Hands of Destiny

Esther, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I had a wonderful experience with Rhonda and Spirit, they amazed me. I was searching online specifically for a clairvoyant I do not know and Rhonda’s website came up. In her website, Rhonda made this comment – “It’s the spirit who guide you to me…” which made me decide to make an appointment with Rhonda. Rhonda is probably the only one clairvoyant I’ve been to so far who was able to tell me everything about what’s happening in my life and also, what my family was feeling / going through now, by just looking at their photos and before I even tell her anything! Rhonda and Spirit were also spot on about my ex-partner’s personality and the issues with his mother. I’m just amazed…
Rhonda and Spirit also focused a lot on my future – my job, new partner, new family and my sisters’ future. I will take Rhonda and Spirit’s advice on board and will definitely send another powerful testimonial when the times come.
