exactly the way it should have been. I appreciated your insight, your warmth and compassion and you have restored my faith in readers. You are providing such an invaluable service for a price that is affordable to people who need guidance, and I cannot tell you how much that means to me when I have paid hundreds of dollars for rubbish Readings that last half an hour. I am going to take the time to reflect and process the information and advice Spirit gave me, do the hard work and look forward to the future with positivity! P. S... I have already ordered the books online and can't wait to get stuck into them. Thank you Rhonda, and I have no doubt I'll be back to speak to you again in the future. Lots of love and light, Sonia.
  • Rob, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I live on the Gold Coast and first heard Rhonda in August 2010 on one of the local radio stations, 1029 Hot Tomato. Some of what she mentioned in my first reading has already started to show up in my life. I was able to quickly identify the best course of action, rather than miss the opportunity to move forward and get stuck in old patterns.
    During our session she was able to easily & clearly identify my core issue that has been limiting and holding me back my entire life. Not only that, but through her extensive network of therapists that she knows, she was able to refer me on to the person who will be able to help me to release this issue. Just one session down and I can already see that within a short amount of time, I will be free and living from my true point of power and happiness.

    Rhonda also referred me to a wonderful naturopath who I saw last week and she is helping to support my physical body come back to a state of balance, health and vitality.
    Through the information of what Rhonda shared with me in my reading, combined with the 2 other wonderful people that she referred me to, I know that it will only be a short amount of time before I start to experience my transformation into the person that I have always known I can be in the world.

    Thank you, thank you, and thank you!


  • David, Far North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

    I have seen Rhonda 4 times over the last 3 years and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

    I initially saw Rhonda in 2008, as I was concerned about a sudden fall in our financial position, which had never been a problem before. I was seeking answers on specific businesses that we were involved in and while Rhonda gave these answers, my real message was more about concentrating on the "big picture" and seeing why I was being tested and how I could grow from this. In difficult times, it really helps to try to understand why things are happening the way they are. In particular, Spirit showed me that I had an opportunity for my wife and I to further strengthen our relationship. Knowing this was a true blessing and this is exactly what happened.

    My wife was initially skeptical but she listened to the tape of my session with Rhonda and could not believe the accuracy of Rhonda's comments about our children. She had her own consultation and also received great advice and accurate comments on her own big picture.

    We have since had 2 joint consultations both of which were fantastic. We had great feedback from Spirit about how we have dealt with our challenges and advice as to possible future challenges. It is great to have this perspective because if you ignore your chances for spiritual growth, they will keep on coming back again and again, in this life and futures lives, until you can't miss them.

    During our most recent visit, Spirit also gave my wife and I some very specific advice to do with our health. In both cases, the potential issues were in fact confirmed by health practitioners, and we were able to take appropriate steps to fix the problems.

    We are truly blessed to have seen Rhonda.


  • Sharon, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I was recommended to Rhonda by a friend, his mum had asked me to sell her home (I sold one for her previously. Our relationship was strictly business, so it was funny that we got onto the subject of clairvoyance (meant to be). I asked him for Rhonda's details. My husband and I are currently lacking direction, so I was hoping the Reading would be able to point us in the right direction or at least approve of our thoughts for change. We have a business that is ticking along, but we are not fulfilled. Rhonda was pretty blunt from the start, although I was prepared for this as my friend had warned me. She spent most of the Reading telling me to make my husband do one thing. She said that until he did this one thing, he would always lack direction and it was important that he listen. She also dropped a bombshell telling us something very important that we won't find out for 2 years, it was good because now we can be prepared with support (and not shock) when it happens. Just to prove to me that she was accurate and very serious about the instruction for my husband, she described my brother and sister to a tee. No-one would be able to say those things unless they were true, or unless the wanted a bop on the nose! lol. I thought the Reading was very accurate, it didn't tell me what I wanted to know for myself, but I guess you can't send a meeting agenda to Spirit. I will contact Rhonda again for sure and I will certainly trust the things she has said. I have been to lots of clairvoyants in the past who I am sure have a gift, but not since 1982 have I met someone who is as accurate or straight to the point as Rhonda. Meanwhile, I was about to recommend Rhonda to another lady who turned out to be seeing her anyway! I wish you all the very best and I hope this will help Rhonda to reach more people in need. Kind regards, Sharon.
  • Zonti, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia

    Of the several clairvoyants I have been to, over some decades, Rhonda is the most accurate & helpful. Her Spirit connection is direct & not filtered, so the information is very practical, for immediate, positive change. I had been desolate with grief over my recently deceased husband.
    My reading with Rhonda made a strong, specific, connection with him. That I can now continue, in some consoling form. Up until this reading, despite my own considerable 'connecting with other worlds' abilities, I had NOT been able to 'find my husband'.
    Being able to converse directly with him, over practical & business issues, through RHONDA'S READING, was a very special gift.


  • Emira, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Thank you for the reading you gave me, it was so very good. Everything you told me was so true and I am looking forward to what is coming for me in the future. It was such an amazing reading, and the information you told me about my mother and aunties passing helped me so much.

    Thank you very much,

    Kind regards,


  • Sheryl, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, I was introduced to you by a beautiful patient and her delightful mother in my husband's medical practice. We had an instant kinship, and shared some intimate experiences in a short time, because of our immediate trust and caring. They told me how you had confirmed their ideas of moving to France to pursue their own destinies, and exuded hope and joy. This sparked my interest, and I asked for your contact information. I first met you many months ago. I know how sincere and loving you are, and how no-nonsense the information you relay is! I have also given a gift of your Readings to a dear friend, who told me it was the best ever! There is nothing like hearing an audible confirmation or directive from Spirit from a sweet soul sitting across the table, or across the world via a phone connection! When our hearts are troubled, it is like a cool rain following a hot, dry drought - a gift from heaven. I saw you again recently, and you just started where we left off, with the same characters and their challenges and gifts. I asked about my friend, and when I told her your reply, I thought she would cry for joy. She and her beloved husband are going through challenging emotional and financial times, and had wanted me to just ask you "one question"... I plan to bring another friend to you when she is able to visit (part of my lure to attract a visit from her sooner). You are always direct and supportive. I haven't asked anything about myself directly, but you have shared so much information about my family, friends, business, real estate and friends. I have shared all with those who are receptive, and just received a letter from my nephew in California, asking me to thank you for your advice and insight. You mentioned 2 books which I have sent to the appropriate family members. I have been grateful for your Readings, and for the opportunity to know you. May God be with you and bless you and your loved ones always! I hope you receive the love and joy you share with all of us. Sheryl,
  • Suzanne, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Thank you, Rhonda, for an accurate, sensitive and compassionate Reading. I have experienced two incredible Readings with Rhonda and both have been spot on. The first Reading was amazing and the highlight for me was that it gave me, not only insight into my son's behavior, but techniques in managing it and turning it around very quickly. He is very much on track with his life, over two years later and I am forever grateful! Rhonda's Reading was not only accurate, it was also honest and I left her knowing I had a bit of work to do. My second Reading was equally amazing and she again gave me insight into each of my six children as a means of supporting their interests. Her information was once again accurate, positive and supportive. Both readings left me feeling spiritually supported and connected with the Universe and on a path that feels comfortable. Rhonda, I appreciate your effort and skill, and am grateful that you share this precious gift with the rest of us. Sincerely, Suzanne.
  • Elle, Singapore

    Rhonda and Spirit are amazing! 
I had been pondering over some big decisions in my life in regards to career, the country I'm in, as well as some issues to do with my relationship. I felt like I was about to make a leap, but unsure of what lies on the other side and whether it was the right thing to do. 
After hearing numerous stories about Rhonda from a colleague of mine, I was so sold on the power of Rhonda's gift that I recommended her to a friend who was going through a tough time, before I had even had a reading! 

Finally, a few things brought me to the conclusion that I needed a reading myself, and ASAP. Nervous and full of anticipation, I booked the appointment, and could not have been more blown away by the information, guidance and advice I received.

    Rhonda was so spot on about everything - even over the phone, and me all the the way over here in Singapore. From the character of all the people in my family, to what it was that has been holding me back in life - Rhonda and Spirit have the kind of insight into your past, who you are, the nature of your relationships, career pathways and innumerable other things that are powerful enough to even turn the biggest sceptic into a believer. My head is still spinning! I cannot recommend her highly enough! 
As my colleague mentioned - afterwards, it is almost like you want to make sure every one of your friends and family get a reading just to be able to share in the healing guidance which Rhonda and Spirit can offer! 
I'm so grateful to them both.

    Thank you! 


  • Clare, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I met Rhonda by accident and a children's tennis match in Victoria. I had never had the experience of having a reading done before and actually had no idea that they even existed. As we chatted it became obvious to me that Rhonda had a special gift. Although skeptical about how she knew what she seemed to know and even more skeptical about how she could possibly know about the future, I walked away from our first meeting knowing that she was special and even though I didn't understand what it was that she had, I knew that she knew about stuff that she could possibly know about, but did.
    My eyes were opened to a completely different world of insight and knowledge. Even more amazing was that Rhonda was not driven by money or need to get her point across she simply wanted to help me in my life's journey.

    After this chance meeting I kept Rhonda's contact details but did not contact her for a reading for another seven years. Over the seven years, everything she had spoken about became a reality, even down to "problems with water pipes". Even though I did not understand all that Rhonda said at the time, I can now honestly say ... I DO NOW!
    Recently I had a reading ...I can still say her knowledge and depth blows me away. Her love and care for people becomes evident through the reading. This is not to say that she will sugar coat things, that, she will not..., but Rhonda will offer to you what you need to learn and reflect upon with honesty and precision.

    So what did I take from the last reading, well that's my journey and there is no need to go into details as it is only relevant to my walk. I do know for sure though, I will take what she said very seriously, address what needs to be addressed to the best of my ability and celebrate the amazing life I have been given. Since the reading I have been sleeping like a baby, I no longer worry about the next "little bit" as I know what I need to do. I understand why things are the way they are and know what I need to take responsibility for and what I can leave to others to reflect upon.

    Rhonda, you are a healing force, humble and honest.

    Thank you!


  • Bianca, Naples, Italy.

    Over a five month period I have spoken to Rhonda four times. I have gone through a great period of change in my life and it took Rhonda with her clarity and perception to encourage me to take these steps and I have been rewarded for it.

    Speaking to Rhonda is like speaking to a counselor who can see the past, the present and the future. She is wise and firm when giving advice but also comforting and reassuring. Rhonda has accurately described many people in my life and the situations we are facing from merely looking at a photo and tapping into their energy. Her talent is impressive, accurate and amazing.

    I look back on the person I was five months ago and I am happier and more content. I no longer have feelings on 'impending doom' where my soul is telling my body it is heading down the wrong path; instead I am optimistic and excited about the future. I am single, I can deal with difficult situations and I have just been offered a fantastic new job that I would not have been sent if I had not made the changes Rhonda encouraged me to make and I knew I had to make myself.

    It is a well worn, yet accurate cliché, Rhonda has an amazing gift and myself and the friends I have in Dubai, Singapore and across Australia who have all had readings from her at least once agree, that we are fortunate and lucky that she shares this gift with us.

    Thank you so much!! Sending you all my most positive energy and I am continuing to spread the word of Rhonda!

  • Rhona, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I recently had a Reading from Rhonda - the insight she had into my life was amazing - things that she could not have known. What Rhonda said to me certainly clarified things in my mind and made sense of things previously I just couldn't make sense of. Rhonda has left me with an understanding of my personal issues and ways that I can improve my situation. I will certainly be calling Rhonda again. Thank you. Rhona.
  • Karen, Northern Rivers, Australia.

    I would like to say that Rhonda has such a gentle caring nature and this shines through when she does a reading. Her connection with Spirit is so wonderful , so clear & so responsible in the messages given.
    I was encouraged & guided in the knowledge that my Mums passing will be special which has allayed my fears. Also Rhonda rejoices when giving happy, positive, life affirming messages. She is like a trusted friend.

    Thank you Rhonda & best wishes always.

    PS, I have referred Rhonda to a few people & more, I’m sure to come.



  • Susan, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I had my first reading with Rhonda yesterday and I have to say I was impressed. I have had a number of readings over the years and Rhonda is the real deal.
    Rhonda gave me a lot of information about my family and situation that was freakishly accurate. More importantly Rhonda helped me to see the path ahead and encouraged me to look at the areas in my life that need healing. She has a wonderful gift and a direct, honest and caring manner that I really appreciated.
    I will be back!


  • Ashleigh, Singapore.

    I recently had my second reading over the phone with Rhonda, and again I felt so recharged and ready to face the challenges and opportunities ahead in my life because of the amazing guidance that she gives. I was again blown away by the accuracy and level of detail that was given - you just cannot guess the intricacies of people's personality traits and their experiences in life (and I have been to psychics in the past who have!). If you haven't had a reading with Rhonda before and are thinking about it, have no doubt that it will help you to regroup, and realign with everything that is important in life.

    I completely agree that Rhonda is not just a psychic, but a psychic counselor!

    Thank you Rhonda!!.


  • Renee, Parkwood, Queensland, Australia.

