Hands of Destiny

Elaine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

I just want to say a big thank you for my reading the other week! After my phone reading, I hung up the phone completely amazed. I really couldn’t believe the accuracy of the reading! Rhonda knew things about me that I haven’t told anyone!
I went to Rhonda in regard to my career, I was thinking of giving up on a career choice. However naturally the reading covered so much more than just my career! Rhonda gave me faith in my future. She also gave practical advice in regard to improving my life/self. She was able to confirm for me that I was on the right path, but that I had to change my mind set in order to let things in. She also knew things about my family that completely blew me away; she was able to describe them warts and all!
Overall I’m really grateful for the reading and the experience of talking to Rhonda, and I’m excited about what’s to come. She has caring but direct approach that I really appreciated.

Thanks again Rhonda,

P.s I read the book you recommended, it was very useful!

Kind Regards
