I have been seeing Rhonda now for 4 years. In those visits to her, she delivered me the hard words I needed to hear to help me make the vital changes in my life. To mend broken friendships, to be a better Mother and to stay true to myself. There have been visits to her that have been filled with joy and happiness. Over the years I have come to trust and respect Rhonda, s Readings as being a guide and truth teller. The Readings are not what u always want to hear, but instead what you need to hear. That’s the journey I’m on with Rhonda.
I feel so grateful to be able to book an appointment and get guidance when I’m at a crossroads in my life.
There’s no bullshit with Rhonda, she’s all truth. And as we know that’s not always easy to hear. But without her Readings I couldn’t have been as fortunate as I have been. I’ve gained a greater understanding of my purpose and direction in my life, how my reactions and emotions can fuel fires but also how I can communicate to be a better human to all the people I hold close and dear.