    I had been through quite a hard time the last few months and was feeling extremely low with where my life was going, so I Googled some stuff on the internet looking for a good clairvoyant and Rhonda's name came up in a forum saying she was fantastic, and she would blow your mind. So, I got on her website and booked a phone Reading with her. I was amazed at how accurate she was with my life situation and amazed that she went into so much detail about the people I was concerned about. She knew things no one could possibly have known. After feeling so low, I now feel positive about where my life is going and what my future has in store for me. It was the best healing I ever could have had at this time in my life. I have been recommending Rhonda to my friends. Thanks, Renee.
  • Stephanie, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    My name is Stephanie and I am from Melbourne. I have known about Rhonda for about 2 years now. I've had 3 Readings with her and have had several friends have Readings as well. We all agree that the guidance and insight Rhonda provides is a real gift. I know for me personally I get Readings when I am at a crossroads and need a bit of perspective on a situation. It's amazing to have that fly on the wall view of what is happening in your own life. When I have a Reading with Rhonda I am always left with more determination and a clearer picture of where I want to go and how to get there. Not only that but she has guided me through some delicate situations with people in my life and explained how the person will react and the best approach when having to confront them. She has an amazing gift and I have benefited so much from listening to her and doing the work I needed to do to reach my full potential. It's like she's my life coach with a Spirit Side Kick! I know that because of Rhonda's Readings I have grown so much as a person and my friends and family have noticed. I really have Rhonda to thank for the growth and healing I have had since my first Reading with her. Many thanks and blessings xoxo Stephanie
  • Elaine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I just want to say a big thank you for my reading the other week! After my phone reading, I hung up the phone completely amazed. I really couldn't believe the accuracy of the reading! Rhonda knew things about me that I haven't told anyone! I went to Rhonda in regard to my career, I was thinking of giving up on a career choice. However naturally the reading covered so much more than just my career! Rhonda gave me faith in my future. She also gave practical advice in regard to improving my life/self. She was able to confirm for me that I was on the right path, but that I had to change my mind set in order to let things in. She also knew things about my family that completely blew me away; she was able to describe them warts and all!
    Overall I'm really grateful for the reading and the experience of talking to Rhonda, and I'm excited about what's to come. She has caring but direct approach that I really appreciated.

    Thanks again Rhonda,

    P.s I read the book you recommended, it was very useful!

    Kind Regards


  • Wally & Gregg, San Francisco, California.

    Having never had an experience with a Reader such as Rhonda, it is hard for me to compare/judge. We were both impressed with the information that she was able to provide for us without having any previous experience with us except with the photos. She did provide me a sense of hopefulness regarding my own health & that was one of my major concerns. (I'm most hopeful that Spirit was directing her correctly) We found Rhonda a very pleasant & engaging person to speak with and look forward to having another Reading sometime in the near future and would recommend her services to others.
  • Anne, Woodburn, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    I want to thank you from the depth of my being for your enlightening and encouraging words. You have touched my heart!


  • Astra, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to say thank you very much for the very honest, direct and candid reading on Friday. The reading was emotionally charged for me to the point where I felt like I would be physically sick and I know that was my body's reaction to the truth!
    The advice that spirit and you have put forth to me I am not taking lightly and I am taking the necessary steps to protect myself for now and in the future.

    You guys have armed me with the necessary tools & protective armour to get my situation worked out in a positive manner.....so Rhonda I thank you and Spirit for the work that you do together to help others not to bear so many battle scars on this earth plane.

    With Love, Respect & Brightest Blessings,


  • Janet, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    You have probably noticed, but I've recommended quite a few of your recent clients and they have universally been blown away by your gift. You help so many people all the time and you are such a big-hearted, generous woman. This is a note to let you know that you are very much appreciated and respected.

    Love from,


  • Claire, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I have visited Rhonda twice now, both only in times of need, when my sub conscious has drawn me to go. My most recent was last week, the very day before having to have made the hardest decision of my life; to let my first baby go half way through my pregnancy due to severe health complications. I can't tell you the impact Rhonda had on how I then handled that following, tragic day.
    But, I will say that her knowledge of reading my situation through spirit got me through and helped me understand the experience this was delivering to me. She is a phenomenal woman, clearly dedicated to helping others through the guidance of spirit which may seem crazy to some, but there is no denying once you visit, you will be hooked.
    I am so grateful to be blessed with crossing paths with this lady, not to tell my future or to change my life but to guide me in the right direction to make my own life better for me and for others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  • Cindy, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Kevin,

    Your wife now has another fan. And although I did believe you are her number one, just know that she has many others. I have written a testimonial for Rhonda, however it does not do her gift justice. There are no words to describe how she has made me feel about myself after so many years of hating who I am inside and out. Although she can communicate with spirit I believe it is because Rhonda herself is an angel.

    I have attached a document with my testimonial on it. If you think it is a little farfetched, rest assured it is understated, I could talk about my encounter forever and a day. So much so my husband has asked if we should make it a regular occurrence. Rhonda has accomplished what a councillor could not.

    Kevin you are a lucky man.


    Kindest Regards



    I would like to thank Rhonda immensely for her time she took to do a reading for me.

    First I would like to say I thought psychics were like the stars out of the paper, vague and not important. Today you will meet someone, etc. WOW if I walk down the street and say hello, I will have met someone, it must have been the stars. No, Rhonda I believe with all my heart has a real gift.

    When I approached Rhonda to do a phone reading for me, I was a mess. I had really been struggling and had pretty much hit rock bottom. I doubt that I could have gone any lower without doing an enormous amount of damage to myself and my loved ones. In every aspect of my life I had no clarity, all I had was uncertainty. I had been dealing with "what ifs" from my past. What if I had chosen a different path, what if I hadn't gotten married, what if I had chosen different careers, all of which I know so many people ask themselves this question for different reasons every single day. Mine were eating me up inside to a point I became physically ill. My life had made me feel so negative towards myself and everything; I could not even manage my own health.

    I sat down to talk with Rhonda and only being armed with photos Rhonda straight away hit every description of my husband imaginable. His personality, what others perceive of him, what has happened in his work, how he feels now. I was astonished, nobody but me knew these things about him. All I could do was giggle slightly in disbelief.
    Rhonda went on to tell me about how I had been through my hardships in my life, how my mother had treated me and how it had affected my life all the way down to how I was abused as a child. Nobody but my family knew any of this; my mother had kept it hidden that way for a very long time.

    She went on to explain to me how I had come to not want kids and my husband did. This was a conversation that had only been bought up with my husband a week before the reading. I am amazed and let's face it I am 25 years old and with my family history I did not think I would make a good mother and would probably re enact my mothers parenting style. Rhonda's compassion showed me I am nothing like the woman who raised me and I am unique.

    When my husband arrived home from work that day I explained everything to him and he looked on in disbelief at how accurate Rhonda had been. I thought there was one bit of information that didn't fit about him and when I explained it to him, he laughed. Turns out that bit of information referred to him past tense, before me. Rhonda knew something about my husband I did not know. Armed with every bit of information I have received from Rhonda the days that have followed have been incredible. I felt a huge rush after talking with her. I have found it hard not to smile. I have felt nothing but relief. My health is now on the mend, I no longer wake in the morning feeling nauseous and overwhelmed. I wake with a smile on my face.

    Although sometimes the truth hurts, it does have an impact on your past, present and future, it is on us to take the truth, turn it into an ally and fight on. You can change; you don’t always have to stay the same. I look at the truth as a friend, and now my best friend. I will not look back thanks to Rhonda, and my life is improving every day.

    Rhonda you are an army of strength, wisdom, compassion and an amazing example of someone with a gift, using it to really help people in their times of need. If it hadn’t been to my struggle leading me to you, I do not know what I would have done. I thank you and spirit for the guidance to be myself and no one else.

    You are amazing. To anyone out there, I recommend you give it a chance. To the people who are afraid, it is normally because you have something to hide. It is that thing you are hiding, that is causing you pain. Release it without judgement and move forward.

    Rhonda you are an angel.


  • Kylie, Gold Coast, Queensland.

    Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to Rhonda and Spirit for everything they have done for me.

Rhonda is truly amazing and gifted woman, and her along with spirit helped me out of one of the hardest things I may ever have to do. 
I first went to Rhonda around the end of October 2010, I was confused and was facing potentially the hardest decision of my life, something that would change my life forever.

I was thinking of leaving my long term partner, who had in the last 6 months of our relationship started to get very aggravated towards me. I was so unsure of what to do, so confused, scared and upset. Not always being a huge believer of readings I made the decision to go to Rhonda for some guidance, which now I believe was the BEST decision I ever made. 
When I got to the reading I was scared, I think of what I was going to hear. 
With the photo I gave to Rhonda she knew right off the bat what I was there for. I was in utter shock when Rhonda started telling me everything down to a tee, of his personality, what had been going on in our relationship and where all of his/our problems had stemmed from. She then assured me that I was making the right decision to leave him because things could get potentially dangerous.

    I was a little, I guess, sceptical when Rhonda started telling me what was going to happen and how things would pan out if I left him, which I won't go into detail, but knowing some one for so long, loving, living and breathing them for such a long time I really didn't think he would ever do that to me, or that he was that kind of person..... 
But let me just say EVERYTHING she told me has happened, and he turned out to be exactly the type of person Rhonda warned me about. 
I am so unbelievably happy that I stayed strong and took on board what Rhonda and Spirit told me, warned me about, because I honestly dodged a bullet. That day truly changed my life forever.

    5 months along now and I went to back to see Rhonda, I needed some clarity in what was going to happen next, how long before our house was going to be sold and all of this would be over, so I could move on with my life. 
Rhonda started to explain to me what he has been doing for the past 5 months, I couldn't stop nodding my head, everything she was saying was SO spot on it was just amazing. 
I had a few more warnings from Spirit, which I have taken on board 500% but the out come for the end of the year is fantastic and I'm looking forward to my new life ahead. 
I cant thank Rhonda and Spirit enough for the guidance though a really hard time, and to any non-believer or sceptic out there, I will say to you honestly, have one reading with Rhonda and it will change your life.


  • Linda, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would like to share my experience of my Reading with Rhonda.

    What a gift! A gift for Rhonda and her gift to me. I am still reeling from the whole experience, absolutely amazing. I have been to several clairvoyants and while some have TOUCHED on things that were relevant, I found my reading with Rhonda so precise it was almost spooky. Rhonda spoke of things that no one else knows and put my mind at ease regarding concerns I had about my family. Rhonda was spot on in regard to my concerns for my elderly parents, their illness and their moving to Sydney to live with me. The guidance she gave me has shifted my feeling from depression to expected sadness. I feel as though I have been counselled by a long time friend. Her honesty, which she sometimes apologised for was much appreciated. I wish I could share the particulars of our reading to help potential clients understand where I am coming from but these issues are extremely personal to me. I feel like a weight has shifted, as though I have had my heart cleansed.

    Bless you Rhonda, you are very gifted, very special Lady.



  • Jenny, Uki, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda,

    Just a note to say, thank you very much for all of the wonderful insight and guidance that you have provided to me over the past year. I am grateful that you have given me the positive feedback for all of my current situations and I can see clearly now, as I head into the future.

    With kindest regards,


  • Rory, Sydney, Australia.

    Rhonda is an amazing compassionate and good person, you can tell this from the first minute on the phone with her. I know there are a lot of people who don't believe in this sort of thing so I feel it's really important to explain my situation before I spoke with Rhonda. I had just spent the last 2 months going for testing with doctors, specialists and MRI machines. I had various symptoms and the doctors had taken the wait and see approach. I was at my lowest point, depressed with a 2 month old baby daughter at home I could not enjoy because I could not get a definite answer one way or the other. Within 3 minutes Rhonda told me EXACTLY what kind of symptoms I was experiencing, told me what it took 2 specialists and an MRI machine to figure out. I have an auto immune disorder, Rhonda explained the pains in my joints, my vitamin deficiencies. She had only seen a picture of me via email. To say she was accurate is not fair, that would mean that there was any doubt at all in what she said. She (and Spirit) were RIGHT about everything. Rhonda and Spirit KNOW what's going on with you and if you have ended up here to look for answers then you are here for a reason. This is the right place for you to find answers that no one else can give you (in my case, doctors). Not only did Rhonda speak about what I can do to improve my health she was very direct in her approach which was great because the doctors said I should go home, live my life and wait. She passed me on details of people she thought might be able to help me. She told me what I needed to hear, not what I wanted to hear and there is a big difference especially when you have a big question mark hanging over your head. She also spoke about my family , again she KNEW my family. I honestly can say that I was meant to have a Reading with Rhonda, people looking out for me (in my case my grandmother) knew I couldn't continue, and I needed some answers, she directed me here. Thank you, Rhonda and Spirit, for helping me, I am really grateful I found you. Rory.
  • Luke, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Beautiful Rhonda, Kevin, Family and Spirit, Firstly, I would like to say that how lucky and blessed I am to have found you to help guide and inspire me to live to my highest vibration for my own spiritual and personal growth and development. Rhonda you are truly blessed with your great gift, and I thank you for sharing this great life changing gift with others for the betterment of this beautiful world and the opening of human consciousness to a higher, loving and creative intelligence. In June around the time of my birthday I had a sudden internal feeling that things in my life needed to change or that the lessons that Spirit needed to teach me were just not getting through to me. This inner feeling made me seek out and find Rhonda. At first, I was quite anxious about seeing Rhonda, and if I was making the right decision, however from the very first moment of that first meeting together I instantly knew that I had made the right decision and importantly the first step to becoming the person that I knew I had potential to be, but not the person that I felt like. After that meeting when leaving Rhonda's home and driving down the dirt road, I had a sense of euphoria within me that was a mix of total love of the world, pure happiness, relief, excitement for the future and everything in between. It was an intoxicating experience and the only way I could express it was to cry. Since that first experience, I have been back several times all to equal effect. The experience that I have had with Rhonda is that she will relay the information that Spirit is trying to tell you in a truthful and honest way. This can sometimes hit home quite hard, however, all that is said, is said with love and for your own betterment. This is the way it is, and it requires an open heart and mind. Additionally, Rhonda's Readings feel as if a wise friend was giving you the best advice and counsel that could because they genuinely do care about you and your life's journey. Thank you, Rhonda and Spirit, for all your love and wise words and am looking forward to my next visit sometime in the future when I feel the inner calling. Love, Luke.
  • Dee, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, I have recently had my second Reading with you and wanted to share my journey to date with others so they could see the learning's and growth that come through from Spirit, I found Rhonda by accident through Goggle when I was trying to find the details of another clairvoyant and her name came up in all of the results. I felt amazingly compelled to click on her link. My intuition told me that this is who I needed to speak to as I had not been trusting the messages I had been receiving and had to hear from the "big guns" so that I would pay attention to my life purpose. Via Rhonda's first Reading, Spirit gave me the biggest kick up the backside. This resulted in some massive changes to my life over a four-month period. Rhonda gave me some reading to do and homework as well which assisted me with my development. I recently had a second reading where Spirit said that my son would be driving to see me. I had not seen him for some time. Very surprisingly, the next day he rang and came to visit. As Rhonda says "Spirit never gets it wrong," If I had not been guided to Rhonda through Spirit via Google, I am not sure I would have experienced the growth and had the courage to make some of the changes I have made in my life. If you are ready to hear what you need to hear and open to making change then make sure that you speak to Rhonda for spiritual guidance. Thank you for all of your guidance and support to date.
  • Fiona, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you so much, please understand that you have help me out in the last 15 min more then anyone else has. The words that where spoken over the phone, was so precious to me. I am so gratefully to the spirits, bringing you to me. I needed to hear those words over the phone especially today. Please let me know how you go, I am so happy to have met you.

    Thank you,

    Light and love.


  • Patricia, Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia.

    I would love to tell you what Rhonda has given to ME, all the strength and love to do what I need to do...she's a beautiful person.... and I thank her help always...always !!!!! I'm lucky and you're lucky to have such a person in our lives!!! Good Luck!!! She's my kind of person!!! Be sure to tell her that.... PLEASE!!!
  • Fiona, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have had the pleasure of my first reading with Rhonda. Whilst I am in Sydney my reading was over the phone, so I sent Rhonda the photos I thought were relevant. I found Rhonda's knowledge and intuition of my circumstances to be amazing. She took my breath away on several occasions.

    Whilst I am a true believer in clairvoyants and I had heard before some things that Rhonda advised, previous people were unable to paint the picture for me that has allowed me to actually have faith in what I must do to move on and heal. In hearing Rhonda's words I am taking a massive leap of faith and confronting my biggest fears.

    I feel comforted knowing that Rhonda is there for me when I need her and she will help steer me in the right direction and make the right choices to gain a brighter future for myself and my son.
    Since my reading with Rhonda I have spoken with the person who recommended her to me and the 'WOW' factor just keeps coming up. I thought I was already seeing the best, but Rhonda overtakes these people by miles.

    Whilst Rhonda is straight to the point - she is kind and caring and non-judgmental. This works for me as I don't need the fuss, I want to know the truth. It has been a week since my reading with Rhonda and our conversation is still resonating with me daily. I feel like there has been a massive energetic shift around me and I feel somewhat lighter - and I know that this will only continue to happen. I also know that I will be contacting Rhonda regularly for "psychic / energy" checkups. Rhonda is absolutely amazing and all of this over the phone, we haven't even met each other. I do look forward to meeting her when I am next in her area.

    Thank you Rhonda, I can't tell you how much you have helped already and I have listened to everything you have advised and am taking a massive leap of faith and going ahead with the biggest step of my life.



  • Brent, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    After my wife supplied a range of photos of family and friends I had an hour phone reading with Rhonda.

    Having not experienced this form of reading before I was amazed with how many insights she brought to the surface in such a short period of time.
    In one hour we had time to discuss me entire immediate family, my career, health as well as my consistent behavioral patterns. The accuracy of her insights had me engaged immediately and have provided me with some clear courses of action as a result. Completely without prompting examples included asking about any problems with my right elbow and my brother's future in London. For the record I recently had surgery on my right elbow and my brother is moving to London in a month from now.

    For me personally the most important area of discovery however was about my young children. She clearly articulated their individual strengths and areas most in need of development. Although I consider myself a loving and switched on parent my wife and I regularly find ourselves in unknown territory attempting to make the most out of the unique challenges that parenting brings. Without doubt Rhonda's reading has given me a better insight into their unique needs and importantly has provided immediate direction in how we can best meet these challenges.

    I intend to share my experience with all those in my inner circle and encourage them to have a reading with Rhonda. I would like to use this testimonial to thank Rhonda for an amazing experience.

    All the best,


  • Kristel, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I had my first Reading with Rhonda last week; I had never had a Reading before where photos of your loved ones are used. Rhonda provided some amazing detail into a few issues that are in my life at the moment. Rhonda hit the nail on the head with my previous experiences and some problems I had in my past and also detailed to me some important aspects in my future. I will be making sure I receive another Reading from Rhonda; she gave me clarity to situations I haven't been able to fix for a while. Thank you very much. Kristel.
  • Esther, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    I had a wonderful experience with Rhonda and Spirit, they amazed me. I was searching online specifically for a clairvoyant I do not know and Rhonda's website came up. In her website, Rhonda made this comment - "It's the spirit who guide you to me..." which made me decide to make an appointment with Rhonda. Rhonda is probably the only one clairvoyant I've been to so far who was able to tell me everything about what's happening in my life and also, what my family was feeling / going through now, by just looking at their photos and before I even tell her anything! Rhonda and Spirit were also spot on about my ex-partner's personality and the issues with his mother. I'm just amazed…
    Rhonda and Spirit also focused a lot on my future - my job, new partner, new family and my sisters' future. I will take Rhonda and Spirit's advice on board and will definitely send another powerful testimonial when the times come.


  • Bianca, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    I had my first reading with Rhonda one year ago and since then her guidance and wise words have assisted me in going from strength to strength in the decisions that I have made regarding my career and personal life.

    I have spoken to roughly five 'psychics' throughout my life and while my experiences were varied and some readings were in fact quite good, none compare to Rhonda's and it is Rhonda that I return to periodically whenever I feel as though I am ready to tackle that next stage or level in my life. I return to Rhonda, as do my friends in Dubai, Singapore, America and Australia, because she is must more than just a psychic, she is a counsellor and a wise soul who doesn't tell you what to do but offers you insight into people, issues, workplaces and events that no one else could possibly see- this allowing you to make the choice that is best for you.

    When I first spoke to Rhonda I was anxious, unhappy and engaged. When I was talking to her it was like I was talking to someone who finally understood what was going on in my life. From one photo of myself and my fiance she could tell me exactly what our relationship was like, exactly how he was as a person and was able to describe what went on behind closed doors. It was phenomenal, I could no longer talk myself into being in an unhappy place because when someone tells it as they see it and it is said out aloud- it is very hard to deny the situation and continue to make poor decisions.

    Making the right decisions took a lot of hard work and I have spoken to Rhonda about 5 times over the last year, not at regular intervals, at one stage I didn't call her for 8 months, but when I look back at myself one year ago and sit here typing this in my new office, with a new job and a strong circle of friends I know that things will only get better.

    Rhonda is brilliant and I have a lot of friends and not one of them has a bad word to say about her!!


  • Lydia, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been seeing Rhonda now for a few years. To me Rhonda is a life coach, she sees things in your life, that you are unable to and encourages you to make the right changes and helps you to make the right decisions. Since seeing Rhonda I have been backpacking around Europe for 6 months, changed Uni degrees, received respect in my work environment, started to build a house and most importantly improved my relationship in ways that i didn't even know existed and I am a happy newlywed! Rhonda is so precise and accurate in her readings and every time I get the need to see Rhonda I do and always walk away feeling positive and inspired!

    Thank you Rhonda

  • Sarah, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    My Reading with Rhonda was more like a counselling session and she brought up a lot of issues from the past that had been playing around in my mind and I guess you could say..helped me to acknowledge them and then put them to rest. Very emotional but very necessary (I am currently in the middle of a huge solar return so the Reading for me was of perfect timing) I will most definitely be having another Reading. Not so much because I want her guidance for the future but because I feel like, more than anything, she helped me to hold a mirror up to myself and in doing so cemented the things I already felt about myself and they way I live my life.. I have spent the past few months trying to live a more 'present' focused life..something I still have a long, long way to go in achieving, but I will always be so grateful for my first 'Rhonda Reading'. Thank you again, Sarah x
  • Kally, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I had been looking for a clairvoyant to have a Reading with for quite some time. I just never felt confident enough to make an appointment with any of the people I came across, even if they came highly recommended. I came across Rhonda's website, new nothing about her or the work she does, but the next thing you know I had spoken to her on the phone, and had a Reading organized for a few days later over the phone. I now know why. It was absolutely meant to be. I can't tell you how much it felt like I was talking to an old friend who had known me and my family for forever. Her accuracy completely blew me away. There were a few things Rhonda kept going back to and was so sure of even though I was not. And fair enough the same day I had the Reading, in speaking to people about some of things she had told me, I had validations about all of it. Amazing. Before speaking to Rhonda, I was in a place where I knew there were things that needed addressing, both past issues and present, but wasn't sure how to sort myself out. And now I feel I know where I am headed and what my goals for the future are, which I have never felt confident about, before. I love Rhonda's no-nonsense approach and it was EXACTLY what I needed. I think what Rhonda does for people is something not a lot of people are capable of. I can't thank you enough, you are such a caring, and genuine person, and I can't wait to have another Reading with you, when I get to that next point where I feel I could use some of your great guidance. Many thanks and well wishes, Kally xx
  • Lou, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda helped me make changes to my life, that I could never have had the courage to make without her guidance.

    I went to see Rhonda with a bit of skepticism, however the detail of my life which she "knew" was truly amazing and her accuracy was spot on. To date each and every insight/prediction she made through the reading has happened. From knowing a year before diagnosis that a close female family member would be struck down with cancer (even saying directly which type and where the cancer would present itself AND the treatment which would ultimately save a life), she predicted someone unknowingly breaking into my house through a man-hole in my roof and that I should go straight home and check the roof - sure enough signs of repeated entry into my home was detected and subsequently police made an arrest. These are just a few of the very detailed situations i had no idea of but Rhonda could 'sense' was going on in my life.

    I love Rhonda's direct approach, she tells it how it is, and that in itself is a gift. She is kind and compassionate and her honesty through her readings gave me such comfort - I can't thank her enough.

    Lou xxx

  • Z. Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have had three Readings with Rhonda, in this past year, since my dear husband's death, Each time I have received VERY clear, accurate information on all aspects I have questioned on & other facts highly relevant & helpful to my life. Rhonda also facilitated what to me felt like direct conversation with my deceased husband. Each time I leave, I am uplifted and freshly able to move forward in my own existence here, with much more ease. Compared to other clairvoyant Readings, Rhonda is accurately able to bring through all aspects of concerns & personal details to help positive forward motion. Over time, her information from each Reading became more relevant & helpful, also, I have complicated business& family situations resulting from my husband's death & I have been able to have very clear "business meetings", through Rhonda's accurate mediumship, directly with my husband. This has saved me much angst & money! I find Rhonda most accurate in every area. Relationship, money, health, travel, family etc. & recommend her for ANY concern on any level anyone may have. In appreciation, Z.
  • Fi, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I was in awe by the accuracy of the reading Rhonda gave me. No ifs and buts, no probing questions, straight out with what was going on for me and how I could leverage that going forward in my life. I came away inspired and stronger after my reading with Rhonda. She was spot on. Having been interested in spirituality for a long time and also seen other readers and used meditation techniques in my life, I recommend Rhonda as the best psychic I have ever come across.

    Many thanks, Rhonda.


  • Tracey, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda, I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you, for not only my recent Reading, but for all the Readings you have ever given me. I was truly blessed the day you came into my life. You have guided me through some troubled times, and I have always come through. You have been accurate and most times brutally honest. I can't imagine having a gift like yours. You have made me look at myself and want to be a better person. Thank you, Rhonda, for everything.
  • Jo, Ocean Shores, Northern New South Wales, Australia.

    What can I say....RHONDA IS AWESOME! So accurate, WOW!

    Thank you Spirit, Thank You Rhonda.

    I recommend Rhonda to everyone.

    I will definitely be going back for another reading.

  • Judy, Mount Tamborine, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I feel rather remiss at not having emailed you before this but just wanted to say a very big thank you. I came to see you a couple of months ago and you suggested that I might like to check out Mt Tamborine. So I thought, no harm in going for a drive up there. Within two hours of being here everything fell into place - home and work experience I was looking for. So I took the plunge and have been living here for about 6 weeks and absolutely loving it. I also recommended a friend of mine to see you and boy has she made some positive changes in her life since then. I am very grateful to you and Julie Marsh who recommended you.

    Judy xxx

  • Helen, Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have just experienced my first reading with Rhonda, it was brilliant, Spirit bought me to her when I least expected it. Following my reading I am now much more focused & aware of the crucial role of timing in life's journey. Things happen at a particular time for a reason.
    It bought confirmation & affirmation for me, along with crystal clear clarity & inner strength I needed to move forward in the direction which is best for me in life's journey.

    Thank you so much, Rhonda.

  • Zoe, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    I had felt like having a psychic Reading for some time as I felt in a rut despite our long term infertility issues being resolved with a healthy pregnancy. I came across mention of Rhonda in a forum from years ago as I was Googling around on the net. I organized a face to face Reading for both myself and then added my husband as he is always interested too. From first meeting Rhonda I instantly liked her....and it became apparent that the Reading was in fact very important for my husband. His Dad came through straight away and offered a lot of important insight into his personality traits and future path. A few of our other deceased friends and family came through as well. What I really liked about Rhonda is that she doesn't ask lots of questions to clarify and lead you into anything. She looks at a photo and tells YOU about that persons personality, life, and if relevant, death. With no input required from you. Rhonda is specific with her insights, not general 'your dad is here and he wants you to know he loves you' ETC. Yes, most people KNOW that, what they want is specific insight into that person. Rhonda picked up correctly on all of our family members including our beloved dogs and offered some important insights into our looming future as new first time parents. Of course there was a lot more but all you have to know is that Rhonda is the best psychic I have ever seen, and I have seen a fair few both here and overseas in my time. I look forward to seeing Rhonda again soon, when we feel it is time for another Reading. I am very grateful.
  • Zoe, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda has changed my life for the better. I am forever grateful & she will be thought of quite regularly. Not only is she spot on with information from loved ones who are past over, she also says it how it is in a compassionate way & does not sugar coat anything. Rhonda has answered my life questions without me even asking.

    Nothing but amazing this woman is!

    Defiantly do not regret seeing her!

  • Chiavanni, Upper Coomera, Queensland, Australia.

    I come from a family of mediums, so psychic phenomenon is a familiarity to me, however untrained; I am always seeking guidance and direction as I don't always understand what my own guides are trying to communicate. A friend told me about Rhonda whom was a guest speaker at a spiritualist church we regularly attend; Rhonda not only gave almost everyone in attendance a Reading but was also very accurate. When you attend regularly, you quickly learn the difference between a GOOD clairvoyant and an "OK" clairvoyant, upset that I had missed out on Rhonda's guest appearance I quickly booked a Reading with her. I often have psychic Readings and Rhonda's are very precise and straight to the point, she did not fluff around or dig for confirmation. I was able to save some vital personal circumstances based on the information I received from her, and I will be forever grateful. Rhonda will be the only person I recommend to anyone needing advice or direction. I am forever thankful to have her in my life and I will share her with everyone I know.
  • Francis, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    After much consideration, I received my first reading from Rhonda in December 2011 after loitering a bit on her website. There are no words to describe sufficiently the quality of the reading I have received from Rhonda. She has pinpoint accuracy on the details of my life just from a few photos of me and my family members. She was able to describe everything surrounding me and my family relationships to a tee without having ever met me, or them. This is only the tip of the iceberg though, her ability to refine her understanding into a form which serves to counsel me on the matters of my life are the particular values you will receive from a reading from Rhonda.

    I did not know such people exist before meeting Rhonda! Other psychics have merely dabbled on surface matters; facts which may not be consequential to any new value added to my life. The best psychics I have ever had the chance to meet were only able to mention a few factors about forthcoming events, Rhonda has been able to paint the entire picture and give a progression of future events. Her ability to comprehensively describe my life as it is in reality, particularly with regard to my relationships has given every confidence to me that her predictions or portrayal of future events will not be any further from truth.

    If I was unfortunate enough to be only allowed one reading in my life, Rhonda must under all circumstances be the one to give it.

  • Yvette, Bondi, New South Wales, Australia.

    It has taken me some time to digest all the information I received from my reading. I was amazed at the accuracy of the information provided by Rhonda from looking only at the photos I had provided. The messages from Spirit have continued to intercept my actions and thoughts, so that I can now better deal with a situation at hand and understand where they are coming from. The reading provided clarity around the many questions of "why? ", more effectively than from any other reading I've had in the past. I have to say, during my reading and after speaking with Rhonda, I felt very empowered and inspired to be able to overcome the many hurdles I've struggled with in my life. My advice to those who are planning a reading, be prepared with pen and paper and try to record it if you can. Thank you again and I look forward to the next one! Warm regards, Yvette.
  • Kathy, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, I've never written a testimonial before. I suppose it's like a reference. I've written plenty of those but always in the workplace. The phone Reading I had with you was not work related but life related and drew from the Universal Source, the Universal Energy that inspires us all and that you have been gifted with interpreting. My finding someone who could jpeg the information you asked for to help with our Reading was a gift in itself. I really had only one major query. This was the one you engaged with last. The early information about my family members was soul-soothing. A mother senses when her child (of whatever age) isn't living the life that would bring him or her the greatest fulfillment. All the same, once children reach a certain age, they have to be allowed fly their own flags. Your explaining that my son's situation would change, and the rationale involved just made the sunshine for me. I had already made up my mind to move and to start clearing clutter to make the transition easier. Your unprompted articulating of this was very validating. I had also changed a bothersome element in my working life which again, you identified. In the past twelve months or so an idea I had for a book about a decade ago has re-visited me and you identified that I would be writing and would feel rewarded by the experience. My major issue involved a man who had been paying me attention in the last year or so and who had really captured my heart. Your explanation about that whole troubled relationship and your description of the man's character simply gelled with me and made sense. I have just 'dropped my burden.' It has fallen from my heart. I am ready to move on. What a relief. Thank you so much Rhonda. You are the real deal and I'm glad you are. Warm regards, Kathy.
  • Abbey, Tugan, Queensland, Australia.

    When I first came to Rhonda I was all over the place, mentally, physically and spiritually. I felt like I was stuck in darkness, with no direction, no love, and no life. I really felt that I was flying through life in a haze, never dropping any roots to make a path in life, just running away with a fear I did not understand. I would start trying to make things better, but be entertaining a dark notion on the side, which always hindered me. I didn't believe a word I said to myself, or that I was capable of doing anything from living, to answering my phone and getting a job. I was literally living my life in a state of disability. My mind was disabling me because I felt so much sadness, fear and confusion, to the point where I could hardly walk up the drive way without being swallowed up into a giant pit of horrible emotions and feelings. I did not understand why I was living my life in a state of grief, shock and sorrow when I had loving parents and was generally a normal person with a normal life who emotionally was in a battlefield. I had gone to psychiatrist after psychologist, had tried all amounts of medication and drugs, been down the path of suicide much too many times, and had literally exhausted every aspect of escape, and I still felt depressed, anxious, reclusive and withdrawn from my life. The first thing she knew was that I was in pain, living in a state of unnecessary agony and was sabotaging myself. Rhonda told me an immensity of incredible things, things that I had suspected deep in my mind, and things that surprised me, and even some things I had seen in my dreams, things she could not have known unless she had the unique connection to spirit that she did. Immediately I was telling her things that I had never told anyone before, and she was answering them with a firm and caring affirmation that now has changed me. There was a reason I was the way I was, and she informed me so. Simply amazing. Her words weren't like the strict compassion less words of a social worker and psychiatrist, but in saying that they also differed from the words of my mother. When I had opened up to my friends and family, they never quite grasped why I was the way I was, never understood why it came out wrong or why I was doing the actions I was. Rhonda could see my soul, knew who I was behind my facades, behind the haze and fractured state of mind I was in. And she cared in the way I had craved for a very long time, because she saw the things I could not put into words, or express to others. Of course it wasn't a simple message, but the message delivered to me by Spirit and Rhonda was one that I knew in my heart, but never had enough faith in myself to believe. She knew I chose to feel the pain and the fear, I chose to live in this state of negativity because It was a pattern for me. "A security blanket" is how Rhonda described it, while telling me things about myself that I had long forgotten and couldn't have imagined. I would like to thank you Rhonda, because after our hour together there is a stillness and quietness in my mind and heart, and around me, that I haven't ever felt. I went to work and I felt hardly any fear, when usually I would be crying and suffocating on the inside, and thinking about ending my life every day. But you were a pure change in my life, it's almost like you have drained me of all the pain and confusion. I know now, that when I feel like I am falling back into my blackness, I close my eyes, and can release it from me, talk to my angels, my spirit, which I feel more and more every day, and let them in and ask them for help in getting me back up and into that light. It's still hard, I still get nervous and I still hear that voice in my mind that tells me why I should hate myself, and end it, and every day is a battle. But every day is getting EASIER and full of faith. Rhonda's words and Spirits healing are always there, there to tell the snide voice in my mind why I am worthy, that I don't have to be afraid, I choose to calm down, turn around and fight through my obstacles with a steady head and heart, and the knowledge that I am part of something much bigger, a picture much more beautiful than I ever could have imagined, is what keeps my mind sated from wanting unhealthy things. I don't ostracize myself now, I know that I am entitled to this life, deserving of it, and that I can filter the kindness in my heart to others, and help others through what I have lived and felt. Not only that, but Rhonda has given me insight into how others see me, that I don't have to tell them my secrets, it's almost like I think "Hey, you don't have to sit in the corner and hide, you're allowed to get out there and fight for your slice of cake like everyone else." And I do, oh boy, I'm not letting life kick me around anymore. It still scares me, but I'm going to get out there and see it too. Fighting is better than not trying at all. Rhonda is very gifted. I have been to other psychics, and only received snippets of information, words and just basically irrelevant information that never did anything but trail into more questions. Psychiatrists gave nothing but names and diagnosis that were another label for me to define myself. Rhonda was straight out, "here is who you are", "here is what you are here for", and painted the picture, wrote the story, what have you, it was there and now I can utilize those words for the rest of my life. My mind is full of imagination, and longing. Rhonda has showed me that there is much more to this world that we could imagine, so much love and so much life. She is no stranger to pain, she took mine, acknowledged it, and handed me back love and understanding. Rhonda, thank you, you really have saved my life. I think that if it hadn't been for you, I don't think I would have found myself, or even be here at all. Lots of love and kind respect, Abbey.  
  • Kirra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I went and saw Rhonda back in 2007 and what a great reading it was. Rhonda spoke a lot about my family/relationships and things that I had been hiding from people it was truly amazing that she knew. I had my reading before I left to go overseas and it was a great guide for me a lot of what Rhonda predicted came true and if I was living back on the Gold Coast would not hesitate in contacting Rhonda again for reading. I truly would recommend Rhonda and her amazing gift to anyone.

  • Lorraine, Colac, Victoria, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda, I want to thank you for the reading you recently did for me, I was having a bit of a struggle at the time and when a friend suggested we might have a Reading I jumped at the opportunity, I had seen clairvoyants before and after my previous Reading had wanted to go back to the person who'd done my last Reading, when my friend suggested you, I said why not? How glad I am, the Reading was brilliant and I can't wait for my next one, I was absolutely blown away by what the Spirit had to say and the accuracy of the Reading, you do not sugar coat anything and that I like, we go to get the truth and by your honesty that is what I got. Thanks to you I am now prepared for changes in my life and I now know it was the spirit not my friend that bought you to me. You are truly amazing and I have no hesitation in recommending you to my friends. Thank you so much, Rhonda. Lorraine.
  • Rebecca, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.

    I recently had a reading with Rhonda, recommended by a friend. I was amazed at how accurate she was with all my family. I put out to Spirit what questions I wanted answered during my reading and she answered every one of them with no hints from me. I would highly recommend Rhonda and have already told a few of my friends. In my opinion not every psychic you meet is as tuned in, so when you meet someone like Rhonda it is really special.


  • Eve, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

    Hear Ye! Oh People Of Thee Town...Oh! Hear Ye!...… Oh Rhonda! I knew that you were one of the lords angels, that he sent down to earth to council & heal so many painful & confused souls. You truly are a saviour of so many souls. And yes, after checking out your website, I agree on EVERYTHING that is stated in testimonials to you. You are a magnificent lady with such a rare & wonderful gift. I love you sooo much & it certainly looks like you have your very own fan page out there which is fabulous! xoxox You saved this emotionally traumatized woman's life.....& it's so nice to hear & know that so many people out their appreciate you & adore you as much as me because you deserve to be standing high on the pedestal that I have personally placed underneath your feet to raise you so high up into the clouds of the Angels & heavens, because you do so many great things without realizing it for sooo many emotionally unfortunate people. You sincerely are a blessing from God, & I am so happy, fortunate & thankful to have had my life's journey lead me straight to you 4 years ago. You are honestly one of the best things that life has ever thrown my way. Again, I am so thankful to be able to read such wonderful testimonials to you; it fills me up with such happiness, joy, fulfilment & satisfaction that you are so adored by so many.  
  • Nicole, Tweed Coast, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hello All, A family member recommended Rhonda to me. I have been too many clairvoyants/psychic mediums etc, over the past twenty years. This is the first time I have ever taken the time to write a testimonial as I truly believe Rhonda is the real deal and definitely worth every cent....and then some. Rhonda is definitely a person who is honest, humble and very insightful. Rhonda tells it how it is.....not how you may want it to be. So many people I have had Readings from over the years will tell you everything you want to hear, you know the type...."yes you will win lotto, get the house you want, marry Mr. Perfect "....the list goes on. Rhonda is not like other clairvoyants/psychic mediums...what she does and says during her Readings is just phenomenal....I even urge people who may be a bit skeptical to see her....because she will definitely change the way you think. I'm a person who is not easily lead or gullible. If anything I'm very cautious when getting Readings...I like to keep an open mind and see what information is given to me. If you have ever had a Reading before you will know that there are some good ones and some not so good ones. Rhonda is a GREAT one....For the record I am not receiving any benefit in any form for writing this testimonial. I am just writing it as a thank you to Rhonda and also in the hope that it may give you some confidence that neither your time nor money will be wasted by getting a Reading with Rhonda. She is legitimate and she is a person that will really give you that information from " Spirit " that you NEED to hear....not what you WANT to hear. Good Luck!
  • Kardelle, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia

    Oh Rhonda! You really are amazing with the information that you give me threw not only yourself but through Spirit to. I have only just got my shit together a week ago with it, & I look back now & laugh at myself for reason being how silly, nervous, scarred, stubborn & rebellious I was being to myself & only hurting myself in the long run...just like you were constantly telling me & trying to drill it into my head since September last year with each Reading I had with you. I am running with it & loving every bit of what I am doing, just as you had told me I would. I'm even finding that I'm surprising myself with hidden talents... or more truthfully speaking, lack of self-confidence that had been installed upon me by other negative & WRONG influential people that I had allowed into my life over the past 38 years. I now wake up every morning with a routine planned out for myself. I no longer waste each day by wallowing in my own misery which consisted of self- pity & sorrows.... with the "How’s" & the "Why's" of me not being able to gain back the control of my life that I used to have that I feel that is now finally REBORN again...through the help of all the healing that I've had to endorse upon myself over the last 12 months...& once again I find myself in the same position as always, & that has been consistent in having YOU to thank for. For YOU were the only one who recommended who & where I go in order to help heal myself Spiritually, emotionally, mentally & ethically...along with your profound wise words of wisdom whenever I would have a Reading from you. I tried all the Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Councillor's & mentally un-balancing medication which they all put me on throughout the years...but nothing ever worked. I have always listened to your guidance & it has NEVER failed me over the 4 years that I've been seeing you but has only led me to know what I see as me having my life back on track, & a purpose in life to wake up to & live for. I wake up driven now & want to go back & give myself another chance at being yet again successful in life, & in my new chosen career path as my own businesswoman. Many...Oh! Many people including the majority of my family have always treated me in the wrong way...with absolutely NO respect & minimal love...yourself on the other hand are so selfless & you have always been there for me...neither budging or dodging a soul that has swerved off the wrong direction & road in life. In the last 4 years that I have known you & been coming to see you every 6 months for my Readings, progressively, through a lot of hard emotional work & effort, I am finally blossoming back to myself & reconnecting again with my heart & Spirit. I am very excited & optimistic to see what this year will now bring for me with all the hard work that you have done to put into me, to see me SHINE & SHOOT FOR THE STARS.... & so sincerely, you are the very reason why I have tried so hard to get my life back on track because I never wanted to "fail you"...in which I've never told you I felt this way because I thought you'd think of me as being stupid.... but I only wanted to make you proud of me, because I see myself as have being your "work of art" in the making....in which, when I came to you I felt like a lifeless bit of clay, & throughout time you have moulded me back into a lady, with a colourful & happy Spirit in her soul again....all because I have always listened to your advice, & that's because in the entire 4 years...your Readings have NEVER failed me...yet only HELPED myself become one, & true to myself again...& for that, I cannot, nor shall stop thanking you sooo very much! I can feel it in my bones for the very first time in a bloody long time, that something great is about to turn around & change for my life being for the happier, the better, & for the more successful in this year of 2012! Not only are you a truly amazing, caring & understanding woman, you ARE a BRILLIANT READER of the future & I hope one day you cross paths with somebody that works in the media industry so they can see the miracles, life changes, happiness, & peace that you actually bring people, just like you have always done for me, & give you your own show in which I personally feel you have more than well earned. Hee! Hee! Move over John Edward....because Rhonda Rixon from “Rhonda’s Readings” kicks ass, & even though your words of advice may sometimes be harsh or not what people are wanting to hear....throughout time I have learnt that they are ALWAYS spoken for a reason...& that reason I have come to learn is that everybody has lessons in life to learn & their own personal journey's to take....& some are easy & some roads are not...but I keep ploughing forward with constant remembrance of the guidance yourself & Spirit have & are continuously giving me..... & that has lead me to now see & understand ANYTHING is possible to achieve in life & not impossible. If it wasn't for yourself, I honestly don't know if I would still be sitting here to this day writing you this e-mail because there were way toooo many dark days than there were good for me in the majority of my life, that all I wanted to do was say "Goodbye & F - Off" to this world & be gone forever with my existence. What did I have to lose, when I felt I was all alone deep inside?! I constantly thought. I let so many people think that I had my life together because i knew they really didn't give a "raccoon's ass" so to speak if they knew otherwise, & so it had always been an easier coping mechanism for me to live my life to the rest of the world that way...rather than feel the constant humiliation & constant rejection from friendships, relationships & to be just bloody loved by somebody in life. You have turned my attitude back to being the happy-go-lucky type of girl that I once was, before I allowed society to virtually ruin my inner self as a person...being my soul..... & now I wake up every day excited what i can do with my life & my future. There is not a day or a week where a thought of you does not pop into my head. You have become my inspiration as the magnificent woman who I see you as being & what you have done for me in ways that I know & can see that you don't even realize yourself....because you are NOT a liar, fraud or manipulator of people's emotions in a Reading as are so many others out there that should be burnt at the stake whom i see as imposter's to your industry, trying to fool other people such as myself in having tricked me into thinking that they also to obtained YOUR natural GENUINE GIFT that you were blessed & born with. You are THE REAL DEAL! I am extremely grateful to have you in it & I feel I owe my life to you...,for you were the only one willing to believe in me, help me, encourage me, were hard on me when you saw I needed it, & showed me sincerity. And so for that, I cannot thank you more than enough because you are such a humble person in a way I'm not even sure if you see it yourself, but you truly are an Earth Healer Angel , I believe sent from the Heavens above to help God guide the mislead such as myself back onto the right & righteous road to life, so I now have the opportunity to make the Lord & my loved ones in Heaven (seeing I have no family here) proud of me too, & with that it makes me want to once again feel & be proud of myself.....which I can honestly say I haven't felt in around 5 years. I love you & have the highest respect for you. I hope now, through this letter, you see & understand why I put you on the highest pedestal that a tradesman has ever made with his bare hands...Hee! Hee! So thank you my Queen of Rhonda’s Readings. Kardelle.  
  • Mona, Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have seen Rhonda regularly over the past year and I find her readings very helpful! She is very precise and honest, whilst always being supportive and positive. Any not so wonderful news gets still presented to you, but in a nurturing way, ensuring that you understand the big picture and long term positives of an event. That way she never interferes with the soul lessons and the path you have to experience to grow.
    Rhonda's reading ensured an overseas trip to see my family last year, which in hindsight was one of the most important trips of my lifetime. I have a lot of respect for Rhonda's work and connection with Spirit and can highly recommend her.


  • Fiona, Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, I have been thinking of you each day as I worry and stress about how I am going to pay my bills....and I say to myself about 100 times a day that Rhonda said, that Spirit has a much better plan for me and Noah then we do for ourselves. That Spirit will help me find ways to earn enough money to pay my bills and that soon I will have enough money to pay back the people who have been so generous to me in the past. I wanted you to know Rhonda, that between mum and I and all our conversations about "Rhonda said this and Rhonda said that" you have become a member of our family. Ha, sorry about that.....Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that every day I thank Spirit for certain people in my life and you are one of the people I thank Spirit for. I am so incredibly grateful that you have come into my life and my mums. You have helped us both makes wonderful changes and some very difficult changes, but in my current time of difficulty, I am also meditating on the fact that good and great things do occur after we have worked hard or struggled long enough to achieve them.....
  • Monia, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I had the pleasure of meeting with Rhonda this morning & although had no idea what to expect felt an overwhelming sense of emotion & peace when I left, to hear from my mother was the greatest gift of all and so many validations came through that nobody could possibly have known except for her immediate family, right down to the wonderful sweet way my mother smelt to all the pain & anguish she so sadly is still holding onto to, I only hope that me meeting with Rhonda will give my mother some closure to now move on & that everything she is feeling is OK but now time to really commence her healing so when we meet again I can hear further validation of more enjoying things she feels & see's around me & my family. Rhonda knowing about my work situation to my home situation & the knowledge of us wanting to begin a family is something only I/We know and could not be a simple guess, once again validating just how powerful Rhonda's spiritual guidance is within her & I believe we should all be ever so grateful that we have someone like Rhonda to help guide us through our own spiritual path in life.

    Thank you so much for your time today & I am so honoured & grateful to share with others the experience I embarked on & am very much looking forward to meeting again in the not so distant future.



  • Doreen, Croydon, Victoria, Australia.

    On the day I contacted Rhonda for a reading I had been very down and out for some time. I was stuck in the past, which was pulling me further and further into a spiral, I was fearful of the future, and as a result my present was full of drama and negative emotions, resulting in health issues and more of what I did not want! I have done a lot of work on myself and I could 'see' the pickle I was in, and I finally realized that no man (or woman) is an island, and if I wanted to get out of the darkness, I would need someone to shine a light, and that just happened to be Rhonda.

    I am in no doubt that 'Spirit' guided me to her, as I had been feeling very disconnected from my own God self and could not hear anything from that direction. Rhonda told me things about myself like she knew me, yet I had never met her and only stumbled onto her website after Googling for hours for a good Clairvoyant, and finding some great testimonials about her on an unrelated site.

    Rhonda gave me enough information to take me to the next level, without giving me too much that I might become complacent. She was firm but compassionate, and I felt the energy of her spirit advisers coming through to assist me and show me the ways to heal my life and to regain the faith and trust I had apparently misplaced (because we all know they cannot be lost, as they are a part of each and every one of us).

    So much stuff has shifted for me this week! I have let go of a huge weight from the past, my current relationship has blossomed as a result and I am looking forward to the future regardless of what it has in store. I had come to believe that I needed to 'know', and to be able to control outcomes (yeah right) and now I know that 'Spirit will always have a better plan for me than I have for myself' ... Wow, what a relief! Whew!

    Thanks so much Rhonda for being willing to be 'the messenger' as I am sure that as rewarding as it must be to help others as you do, it can also be a tough gig at times ... I look forward to speaking with you again one day.

  • Diann, Auckland, New Zealand

    I am very grateful to have been guided to have now 2 readings with Rhonda. I find her readings to be extremely insightful and are delivered in a professional manner. I thank Rhonda for having the purity of spirit to be able to deliver the guidance from Spirit, free of her own personal interpretations, agendas or opinions.
    The messages are pure and it is up to each individual to receive the messages within their heart and soul and not only with their ears. Only then will they reap the benefit that can be theirs.

    Blessings to All.

  • Tracy, Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rhonda is the best Clairvoyant I have ever been to. Not only does Rhonda guide you in the right direction, she helps you when she can, and gives advice that can change your life. I recommend Rhonda to everybody and anybody who is even slightly looking to go and see whether they are on the right track. She will not pretty it up and tell you what you want to hear, she will tell you how it is, and how you can make positive and rewarding changes in your life. Rhonda has an amazing gift, so please do yourself a favour and make an appointment to see her. Rhonda, who started out as "my clairvoyant", I am proud to say is now my friend.
  • Mary, Victoria, Australia.

    I would like to thank you, Rhonda, so much for your valuable reading, it has given me so much to work on, and I value and appreciate so much what you are doing.

    With love and thanks,


  • Emma, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

    I gained a lot of insight and clarity from my reading with Rhonda. I love her no - nonsense yet compassionate style and have already benefitted from the things she told me. It can be difficult to deal with, when someone can see you so clearly when you might not be able to, but with Rhonda, I felt comfortable and safe.

    Thank you, and I wish you every continuing success with your business x

  • Eileen, Melbourne,Victoria, Australia

    Dear Rhonda,

    I would like to thank you for an honest compassionate and spookily accurate reading .I have had clairvoyant readings before but never one like this. As you read from the photographs I emailed you, I felt that Spirit was indeed guiding me, through you.Your professionalism and compassion is re assuring and I felt immediately at ease. All of us have life issues that need addressing, your insights into my journey and the advice you gave me was very helpful. I would recommend a reading from you to anyone who needs the support of spirit to clarify their life's journey. My mother recently passed away and there were unresolved issues around my relationship with her, when you explained her sorrow at what took place and how she was now around me, it was enormously healing and I felt at peace.

    Thanking you,


  • Annette, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I would like to thank Rhonda & Spirit for her very insightful readings (I have had 2) I was particularly impressed at her being able to give me lots of information about my family relationships.. Rhonda, was "spot on" when describing the personality of family members and how we interacted. There was no way that she could have known this information, researched it or anything else, as when I booked, I only gave my first name. Rhonda has predicted many things in my future, but they haven't happened yet. However, I only had the readings about a month or so ago. Based on the information, I got about my family, I am sure the rest will be as accurate.

    Rhonda is very straightforward - no bullshit - just tells u how it is - as she sees it, but she is also understanding & compassionate. Some of what she told me was a little hard to hear, however, I am a person, who appreciates "The Truth" straight out!! rather than someone telling you stuff, that they think you may want to hear.

    Rhonda was able to give me some valuable insights, which will help me plot a more positive course, for the future. I hope it does the same for you.



  • Rebecca, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I was most impressed by Rhonda's Reading. Her insights of my ex-partner, my relationships with my family and my personality were truly amazing. She gave me spiritually healing guidance about my future and assured me of the light at the end of the tunnel. I would recommend her to anyone who is feeling stuck, lost or confused about their situation, as Rhonda is a very gifted clairvoyant.
  • Jasmine,Hobart, Tasmania.

    I recently had a Reading with Rhonda because I was in desperate need of guidance. Rhonda immediately picked up on the key issues that had been weighing on my mind for some time and was really helpful in allowing me to see the bigger picture and where Spirit was guiding me. I found my Reading to be very therapeutic as she counselled me through my problem. This Reading gave me the strength to follow through with some big decisions I knew I needed to make. Every time I have had a doubt, I have remembered what I spoke about with Rhonda, and this had given me clarity of purpose. I was ready to hear what Rhonda had to say to me in this Reading, and because I was open to it, I have come away with strong intention and clarity. Thank you, Rhonda! Kind regards, Jasmine
  • Dianna, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rhonda for an insightful reading I enjoyed in June. She really does have a great gift. I look forward to contacting her again in the near future.



  • Julie, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    I had a reading with Rhonda in June 2012. It was a real eye opener. From what she told me I now realize that I had the wrong attitude and was going about things the wrong way, which could have ended up costing me my relationship. Finding out these things and information about the people around me has changed my life for the better. I am grateful for her help and also for saying it like it is.

  • Leanne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I would like to thank you Rhonda for the wonderful Reading that she did for me last week. I have felt I have been "treading water" for such a long time and her words have given me the courage to take hold of my life and move on. Rhonda gave me confirmation on so many levels in an empowering and encouraging way which has really made me determined to take the path that my Spirit has suggested for me. After only a week I can see changes for the better and I feel so much better about life and my future in general. Although I realize that I have to put in the hard work as well but I can now see a bright shining light at the end of the tunnel. I would highly recommend a Reading with this truly amazing, lovely lady, I will certainly be back.
  • Olivia, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda is the most remarkable and caring person who has significantly helped and guided me through my spiritual journey. Rhonda has given me the strength to stand confidently in my truth and to make the appropriate changes I required in order to transform my life. I highly recommend Rhonda's Readings to everyone. All my friends who have spoken to Rhonda leave with the same feeling of fulfillment and positivity. Regards, Olivia.
  • Zoe, Tugan, Queensland, Australia.

    Seeing Rhonda has made a big change to my life and has helped me to overcome my setbacks and grow as a person. I was skeptical of psychics before coming to see Rhonda but it has been one of the best experiences of my life and I wouldn't hesitate in recommending her to anyone. I would also really recommend that people record and listen to the reading again after, as it can really help to confirm things in your mind. Thank you Rhonda for helping me to move forward and find myself again. You are fantastic at what you do! Best wishes, Zoe.
  • Karen, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Rhonda's accuracy and insight is second to none. I came to my reading feeling worn down from repeating patterns that had become destructive habits. I left my reading with clarity, awareness and a confidence that I knew what I needed to do, to change my life for the better. If you want the truth, so you can move forward confidently, a reading from Rhonda is truly life changing.

    My life is better from having been referred to Rhonda and if I can assist in having that happen for someone else then I'll be very happy.

    Thanks so much for everything.


  • Samira, Tasmania, Australia.

    Hello, I now have had 3 Readings from Rhonda over a period of 1 year. As I do intuitive work myself, I am aware, a lot of Readers will tell you what you want to hear, or they read your fears... This is because the Reading is not coming from source / higher planes... This is not the case with Rhonda... Rhonda Reads the highest truth...in that moment, and the most probable outcome for that moment... She gives you the information, black and white.. Which as in my case was a huge shock..yet has been vital information for me. Through Rhonda, Spirit gave me information I didn't want to hear... yet I trusted,.. Followed Spirits guidance and at present my life is in the process of turning around. I am not a person who gets a Reading from anyone or many Readings... Yet when I am in a time of need for guidance, I know i can trust Rhonda's gift. Rhonda is a person of high integrity and does care... She gives of herself 100% in a Reading.. This woman is booked out for a reason... She tells you how it is ....very accurate. Thank you Rhonda..
  • Marius, Dromana, Victoria, Australia.

    For all those that have never done anything like this before.

    My session with Rhonda has been a life changing experience. There is all sorts of amazing technology out there and we've put a man on the moon, but for a person one has never met, or knows or has never had any contact with family or friends, to be able to relate your past fifty years to you like somebody has kept detailed notes is truly amazing.
    Rhonda and I have never talked face to face; we had a very brief conversation on the telephone for me to find out what was required for a reading and how to make a booking.

    From the photos of my parents and the photos of my kids and wife, Rhonda was able to relate back to me with absolute clarity and accuracy the family dynamic I grew up in. This confirmed and helped me to understand the feelings I had for my family, This was all a bit confronting at the time due to the accuracy of the information imparted to me. Rhonda was also able to tell me what my strengths are, and what things I needed to work on, she also gave me an indication of how my career would pan out.
    On reflection this has been very positive, as it has helped me to process these feelings and move on and not be burdened by the past, helping me to have a clear focus on the future.

    People say, "You make your own luck" I believe if you have a vision, and you follow your dream, it will come true. Rhonda has helped me to see through the fog, and confirmed a lot of what I knew within myself, Having that confirmation has made me feel a lot more confident within myself and in turn I feel I have the power to pursue my dreams. This I think has also made me a better person, because when one feels confident and happy, those around you can't help but feel the same way.

    Thanks Rhonda,


  • Louise, Epping, Victoria

    I was lead to contact Rhonda at a turning point in my life and I couldn't be more relieved or enlightened by the advice and wisdom she gave to me from our guiding spirits. I was brought to tears, but in a good way and had a true awakening of what and where my future lays. If you are lost, Rhonda will help you find your way, all you have to do is listen.

  • Yvette, Scotland, United Kingdom.

    I just had my third Reading with Rhonda. The first two were over the phone when I lived in Sydney. This was my first long distance Reading since moving to Scotland. As I am now 10,000 miles away, I wondered if it would affect the Reading. I needn't have worried...as usual; Rhonda was spot on in her assessment of my situation. If anything, I felt Spirit even more strongly on this Reading...I won't hesitate to have further long distance Readings!
  • Leigh, Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have visited Rhonda at her home in Murwillumbah and have found her psychic skills to be of great value to me when I have felt a loss of direction. Rhonda is the real deal and I would recommend her to anyone in need of guidance.

    Thank you Rhonda, for helping me over the years.


  • Francesca, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    First I would like to say that I have been to many other psychics before and often walked away from them and wondered about what they had said. Not many of the things that had been spoken about ended up happening. So once I had a reading with Rhonda, I was amazed by the things she had to share with me and also how fast many of those things started to happen she was telling me about. The first time I saw her, I was going through a major life transformation and Rhonda gave me the strength and courage to walk through it. I have been back to her again and each time I find she has helped me more and more to find myself and step into my full potential.

    So thank you very much...xxxx

  • Paula, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    My name is Paula. I just wanted to drop you a line and express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the time you spent approx a month ago, doing a reading for my husband. He has been experiencing some health issues over the last few months which had both of us really, really worried as he had been diagnosed with a heart condition that his father had passed away from a long time ago at the age of 33 years. This situation had caused us both a lot of stress & had me in particular assessing and wanting to change every other aspect of our lives (home & business etc).

    The time and trouble that you had taken to share with him communication from spirit, has given us great comfort and afforded us peace of mind. I cannot thank you enough and wanted to let you to know that you have impacted on our lives and enabled us to get into a more positive frame of mind which will undoubtedly help with healing.

    We also felt that we had been blessed with a lovely gift from spirit when we listened to the tape of the recorded session later, and there was a distinct heartbeat sound that had imprinted on the tape whilst you were discussing heart issues.

    I truly understand what you mean by living in fear actually creating the situation you are fearful of. I have had experiences in the past where I allowed phobia's to create extraordinary circumstances. Whilst I thought at the time that these experiences were bad things, I have learned to be really grateful for them as they had taught me through experience that we really are responsible for creating what happens in our lives. Even though I know this, I was really struggling to get my head in the right place with my husband`s health situation and you have helped me overcome the overwhelming fear. With this emotion put in its place we can both work on healing.
    Thank you once again for reminding us of how things truly work. I imagine that over the years you have been subjected to ridicule for what you do at times and I wanted you to know that we appreciate what you do.

    I just wanted you to know that we appreciate you sharing your gift with us. We wish you happiness, peace and good health. Thank you once again.



  • Patricia, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    To Dear Rhonda,

    Recommended through a good friend I have visited Rhonda a few times now as I am going through huge shifts and changes in my life. I have, therefore, seen her at regular intervals as I wanted confirmation and guidance at this point. I usually come prepared with all sorts of questions about health, money worries, relationship issues with family or friends, house stuff, neighbors, work and even my dog. Also about relationships with people who have passed away.

    Rhonda is not only welcoming, warmhearted and open minded but also highly professional and very organized. She always suggests to ‘come prepared`, meaning bringing as many photos, documents and items related to the questions to be asked. She will run through the details prepared, like scanning what is needed and then, after including the Tarot, it ‘rolls from there`. For me it means checking in if I am on the right track. Finding thoughts or assumptions, fears or hopes, feelings or worries confirmed. Asking for when things are unclear to me or when communication is unavailable i.e. about my dog or overseas family issues. Rhonda covers item after item providing advice through Spirit to guide one along. And there is always plenty of time for questions and going deeper into an issue if needed.

    Rhonda is extremely capable and gifted, very quick in picking up what`s important and fun to be with. There are no boundaries to her knowledge, literally, be it about issues here or in my previous homeland. Her readings are an awesome experience. I always leave enriched and fulfilled and feel I can take on the world again when I leave her place. And I arrive home with lots of practical and useful advice. I recommend her to everyone who is interested in a high quality and meaningful reading.


  • Natalie, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I was referred to Rhonda by a friend who has spoken to Rhonda on a couple of occasions. I have spoken with clairvoyants before (twice in my life) and although both of them said a lot of stuff, not much of it has come true, however, a lot of the stuff seems like stuff that will happen to me later in life more so then now (so who`s to say!) My partner and I have recently had a very bad trot with our relationship and we broke up four days before Rhonda and I spoke, so as you could imagine I was devastated and thought it`s over this time for good. As we have been through the breaks and breakups before and it was just never the same when we got back together! I had spiralled into a very low place in the four days since my partner and I split up, to the point where I thought, is it even worth me calling Rhonda, I can't possibly see what she will have to say to me that will be of any benefit because either way I will probably not be happy with the outcome.

    However, I chose to go ahead with my reading and I was really nervous when I called Rhonda, I didn`t expect it to be at all what it was. From the first minute I spoke to her she calmed my nerves and gave me hope that whatever she said was going to be of benefit to me. She started out with some information about my grandparents which I had always known deep down would probably be the case, but sadly it looks like a reality now. She then spent the rest of our time mainly talking about my broken relationship but how it wasn`t over and he will come back, in the meantime though I will learn to be a stronger person. She also said that someone else will come along and then I will be faced with a decision of who I choose when my partner does decide to come back! She hit the nail on the head with everything she had to say about him, his family and mine, and she told me the things that I really needed to hear, (That my future is bright and that all the things I hoped and dreamed for are on their way for me and it will be sooner than I expected). After getting off the phone from Rhonda, I felt amazing, I thought, even if nothing she said comes true (which I know it will ) she has given me the confidence to work on bettering myself and being the person I've always want to be, and that before long I will be truly happy.

    I think the confidence boost and the disappearance of my anxiety is a huge testament to Rhonda's wonderful work. I have never been able to shake my anxiety in the past and the time I spent with Rhonda saw it vanish from sight! I had a very low self confidence and self esteem after my partner had been to see a clairvoyant a few weeks prior to our breakup, and this women basically defamed me and said how terrible a person I was, so as you could imagine I was hurt, devastated and starting to believe that maybe I was that person. Rhonda told me that none of that was true, and reassured me of the person I am and have always thought I was. I believe Rhonda has a gift and she knows her stuff. Right now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and the depressive state I was in, is all but gone. I Thank-you Rhonda for that alone, but the wonderful messages you've filled me with for my future has me believing that I am a very lucky girl and sooner rather than later, I will achieve the things in life I had set out too and I will be very happy.

    I highly recommend Rhonda to all that might need healing or just want and insight into what`s to come in their future. I will definitely keep Rhonda posted on what`s to come for me and let her know when things she has predicted for me come true!

    Wishing you all the love, luck and happiness in the world Rhonda.


  • Chris, Paddington, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just wanted to say thanks so much for a very clear reading which is helping me go forward with confidence and not be tempted to dwell or look back. I will stay strong in my resolve now.

    Lots of love,


  • Larissa, Logan, Queensland, Australia.

    I had the great pleasure of meeting Rhonda yesterday, just being in her presence lifted my spirits immensely and I am so happy I found her! Not only has Rhonda & Spirit guided me on what I definitely feel is my right path, she also shed light on all different areas of my life and really " hit the nail on the head " with so many issues... I am so grateful for your gift Rhonda, we are all lucky to have you!

    Thank you SO much for such a positive experience.

    Larissa x

  • Doreen, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I have recently had a reading with Rhonda, my first was earlier this year, and this one was just as accurate and clarifying as the first! I have come to understand that when we are ready, the pieces of the life puzzle come to us, filling in each step along the way ... Rhonda has the gift of showing us another one of those pieces, and so far the information I have received has been invaluable in my journey and my own process of healing. I love her delivery, her clarity and her compassion. It is not always easy to hear what Spirit has to offer, but with an open heart and a willingness to look within at our own 'stuff', miracles can be accomplished.

    Thanks again Rhonda,

    With Gratitude and Love,


  • Melissa, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I just want to say THANK YOU!!!

    You are an absolute angel ! Even we haven't got chance to meet face to face, But you always bring so much positive things in my life and i am gonna do it for sure like what you always advised me. I know you know what i mean. You Healed my heart and you lighten up my curiosity from the dark and always give me the most honest answers. Your exquisite work is genuine and Rhonda, i can’t thank u enough for this. Every words that you and spirit said is right. About my life past and present. I know that u are so accurate and now I cannot wait to face my future. I am looking forward to it. You helped me to find myself back and I am more confident with myself now more than ever and to live in my life.

    I dont have to worry anymore because I have you and I know that you always be there for me. Your ability is a truly gift. And I really, really hope that everyone in the whole world is able to know, understand and believe and don't even think to doubt about it. It is still a surprise to me everytime i think about that you are more than anyone in this world who know more things about me (everything!!) ..even myself don't know who i really am. U have told and guided me to turn my negative in to positive so I can improve and believe in myself. Your such an inspirational woman and I am so glad that I found u. Thank u for every second u spent for me to support and being very patient to me and care about me. I very appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and i also want you to know that u meant a lot to me.

    Kevin, thank u for sharing your wonderful wife to us.. She is my most precious stone I have ever have in my life and someone that i always looking for and someone that truly loving and care about me and I'm so grateful that I finally found her.


  • Karen, Byron Bay, New South Wales.

    Rhonda was recommended to me by a trusted friend who had been told about her by a trusted friend. I heard how enthusiastic they were about Rhonda's Readings & felt inspired by them to make an appointment. I was not disappointed! As I drove to meet Rhonda, I went over in my mind what I wanted from the Reading, why I was asking Spirit for guidance. It was "spooky" (in the nicest way!) but after introducing herself Rhonda immediately covered everything, I had mused upon during my journey....everything. I say Rhonda did it, but Rhonda is clear that it is Spirit talking. I received clarification, confirmation & encouragement & left feeling very appreciative of Rhonda`s gift. I have recommended her to my mother who recently had a Reading which again demonstrated Rhonda`s ability to communicate with Spirit for us. Amazingly accurate, fearlessly honest & totally respectful, it is hard to find words, I can only say that I will continue to recommend Rhonda to people I know who may want some guidance. I offer this testimonial as a thank you to Rhonda who has helped some of the people close to me as well as myself. Karen.
  • Rebecca, Mudgeeraba, Queensland, Australia.

    Rhonda came to me highly recommended by a close friend, my jaw dropped as she told me of her experience. I knew I had to make an appointment. So I had my first Reading with Rhonda in 2008. It was unlike anything I`d ever experienced in the past. I was truly amazed by her accuracy. Rhonda is my "go to lady" when I`m stuck and need to hear it as it is in order to heal any aspect of my life. Rhonda has helped me to see and understand how my beliefs, patterns and family legacy affect my life thus empowering me to make necessary life choices to keep me on my path of highest good. She has given me hope, praise and encouragement to overcome some pretty tough times in my journey, I am forever grateful. As Rhonda says she isn't "all marshmallows and fairy floss" but she is truthful and to the point, so keep an open heart and mind to receive the information and healing you are there for. Rhonda is an outstanding Reader, and it was truly a blessing to have come across her. I highly recommend Rhonda and will continue to be a happy client. Love and blessings, Rebecca.
  • Lee. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I have been meaning to write this testimonial for some time. I find it hard to put into words how Rhonda has helped me over the last 2 years.

    I first visited Rhonda after a difficult break up. Her outstanding gift helped guide me through the grief and gave me a little push in the right direction to ensure I could heal the way I needed to, in order to move forward. Though a lot of what she had to say was hard for me to hear at the time, I took it all on board and battled through, working on myself, my issues and began to really understand how what had happened to me was for the better. Two years on and I am so grateful for the experience and what it taught me. For anyone who is a 'non-believer', you simply must book a reading with Rhonda. She will amaze you with the things she knows. Things that no-one else on the earth could possibly know.

    Rhonda's work with spirit is phenomenal and I thoroughly recommend anyone looking for some guidance and direction pay her a visit.

    Thank you Rhonda,


  • Lucie, Mallorca, Spain, Europe.

    The reading with Rhonda was in short "Amazing". I have had a lot of readings in the past from different people and Rhonda by far has been the most accurate,heartfelt and insightful. I have told all my friends and family already and would recommend her to anyone that is needing that little bit of guidance in certain times of their lives.
    I will definitely contact Rhonda again for another reading in the future.

    Thank you so much!!!!!

  • Annette, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    To Rhonda & Spirit,

    I would like to thank Rhonda, so much for her (2) wonderful readings, they were so helpful & insightful! Also, so very accurate, spine tingling accurate! Many of the things that Rhonda, said would happen have happened! Rhonda predicted a move for us, within 6 months, but probably around October! We got notification from our landlord that we would have to move - in October! Many other things she predicted have happened as well! Just amazing!

    Thank you, to u and Spirit! - We will b seeing u again! Soon!

    Kind regards,


  • Joanna, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, Thank you for the incredible experience when you did a Reading for me a few days ago. Your Reading was amazing and you spoke so accurately of matters that went back 50 years in my life. I came to you because I needed a healing....your direct (but caring) approach gave me clarity and most of all I felt a weight lifted from me. Thank you, Rhonda...… I will be back to see you again.
  • Urvi, Sultanate of Oman

    I had my first reading with Rhonda 2years back in Australia when I was in a confused, completely depressed situation in my life. It was then, that I realized what an immensely gifted person Rhonda is and how lucky I was to have this opportunity to get a reading with her. My experience with her helped me overcome my difficulties in life and clarified how I had to take my life forward when I felt completely lost. All that she predicted about my past and future was shockingly accurate. I couldn`t believe it until I had a second reading with her recently where I found out that in those 2years my life has moved forward exactly how Rhonda predicted. She helped me "dodge the bullets" of my life. I really, really, cannot thank her enough for her guidance. She has truly been an angel in my life and I hope a lot of people learn of her amazing gift.

    Thanks a ton Rhonda.

    Bless you!

  • Mary, Dubai, United Emerates.

    I was told about Rhonda by a friend of mine, also a valued client of Rhonda's and as always I was a bit nervous and unsure about going ahead with a reading. I finally did when I needed it most and for the first time in maybe all my life, I finally feel like I'm on the right track and everything feels so right for me right now because of Rhonda's advice. Rhonda was very assertive in the way she passed the messages from Spirit to me, but it was wonderful and exactly what I needed.You could say I had a wakeup call with Rhonda, with the help of Spirit guide, Rhonda was able to get to the root of my troubles and reset my thinking back to the way it should be. Rhonda was able to show me things I didn't even realise what was going on in myself and now I feel so optimistic and clear headed. As she promised, just make the right decision and everything will fall into place and I feel that is happening. I have a plan now and feel ever so grateful for Rhonda's insightful wisdom.

    Anyone at a crossroads in life who needs the guidance should not hesitate a session with Rhonda and Spirit.

  • Karena, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    Hi Rhonda,

    I`m just wanting to let you know as I`ve spoken and referred you to many people since my first reading around 9 months ago, and though I have effortlessly expressed my gratitude and wonder of your amazing insight during the reading...I haven`t quite got around to telling you-until now!
    Thank you, you (and your guides) supported me to see who I was..and who I was pretending to be. This reality checked really did save my relationship with a beautiful loving man and father to our child-I would have sabotaged it if it weren`t for a good dose of truth and a wake up call!!!

    When I came to see you the second time, I was quite nervous, as the first reading had been so spot on (even about things I had no idea about yet!) and transformative that I didn`t know what to expect...funny as you didn`t remember me...but your guides did & they knew of the big changes Id been through!!!
    I remember your words and readings often when I feel uncertain in my life, and thank you...that is so precious. I will continue to recommend friends and clients to you, I have been fortunate to witness their blossoming and faith grow from a visit to you also.

    May you always feel supported and blessings of grace to you on your very special path and work.

    Many thanks,


  • Paula, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I was hesitant to go to Rhonda because I had some really poor experiences in the past with previous readers. However I overcame my fears and it`s the best thing I have done for myself on a spiritual, mental and emotional level! I have never had a reading like the one I experienced with Rhonda. It has changed so many facets of my life, particularly around personal relationships, family, work and friends. I have been trying to understand some of the issues I have been facing all my life, and have not been able to put my finger on it - as the same problems have resurfaced in different ways.

    Rhonda allowed me to see what's been holding me back and what kept me in painful old patterns. Rhonda provided an honest and down to earth reading, providing me with tangible sign posts to move forward on many levels. A powerful deep healing, I really feel that a light has been provided to move into a really bright and happy future. Sincerely, if you are unsure whether to go or not I strongly recommend you do - you will not regret it. Invest in yourself, the outcome is absolutely wonderful!

    Truly grateful - thank you.

    Kind regards,


  • Sharon, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I can't really describe the effects that seeing Rhonda had on me. Rhonda shed light on issues that had been bothering me for awhile, and set me on a path to be able to fix my medical problems. Since seeing her the medical issues have improved considerably. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I have since referred 4 people to see her and there are more waiting for the right time to book an appointment.

    Rhonda has a gift that cannot be disputed, she told me things that were impossible for anyone to have known with the little information that I gave her. I have seen a number of Clairvoyants over the years, some excellent and some not very good at all. I can honestly say that Rhonda is the best and most accurate that I have ever seen. I will without a doubt be returning to see Rhonda again.



  • Len, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    In August of 2011, I experienced an emotional experience in my life with the separation of my marriage of 30 years. In about November of that same year, I was told of Rhonda and she came with the highest degree of accreditation. At the time, I was grieving over my circumstances with no real clear understanding of why and how events had occurred. I was looking for answers and solace. I had been to an earlier clairvoyant who was somewhat helpful but nothing to the standard to which Rhonda performed her reading and the information that came out of it. My reading from Rhonda explained so many things to me about my circumstances which I found to be completely accurate. With her help, I was able to form a roadmap to follow and overcome my grief, as well as commencing the healing process.

    My reading was recorded and I played her reading over and over as part of that healing process.
    I felt so positive with Rhonda`s reading that I again visited her in about November of 2012. Again I was not disappointed with the outcome. I received additional guidance for my life's path and have again adopted key elements of that reading. I must admit, I made one mistake after the second reading. I deviated away from the advice I received in that reading and I suffered the real life consequences for that. Fortunately, that indiscretion was not detrimental. I have again returned to the expanded roadmap from that second reading and I have found that my life seemingly is starting to turn around for the better. Rome was not built in a day they say.

    I will clearly state, it is thanks to Rhonda that I have perhaps speed up the getting on with life process than otherwise would have happened by not visiting Rhonda.

    I fully intend to visit Rhonda again and I still continue to listen to the recordings of her readings. I have already recommended Rhonda to friends and acquaintances. If you visit Rhonda you will to.

    If any of you out there have been feeling lost or down from events in your life as I was, please consider calling Rhonda for a reading. The accuracy of her readings will truly surprise you.


  • Helen, Sydney, Australia.

    Rhonda recently performed a reading for me and I am happy to provide a testimonial for her. Rhonda spoke to me by phone after I sent her photos of the family. From almost her first words to me, she/ Spirit seemed to see into my innermost soul and provided insights and advice as to how I could make improvements to my health and life. She also spoke to me in detail about my children`s personalities, and husband`s family issues and even business advice - and really nailed the kids` and other family members` personalities.

    Rhonda spoke compassionately and with understanding.Time will tell if all her predictions will come true. The reading was amazing in that she helped me see clearly what was going on in my family, and gave very good advice as to how I could stop some worrying behavior from turning into something quite negative.
    Rhonda said that she was getting a lot of her information that she was passing on to me, from my mother that had passed over. It was so reassuring to hear that she is still around the family and still concerned about our wellbeing!

    Thanks again Rhonda.

    I`m sure you will be hearing from me again for more advice as time goes on!


  • Holli, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    I have never had a reading before or been particularly interested in such things; I simply woke up one morning and thought "I want to get a reading". I have a wonderful life, job I love, beautiful friends and an amazing family, so I had no particular reason to seek such an experience, it just was, what it was.

    I really liked Rhonda, I found her compassionate and not at all full of b/s. I expected to be told I would become a millionaire, marry a doctor and have 12 children, but instead I received a wonderful, insightful perspective on things I had long since forgotten and maybe should not have. I received advice that I feel will be very beneficial for me personally in the close future, and now have some things to work on that will make me a better person.

    I will definitely be seeing Rhonda again in the future.

    Thanks again!


  • Amy, New York, United States.

    Hi lovely Rhonda, I just wanted to thank you for my phone Reading on Sunday. It was so great to speak to you! I hope you know how much I respect what you do, and I am so appreciative for Yours and Spirits guidance. Love, Amy.
  • Nikki, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    When approaching Rhonda I was quite nervous of the unexpected and Rhonda was quick to put me at ease and brought clarity to my current situation. The Reading with Rhonda was not only insightful but cleansing, and I left her presence with a clear goal in mind and a strong sense of confidence to approach the situation I needed to deal with. Rhonda was able to bring clarity and confirm what my next steps needed to be. Rhonda is compassionate and to the point, and I loved the "no fluff " style of Rhonda’s Readings. Cheers, Nikki .
  • Sharyn, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda, When I came to see you I was feeling quite desperate.... When I heard your calming voice, and saw your warm smile I felt secure & safe. Your Reading for me was very accurate and has given me a sense of hope. As I walked to your front door you said " bones and teeth" , it is amazing that you knew my calcium was low, confirmed by a blood test. You confirmed so many things for me and now I can move on, look after my health and enjoy life. Rhonda, you are a true angel from heaven, sent to guide those who can't find their way. Thank you so much. Bless you, Sharyn xx
  • Kim, Lennox Heads, New South Wales, Australia.

    My advice to anyone that's thinking of going to see Rhonda is, Just Do It!!!

    My daughter was struggling and was in a very dark place. Our doctor was concerned and she was put on antidepressants, refereed to psychologists and not getting any better! She came across Rhonda`s website and begged me to take her to see Rhonda. The first reading she had was unbelievable. Rhonda didn't beat around the bush, she gave her sound spiritual and emotional guidance and Rhonda also gave her steps to take to break old beliefs and habits and to start believing in herself and abilities. There is no way Rhonda could have known the things she knew about my daughter, her career and our family previously.

    Thank you Rhonda,



  • Chris, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.


    You just blew me away within the 5 minutes into the reading with you.
    You were spot on with everything.
    But the advice you gave me on what to do is what changed me and I saw things differently straight away. I cannot thank you enough.
    And I would recommend you anytime.

    Kindest Regards,


  • Jamie, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Being one of "Rhonda's Girls" means you can FINALLY say you are stronger and in control of your life!!! If that's what you want, see Rhonda. If you want inner peace and happiness, see Rhonda. If you want guidance and direction from someone who truly cares, see Rhonda.

    I have been seeing Rhonda consistently for over 6 months and I have been trying to understand what it means for someone like Rhonda to offer you her guidance. I think about what happens if I ignore her advice, what it means when I follow it and about how it is possible for her to do what she does and in a nutshell, this is what I have worked out so far....

    We have many different paths we can take in our life, the journey towards these paths is what makes life and the choices we make determines the quality of our life. Every so often we come to a crossroads and we have to make a decision. Rhonda and the spirits pick up on this intersection and as a team they help you find the strength and give you what you need to help you make an informed decision to make the best of the path you decide to take. All they want is the best for you, their guidance is based on honestly and love. If you want to be the best person you can be, Rhonda will give you the tools to do so but it`s up to you to listen and apply yourself.

    I have seen psychologists, other clairvoyants, read self help books, attempted medication and illegal drugs, participated in meditation and exercise groups, cried to family and friends, studied different religions, made dramatic changes in my life, lost myself in music and disconnected myself from reality ALL in the search for inner peace and happiness but the only thing that has worked for me is seeing Rhonda. I can't speak highly enough of what Rhonda and the spirits have done for me in such a short period of time, I am forever grateful and I will always have her in my life.

    Thank you. xoxoxo.

  • Tanya, Stuttgart, Germany

    Thank you so much for having been such a clear 'guidance'...talking with you was like communicating with my Guides without my mind in the way. I came to see you as a few of my friend`s had sessions with you and felt much more clarity afterwards. I have felt the same, and the guidance I have received from you/Spirit, allowed me to feel full trust again in the universal path, my path. You picked up on my family and all others involved in the reading, very accurately, and I loved your clear talk, without any distortions or "BS". Thank you so much!! I definitely recommend you to others and will seek your guidance again, when I feel the need! Tanya.
  • Talia, Victoria, Australia.

    I came across Rhonda`s site on the internet and I just knew that I need to have a Reading with her, me and my husband both did it, and we were both amazed by this beautiful woman. I was very excited about talking to Rhonda, and after a few minutes I felt better, she was so gentle and asking over again if I understand what she was saying to me (English is not my first language) it was very important for her that I will understand the message, and what she was trying to tell me, so I will be able to change what I need to change. Rhonda told me things about my family that helped me see things in a different way, helped me understand things better. I also didn`t have a direction as to what to do next, and she helped me with that. She was very honest and caring, said some things that were hard to hear but it was good I heard them. I will recommend any one to call or see Rhonda, as I see it, she is an angel that can and is helping a lot of people, she is amazing!!!! I am looking forward to many Readings with her.... Thank you, Rhonda, you are a true light,
  • Lea, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    My session with Rhonda was amazing!

    From the first time I spoke to her I could feel her very strong and warm presence and when making the booking I was reassured by her professionalism. I don't really know where to begin, as I found the one session helped in so many ways.
    I guess most importantly was the messages Rhonda gave from my mother who had passed years before. The things that she said and described were so pertinent, even down to my mother's mannerisms, I could feel her presence with us.

    Rhonda revealed to me that my mother was around me often, in the spirit world, helping and being with me. This was extremely comforting, for there have been times, especially when things are difficult that I would feel if only mum was here. To know that she witnessed the birth of her first grandchild and was there at the most important times, was healing and released some sadness from my heart, bringing joy that she knew my baby, and what was happening in my world. Especially as my own belief system had differed from this understanding with regard to what happens after death. I am grateful for this revelation. Rhonda was so spot on, on so many levels, in many aspects. Revealing things that I did not expect to find out or was even seeking, but clearly as she says Spirit reveals what you need. Clearly Spirit works very powerfully through Rhonda.

    Rhonda is so accurate, but also gracious and very straight.
    I saw Rhonda at a time when I was needing to move house. She picked up on this and said the move would occur in about 7 weeks. This information really helped, as at the time I was anxious and ready to move " yesterday ". Being given that one piece of information helped me to relax when things felt like they weren't falling into place, yet. I kept saying, " Rhonda said " and sure enough the move occurred 7 weeks to the day, in the exact area that she said suited us. Again even being given the name of the area that was suitable really helped in my house hunt as it narrowed down the dozen or so suburbs we were looking in.

    I recommend Rhonda to everyone. She is a true gift! In these times when we might need outside guidance, she is a blessing. Clearly aligned to The Truth, I'm sure Rhonda is an Angel, and I will be visiting her next time I have some big questions, or major choices or even to find out what Mum has to say. Thank you Rhonda for your generosity of time and spirit.

    Om Shanti,


  • Liz, Sunshine Coast.

    I have been receiving guidance from Rhonda over the past few years and am so blessed to have met her. Rhonda has been a guiding light in times when I needed it most, her honesty, spiritual guidance and wisdom have been of great help to myself and my son. Its guided me to make positive changes in our lives and to take a leap of faith and jump into the unknown. Without Rhonda's guidance I would still be running around in circles. She puts you at ease with her straight up honesty, like having a cuppa and intimate chat with one of your best friends, knowing she holds no judgement, just the best intentions for your journey on earth. Rhonda is truly gifted and definitely a gift to all those who have the pleasure and strength to seek her Spirit guidance. Thank you for all you've given me so far. Liz.
  • Som-Ling, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia.

    I received a Reading from Rhonda today... and I left feeling inspired and full of enthusiasm for the future. The Reading was honest, thorough and incredibly intuitive. I received advice on how to look after my health more effectively, which was done in such a gentle and inspiring way that I feel a true motivation to follow the advice, something that I have not felt before. I received tips on how to achieve what I want to achieve in my work environment and warned of potential roadblocks. making me feel more prepared for these and I think it will ease my frustration when I come across them. I received advice on relationships and warnings re: old patterns and glimpses of possible future paths, and hints as to how I can assist in helping them come into fruition. I have been to a clairvoyant twice; this is the third time in my 40 years of life... and this is truly the most detailed and helpful. If you are wanting some guidance on how to tackle the future, not sure on which path to take, I highly recommend Rhonda to get inspiration and guidance. I thank you, Rhonda, from the bottom of my heart for the gift you have given me and what joy it must be to be able to give this to those who seek it. Som-Ling
  • Penny, Canberra, Australia.

    To be happy we need to have something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for." The philosopher Immanuel Kant said that. Rhonda`s Reading covered those three things. And those three things are what we need to know about. I found her Reading uncannily accurate and detailed, profound and insightful. There are some frauds out there, but Rhonda has a genuine and rare gift. She listens to the Spirit world, conveys the necessary - and transforming - information very clearly and with her own warm generosity. I`d recommend her to anyone and I`d say: You will be in good hands with her. Penny.
  • Kelly, Bogangar, New South Wales, Australia.

    I was lucky enough to be given Rhonda`s details by a close friend of mine.
    She came along at a very hard time in my life but it was with her help and guidance that I was able to get through it with a lot of optimism and hope.
    I believe Rhonda has a true gift and I always look forward to my readings with her.
    I leave feeling uplifted and empowered as I can see things from a more objective point of view.
    I would recommend her services to anyone and can`t thank her enough for all she has helped me with so far.

  • Renae, Northern New South wales, Australia.

    I saw Rhonda just over a year ago now when I was in a very sad place. I needed direction and answers and boy did she deliver! Rhonda's reading was direct and clear. She made it clear that she did not have a magic wand and I had some work to do, but her support and messages gave me the strength to make the changes I needed to, to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. I have recently had a couple of close friends speak with her and both of them feel the same way as me and can already see a 'light' at the end of the tunnel, so to say.

    Thank you so much for helping me on my journey. I know that things happen at the right time and place, but I am very glad I was sent to find you and Spirit.

    You changed my life.

  • Marie, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

    My phone reading with Rhonda was the first experience I have had with a medium by phone... and whilst I was reluctant to do it by phone.... I truly believe I was guided to this experience and hung up feeling great and was very thankful that I had made that phone call.
    The relevance of the information and guidance was helpful to what I have been trying to process within myself about my intuition and seeing the lessons that have been taught to me from the betrayal of a relationship and shifting career.
    What occurred was described/explained in an understandable way without having provided any information first hand.

    Thank you Rhonda for sharing your gift.

  • Tania, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I had a Reading with Rhonda when I had three key decisions I needed to make, of which indecision was causing me a lot of stress. I received the guidance I needed and made my choices, which allowed me to move forward with clarity and certainty. Rhonda is very clear, straightforward and just 'gets it'. I've had two Readings now, a few months apart, and I've definitely benefited from both. Thanks, Tania.
  • Tiffany, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hello Rhonda, Thank you so much, for spending the extra time on the phone with me, explaining everything you did today. Even though I have been seeing you since 2011 by coming to see you in person or on the phone, I continue to be amazed by your accuracy and ability to get so much detail out and today`s Reading was a god send. I cannot thank you enough, all of this time I had been feeling so miserable with myself and I couldn`t figure it out. All these months I was going about my life knowing there was something wrong yet not being able to explain it in words and doubting myself and what I value the most as a result. But I can finally see clearly. You gave me a whole new perception and it has changed everything. Finally, it makes sense and I now feel so empowered holding this new knowledge. I am no longer hurting and have found my confidence again. I am very grateful for your help today and I will continue to ask for your help as I have in the past. Much gratitude, Tiffany.
  • Kerry, London, United Kingdom.

    I had heard great things about people's experiences with Rhonda and felt I had been drawn to speak with her also. Rhonda was great with being very direct and to the point with what the spirit was referring and importantly, very accurate. She is interactive and helps to explain where you may not understand what the spirit is referring to.
    I have taken a lot away from this experience and will definitely be making another appointment in the future to see if the work I have done has benefited my future outcomes.

    Thanks again, I will be in touch again.

    Many thanks Rhonda!


  • Athina, Victoria, Australia.

    Dear Rhonda,

    So far I have had two readings with Rhonda and both were nothing short of amazing. Not only did the messages come from a place of love and clarity, the content of the messages provided detailed insights into future activities that were so far from the reality I understood at the time of the reading that I could not see how they would come to pass.

    But as Rhonda described, they did, and my faith in Rhonda`s ability cemented.

    Rhonda, you have an amazing gift, thank you for sharing it.

    With love,


  • Karen, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

    Hi my name is Karen and I had a Reading done by Rhonda and if you're thinking about having a Reading, don't think, just do it!!!! Wow!!!! I had never met Rhonda until the day I went for my Reading and I couldn't believe how accurate Rhonda was. It was amazing!! She told me things I didn't even know that had happen and when I asked and found out she was right, it floored me!!! I couldn't believe how correct she was. Rhonda is a beautiful soul, calming and made me feel at ease. I just want to say Thank You to you Rhonda for giving me a sense of peace and clarity in my life; I will be forever grateful, Lots Of Hugs, Karen.
  • Emily, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    I have been having regular private one on one Readings, as well as phone Readings with Rhonda for over 12 months now, and she has helped me so much through some very difficult times. Rhonda has relayed information about me and my life that only Spirit would know. She has helped me with career guidance, relationships and health issues. She passes on messages from Spirit without judgement and with compassion. If you are considering seeing a clairvoyant, I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Rhonda from Rhonda's Readings, as I am very grateful to have met her. By following Rhonda and spiritual advice I have made major changes in my life. I'm so much stronger and happier than I used to be. Thank you, Rhonda, x
  • Riley, Karratha, Western Australia

    I am a bit numb and somewhat overwhelmed after my reading with you yesterday. I came across your name whilst Googling something entirely unrelated and felt a strong (divine??) push to contact you. It was an indescribably calm, but urgent, sense to get in touch with you. Admittedly, I have been searching for answers to some life problems. You reciprocated that same sense of urgency to guide me by shifting around prior engagements to fit me in within 24 hrs. I thought it was a sweet gesture, but you said you were compelled by spirit to do so as there was no doubt that spirit had guided me to call you.

    What eventuated was an hour of enlightenment, of 'ah- ha' moments and a profound sense of empowerment. I want to tell you that you have an amazing way with words and your ability to relate matters so that they make sense in their entirety is awe inspiring.

    You helped make sense of the changes i needed to make within myself to avoid falling into the toxic relationship patterns I have continued to engage in. You were firm but gentle with your approach and I appreciate that. I have thought hard about what you said and it makes such sense!
    You gave me hope for the future without giving away too much :).... I guess I will have to wait and see what spirit has in store for me. I suspect the sense of urgency probably had to do with what or who is waiting on the horizon not too far away. I thank you for helping me sort out the past - very difficult thing to do for someone who holds onto maudlin rubbish- so I can get on with my future.

    No doubt I will speak to you soon again. And will be getting all family and friends to call you.

    Take Care,


  • Candice, Saudi Arabia.

    "I feel very privileged and grateful that I had the opportunity to speak with Rhonda. I had a phone reading as I live overseas, I thought before the reading that it may be a bit uncomfortable and kind of impossible to do a reading over the phone but it was quite the opposite, Rhonda made me feel really comfortable and relaxed, such an easy person to talk to.

    I have seen many mediums/physics over the years and when I got off the phone with Rhonda, I felt as though it was the first real physic I had seen. Her gift is truly amazing!! She brought such clarity to situations in my life and made sense of many wonders I had. The messages and words of the spirits she had relayed to me brought me such comfort and understanding.

    I can still not believe how extraordinary her gift is as she was so clear and so right, she didn't generalize or say anything that could be relevant to most people's lives....she was absolutely accurate on the personal things going on in my life. Thank you Rhonda for a wonderful experience and I will certainly be returning.

    Kind Regards,


  • Sophie, Ballina, New South Wales, Australia.

    What An Amazing Experience !!

    At the beginning of the Reading Rhonda pointed out a specific health concern of which I was aware was there but never thought anything of. Rhonda was very specific with the pain I get, the location, what was causing the problem and how to fix it.

    All of which was backed up in the following days after medical testing .

    Rhonda was able to pinpoint my personality, relationships and Rhonda helped put me on a career path that has really suited me.

    Rhonda knew more about me than I did, all I can say is that - " Rhonda Really Hit The Nail On The Head "

    I will be seeing you again soon Rhonda.

    Thank You


  • Liz, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

    One of the most amazing experiences in my life from a genuine,grounded and extremely talented woman.
    I believe everybody/anybody who is open to hearing the truth should see Rhonda at least once in their lives.

  • Kevin, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    I first met Rhonda in early 1991 by "accident".

    I had never experienced or had any interest in seeing a psychic; I had been interested in other forms of ESP, astral travelling, telekinesis and things like that but not a thought to see a clairvoyant.

    At the time I owned a business and one Monday morning while asking one of my workmates what he had done on the weekend I got the reply back, " I went to see a clairvoyant!", " really, how was it?" I replied, "yeah, really good, but she doesn`t like you very much!" he said, but he wouldn`t give me any more information.

    Well, my ego certainly did not like that; I thought that how could someone who doesn't know me, not like me? I had to find out, so asked my friend to give me the phone number for this "Rhonda" he said that she didn`t read for everyone, but he would check it out and let me know. The next day he gave me the number and I made an appointment with Rhonda.

    That first meeting changed my life; I had been going through problems with my business partner, my wife, family and within myself and it was Rhonda`s caring and compassionate insights which gave me the understanding and the tools to change the situations I had put myself into. I was in awe of her abilities and at one point brought to tears as Rhonda and spirit helped me through a painful memory, and in so doing releasing that pain forever.

    That first meeting certainly did change my life, so much for the better, it took my arrogant, pompous and selfish ego to get me there and changed my perception forever and set me on my path of self-healing and the understanding of really how much we are all supported by "Spirit" on each step of our journey. Of course, my story is to be continued......

    Forever grateful to you Rhonda,



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